underdeveloped countries
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Jeevan Khanal ◽  
Subekshya Ghimire

In the context of developed countries, a lot of research has been done to uncover and identify the problems school leaders face in their work but little is known about the school leadership of underdeveloped countries. In a quest to discover contextual problems in terms of role conflict and role ambiguity of school leaders, this qualitative study tries to capture the experiences of principals in Nepal through in-depth interviews of six community school principals. The findings reveal that the major sources of role conflict and ambiguity for principals from Nepal are problematic power-sharing, low job autonomy, dual role conflict, limited professional development training, and lack of leadership knowledge. The study has several policy-level implications such as importance of hiring principals with proven leadership skills and increasing the leadership skills of current principals to ensure that they can tackle these challenges.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Young-Chool Choi

This study aims to evaluate the status of the partnerships with important international organisations that Korea employs in operating its foreign aid projects from a humanitarian point of view. On the basis of this information, Korea intends to seek ways of effectively supporting underdeveloped countries through future co-operation with these organisations. The main international organisations analysed are the World Food Programme (WFP), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the World Health Organisation (WHO), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the (United Nations) Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). These international organisations support underdeveloped countries through co-operative relationships not only with Korea but also with important donor countries of the OECD. This study focuses on establishing the factors that Korea needs to consider when providing humanitarian aid in the future to underdeveloped countries via such international organisations.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Dexuan Li ◽  
Wensheng Dai ◽  
Weimin Guan

The study investigates the influence of the COVID-19 on the rate of R&D investment and foreign exchange development of China's most important emerging industry firms. From 2010 to 2020, data were collected from 26 locations across China, focusing on seven different types of critical creating companies. To analyze the data, we have applied Fourier Increased Unit Root Test, Granger causality assessments test, Pattern Assessment test, Poisson pseudo most excellent probability (PPML) approach, Wald test, and Regression analysis test. The results of the tests reveal a clear underlying association among COVID-19 relates Chinese exports and imports. COVID-19's instant effects on imports and exports lack working capital have been calculated, but the short-term, medium-to-long-term products are composite and unidentified. The article result main results are following: (i) The COVID-19 impacts the R&D investment is main industries like as high-end equipment industry, new materials industry, and new-era data innovation. (ii) The COVID-19 highly affects the imports and exports development network of Chinese strategic emerging industries which emphasizes cross-industry grouping features. The study provides the guidance to the future researchers to focus on COVID-19 affects on the strategic emerging industries of developed and underdeveloped countries to determine of foreign direct investment inflow and unemployment growth rates.JEL: G20, O10, O40

2022 ◽  
pp. 324-344
Muhammad Khaleel ◽  
Shankar Chelliah

This chapter discusses the significance of employee wellbeing at the workplace and self-perceived English language proficiency as a predictor variable. The importance of employee wellbeing has been recognized all around the world. To generalize the findings of previous literature this study has examined the proposed model in the context of telecom MNCs in Pakistan. This chapter starts with what is wellbeing at the workplace? And moves towards it significance in the context of developed and underdeveloped countries. Further, this chapter explains the empirical findings of the proposed model. The results revealed a strong correlation between self-perceived English language proficiency and dimensions of employee wellbeing at the workplace. This is a very important chapter for both researchers and managers.

2022 ◽  
pp. 237-251
Areeba Waseem Shaikh ◽  
Norhayati Zakaria

This chapter aims at understanding the cultural influence on female digital entrepreneurs in underdeveloped countries and the possible effects of cyberostracism by integrating the significance of culture and its influence on females providing a holistic view of how women with entrepreneurial desires experience challenges due to the identified existing gaps in underdeveloped countries. Besides sociocultural dynamics, education is a factor observed to be extremely impactful. Basic and digital literacy are considered essential to progress in conducting businesses across borders. From a digital perspective, “cyberostracism” is identified as a potential issue women could encounter due to lack of education. In this study, a comparative analysis on female digital entrepreneurs of the Asian and European region is conducted based on the view of a collectivistic and individualistic society concluded by providing a framework to minimize gaps and establish an environment for women to pursue digital entrepreneurship in their societies, mitigating the possible effects of cyberostracism.

2022 ◽  
pp. 129-140
Richa Das

Over the years, microfinance has assumed a great importance all over the world. The reason behind the increasing importance of microfinance in poverty alleviation is considered a prime objective in all developing and underdeveloped countries. Traditionally, MFIs did not have a defined HR policy or structure, since the size of the organization was always very small. The last few years have seen an upswing in the size of the organizations and also in the margins generated by MFIs. The purpose of this chapter is to analyze the human resource management issues and challenges faced in microfinance industry in India.

Apparel export enterprises are organizations that are part of the global supply chain. Covid-19, a global pandemic, has emerged as a supply chain disruption since March 2020. The situation is uncertain, and export enterprises at upstream need clear visibility to manage business activities at their end. Due to Covid-19, all global chain stakeholders are at risk, but the apparel chain upstream is more vulnerable than in developing and underdeveloped countries. The situation is exacerbating sustainability and causing labor jobs, excess inventory, production waste, and irresponsible raw material consumption. The paper aims to propose a model based on resource capabilities and a supply chain strategy for exporting enterprises. The model presented in the research is the 'Resource & Leagile Strategy' (RLS) model. The study uses the resource-based view (RBV) to specify resources and leagile strategy to manage the uncertainties created due to Covid-19.

Sachin Laxman Ingale

Abstract: Herbal medicines Have been the basis of treatment and cure for various diseases and physiological conditions in traditional Methods of practice such as Unani, Ayurveda and Siddha. A large fraction of the world population, especially in The developing and underdeveloped countries still depends mainly on the traditional system of medicine. The use of plants and plant products in medicines is getting Popularized because the herbal medicines are cheap, easily available and have natural origin with higher safety Margins and lesser or no side effects. In Unani system of medicine Babool (Acacia Arabica) is considered as Plant having medicinal properties on various system of human body. Different parts of the plant including Bark, Root, gum, leaves, pod and seeds have medicinal properties. The present review is an attempt to highlight the Various ethnobotanical and Unani traditional uses as well as phytochemical and pharmacological reports on Acacia arabica to which commonly known as Babool.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-113
Sanjay Navale ◽  
Vijay Bhagat

Tourism is a device of economic development in developed, developing, and even in underdeveloped countries. The AHP based MCDA techniques used for detection and delineation of the tourism potential zones in the coastal area of Ratnagiri district in Maharashtra (India). The conventional and satellite data viz. ASTER data has been used for spatial analysis in GIS software. Seacoast, elevation, slope, river, LULC, available amenities, accessibility and connectivity, cultural and historical places, and density of settlements used as the criterions for detection of potential zones for tourism activities. The experts’ opinions, literature survey and fieldwork used as the source of information for the selection of criterions and determination of ranks. The weighted overlay technique used to find the comparative levels of tourism potentials: very high, high, moderate and less potentials for tourism. About 13% of TGA shows comparatively very high tourism potential, 25.80% shows high, 54.62 % shows moderate, and 6.57 % shows less tourism potential. The overall accuracy of the categorized map estimated about 89.60%. The thematic maps viz. amenities and settlement were processed using inverse distance weighted (IWD) interpolation technique. Therefore, some areas from the category, ‘high potential’ merged in the category, ‘moderate potential’ and reduced the producer’s accuracy of the classified map. The sandy beaches, lowland area with a gentle slope, river landscape features, road network, cultural and historical places, ideal size of settlements and number of amenities are attractions of tourists in the region. The technique used in this study can be an effective apparatus for precise analysis of site suitability for tourism activities.

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