small group learning
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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (S5) ◽  
Safaa El Bialy ◽  
Mohammad Jay ◽  
Yamilee Hebert ◽  
Neraj Manhas ◽  
Dalia Karol

Lecture has historically been a core method used for content delivery in healthcare profession education. However, lecture attendance has decreased within the recent generations of students. The current study focus was to assess the medical and nursing students’ perceptions regarding lecture attendance. To assist with this, second year medical (110/320) and nursing students (95/215) were requested to answer a 10-item survey. The results show that the top reasons why medical and nursing students attended lectures, respectively included: “lectures were mandatory” (81.8% and 68.8%), “socializing with peers” (68.2% and 30.1%), and “professor emphasized important points” (67.3% and 90.3%).  While some reasons for students not attending lectures were that the lecture format was not effective (63.5% and 67.7%), students preferred to use recordings of the lectures (43.3% and 18.1%). Overall, 64.6% of medical students and 63.4% of nursing students agree that traditional lectures are an effective way of learning.  Sixty two percent of medical students (62% n=68) of medical students stated that traditional lectures is their preferred method of learning compared to flipped classroom (27%), small group learning (30%), and online learning (31%). While (39%) of nursing students stated that traditional lectures is their preferred method of learning compared to flipped classroom (21.5% ), small group learning (3.2%), and online learning (7.4%). The results suggest that there is variability in students’ preferred learning style. While some prefer the face-to-face interaction with the professor, other students favour studying at their own pace. The majority of medical and nursing students think traditional lectures continue to play a major educational role.

2022 ◽  
Nuria Casquero‐Modrego ◽  
María Amparo Núñez‐Andrés ◽  
María José Iniesto‐Alba

PRiMER ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Lauren J. Germain ◽  
Hsin H. Li ◽  
Amen Wiqas ◽  
Lauren Zahn ◽  
Telisa M. Stewart ◽  

Introduction: While studies report positive correlations between students’ perceptions of the learning environment and their reported self-efficacy, the role of peer assessment is poorly understood in this context. This study examines the process and impact of peer assessment on self-efficacy and perceptions of the learning environment during a small-group discussion-based course required of first-year medical students. Methods: After spending time in small-group learning, students completed three peer assessments and reviewed three assessments of themselves. Analysis of the peer assessments included thematic coding of comments and word counts. Prior to and following the assessment period, students completed a survey including the Generalized Self-efficacy (GSE) Scale, and six locally-developed questions regarding the learning environment and perceptions of peer assessment. We performed paired-sample t tests to determine whether there were differences between the pre- and post-peer assessment surveys. The SUNY Upstate Institutional Review Board reviewed the study and determined it to be exempt. Results: Peer assessment narratives referred most commonly to students’ participation style and the need for greater participation. Word counts ranged widely. A paired sample t test indicated that the difference between pre and post peer assessment GSE scores was significant (P=.009), but the effect size was small (d=0.32). Perceptions of the learning environment did not change after the peer assessments. Conclusion: Peer assessment offers a potential strategy for enhancing self-efficacy in medical school small-group learning environments and requires few resources to implement, relative to the potential benefits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (4) ◽  
pp. 679-684
Kunatip Sutthiyuth ◽  
Preechaya Wongkrajang ◽  
Wimol Chinswangwatanakul

Small group learning (SGL) is a discussion-based teaching strategy that can improve critical thinking, analytical skills, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills. This study aimed to evaluate student satisfaction in two SGL models among third-year medical students enrolled in a blood and lymphoid systems II course at the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University in Bangkok, Thailand. A total of 318 students were divided into 12 groups, and each group had one facilitator. All included students and groups were exposed to both the central summary (CS) model and the individual facilitator summary (IFS) model (both SGLs). A questionnaire was developed to evaluate student rating of learning activities, perceived benefit, timing, workload, and satisfaction. Medical students rated the IFS model superior to the CS model for four of five parameters [confidence in performing and interpreting a laboratory test (83.6% vs. 78.8%), guidance for self-learning (52% vs. 39.5%), increased understanding of a disease (87.7% vs. 72.1%), and application of knowledge (77.4% vs. 70.2%), respectively]. Moreover, the IFS model was rated as having more suitable timing and workload and better satisfaction than the CS model. The results of this study suggest a strong preference for the IFS model over the CS model among medical students.

