conserved quantities
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2022 ◽  
Vol 155 ◽  
pp. 111725
Xiangcheng You ◽  
Hang Xu ◽  
Qiang Sun

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Geoffrey Compère ◽  
Adrien Druart

We revisit the conserved quantities of the Mathisson-Papapetrou-Tulczyjew equations describing the motion of spinning particles on a fixed background. Assuming Ricci-flatness and the existence of a Killing-Yano tensor, we demonstrate that besides the two non-trivial quasi-conserved quantities, i.e. conserved at linear order in the spin, found by Rüdiger, non-trivial quasi-conserved quantities are in one-to-one correspondence with non-trivial mixed-symmetry Killing tensors. We prove that no such stationary and axisymmetric mixed-symmetry Killing tensor exists on the Kerr geometry. We discuss the implications for the motion of spinning particles on Kerr spacetime where the quasi-constants of motion are shown not to be in complete involution.

2022 ◽  
Vol 105 (3) ◽  
Biao Lian

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 2288
Vladimir V. Kassandrov ◽  
Nina V. Markova

We present and amplify some of our previous statements on non-canonical interrelations between the solutions to free Dirac equation (DE) and Klein–Gordon equation (KGE). We demonstrate that all the solutions to the DE (possessing point- or string-like singularities) can be obtained via differentiation of a corresponding pair of the KGE solutions for a doublet of scalar fields. In this way, we obtain a “spinor analogue” of the mesonic Yukawa potential and previously unknown chains of solutions to DE and KGE, as well as an exceptional solution to the KGE and DE with a finite value of the field charge (“localized” de Broglie wave). The pair of scalar “potentials” is defined up to a gauge transformation under which corresponding solution of the DE remains invariant. Under transformations of Lorentz group, canonical spinor transformations form only a subclass of a more general class of transformations of the solutions to DE upon which the generating scalar potentials undergo transformations of internal symmetry intermixing their components. Under continuous turn by one complete revolution the transforming solutions, as a rule, return back to their initial values (“spinor two-valuedness” is absent). With an arbitrary solution of the DE, one can associate, apart from the standard one, a non-canonical set of conserved quantities, positive definite “energy” density among them, and with any KGE solution-positive definite “probability density”, etc. Finally, we discuss a generalization of the proposed procedure to the case when the external electromagnetic field is present.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Jorge Fernando Camacho ◽  
Cruz Vargas-De-León

In this paper, we study a modified SIRI model without vital dynamics, based on a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations, for epidemics that exhibit partial immunity after infection, reinfection, and disease-induced death. This model can be applied to study epidemics caused by SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2 coronaviruses, since there is the possibility that, in diseases caused by these pathogens, individuals recovered from the infection have a decrease in their immunity and can be reinfected. On the other hand, it is known that, in populations infected by these coronaviruses, individuals with comorbidities or older people have significant mortality rates or deaths induced by the disease. By means of qualitative methods, we prove that such system has an endemic equilibrium and an infinite line of nonhyperbolic disease-free equilibria, we determine the local and global stability of these equilibria, and we also show that it has no periodic orbits. Furthermore, we calculate the basic reproductive number R 0 and find that the system exhibits a forward bifurcation: disease-free equilibria are stable when R 0 < 1 / σ and unstable when R 0 > 1 / σ , while the endemic equilibrium consist of an asymptotically stable upper branch that appears from R 0 > 1 / σ , σ being the rate that quantifies reinfection. We also show that this system has two conserved quantities. Additionally, we show some of the most representative numerical solutions of this system.

Глеб Михайлович Водинчар ◽  
Любовь Константиновна Фещенко

Описана разработанная методика генерации уравнений каскадных моделей турбулентности с помощью систем компьютерной алгебры. Методика позволяет варьировать размер масштабной нелокальности модели, вид квадратичных законов сохранения и спектральных законов, знаменатель геометрической прогрессии масштабов. Ее использование позволяет быстро и безошибочно генерировать целые классы моделей. Может использоваться для разработки каскадных моделей гидродинамических, магнитогидродинамических и конвективных турбулентных систем. There is a great variety of shell turbulence models. Such models reproduce certain characteristics of turbulence. A model that could reproduce all turbulence regimes does not exist at the moment. Information about a particular model is contained in a set of persistent quantities, which are some quadratic forms of turbulent fields. These quadratic forms should be formal analogs of the exact conserved quantities. It is important to note that the main idea of Shell models presupposes a refusal to describe the geometric structure of movements. At the same time, it is well known that turbulent processes in spaces of two and three dimensions behave differently. Therefore, the provision of certain combinations of conserved quantities allows indirect introducing into the shell model the information about the dimension of the physical space in which the turbulent process develops. Purpose. The aim of this work was to create software tools that would quickly generate classes of models that satisfy one or another set of conservation laws. The choice of a specific model within these classes can then be specified using additional physical considerations, for example, the existence of a given probability distribution for the interaction of certain shells. Methods. The developed technique for generating equations of shell turbulence models is carried out using symbolic computation systems (computer algebra systems - CAS). Note that symbolic packages are used not for studying ready-made shell models, but for the automated generation of the equations of these models themselves. The technique allows varying the value of the scale nonlocality of the model, the form of the quadratic conservation laws and spectral laws, the denominator of the geometric progression of scales. It allows quickly and accurately generating the entire set of classes of the models. It can be used to develop shell models of hydrodynamic, magnetohydrodynamic and convective turbulent systems. Findings. It seems that the proposed technique will be useful for studying the properties of turbulence in the framework of cascade models

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (22) ◽  
pp. 2910
Umara Kausar ◽  
Tooba Feroze

It is known that corresponding to each Noether symmetry there is a conserved quantity. Another class of symmetries that corresponds to conserved quantities is the class of Mei symmetries. However, the two sets of symmetries may give different conserved quantities. In this paper, a procedure of finding approximate Mei symmetries and invariants of the perturbed/approximate Hamiltonian is presented that can be used in different fields of study where approximate Hamiltonians are under consideration. The results are presented in the form of theorems along with their proofs. A simple example of mechanics is considered to elaborate the method of finding these symmetries and the related Mei invariants. At the end, a comparison of approximate Mei symmetries and approximate Noether symmetries is also given. The comparison shows that there is only one common symmetry in both sets of symmetries. Hence, rest of the symmetries in the two sets correspond to two different sets of conserved quantities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 160-177
Andrew M. Steane

The mathematics of parallel transport and of affine and metric geodesics is presented. The geodesic equation is obtained in several different ways, bringing out its role both as a geometric statement and as an equation of motion. The Euler-Lagrange method to find metric geodesics, and hence Christoffel symbols, is explained. The role of conserved quantities is discussed. Killing’s equation and Killing vectors are introduced. Fermi-Walker transport (the non-rotating freely falling cabin) is defined and discussed. Gravitational redshift is calculated, first in general and then in specific cases.

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