rehabilitation centre
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2022 ◽  
Vol 131 ◽  
pp. 03004
Vida Gudzinskiene ◽  
Andrejus Pozdniakovas ◽  
Jautre Ramute Sinkuniene

At the theoretical and empirical levels, the article reveals individual factors that cause professional burnout syndrome in social workers, employed in community rehabilitation centre for addictive diseases. Addiction is considered a disease that has aspects of biological, psychological, social, and spiritual nature. Professional burnout syndrome can be understood from different points of view that in total comprise a general concept and consist of the following aspects: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and decrease in self-realization. Research object is individual factors that cause professional burnout syndrome in social workers, employed in community rehabilitation centres for addictive diseases. The aim of the article is to reveal individual factors that cause professional burnout syndrome in social workers, employed in community rehabilitation centre for addictive diseases. Tasks: 1) to provide theoretical assumptions about individual factors that cause professional burnout syndrome; 2) based on experiences of social workers to reveal individual factors that cause professional burnout syndrome in social workers, employed in community rehabilitation centre for addictive diseases. Research methods are academic literature analysis, document analysis, and qualitative research. In the study, semi-structured interviews, quality (content) analysis, summarizing method were used.Empirical research revealed that individual factors that cause the development of professional burnout syndrome in social workers, employed in community rehabilitation centres for addictive diseases, are related to: employees’ feelings of inferiority and imposition of excessive requirements on themselves (timidity, self-devaluation; feeling of guilt; lack of self-evaluation skills and imposition of excessive requirements on oneself); personal qualities (too much empathy, attachment to clients or doubts about the meaning of work); individual factors related to the environment (having nobody to talk to about problems, inability to change the environment, prolonged stress, narrowing of interests outside work, and forced abandonment of activities that previously preventively helped to combat professional burnout syndrome). Individual factors related to clients (collapse of hopes to help the client and excessive responsibility of the social worker for the client’s life). Participants of the research became “inaccessible” to family members, were unable to distance themselves from work stress (worries outside work, obsessive thoughts that hinder dissociation from work, inability to relax, use of free time for work activities); felt a lack of general and professional competencies.

Kuntoutus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 4-16
Heli Siltala ◽  
Anne Mäkikangas ◽  
Marja Hätinen ◽  
Ulla Kinnunen ◽  
Mika Pekkonen

Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää työuupumuksesta toipumisen kehityspolkuja ja näihin yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä 1,5 vuoden seurannan aikana. Erityisenä kiinnostuksen kohteena oli toimijuus ja sen rakentumisen yhteys työuupumuksesta toipumiseen. Tutkimusaineisto koostui Kuntoutus Peurungan Virveli-kuntoutuskursseille osallistuneista ja kuntoutuksesta lähtökohtaisesti hyötyneistä henkilöistä (n = 9). Kyseessä on tapaustutkimus, jossa näiden henkilöiden toipumisprosessia tutkittiin monipuolisesti sekä haastattelun että kyselyiden avulla. Tulokset osoittivat, että monet työympäristöön liittyvät tekijät olivat yhteydessä toipumisprosessiin, mutta ne eivät yksinään selittäneet sitä, oliko henkilöiden työuupumus uusiutunut vai ei. Aineistosta löydettiin kolme erilaista kehityspolkua, jotka olivat ”työuupumuksesta toipuneet”, ”uudestaan uupuneet” ja ”kovia kokeneet, mutta positiiviseen keskittyvät”. Kuntoutujien toipumispolkuun näyttäisi tämän tutkimuksen perusteella olevan yhteydessä heidän kokemansa henkilökohtainen toimijuus, joka ilmeni erityisesti uskona omaan pärjäämiseen kuntoutusjakson lopussa. Näihin tekijöihin olisikin hyvä kiinnittää huomiota sekä jatkotutkimuksissa että työuupumusinterventioiden kehitystyössä, jotta kuntoutuksen vaikuttavuutta voitaisiin tehostaa. Abstract The individual recovery paths from job burnout: a mixed methods case study on the long-term impact of a rehabilitation intervention The purpose of this study was to examine the developmental paths of burnout recovery and factors associated with it during a 1.5-year follow-up period. A special interest of the study was in agency and whether it is connected to burnout recovery. The study sample (n = 9) included people, who had benefitted from a rehabilitation period arranged earlier in Peurunka Rehabilitation Centre. This research was a case study, which was basedon data collected by interviews and questionnaires in analyzing the recovery process of the participants. Analysis showed that many job-related factors were connected to the recovery process, but none of them was able to explain alone whether participants’ burnout had relapsed or not. Three different recovery paths were found among the sample: ”recovered participants”, ”relapsed participants” and ”participants with difficult experiences but positive mindset”. The results indicate that the personal agency of the people participating in rehabilitation is connected to their recovery paths. Agency was manifested, for example, in participants’ self-efficacy estimates at the end of the rehabilitation period. These factors should be paid more attention in future studies as well as in developing burnout interventions in order to improve the effectiveness of burnout rehabilitation. Keywords: burnout, rehabilitation, agency, follow-up study, mixed methods

