psychological violence
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2022 ◽  
Justice and Policy Journal of Social

Conceptually, violence that occurs in the whole world with a various form is an indication of power-abuse, gender inequality and domination. Dating-Violence is an act of violence that against a partner, whether physical, sexual or psychological, that are committed before marriage. Nowadays, it is a problem that is quite prominent in the world community.The objectives of this research to obtain a more specific pictures of a dating-violence behaviour.The method of this research used a descriptive-method using a qualitative approach. Descriptive research was conducted with the objectives of picturing or describing the object or phenomenon to be studied. The technique of this research was conducted using snowball sampling techniques.The samples in this research were Sekretaris Jenderal Pemerintahan Mahasiswa (PEMA). The student who experienced dating-violence at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of South Sumatera was the main sample of this research and another student, was her close-friend and families of students experiencing dating-violence. The data collection techniques using literature study, observation, and interviews. The data obtained and analysed by the researchers in order to found any new facts with a qualitative approach. The results of this research indicated that dating was no longer a matter of love and affection but rather someone tends to think that dating as a form of ownership not an exploratory process to get to know each other before stepping into a more serious step, namely marriage. Because of the opinion, it made a person committed violence to defend what was his/her own. The dating-violence were caused by several things, for examples: jealousy, infidelity, not obeying their couples’ orders. The were two kinds of violence experienced in dating: verbal violence which is a psychological violence and non-verbal violence which is physical violence.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Liliana Giraldo-Rodríguez ◽  
Dolores Mino-León ◽  
Sergio Olinsser Aragón-Grijalva ◽  
Marcela Agudelo-Botero

Abstract Background The victimization of women constitutes a human rights violation and a health risk factor. The central objectives of this study were to analyze the probability of revictimization among older adult Mexican women and to examine whether child abuse (CA) and/or intimate partner violence (IPV) are associated with a greater risk of elder abuse (EA) victimization. Methods We conducted a secondary data analysis of 18416 women 60 and older, based on data from the National Survey on the Dynamics of Household Relationships (2016), which is national and subnational representative. A descriptive analysis was carried out using retrospective self-reports of victimization experiences (CA, IPV, and EA). The prevalence of victimization and multiple victimizations in the various stages of the lives of women, as well as of revictimization among older adult women were obtained. Bayesian logistic regression models were used to examine the associations between victimization, multiple victimization, and EA victimization. Results A total of 17.3% of the older adult women reported EA in the last year; of these, 81.0% had been revictimized and 14.0% reported CA, IPV, and EA. The risk of EA rose among women who reported a combination of psychological and sexual CA, and psychological, physical and sexual CA and psychological and sexual IPV, and a psychological, economic, physical and sexual IPV. EA was higher among women who had suffered more than one type of violence. Conclusion CA and IPV, particularly sexual abuse and psychological violence, can be risk factors for EA. Screening tools used to prevent and detect EA should include questions about domestic violence over the course of a person’s lifetime.

Linta Wafdan Hidayah ◽  
Alisa Qotrunada

The movie 7 Hati 7 Cinta 7 Wanita directed by Robby Ertanto that presents a representation of seven women in the Indonesian context through certain signs, concepts, thoughts, and language. This representation can be in the form of a depiction of physical or psychological violence, subordination, workload, power, or women's reproductive rights. The research method used Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis model and constructivist paradigm approach. Barthes' theory represents two ideological signs that he put forward, namely the denotative sign system or the connotative sign system: A denotative sign, which is a more rigorous descriptive system than the connotative sign it has described, is the result of the existing signifier image and the signified concept. for example vegetables and milk are markers and healthy and strong are markers. Whereas A connotative sign is a sign that experiences a shift in its historical meaning due to a change in meaning. It can be influenced by a change in culture or terminology, an event that occurs in a situation, or even just an evolution.The results of this study indicate that in the movie7 Hati 7 Cinta 7 Wanita contains at least three points of findings: (1) aspects of female domestication and gender politics, which encourage women to be placed in traditional positions as housewives, (2) aspects of segregation, namely placing women in a weak position in relation to men, (3) many women experience the reality that places them in subordinate positions.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Katerina Standish

