social development
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2022 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. 20-26
Ilona Croy ◽  
Merle T Fairhurst ◽  
Francis McGlone

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Kai Chen ◽  
Yilin Chen

The in-depth analysis of the strategies for the coordinated and continuous development of population, resources, environment, economy, and society based on the engineering management model is highly important for the sustainable development of the regional economy and society. In this article, a population-economy-resources-environment bilevel optimization model is established based on the economic and social development in a provincial region. The method of bilevel optimization is adopted to introduce the specific bilevel optimization model. The concept and objectives of the bilevel optimization are explained, and its corresponding technical applications are described. In this article, the development in coordinated economic and social development of population, resources, and environment is analyzed and compared based on the bilevel optimization model. In particular, the evolution and changes before and after the implementation of engineering management are studied. Through the results, it can be observed that after the implementation of project management, the coefficient of industry location has presented a downward trend, and the coordinated development of population, resources, environment, economy, and society has become more coordinated.

С.М. Исхаков

Статья посвящена малоизвестной биографии Керим бея Ратая, представителя туркменского народа, и его трактовки истории борьбы туркмен за самоопределение в первой трети ХХ века. Публикуемая записка представляет собой источник, который отражает разные проблемы, связанные с туркменской историей, содержит его размышления о ситуации в Средней Азии, об историческом процессе в Северной Евразии, сведения, которые, которые потребуют дополнительного изучения. Из приведенных им рассуждений следует, что туркмены испытывали неприятие навязываемого им большевиками пути общественного развития, борясь за самостоятельность. На его взгляд, борьба туркмен в условиях советской власти вовсе не прекратилась, а закончится только тогда, когда ими будет завоевана независимость, когда ими будет воссоздано собственное государство, что и произошло с распадом СССР. This article presents a biography of Kerim Bey Ratay, a Turkmen, and his interpretation of the Turkmen struggle for self-determination in the first third of the 20th century. The source published here reflects various problems of Turkmen history, contains Kerim's thoughts on the situation in Central Asia, and gives insight on the historical processes in Northern Eurasia, providing information that requires further research. His take on the situation indicates that the Turkmen people did not like the social development choices being forced on them by the Bolsheviks and were fighting for independence. In his opinion, the Turkmen struggle never ceased after the establishment of Soviet rule and that it would only end when the Turkmen gained independence and reestablished their own state – that is exactly what happened with the dissolution of the USSR.

2022 ◽  
Vasile Triboi ◽  

The age where we live is dominated by the strong expansion of science and technology in all fields of activity and the continuous acceleration of people's pace of life. These characteristics of contemporaneity have direct consequences on the preparation of the young generation, which must cope with both the current requirements of society and further social development. Firstly, the rapid increase in the volume of information in all areas, the accelerated fatigue of knowledge requires the continuous adaptation of school objectives, content, forms and teaching methods to this information dynamic.Secondly, the new rhythm of life that demands the man in an increasingly intense measure, from a social, cultural and professional point of view, also affects the pupil.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-39
Lisbet Eunice Pérez Anzardo ◽  
Rodolfo González Ortega ◽  
Pedro Bruzón Sosa ◽  
Catia Ruiz Bosch

Scientific production is one of the indicators of relevance to measure the efficiency in the institutional environment, which implies a development conditioned in all the sectors from the society to world level. In the same way, the technologies of the information (TI) represent a decisive element for their administration which has experienced a constant growth during the last decades similar to the consolidation of the university studies in the different areas of the knowledge and study modalities. The following article makes a reflection on the base of the concepts and tendencies of the scientific investigation and its linking with the technologies of the information. The production of the investigation was characterized in the countries of Ecuador, Cuba and Colombia, as well as the existent relationship among the investment in technologies of the information and the institutional productivity, which was performed with the analysis of bibliometric indicatives. As a result, it was set down the bases for the theoretical-practical deeping of the investigation. Also, it was verified that the investment in IT focused in articles and scientific magazines, contribute to a better knowledge in academic institutions and that the three countries develop policies to motivate this activity, being Colombia the one with more production in the last ten years, as well as the one that has had bigger expense in IT as percentage of the GDP, which is carried out mainly by the government; although the administration of the knowledge has a transcendental impact for the economic and social development of any country.   

Dr. Mohan Kumar K

Digital technology is the usage of modern scientific technology and its implementation in most of the sectors, e-administration and the education sector can be the better example for this digitalisation. In the history of digitalisation we can find by sources that, most of the developed economies in the world were using digital technology from the pat decades, but developing countries in the world are using digital implementation a positive factor for sustainable development for the social development of a nation with good legal system in a country and leads to Indian economic growth and social development. Digitalisation benefits in e-education like conferences, MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses), Digital libraries can be taken as a better example for academic progress by the usage of digitalisation, In India digitalisation is playing a vital role from almost 1.5 years, because of lot of demand due to pandemic covid-19 and lockdown situation, India has to take a appositive steps to implementation of digitalisation in all public and private sectors for positive social-economic growth, for digital education, as koutilya mentioned economics and social-political system and law in Arthashastra

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