database security
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2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 100-107
Risman Risman

Database security is a very important aspect of an information system. A general information is onlyintended for certain groups. Therefore, it is very important for a company to prevent database leakage sothat the information contained in it does not fall to unauthorized people. Cryptographic technique is an alternative solution that can be used in database security. One way to maintain the security of the database is to use encryption techniques. The method used to secure the database is encryption using the ROTI3 and Caesar Cipher methods. Both of these methods have advantages in processing speed. For thisreason, the author will compare the use of the two algorithms above in terms of the encryption and decryption process time

2021 ◽  
Sarvesh Tanwar ◽  
Sumit Badotra ◽  
Ajay Rana

Abstract PKI gives undeniable degree of safety by transferring the key pair framework among the clients. By constructing, a PKI we combine digital identities with the digital signatures, which give an end-to-end trust model. Basically, PKI is an attempt, which can simulate the real-world human analyzation of identity and reliability in a computerized fashion. In any case, the existing applications are centered on a tight trust model which makes them inadequate as an overall device for trust examination. After years of research, development and deployment, PKI still facing strong technical and organizational challenges such as attacks against Certificate Authorities (CA). CAs are the primitive component of PKIs which plays powerful role in the PKI model. CA must be diligent, creditable and legitimate. In any case, a technocrat who picks up control on a CA can use CA's certificate to issue bogus certificate and impersonate any site, such as - DigiNotar, GobalSign, Comodo and DigiCert Malaysia. In this paper we proposed an approach to reduce the damage of compromised CA/CA’s key by imposing Multiple Signatures (MS) after verifying/authenticating user’s information. One single compromised CA is not able to issue a certificate to any domain as multiple signatures are required. Private key and other perceptive information are stored in the form of object/blob. Without knowing the structure of class no one can access the object and object output stream. Proposed MS achieve better performance over existing MS schemes and control fraudulent certificate issuance with more database security. The proposed scheme also avoids MITM attack against CA who is issuing certificate to whom which is using the following parameters such as identity of Sender, Receiver, Timestamp and Aadhar number.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (23) ◽  
pp. 11175
Vitalii Yesin ◽  
Mikolaj Karpinski ◽  
Maryna Yesina ◽  
Vladyslav Vilihura ◽  
Stanislaw A. Rajba

Obtaining convincing evidence of database security, as the basic corporate resource, is extremely important. However, in order to verify the conclusions about the degree of security, it must be measured. To solve this challenge, the authors of the paper enhanced the Clements–Hoffman model, determined the integral security metric and, on this basis, developed a technique for evaluating the security of relational databases. The essence of improving the Clements–Hoffmann model is to expand it by including a set of object vulnerabilities. Vulnerability is considered as a separate objectively existing category. This makes it possible to evaluate both the likelihood of an unwanted incident and the database security as a whole more adequately. The technique for evaluating the main components of the security barriers and the database security as a whole, proposed by the authors, is based on the theory of fuzzy sets and risk. As an integral metric of database security, the reciprocal of the total residual risk is used, the constituent components of which are presented in the form of certain linguistic variables. In accordance with the developed technique, the authors presented the results of a quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of the protection of databases built on the basis of the schema with the universal basis of relations and designed in accordance with the traditional technology of relational databases.

2021 ◽  
Temitope Awodiji

Databases are vulnerable. Public statements by Target, Home Depot, and Anthem following their extremely advertised data breaches are each uniform and succinct on how their breaches unfolded: unauthorized access to those systems that ultimately led to the extraction of sensitive information. A comprehensive strategy to secure a database is over data security. Usually, security events will be related to the later action: illegitimate access to data confidentiality damage, injury to the integrity of knowledge, loss of data accessibility (Discover). Loss of privacy of data, creating them accessible to others without a right of access is not visible within the database and does not need changes deductible database. This paper addresses these events to confirm database security.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 38-46
Ramyar Abdulrahman Teimoor

Currently, data production is as quick as possible; however, databases are collections of well-organized data that can be accessed, maintained, and updated quickly. Database systems are critical to your company because they convey data about sales transactions, product inventories, customer profiles, and marketing activities. To accomplish data manipulation and maintenance activities the Database Management System considered. Databases differ because their conclusions based on countless rules about what an invulnerable database constitutes. As a result, database protection seekers encounter difficulties in terms of a fantastic figure selection to maintain their database security. The main goal of this study is to identify the risk and how we can secure databases, encrypt sensitive data, modify system databases, and update database systems, as well as to evaluate some of the methods to handle these problems in security databases. However, because information plays such an important role in any organization, understanding the security risk and preventing it from occurring in any database system require a high level of knowledge. As a result, through this paper, all necessary information for any organization has been explained; in addition, also a new technological tool that plays an essential role in database security was discussed.

Radiotekhnika ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 88-105
V.V. Vilihura ◽  
V.I. Yesin

Security is one of the most important characteristics of the quality of information systems in general and databases, as their main component, in particular. Therefore, the presence of an information protection system, as a complex of software, technical, cryptographic, organizational and other methods, means and measures that ensure the integrity, confidentiality, authenticity and availability of information in conditions of exposure to natural or artificial threats, is an integral feature of almost any modern information system and database. At the same time, in order to be able to verify the conclusions about the degree of security, it must be measured in some way. The paper considers a database security model based on a full overlap security model (a covered security system), which is traditionally considered the basis for a formal description of security systems. Thanks to expanding the Clements-Hoffman model by including a set of vulnerabilities (as a separately objectively existing category necessary to describe a weakness of an asset or control that can be exploited by one or more threats), which makes it possible to assess more adequately the likelihood of an unwanted incident (threat realization) in a two-factor model (in which one of the factors reflects the motivational component of the threat, and the second takes into account the existing vulnerabilities); a defined integral indicator of database security (as a value inverse to the total residual risk, the constituent components of which are represented in the form of the corresponding linguistic variables); the developed technique for assessing the main components of security barriers and the security of the database as a whole, based on the theory of fuzzy sets and risk, it becomes possible to use the developed model to conduct a quantitative assessment of the security of the analyzed database.

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