cosmogenic nuclides
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1-20
İsmail Baykara ◽  
M. Akif Sarıkaya ◽  
Serkan Şahin ◽  
Berkay Dinçer ◽  
Esin Ünal

The province of Van in north-eastern Turkey served as a land bridge between Africa and Eurasia during the Palaeolithic. The region is of particular relevance for understanding the movement of hominins between these continents. This study concerns the lithic remains from a locality at Gürgürbaba Hill, named Locality 010, north of the village of Ulupamir (Erciş district). Locality 010 was dated to 311±32 kya by terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides method, which coincides with Marine Isotope Stage 9 (MIS 9), a Middle Pleistocene interglacial period. The assemblage from this site is attributed to the Late Acheulean and resembles that of the southern Caucasus. This similarity indicates that the artefacts from Locality 010 were probably produced by late Lower Palaeolithic technology in a broad sense. These findings suggest local adaptations of late Middle Pleistocene hominins to high plateau environments.

2021 ◽  
Aidan Duart McLean

<p>Global sea level rise is contributing to the acceleration of cliff erosion rates in New Zealand, where it surpasses rates of uplift. A significant challenge facing scientists and managers is that we have no method for reliably extracting past rates of coastal erosion along harder rock cliffs over the time-scales that significant sea level change occurs (100s-1000s of years). This gap in knowledge is limiting efforts to model and understand the relationship between sea level rise and cliff erosion rates and what form of that relationship takes. Cosmogenic Beryllium-10 analysis has been applied on two low angle shore platforms in New Zealand to produce chronologies of sea cliff retreat during the late-Holocene. Surface exposure ages were attained on a tectonically active platform at Kaikoura, Canterbury and a tectonically quiescent platform at Cape Rodney, Auckland. This is the first application of cosmogenic nuclides to a shore platform study in New Zealand and adds two new data-sets to the very small group of global shore platform chronologies. Exposure ages show New Zealand platforms have developed in the late-Holocene. Long-term platform surface erosion rates at Kaikoura (0.4mm a-1), potentially due to uplift driven positive feedback such as altered sea level position, driving up weathering rates on the tidally inundated platform. Nuclide concentrations at Okakari Point, Rodney, reveal a significant role of recent sea level fall after ~4000yrs BP, driving surface denudation (0.1mm a-1). The long-term cliff back-wearing rate at Okakari point was found to be 24.66mm a-1. Patterns in cosmogenic nuclide concentrations in New Zealand’s shallow platforms differ from global examples recorded on steeper platforms. Exploratory numerical modelling was applied with the coupled Rocky Profile CRN model (RPM_CRN) to identify process relationships between key drivers within platform coastal systems and scenarios of sea level change and active tectonics. This combined geochemical and numerical modelling study has shown that shore platforms in New Zealand have complex histories, with different potential driving forces at Kaikoura and Okakari. This highlights the local variability in platform development and cliff retreat, suggesting that estimates of future shoreline erosion will need to take local contingencies into account.</p>

2021 ◽  
Aidan Duart McLean

<p>Global sea level rise is contributing to the acceleration of cliff erosion rates in New Zealand, where it surpasses rates of uplift. A significant challenge facing scientists and managers is that we have no method for reliably extracting past rates of coastal erosion along harder rock cliffs over the time-scales that significant sea level change occurs (100s-1000s of years). This gap in knowledge is limiting efforts to model and understand the relationship between sea level rise and cliff erosion rates and what form of that relationship takes. Cosmogenic Beryllium-10 analysis has been applied on two low angle shore platforms in New Zealand to produce chronologies of sea cliff retreat during the late-Holocene. Surface exposure ages were attained on a tectonically active platform at Kaikoura, Canterbury and a tectonically quiescent platform at Cape Rodney, Auckland. This is the first application of cosmogenic nuclides to a shore platform study in New Zealand and adds two new data-sets to the very small group of global shore platform chronologies. Exposure ages show New Zealand platforms have developed in the late-Holocene. Long-term platform surface erosion rates at Kaikoura (0.4mm a-1), potentially due to uplift driven positive feedback such as altered sea level position, driving up weathering rates on the tidally inundated platform. Nuclide concentrations at Okakari Point, Rodney, reveal a significant role of recent sea level fall after ~4000yrs BP, driving surface denudation (0.1mm a-1). The long-term cliff back-wearing rate at Okakari point was found to be 24.66mm a-1. Patterns in cosmogenic nuclide concentrations in New Zealand’s shallow platforms differ from global examples recorded on steeper platforms. Exploratory numerical modelling was applied with the coupled Rocky Profile CRN model (RPM_CRN) to identify process relationships between key drivers within platform coastal systems and scenarios of sea level change and active tectonics. This combined geochemical and numerical modelling study has shown that shore platforms in New Zealand have complex histories, with different potential driving forces at Kaikoura and Okakari. This highlights the local variability in platform development and cliff retreat, suggesting that estimates of future shoreline erosion will need to take local contingencies into account.</p>