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to establish a conceptual connection between gender-based violence (GBV) and genocide. Victims of gendercide, such as femicide and transicide, should be eligible for protections assigned to victims of genocide, including the Responsibility to Protect (R2P). Design/methodology/approach This study examines genocide, gendercide, femicide, transicide and the R2P doctrine to formulate a platform of engagement from which to argue the alignment and congruence of genocide with gendercide. Using a content analysis of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees definition of GBV, and Article II of the Genocide Convention (GC) five “directive” facets are examined, namely, identity, physical violence, psychological violence, oppressive violence and repressive violence. Findings Expressions of physical violence, psychological violence, oppressive violence and repressive violence reflected similarity, whereas the GCs omit sex and gender as facets of identity group inclusion. The only variation is the encapsulation of identity factors included in the acts of harm. Practical implications The elevation of gendercide to the status of genocide would permit us the leverage to make it not only illegal to permit gendercide – internationally or in-country – but make it illegal not to intervene, too. Social implications Deliberate harm based on sex and gender are crimes against people because of their real or perceived group membership, and as such, should be included in genocide theory and prevention. Originality/value This study explores a new conceptual basis for addressing gendercidal violence nationally to include sex and gender victim groups typically excluded from formal parameters of inclusion and address due to limitations in Article II. The analysis of genocide alongside GBV may inform scholars and activists in the aim to end gendered violence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Osian Orjumi Moru

This article aims to systematically and contextually explain the events of human trafficking that occurred in the Genesis 37: 12-23 story. This article was written using a qualitative method with a hermeneutic approach and literature study. Through these methods and practices, the writing of this article presents a series of written information data about the causes, forms and effects of the trafficking incident that occurred in the story of the character Yusuf in Genesis 37: 12-23. Theoretically, the human trafficking incident that happened in the character of Yusuf in Genesis 37: 12-23 is a form of crime against humanity in the form of slavery which involves the exploitation of economic and social factors. As a result, as the main character in this incident, Yusuf experienced various acts of physical and mental violence as a logical consequence of the trafficking incident he shared. These acts of physical and psychological violence have a broad impact on the journey of life and the growth of Yusuf's human dimension. The record of the sale of the figure of Yusuf in the Elohis traditional text ended with the recovery of the victim's trauma through a restitution approach and spiritual maturity. Both methods are essential contributions to the contextualization of Yusuf's story for the problem of human trafficking today.ABSTRAKArtikel ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk menjelaskan secara sistematis dan kontekstual tentang peristiwa perdagangan manusia yang terjadi dalam kisah Kejadian 37: 12-23. Artikel ini ditulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan hermeneutik dan studi kepustakaan. Melalui metode dan pendekatan tersebut, penulisan artikel ini menyajikan serangkaian data informasi tertulis tentang sebab, bentuk dan akibat dari peristiwa perdagangan manusia yang terjadi pada kisah tokoh Yusuf dalam Kejadian 37: 12-23. Secara teoritis, peristiwa perdagangan manusia yang menimpa tokoh Yusuf dalam Kejadian 37:12 -23 merupakan bentuk kejahatan kemanusiaan berupa perbudakan yang melibatkan eksploitasi faktor ekonomi dan faktor sosial. Akibatnya, Yusuf sebagai tokoh utama dalam kejadian ini mengalami berbagai tindakan kekerasan fisik dan mental sebagai konsekuensi logis dari peristiwa perdagangan manusia yang dialaminya. Tindakan kekerasan fisik dan mental tersebut memiliki daya dampak luas bagi perjalanan hidup dan pertumbuhan sisi kemanusiaan Yusuf. Catatan kisah perdagangan tokoh Yusuf dalam teks tradisi Elohis, diakhiri dengan adanya pemulihan trauma korban yang dilakukan melalui pendekatan restitusi dan pematangan spiritual. Kedua Pendekatan tersebut menjadi sumbangan penting terhadap pemaknaan kontekstualisasi kisah Yusuf bagi persoalan perdagangan manusia pada masa kini.

