public employment
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2022 ◽  
pp. 81-103
Joan Torrent-Sellens ◽  
Pilar Ficapal-Cusí ◽  
Myriam Ertz

Research on the gig economy has rarely addressed the study on the motivations for the provision of labour services on digital platforms. Through a sample of 3,619 gigers in Europe, obtained from the COLLEM research, results have been obtained for labour providers (only gigers) and for labour and capital use providers (gigers and renters). The valuation of labour, being an internal resource of the gigers, has a great set of economic foundations, working conditions, and labour relations. On the other hand, the valuation of labour and capital uses is more focused on their economic and labour relations fundamentals, notably reducing the role of working conditions. These motivations suggest different platform strategies and public employment policies for both groups. While the promotion of the general job quality would also encourage the gig-job quality, the promotion of the labour and capital uses valuation requires specific actions on the platform operations.

2021 ◽  
John Körtner ◽  
Giuliano Bonoli

With the growing availability of digital administrative data and the recent advances in machine learning, the use of predictive algorithms in the delivery of labour market policy is becoming more prevalent. In public employment services (PES), predictive algorithms are used to support the classification of jobseekers based on their risk of long-term unem- ployment (profiling), the selection of beneficial active labour market programs (targeting), and the matching of jobseekers to suitable job opportunities (matching). In this chapter, we offer a conceptual introduction to the applications of predictive algorithms for the different functions PES have to fulfil and review the history of their use up to the current state of the practice. In addition, we discuss two issues that are inherent to the use of predictive algorithms: algorithmic fairness concerns and the importance of considering how caseworkers will interact with algorithmic systems and make decisions based on their predictions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0044118X2110582
Mateusz Smoter

This paper contributes to our understanding of whether, and if so, how public employment services in Poland are attempting to reach young NEETs, and whether they fail or succeed in their efforts. The study shows that most NEETs below 25 years of age in Poland, including rural NEETs, remain beyond the reach of the PES registers. The coverage rate is particularly low amongst those individuals who are outside the labor force. Effective outreach strategies may prevent them from moving into long-term inactivity. The study shows that the PES offices do not cooperate closely with local institutions: moreover, they use methods for approaching the hardest-to-reach individuals and residents of remote areas infrequently. The article discusses the obstacles to the effective functioning of the PES, the factors that contribute to the PES’ successes and failures, and the consequences for young NEETs of remaining outside of institutional support systems.


Este estudio pretende aportar algunas ideas para contribuir a un debate más sereno sobre el abuso en el nombramiento de personal funcionario interino y su sanción a través de los llamados procesos de estabilización. El análisis resulta muy oportuno en este momento, pues se está tramitando un proyecto de ley en las Cortes que proviene del Real Decreto-ley 14/2021, de 6 de julio, de medidas urgentes para la reducción de la temporalidad en el empleo público. Algunos grupos parlamentarios han solicitado expresamente la conversión automática del personal funcionario interino afectado en personal funcionario de carrera o la creación de una nueva categoría de empleado público fijo ¿a extinguir¿. Otros han propuesto su directa estabilización mediante un concurso o mediante la realización de un concurso-oposición, sin que los ejercicios de la fase de oposición tengan carácter eliminatorio. En este análisis se parte de una visión centrada especialmente en lo público, que resalta la necesidad de que las soluciones que finalmente se adopten para proteger al funcionario interino ¿abusado¿ sean también respetuosas con la especial naturaleza pública del empleador, con los principios constitucionales rectores del acceso al empleo público y con las potestades organizatorias y de planificación de las Administraciones Públicas. Azterlan honek ideia batzuk eman nahi ditu, lasaiago eztabaidatu daitezen bitarteko funtzionarioen izendapenean izandako gehiegikeria eta hori saihesteko eta, hala badagokio, zehatzeko neurriak. Azterketa oso egokia da une honetan, enplegu publikoan behin-behinekotasuna murrizteko premiazko neurriei buruzko uztailaren 6ko 14/2021 Errege Lege Dekretutik datorren lege-proiektu bat izapidetzen ari baitira Gorteetan. Legebiltzarreko talde batzuek berariaz eskatu dute tartean dauden bitarteko funtzionarioak karrerako funtzionario bihurtzea automatikoki, edo «iraungi» beharreko enplegatu publiko finkoaren kategoria berri bat sortzea. Beste batzuek lehiaketa baten bidez edo oposizio-lehiaketa baten bidez zuzenean egonkortzea proposatu dute, oposizio-faseko ariketak baztertzaileak izan gabe.Azterketa horretan, bereziki arlo publikoan oinarritutako ikuspegi batetik abiatzen da, eta azpimarratzen du beharrezkoa dela bitartekoa babesteko azkenean hartzen diren konponbideek enplegatzailearen izaera publiko berezia, enplegu publikoa lortzeko printzipio konstituzionalak eta administrazio publikoen antolaketa- eta plangintza-ahalak errespetatzea. This study aims to offer a number of ideas contributing to a more measured debate as to abuse in the appointment of interim civil servants, and measures to avoid and, where applicable, to penalise this practice. This is now a particularly timely analysis, as the Spanish Parliament is currently considering a bill derived from Royal Decree-Law 14/2021, of 6 July 2021, on urgent measures to reduce the use of temporary contracts in public employment. A number of parliamentary groupings have explicitly called for the interim staff affected to be automatically given permanent civil service contracts, or otherwise for the creation of a new category of permanent public employee "to be extinguished". Others have proposed their direct stabilization by means of a competition (exceptional system in which merits like job experience are assessed) or by means of a competition-examination (competitive tests and merit assessment), with non-eliminatory tests in the examination phase.This analysis is based on a perspective focused in particular on the public sector, highlighting the need that any solutions that might ultimately be adopted to protect interim staff, likewise respect the specific public nature of the employer, with the constitutional principles which govern access to public employment, and the organisational and planning powers of public administration bodies.