2021 ◽  
Mae Kate Campbell ◽  
Paul R. Bierman ◽  
Amanda H. Schmidt ◽  
Rita Sibello Hernández ◽  
Alejandro García-Moya ◽  

Abstract. We consider measurements of both in situ produced cosmogenic nuclides and dissolved load flux to characterize the processes and pace of landscape change in central Cuba. The tropical landscape of Cuba is losing mass in multiple ways, making it difficult to quantify total denudation rates and thus to assess the impact of agricultural practices on rates of contemporary landscape change. Long-term sediment generation rates inferred from 26Al and 10Be concentrations in quartz extracted from central Cuban river sand range from 3.7–182 tons km−2 yr−1 (mean = 62, median = 57). Rock dissolution rates (24–154 tons km−2 yr−1; mean = 84, median = 78) inferred from stream solute loads exceed measured cosmogenic nuclide-derived sediment generation rates in 15 of 22 basins, indicating significant landscape-scale mass loss not reflected in the cosmogenic nuclide measurements. 26Al / 10Be ratios lower than that of surface production are consistent with the presence of a deep, mixed, regolith layer in the five basins that have the greatest disagreement between rock dissolution rates (high) and sediment generation rates inferred from cosmogenic nuclide concentrations (low). Our data show that accounting for the contribution of mineral dissolution at depth in calculations of total denudation is particularly important in the humid tropics, where dissolved load fluxes are high, and where mineral dissolution can occur many meters below the surface, beyond the penetration depth of most cosmic rays and thus the production of most cosmogenic nuclides. Relying on cosmogenic nuclide data or stream solute fluxes alone would both lead to underestimates of total landscape denudation in the central Cuba, emphasizing the importance of combining these approaches to fully capture mass loss in tropical landscapes.

Geosciences ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 362
Ángel Rodés

Cosmogenic nuclides are widely used to constrain the landscape history of glaciated areas. At nunataks in continental polar regions with extremely arid conditions, cosmogenic nuclides are often the only method available to date the ice thinning history of the glacier. However, the amount of cosmogenic isotopes accumulated at the surface of nunataks depends not only on the length of time that rock has been exposed since the last deglaciation but also on the full history of the surface, including muon production under ice, exposure during previous interglacials, subaerial weathering rate, glacial erosion rate, and uplift rate of the nunatak. The NUNAtak Ice Thinning model (NUNAIT) simulates the cosmonuclide accumulation on vertical profiles, fitting the aforementioned parameters to a set of multi-isotope apparent ages from samples taken at different elevations over the ice-sheet surface. The NUNAIT calculator is an easy-to-use tool that constrains parameters that describe the geological history of a nunatak from a set of surface exposure ages.

2021 ◽  
Tibor J. Dunai ◽  
Steven A. Binnie ◽  
Axel Gerdes

Abstract. Analysis of cosmogenic nuclides produced in surface rocks and sediments is a valuable tool for assessing rates of processes and the timing of events that shaped the Earth surface. The various nuclides that are used have specific advantages and limitations that depend on the time-range over which they are useful, the type of material they are produced in, and not least the feasibility of the analytical effort. Anticipating novel applications in Earth surface sciences, we develop in-situ produced terrestrial cosmogenic krypton (Krit) as a new tool; the motivation being the availability of six stable and one radioactive isotope (81Kr, half-life 229 kyr) and of an extremely weathering-resistant target mineral (zircon). We provide proof of principle that terrestrial Krit can be quantified and used to unravel Earth surface processes.