Francisco José Cortés Vieco

Teena Maguire and her child, Bethie, are brutally attacked and beaten by a mob of violent young men in a park at night. While the mother is gang raped and nearly killed, the daughter is both the witness and the victim of physical and psychological violence. Through its innovative second-person narration, Joyce Carol Oates’s novella Rape: A Love Story (2004) contributes to her sustained interest in family relationships, violence, crime and justice. However, rather than focusing on the victim of the rape, Oates writes a coming-of-age story that explores the daughter’s trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder and fight for survival, a struggle that coincides with the girl’s critical passage from childhood to adulthood. During the months after the assault, Bethie’s innocence is also repeatedly violated by the aggressors’ intrusion into her life and the hostility of the community in the town of Niagara Falls and its social institutions, such as police, school, media, healthcare and the judicial system. Unable to cling to girlhood or to find maternal protection, her forced witnessing of her mother’s gang rape compels Bethie to mature too early while experiencing her first love for a man.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 335-353
Miguel Rigoberto Sanchez Garcia

This article argues that present day expansion of capital in Chile is based on the horrendous human rights violations that took place particularly after the 9/11/73 coup d’état. The coup in Chile demonstrates the owners of capital (national or international) have not and will not hesitate to use extreme violence to impose a model of development designed to meet capital needs: maximum profits. In the same manner that capital is indifferent to the consequences of the physical and psychological trauma it brings to humans, it is also indifferent to the environmental destruction it leaves in its path. This article illustrates how the system established by the dictatorship facilitates the exploitation of the labour force and the pillage of Chile's natural resources by national and multinational corporations, today. This also explains the increasing concentration of economic power and wealth in areas such as banking, insurance and the forest industry to name a few. In the case of the forest industry, the state subsidies to this sector, and the resistance of the Mapuche people, are noted. Most of the forest land is in Mapuche territory. The roots of the Mapuche struggle are the same to that of many indigenous peoples around the world: the defense of their territory and culture. As well, other social sectors in Chile are increasingly resisting capital attacks on their physical and social well being. For example, like the Mapuche, students, artisan fishermen are increasingly resisting capital. They are facing the same response from the current government.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Élise Marsollier ◽  
Denis Hauw ◽  
Fabienne Crettaz von Roten

Facing the important methodological limitations of the instruments used for assessing the prevalence of interpersonal violence faced by young athletes, the aim of the present study was to propose and describe the use of a research instrument adapted to young and French-speaking athletes. In addition, by collecting preliminary data with a Swiss sample, we aimed to measure the different forms of interpersonal violence young athletes have experienced at least once during their sport practice. Our questionnaire was based on three existing questionnaires and adapted for a young audience. Regarding prevalence, results showed that among the 210 respondents, 75% declared psychological violence, 53% physical violence, 28% sexual violence and 21% reported no violence. The other results showed that this instrument appears to be well-structured to measure interpersonal violence and understandable for young athletes. Based on the strengths and limits of our instrument, the methodological need of standardization of research instruments is discussed in line with a need of more studies to fully understand the phenomenon.

2021 ◽  
pp. 107-129

RESUMO   O presente artigo é um recorte da pesquisa de mestrado acadêmico do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Relações Étnicas e Contemporaneidade (PPGREC/UESB), em andamento, sobre a “Atuação da rede de proteção e combate à violência intrafamiliar contra mulheres negras e não-brancas: um estudo descritivo em Vitória da Conquista – BA”. Neste recorte apresentamos uma discussão teórica sobre a evolução das leis no que se refere ao combate à violência familiar contra a mulher, especialmente a mulher negra e a influência patriarcal no modelo de sociedade brasileira, desenhada pela desigualdade, racismo, machismo, autoritarismo, misoginia e discriminação racial, que reforça a prática da violência familiar contra mulheres. Além disso, trata brevemente do percurso das leis direcionadas ao combate à violência contra a mulher e da atualização jurídica que tipificou a violência psicológica sofrida por mulheres como crime previsto no art. 147-B, do Código Penal. Para tanto, recorremos a autores como Saffioti (2011, 2001) que apresenta estudos de violência de gênero, patriarcado e violência contra mulher, Bourdieu (2002; 2001) que apresenta violência simbólica e dominação masculina e o racismo estrutural com Almeida (2019). É possível, portanto, considerar que essa morosidade jurídica é decorrente de um sistema patriarcal pulsante que coloca o direito à vida da mulher em segundo plano. Afinal, o tratamento igualitário quebraria o ciclo de dominação masculina existente, mesmo a Constituição Federal de 1988 garantindo a igualdade entre homem e mulher, sem qualquer distinção.   Palavras-Chave: Sociedade patriarcal. Mulheres negras e não-brancas. Violência contra a mulher. Racismo.   Abstract   This article is the result of an in-depth study of society and especially the evolution of laws regarding the fight against family violence against women, especially black women. This is an excerpt from the academic master's research of the Graduate Program in Ethnic Relations and Contemporary (PPGREC/UESB) in progress, on the “Action of the network to protect and combat intra-family violence against black and non-white women: a descriptive study in Vitória da Conquista – BA”. The study presents a theoretical discussion permeating the patriarchal influence in the model of Brazilian society, designed by inequality and racial discrimination that reinforces the practice of family violence against women. It is up to the study to take a tour of the laws aimed at combating violence against women, in addition to addressing the legal update that typified psychological violence suffered by women as a crime provided for in art. 147-B, of the Criminal Code. Therefore, it was necessary to resort to authors such as Saffioti (2011, 2001) who presents studies on gender violence, patriarchy and violence against women, Bourdieu (2002; 2001) who presents symbolic violence and male domination, and structural racism with Silvio de Almeida (2019). It is possible, therefore, to consider that this legal delay is the result of a pulsating patriarchal system that places the woman's right to life in the background. After all, equal treatment would break the existing cycle of male domination, even the Federal Constitution of 1988 guaranteeing equality between men and women, without any distinction. Keywords: Patriarchal society. Black women. Violence. Racism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1425-1436
Dyah Pratiwi ◽  
Dyah Putri Aryati

