significant excess
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2021 ◽  
Eva Martin-Solana ◽  
Irene Diaz-Lopez ◽  
Ivan Ventoso ◽  
Jose-Jesus Fernandez ◽  
Maria Rosario Fernandez-Fernandez

Neurons rely on a precise spatial and temporal control of protein synthesis due to their highly polarized morphology and their functional singularities. Consequently, alterations in protein translation have been widely related to the development and progression of various neurological and neurodegenerative disorders, including Huntington's disease. Here we explored the architecture of polysomes in their native brain context by performing 3D electron tomography of striatal tissue derived from a knock-in mouse model of the disease. Results showed a progressive remodelling towards a polysomal compacted architecture that parallels in time the emergence and progression of symptoms in the mouse model. The aberrant architecture is compatible with ribosome stalling phenomena and, in fact, we detected an increase in the expression of the stalling release factor eIF5A2. Polysomal sedimentation gradients showed significant excess in the accumulation of free 40S ribosomal subunits in heterozygous striatal samples. Overall the results indicate that changes in the architecture of the protein synthesis machinery might be at the basis of translational alterations associated to Huntington's disease and open new avenues for understanding disease progression.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Alexander V. Nemtsov ◽  
Timur A. Fattakhov

Statistics show that in many countries of the world holidays are associated with an increase in morbidity and mortality; this is especially pronounced during the New Year and Christmas period. This article presents an estimate of the excess number of deaths in Russia during the January holidays in 2011–2019 by main classes of causes of death and by age groups. The study relies on the Rosstat dataset of 16.83 million individual non-personalized death records referring to 2011–2019. The authors of the paper estimate excess mortality for each cause and age group as the difference between actually observed mortality and the LOWESS moving average calculated for non-holiday period, extrapolated to the holidays. The calculations showed that the period of excess mortality lasted from January 1 to January 22 with a maximum on January 1. Over 22 days, excess mortality in 2011–2019 amounted to 89.0 thousand cases or 8.4% in relation to mortality on non-holidays; excess mortality on January 1 amounted to 11.4 thousand cases. In contrast to mortality from diseases of the circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems, the contribution of which to excess mortality was proportional to their prevalence on non-holidays, proportion of excess mortality from external causes almost doubled (23.6% versus 12.7 % on weekdays). January 1 saw the highest excess mortality from external causes, including that of alcohol poisoning, homicide, and suicide, in all age groups; on January 2 the highest increase was observed in mortality from diseases of the circulatory system; on January 9 and 10 — from the pathologies of the respiratory and digestive systems. January holidays in Russia are associated with significant excess mortality, primarily as a result of the abuse of strong alcoholic beverages. Informing the population about the fatal consequences of such a consumption regime and a decrease in the availability of strong alcohol, the maximum sales of which falls on December, can reduce the damage during the January holidays.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (12) ◽  
G. Aad ◽  
B. Abbott ◽  
D. C. Abbott ◽  
A. Abed Abud ◽  
K. Abeling ◽  

AbstractA search for chargino–neutralino pair production in three-lepton final states with missing transverse momentum is presented. The study is based on a dataset of $$\sqrt{s} = 13$$ s = 13  TeV pp collisions recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 139 $$\hbox {fb}^{-1}$$ fb - 1 . No significant excess relative to the Standard Model predictions is found in data. The results are interpreted in simplified models of supersymmetry, and statistically combined with results from a previous ATLAS search for compressed spectra in two-lepton final states. Various scenarios for the production and decay of charginos ($${\tilde{\chi }}^\pm _1$$ χ ~ 1 ± ) and neutralinos ($${\tilde{\chi }}^0_2$$ χ ~ 2 0 ) are considered. For pure higgsino $${\tilde{\chi }}^\pm _1{\tilde{\chi }}^0_2$$ χ ~ 1 ± χ ~ 2 0 pair-production scenarios, exclusion limits at 95% confidence level are set on $${\tilde{\chi }}^0_2$$ χ ~ 2 0 masses up to 210 GeV. Limits are also set for pure wino $${\tilde{\chi }}^\pm _1{\tilde{\chi }}^0_2$$ χ ~ 1 ± χ ~ 2 0 pair production, on $${\tilde{\chi }}^0_2$$ χ ~ 2 0 masses up to 640 GeV for decays via on-shell W and Z bosons, up to 300 GeV for decays via off-shell W and Z bosons, and up to 190 GeV for decays via W and Standard Model Higgs bosons.

2021 ◽  
Ali M.A. Maddi ◽  
Kaveh Kavousi ◽  
Masoud Arabfard ◽  
Hamid Ohadi ◽  
Mina Ohadi

Abstract Evolutionary divergence in cis-regulatory sequences impacts translation initiation sites (TISs). The implication of tandem repeats (TRs) in TIS selection remains elusive for the most part. Here we employed the TIS homology concept to study a possible link between all categories of TRs and TIS selection. Human and 83 other species were selected, and data was extracted on the entire protein-coding genes (n=1,611,368) and transcripts (n=2,730,515) annotated for those species from Ensembl 102. Two different weighing vectors were employed to assign TIS homology, and the results were assessed in 10-fold validation. On average, every TIS was flanked by 1.19 TRs of various categories within the 120 bp upstream sequence. We detected statistically significant excess of non-homologous TISs co-occurring with human-specific TRs, vice versa. We conclude that TRs are abundant cis elements in the upstream sequences of TISs across species, and there is a link between all categories of TRs and TIS selection.