2021 ◽  
Luong Hai Nhu Nguyen

<p>The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of upper-year students in Vietnamese primary schools about learning in small groups when studying Vietnamese language in comparison to traditional methods. Students’ perceptions of small group learning were explored through examination of five main factors: benefits, difficulties, group types, individual accountability, and group assessment.  An interpretive approach was used to explore the topic, from which data were collected in a two-phase multi-case study using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Four classes of three primary schools in Ho Chi Minh City, having different applications of small groups in learning, were selected for observation and survey by questionnaire. Twenty four students from the first phase of the study varying in gender and learning achievement were chosen for face-to-face interviews to examine more in-depth their perceptions about small group learning. To improve the trustworthiness of the research, teachers from these classes and principles of the schools were interviewed to obtain a more accurate overview of the research.  The study found that overall, Vietnamese upper-primary students preferred to learning in small groups to the traditional whole-class model despite the differences in implementing small group learning in each school. The results showed a positive concurrence with existing literature on the main findings, such as the three main benefits to students’ outcomes (e.g. academic achievement, social skills, and attitudes); and some inevitable difficulties when using this method for learning (e.g. time management, isolation and lack of group skills). The students’ choices of group types also reflected the current international students’ perceptions (e.g. preference for heterogeneous ability but homogeneous gender group).  The research also presented some interesting points unique to the Vietnamese context which might enrich the current literature of students’ perceptions of small group learning. They were the preference for large group sizes, the two-aspects of leadership, the preference for whole-group assessment, and the suitability of this method for learning Vietnamese language rather than other subjects. The research also showed the underlying influences of the desire for better achievement, the consideration for others’ feelings and the collective cultural context on Vietnamese upper primary students’ views of small group learning in learning Vietnamese language. The relationships between students’ gender and achievement to their perceptions of small group learning were also mentioned and described though these were not strong enough to generalise. A theoretical framework was proposed to illustrate the research findings. These findings suggest that small group learning should be implemented more frequently in Vietnamese primary schools and the study recommends that there be further training in group skills for students.</p>

2021 ◽  
Luong Hai Nhu Nguyen

<p>The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of upper-year students in Vietnamese primary schools about learning in small groups when studying Vietnamese language in comparison to traditional methods. Students’ perceptions of small group learning were explored through examination of five main factors: benefits, difficulties, group types, individual accountability, and group assessment.  An interpretive approach was used to explore the topic, from which data were collected in a two-phase multi-case study using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Four classes of three primary schools in Ho Chi Minh City, having different applications of small groups in learning, were selected for observation and survey by questionnaire. Twenty four students from the first phase of the study varying in gender and learning achievement were chosen for face-to-face interviews to examine more in-depth their perceptions about small group learning. To improve the trustworthiness of the research, teachers from these classes and principles of the schools were interviewed to obtain a more accurate overview of the research.  The study found that overall, Vietnamese upper-primary students preferred to learning in small groups to the traditional whole-class model despite the differences in implementing small group learning in each school. The results showed a positive concurrence with existing literature on the main findings, such as the three main benefits to students’ outcomes (e.g. academic achievement, social skills, and attitudes); and some inevitable difficulties when using this method for learning (e.g. time management, isolation and lack of group skills). The students’ choices of group types also reflected the current international students’ perceptions (e.g. preference for heterogeneous ability but homogeneous gender group).  The research also presented some interesting points unique to the Vietnamese context which might enrich the current literature of students’ perceptions of small group learning. They were the preference for large group sizes, the two-aspects of leadership, the preference for whole-group assessment, and the suitability of this method for learning Vietnamese language rather than other subjects. The research also showed the underlying influences of the desire for better achievement, the consideration for others’ feelings and the collective cultural context on Vietnamese upper primary students’ views of small group learning in learning Vietnamese language. The relationships between students’ gender and achievement to their perceptions of small group learning were also mentioned and described though these were not strong enough to generalise. A theoretical framework was proposed to illustrate the research findings. These findings suggest that small group learning should be implemented more frequently in Vietnamese primary schools and the study recommends that there be further training in group skills for students.</p>

Elisabeth K. N. Lopez ◽  
Joshua H. Johnson ◽  
Elena P. Cunningham ◽  
Johanna Warshaw ◽  
Eric W. Baker

Soon-Ok Kim

This study aimed to develop and implement an emergency coping education program using a case-based small-group learning method and verify its effect on care workers’ emergency coping abilities. The study was conducted with 72 care workers in older adult care facilities and home care centers. Using a nonequivalent control group pretest–posttest design, 36 participants were assigned to each group (i.e., experimental and control groups). The collected data were analyzed through χ²-test and independent t-test using SPSS for Windows, version 25.0. Compared to the control group, a statistically significant increase in knowledge and performance levels in emergencies, emergency coping abilities, self-efficacy in coping with emergencies, and confidence in communication was observed in the experimental group. This study was able to verify the effectiveness of the emergency coping education program in care workers and recommends its use. To maximize the learning effects of educational programs, future research should develop and apply programs that incorporate simulation education.

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