biosand filter
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Tina Paasche ◽  
Mairead Whelan ◽  
Marissa Nahirney ◽  
Saningo Olemshumba ◽  
Sheri Bastien

In addition to diarrheal disease risk, lack of access to safe water may have other indirect effects throughout one’s life, such as school and workplace absenteeism, leading to less economic productivity. In contexts with scarce resources and unsafe drinking water, household water treatment and safe storage options such as the Biosand filter (BSF) allows households to directly reduce contamination and increase the quality of their drinking water. This study aimed to develop an understanding of perceived community acceptability and feasibility related to pre- and post-implementation of a BSF pilot project in rural Maasai households in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA), Tanzania. The study was guided by the Integrated Behavioral Model for Water Sanitation and Hygiene interventions (IBM-WASH) to understand the various factors influencing end-user perceptions of the BSF. In-depth interviews, group discussions and think tanks were conducted among a cross-section of community members, stakeholders, and other actors from May 2016 to September 2017. The data were analyzed using a thematic content analysis approach. A range of perceived contextual, technological, and psychosocial factors were found to potentially affect the acceptability and feasibility of BSF adoption in the NCA, highlighting the complex layers of influences in the setting. Whilst the BSF is seemingly an accepted option to treat water within the NCA, the community identified key barriers that may lower BSF adoption. The application of the IBM-WASH model served as a useful framework for evaluating the introduction of the BSF, identifying insights into contextual, technological, and psychosocial community factors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-48
Anisha Maharjan ◽  
Anish Ghimire

A study was carried out to evaluate the application of Activated Effective Microorganisms (AEM) solution and EM Mudballs (mixture of soil, rice bran, and EM) to wastewater generated from wool and cotton dyeing unit at Kumbeshwar Technical School (Lalitpur, Bagmati Province, Nepal). Furthermore, the AEM treated wastewater was treated through a Biosand filter as a final treatment and polishing step before discharge in a nearby sewerage system. The wastewater samples collected for 27 days were analyzed for the wastewater quality parameters such as pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Total Solids (TS), and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) using the standard methods. The average values of pH, conductivity, COD, and TS after the EM combined with Biosand (final) treatment were observed to be 7.49±1.15, 1.39±0.25 mS/cm, 1,669.4 ±858.14 mg/L, and 264±25.29 mg/L, respectively. TS and COD removal were observed to be 43.97±22.3% and 15.26±10.06%, respectively. The results show that the dye wastewater is difficult to remove by a simple biological process like the addition of EM. Combined EM and biosand filters can be an inexpensive way of treating industrial effluents. However, the existing treatment system needs to be optimized by the integration with the proper EM: water: molasses ratio, optimal feeding time and design, hydraulic retention time, solids retention time, organic loading rates in EM reactor, and COD/BOD ratio in wastewater among other important components to meet the national effluent discharge requirements.

Ardyan Pramudya Kurniawan ◽  
Maizer Said Nahdi ◽  
Siti Aisah

Air memiliki peranan penting bagi manusia, untuk keperluan sehari – hari (minum, mandi, memasak, pertanian, peternakan, dan mencuci). Bertambahnya jumlah penduduk Yogyakarta setiap tahun, menyebabkan meningkatnya kebutuhan air bersih. Sumber air dapat diperoleh dari air laut, mata air, danau dan air sungai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari kualitas perairan Sungai Gadjahwong ditinjau dari parameter fisik, kimia, biologis, dan kandungan logam. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu modifikasi biosand filter menggunakan pasir gumuk dirangkai melalui proses penampungan air dan reverse osmosis. Hasil pengujian air dilakukan di laboratorium kimia terpadu Universitas Islam Indonesia, secara fisik perairan dapat menurunkan nilai residu tersuspensi (TSS) 67 mg/L menjadi 21.5 mg/L, dan menurunkan turbiditas (kekeruhan) dari 9.12 NTU menjadi 0.88 NTU. Sedangkan secara kimiawi dapat meningkatkan nilai dissolve oxygen (DO) dari 4.37 mg/L menjadi 5 mg/L; menurunakn kadar Klorida (Cl-) dalam perairan dari 14.1 mg/L menjadi 4 mg/L; dan menurunkan kadar detergen 0,28 mg/L menjadi 0,14 mg/L. Dari penelitian tersebut disimpulkan bahwa modifikasi biosand filter menggunakan pasir gumuk dapat meningkatkan kualitas perairan secara fisik dan kimiawi.