El art. 2 del Real Decreto-ley 14/2021, de 6 de julio, de medidas urgentes para la reducción de la temporalidad en el empleo público, prevé nuevos procesos de estabilización de empleo temporal para atajar la excesiva temporalidad en las Administraciones Públicas y cumplir con las indicaciones de la Unión Europea a nuestro país en este sentido. En el presente artículo se estudia el régimen jurídico aplicable a estos procesos de estabilización de empleo temporal y muy en particular la compensación económica que se reconoce en favor del personal funcionario interino o el personal laboral temporal afectado por los procesos de estabilización de empleo temporal que, estando en activo como tal y habiendo participado en el proceso selectivo de estabilización, viera finalizada su relación con la Administración por la no superación del proceso selectivo, el carácter potestativo u obligatorio de los procesos de estabilización de empleo temporal, los sistemas selectivos, la valoración de los méritos, las pruebas y las notas de corte. Enplegu publikoan behin-behinekotasuna murrizteko premiazko neurriei buruzko uztailaren 6ko 14/2021 Errege Lege Dekretuak, 2. artikuluan, aldi baterako enplegua egonkortzeko prozesu berriak aurreikusten ditu, administrazio publikoetan dagoen gehiegizko behin-behinekotasunari aurre egiteko eta Europar Batasunak gure herrialdeari ildo horretan emandako jarraibideak betetzeko. Artikulu honetan, aldi baterako enplegua egonkortzeko prozesu horiei aplikatu beharreko araubide juridikoa aztertzen da, eta, bereziki, aldi baterako enplegua egonkortzeko prozesuetan sartuta dauden bitarteko funtzionarioen edo aldi baterako lan-kontratuko langileen alde aitortzen den konpentsazio ekonomikoa, baldin eta, halakotzat jardunean egonik eta egonkortzeko hautaketa-prozesuan parte hartu ondoren, Administrazioarekin zuen harremana amaituta ikusten badu hautaketa-prozesua ez gainditzeagatik, hautapen-probak aukerakoak edo nahitaezkoak izateagatik, aldi baterako enplegua egonkortzeko prozesuengatik, balorazio-notengatik eta balorazio-sistemengatik. Art. 2 of Royal Decree-Law 14/2021, of July 6, on urgent measures to reduce the use of temporary contracts in public employment, provides for new stabilization processes for temporary employment to tackle the excessive use of temporary contracts at public administration bodies and comply with the indications of the European Union in Spain in this regard. This article studies the legal regime applicable to these temporary employment stabilization processes, and in particular, the economic compensation provided for temporary civil servants or temporary employees affected by temporary employment stabilization processes who, while in active employment as such and having participated in the selective stabilization process, find their relationship with the administration terminated due to their failure to pass the selection process, the optional or mandatory nature of the temporary employment stabilization processes, the selective systems, the assessment of merits, tests and the cut-off grades.

2021 ◽  
pp. 472-491
Karin Gottschall ◽  
Markus Tepe

This chapter introduces the concept of public employment regimes to understand why reform trajectories aligning public to private employment take on different pathways and reflect differences in welfare regimes and political economy types referring to OECD countries. After mapping the state of the art on the relevance and development of public employment in Western welfare states, the chapter presents a comparative evaluation of the distinct features of public employment regimes. Specifically, we compare the costs and size of government employment (capturing the fiscal side of public employment regimes), the extent to which females and migrants are represented in the public workforce (referring to the societal integration function of the state as an employer), and public–private-sector wage differentials (referring to the role of the state as employer for the private sector). The chapter concludes by outlining future trends and the need for further research from a global perspective.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 133-144
Elma B. Bachita ◽  
Ma. Johanna Ann R. Bayoneta

The Public Employment Service Office is responsible for implementing labor market programs to promote full employment and equality of employment services. This study assessed the level of implementation of the services of the public employment service office of a component city in the areas of local employment in terms of labor market information, referral and placement, career and employment coaching, provision of livelihood and employment programs, and special employment in terms of reintegration assistance, employability enhancement, pre-employment counseling, and other services as assessed by local and overseas jobseekers and local business and overseas employment agencies.  It also investigated the challenges encountered by the respondents in availing these services. This descriptive-comparative study used a researcher-made survey instrument administered to randomly selected local and overseas job seekers and local and overseas business and employment agencies.  Using descriptive and inferential analyses, the study yielded a very high level of implementation which implies that the services by the PESO promoted job generation and addressed unemployment although, a significant difference was revealed in the implementation of labor market information and self-employment programs and services. The study recommended the enactment of local laws to enhance employment facilitation.

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