2021 ◽  
Antonello Maruotti ◽  
Giovanna Jona-Lasinio ◽  
Fabio Divino ◽  
Gianfranco Lovison ◽  
Massimo Ciccozzi ◽  

We compare the expected all-cause mortality with the observed one for different age classes during the pandemic in Lombardy, which was the epicenter of the epidemic in Italy and still is the region most affected by the pandemic. A generalized linear mixed model is introduced to model weekly mortality from 2011 to 2019, taking into account seasonal patterns and year-specific trends. Based on the 2019 year-specific conditional best linear unbiased predictions, a significant excess of mortality is estimated in 2020, leading to approximately 35000 more deaths than expected, mainly arising during the first wave. In 2021, instead, the excess mortality is not significantly different from zero, for the 85+ and 15-64 age classes, and significant reductions with respect to the 2020 estimated excess mortality are estimated for other age classes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. C11008
V.Y. Dik ◽  
V.A. Allakhverdyan ◽  
A.D. Avrorin ◽  
A.V. Avrorin ◽  
V.M. Aynutdinov ◽  

Abstract The high-energy muon neutrino events of the IceCube telescope, that are triggered as neutrino alerts in one of two probability ranks of astrophysical origin, “gold” and “bronze”, have been followed up by the Baikal-GVD in a fast quasi-online mode since September 2020. Search for correlations between alerts and GVD events reconstructed in two modes, muon-track and cascades (electromagnetic or hadronic showers), for the time windows ±1 h and ±12 h does not indicate statistically significant excess of the measured events over the expected number of background events. Upper limits on the neutrino fluence will be presented for each alert.

2021 ◽  
Vol 508 (1) ◽  
pp. 157-174
Karen McNab ◽  
Michael L Balogh ◽  
Remco F J van der Burg ◽  
Anya Forestell ◽  
Kristi Webb ◽  

ABSTRACT We measure the rate of environmentally driven star formation quenching in galaxies at z ∼ 1, using eleven massive ($M\approx 2\times 10^{14}\, \mathrm{M}_\odot$) galaxy clusters spanning a redshift range 1.0 < z < 1.4 from the GOGREEN sample. We identify three different types of transition galaxies: ‘green valley’ (GV) galaxies identified from their rest-frame (NUV − V) and (V − J) colours; ‘blue quiescent’ (BQ) galaxies, found at the blue end of the quiescent sequence in (U − V) and (V − J) colour; and spectroscopic post-starburst (PSB) galaxies. We measure the abundance of these galaxies as a function of stellar mass and environment. For high-stellar mass galaxies (log M/M⊙ > 10.5) we do not find any significant excess of transition galaxies in clusters, relative to a comparison field sample at the same redshift. It is likely that such galaxies were quenched prior to their accretion in the cluster, in group, filament, or protocluster environments. For lower stellar mass galaxies (9.5 < log M/M⊙ < 10.5) there is a small but significant excess of transition galaxies in clusters, accounting for an additional ∼5–10 per cent of the population compared with the field. We show that our data are consistent with a scenario in which 20–30 per cent of low-mass, star-forming galaxies in clusters are environmentally quenched every Gyr, and that this rate slowly declines from z = 1 to z = 0. While environmental quenching of these galaxies may include a long delay time during which star formation declines slowly, in most cases this must end with a rapid (τ < 1 Gyr) decline in star formation rate.

L.E. Matrosova ◽  
A.M. Tremasova ◽  
E.Yu. Tarasova ◽  
M.A. Erokhondina ◽  

The article presents the results of organoleptic and physicochemical analysis of waste water from poultry enterprises after passing through a shungite filter. The efficiency of using a filter based on shungite for purification and disinfection of wastewater is shown. The elimination of an unpleasant odor, a several-fold decrease in indices for turbidity, color, oxidizability, and biochemical oxygen consumption were recorded. The amount of lead decrease by 42.2 was noted; manganese – 34.2; copper – 74,1; zinc – 83,6 % (P<0.001); sulfates – 19,5 % (P<0,05); chlorides – 90,6 %; phosphates - by 44,8 % (P<0.001). The amount of ammonia in waste water with a significant excess of this indicator in the starting material after filtration decreased by 2,5 times (P<0.001).

2021 ◽  
Ali Maddi ◽  
Kaveh Kavousi ◽  
Masoud Arabfard ◽  
Hamid Ohadi ◽  
Mina Ohadi

Abstract Findings in yeast and human suggest that evolutionary divergence in cis-regulatory sequences impact translation initiation sites (TISs). Here we employed the TIS homology concept to study a possible link between all categories of tandem repeats (TRs) and TIS selection. Human and 83 other species were selected, and data was extracted on the entire protein-coding genes (n = 1,611,368) and transcripts (n = 2,730,515) annotated for those species from Ensembl 102. On average, every transcript was flanked by 1.19 TRs of various categories in their 120 bp upstream RNA sequence. We detected statistically significant excess of non-homologous TISs co-occurring with human-specific TRs, and vice versa. We conclude that TRs are abundant cis elements in the upstream sequences of TISs across species, and there is a link between all categories of TRs and TIS selection. TR-induced symmetric and stem-loop structures may function as genetic marks for TIS selection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-43
Anjali Panwar ◽  
Nandita Sharma ◽  
Kirti Garg ◽  
Yogesh Bahurupi ◽  
Mahendra Singh ◽  

Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) was declared a pandemic (WHO). As a result, a significant excess in mortality threw economic systems into a tailspin. This will continue until all people worldwide are fully and effectively vaccinated. At the end of the year 2020 following the start of the vaccine, which was fraught with difficulties, there were various challenges that took a long time to resolve. Innovations in vaccination delivery systems such as mobile vaccination and its distribution using drones can be the most significant achievements in the world in terms of reaching the largest number of people possible.

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