Akshat Verma ◽  
Lalit Mohan Sharma ◽  
Gaurav Pahuja ◽  
Jacklin Jeke Nilling ◽  
Ankit Kumar ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 228 ◽  
pp. 84-91
Seul Jin ◽  
Ji Hun Park ◽  
Woong-Suk Yang ◽  
Jae-Yong Lee ◽  
Cher-Won Hwang

Processes ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Zhe Huang ◽  
Viet Cao ◽  
Esther Laurentine Nya ◽  
Willis Gwenzi ◽  
Chicgoua Noubactep

Biological and chemical contamination of natural water bodies is a global health risk for more than one billion people, mostly living in low-income countries. Innovative, affordable, and efficient decentralized solutions for safe drinking water supply are urgently needed. Metallic iron (Fe0)-based filtration systems have been described as such an appropriate solution. This communication focuses on the Kanchan arsenic filter (KAF), presented in the early 2000s and widely assessed during the past decade. The KAF contains iron nails as the Fe0 source and is primarily designed to remove As from polluted tube well waters. Recent independent works assessing their performance have all reported on a high degree of variability in efficiency depending mostly on (1) the current operating conditions, (2) the design, and (3) the groundwater chemistry. This communication shows that the major problems of the KAF are twofold: (1) a design mistake as the Fe0 units disturb the operation and functionality of the biosand filter, and (2) the use of poorly characterized iron nails of unknown reactivity. This assertion is supported by the evidence that the very successful community filter designed by the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay works with iron nails and has been efficient for many years. Replacing iron nails by more reactive Fe0 materials (e.g., iron fillings and steel wool) should be tested in a new generation KAF. It is concluded that a methodological or systematic approach in introducing and monitoring the efficiency of KAF should be used to test and disseminate the next generation KAF worldwide. Moreover, better characterization of the Fe0 materials including their intrinsic reactivity is required.

Crystals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 872
Resoketswe Charlotte Moropeng ◽  
Maggy Ndombo Benteke Momba

The current study investigated the acceptance rate and long-term effectiveness of cost-effective household water treatment systems deployed in Makwane Village. A structured questionnaire was used prior to implementation to collect information such as level of education, level of employment, and knowledge about point-of-use water treatment systems in the target area. The long-term effectiveness was determined by factors such as the Escherichia coli removal efficiency, turbidity reduction, silver leached, and flow rate of the household water treatment devices. The results of the survey prior to deployment revealed that only 4.3% of the community had a tertiary qualification. Moreover, 54.3% of the community were unemployed. The results further revealed that 65.9% of the community were knowledgeable about other point-of-use water treatment methods. The acceptance rate, which was found to be initially higher (100%), reduced after three months of implantation (biosand filter with zeolite-silver clay granular—82.9%; silver-impregnated porous pot filters—97.1%). Moreover, the long-term effectiveness was determined, taking into consideration the adoption rate, and it was found that silver-impregnated porous pot filters have a long life compared to biosand filter with zeolite-silver clay granular. Although household water treatment systems can effectively reduce the burden of waterborne diseases in impoverished communities, the success of adoption is dependent on the targeted group. This study highlights the significance of involving community members when making the decision to scale up household water treatment devices in rural areas for successful adoption.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1625 ◽  
pp. 012057
B Primasari ◽  
S Indah ◽  
R Afrianita ◽  
F Rahmatesa

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 1034-1035
Caetano C. Dorea

Abstract In a recent contribution by Curry and colleagues, a field-derived assessment of a reportedly common pretreatment technique to reduce turbidities of biosand filter (BSF) feed water was reported. Their results demonstrated that despite alum pretreatment achieving lower settled turbidity values relative to control filters, such intervention led to significantly lower flow rates in the alum-dosed BSFs. However, their study stopped short of providing a more meaningful interpretation to what may initially seem like a counterintuitive finding, which is presented here.

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