Ángel Rodés

Cosmogenic nuclides are widely used to constrain the landscape history of glaciated areas. At nunataks in continental polar regions with extremely arid conditions, cosmogenic nuclides are often the only method available to date the ice thinning history of the glacier. However, the amount of cosmogenic isotopes accumulated at the surface of nunataks depends not only on the length of time that rock has been exposed since the last deglaciation, but on the full history of the surface, including muon production under ice, exposure during previous interglacials, subaerial weathering rate, glacial erosion rate, and uplift rate of the nunatak. The NUNAtak Ice Thinning model (NUNAIT) simulates the cosmonuclide accumulation on vertical profiles, fitting the aforementioned parameters to a set of multi-isotope apparent ages from samples taken at different elevations over the ice-sheet surface. The NUNAIT calculator is an easy-to-use tool that constrains parameters that describe the geological history of a nunatak from a set of surface exposure ages.

2021 ◽  
Pierre-Henri BLARD

This review article summarizes the state of the art of cosmogenic 3He (3Hec), with a focus on the most efficient methods for measuring this cosmogenic noble gas in terrestrial samples. After briefly reviewing the scientific applications and production pathways of cosmogenic 3He, I summarize the most important theoretical and practical aspects of 3He analyses and describe the best strategies for correcting for non-cosmogenic 3He components in minerals. I also review our knowledge of 3Hec production rates and explore potential new applications for future studies.Our ability to accurately and precisely measure cosmogenic 3He is mainly constrained by the level of the non-cosmogenic 3He background (i.e., magmatic, radiogenic, nucleogenic, and atmospheric 3He), and thus by the geological characteristics of the samples. Constructing 3He vs. 4He isochrons by analyzing several aliquots from the same sample constitutes a useful and overlooked method that is advantageous because it obviates the often-complicated step of vacuum crushing. This method also allows the direct and joint determination of cosmogenic 3He and the magmatic 3He/4He ratio. I perform numerical modeling to explore the impact of the non-cosmogenic 3He components on the final uncertainties and detection limits of 3He dating. Reducing the magmatic component by selecting phenocrysts in the 100–500 m size fraction improves the precision of cosmogenic 3He analyses. Moreover, it is important to measure U, Th, and Li concentrations in the analyzed minerals and their host rocks to ensure proper corrections for radiogenic 4He and nucleogenic 3He, improving both the accuracy and precision of the method.After summarizing the most important aspects of 3He analytical techniques, including the best 3Hec extraction techniques and the key parameters of noble gas mass spectrometry that result in accurate and precise helium isotopic measurements, I also review 3Hec production rates and their spatial variability. The global database of absolute calibration sites yields a world-wide average 3Hec production rate in olivine and pyroxene of 124 ± 11 at g−1 yr−1 using the LSD scaling and the online CREp calculator ( Cross-calibrations against 10Be indicate that the ratio of the production rate of 3Hec in olivine/pyroxene to that of 10Be in quartz is 33 ± 2 and increases by less than 7% between sea level and 5,000 m elevation. This important observation demonstrates that 3He in olivine/pyroxene and 10Be in quartz can be considered as synchronized chronometers. However, 3Hec/10Be cross-calibrations based on 3Hec in accessory minerals (zircon, garnet, kyanite, apatite) yield unexpectedly high 3He/10Be production ratios of 40–60 above 3,000 m elevation. As the capture of cosmogenic thermal neutrons by 6Li is unlikely to explain this excess, I discuss other plausible mechanisms that should be explored, such as 3Hec inherited from previous exposure episodes, unrecognized specific reaction pathways, or the impact of snow cover. New cross-calibration data obtained by measuring 3Hec against other cosmogenic nuclides in different settings will advance our understanding of cosmogenic nuclide production rates and improve the accuracy and precision of applications relying on cosmogenic 3He. Other improvements could extend the applicability of the 3He geoscientific toolbox; for example, coupling 3He with radioactive cosmogenic nuclides (10Be, 36Cl, 53Mn) will allow paleoaltimetry or the determination of burial ages or paleo-depths in intermediate and mafic terrains.

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