AbstractThe increasing elderly population in Indonesia continues to grow. The elderly are individuals who experience physiological, psychological, and social changes. Therefore, the elderly is vulnerable to violence. Elder abuse persists in various areas in Indonesia. However, cases of elder abuse are often hidden because they are considered unimportant and the victims do not know where to report it. The purpose of this study was to describe the incidence of acts of violence in the elderly. The methodused in this study was a literature review by searching for articles in the PubMed and Google scolar database with the keyword: Elderly or Aged or Geriatric or Elder and Abuse or Violence with article limits from 2011-2020. There were five articles found. They had been critically reviewed using Strobe instruments. The results based on the five articles analysed showed some characteristics. Most of the respondents were 60-69 years old (50%), female (60%), education literate or primary (63%), married (67%), lived with other (59%), the elderly do not experience violence2.286, elderly experience violence 807, the type of violence that wa soften experienced by the elderly namely psychological violence is found to be (40%). Based on the five articles analysed, it can be concluded that the most violence experienced by the elderly is psychological violence. Therefore, the role of nurses is needed to provide services for families to prevent acts of violence in the elderly.Keywords: Elderly; persecution, violence AbstrakPeningkatan penduduk lansia di Indonesia terus bertambah. Lansia merupakan salah satu individu yang mengalami perubahan secara fisiologis, psikologis dan sosial sehingga lansia rentan mengalami tindakan kekerasan. Kekerasan terhadap lansia masih terjadi diberbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Namun, kasus kekerasan lansia kerap disembunyikan karena dianggap tidak penting dan korban tidak mengetahui lembaga yang dapat menerima laporan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran kejadian tindakan kekerasan pada lansia. Metode yang digunakan penelitian ini menggunakan literature review dengan mencari artikel pada database Pubmed dan Googlescholar dengan kata kunci :Elderly OR Aged OR Geriatric OR Elder AND Abuse ORViolencedengan batasan artikel dari 2011-2020 didapatkan 5 artikel yang telah dilakukan telaah kritis dengan menggunakan instrument Strobe. Hasil berdasarkan lima artikel yang dianalisa menunjukkan bahwa data karakteristik usia responden mayoritas 60-69 tahun yaitu (50%), berjenis kelamin perempuan sebanyak (60%), pendidikan literate or primarysebanyak (63%), berstatus menikah yaitu (67%), lived with other sebanyak (59%), lansia yang tidak mengalami kekerasan sebanyak 2.286, lansia yang mengalami kekerasan sebanyak 807 dan jenis kekerasan yang sering dialami lansia yaitu kekerasan psikologis didapatkan (40%). Berdasarkan dari kelima artikel yang dianalisa dapat disimpulkan bahwa kekerasan yang paling banyak dialami lansia yaitu kekerasan psikologis. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan peran perawat untuk memberikan pelayanan bagi keluarga untuk mencegah terjadinya tindakan kekerasan pada lansia.Kata kunci: Kekerasan; penganiayaan; usia lanjut

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