Healthcare ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 1716
Nikolai Shcherbakov ◽  
Nataliya Varako ◽  
Maria Kovyazina ◽  
Yulia Zueva ◽  
Maria Baulina ◽  

Executive function disorder rehabilitation in neurological patients is associated with many difficulties. We investigated the effectiveness of group training, proposed by B. Wilson et al., which has the model of frontal lobes functioning by D. T. Stuss as the theoretical background. The study participants were 16 patients with executive function disorder caused by TBI, strokes, and infections. The training was shortened from 9 weeks to 3 and adopted to the conditions of the rehabilitation centre where the study was held. The evaluation of training effectiveness was carried out by the methods of neuropsychological diagnostics proposed by A. R. Luria as well as standardized quantitative tests (CWIT test, Raven test, FAB) and questionnaires (EBIQ) aimed at assessing the state of executive functions and general well-being. In result positive trends, but not reaching the level of significance, were revealed in the performance of all evaluating methods, with the exception of “arithmetic problems” and “inhibitory control” as part of the FAB test. Statistically significant result was obtained concerning such tests as “counting”, “analysis of story pictures”, and index of total uncorrected errors in the CWIT test. Thus, the results of eventual assessment showed positive dynamic of executive functions state.

2021 ◽  
Retts van Dam

<p>Abstract  This project explores how the family-whānau centred music therapy approach was demonstrated, by a student music therapist on clinical placement, within a rehabilitation centre for adults with traumatic brain injuries. Parallel links between the Samoan fale tele metaphor of health and family-whānau centred approaches within music therapy perspectives - were enabled in this mahi, due to the work of Carolyn Kenny. Having developed an INDIGENOUS theory in music therapy, Carolyn Kenny emphasises the role of connectedness of each aspect and idea of sacred “space” and “place” within the music therapy session, (Kenny, (1989, 2006), Music and Life - In The Field of Play).  My own personal identity as a respectful PASIFIKA woman, and child migrant who learnt Te Reo Māori, history of Tāngata Whenua, Māoritanga, and kapa hāka on Whaiora Marāe, Otara South Auckland, 1970s - enabled the incorporation of the framework of the fale tele metaphor to represent the “personhood of the Client” and their relationships with aiga/family-whānau, medical teams/staff, community workers, as well as myself - in order to illustrate my findings. These showed that clients invariably somehow communicated and expressed a yearning for their home, had strong emotions of displacement away from home; seemed highly motivated to participate and “join in” musicking sessions due to the presence of their kin; or because they had a clear personal goal during sessions to reach a recovery stage that would facilitate their return as soon as possible to a spouse, parent, siblings, children, or to the space and place that represented “home.”  Data was collected from clinical notes, assessment reviews, client reports, reflective journal. Deductive secondary analysis was used for coding from which five key themes emerged as being important in the FWCMT, and are further described in the music therapy methods, strategies and activities in a clinical vignette.  Of the eight clients, the 167 music therapy sessions which I facilitated, only 43 sessions included the physical presence of family-whānau.  Findings are listed as:  (1) The spiritual, psychotherapeutic, physiological health and well-being of the client;  (2) The internal space – of the participant;  (3) Maintaining the dignity of all – participants, family-whānau;  (4) Boundaries: The collaborative external space – visiting family-whānau, the interdisciplinary teams and staff carers who became the ‘institutional family-whānau,’ or extended whānau of the client;  (5) The rhythmic foundation of the client – innate musical self, external structures, influences and rhythm found in whenua and cosmos which supports the rhythmical structures of the musical, cultural self.</p>

2021 ◽  
Retts van Dam

<p>Abstract  This project explores how the family-whānau centred music therapy approach was demonstrated, by a student music therapist on clinical placement, within a rehabilitation centre for adults with traumatic brain injuries. Parallel links between the Samoan fale tele metaphor of health and family-whānau centred approaches within music therapy perspectives - were enabled in this mahi, due to the work of Carolyn Kenny. Having developed an INDIGENOUS theory in music therapy, Carolyn Kenny emphasises the role of connectedness of each aspect and idea of sacred “space” and “place” within the music therapy session, (Kenny, (1989, 2006), Music and Life - In The Field of Play).  My own personal identity as a respectful PASIFIKA woman, and child migrant who learnt Te Reo Māori, history of Tāngata Whenua, Māoritanga, and kapa hāka on Whaiora Marāe, Otara South Auckland, 1970s - enabled the incorporation of the framework of the fale tele metaphor to represent the “personhood of the Client” and their relationships with aiga/family-whānau, medical teams/staff, community workers, as well as myself - in order to illustrate my findings. These showed that clients invariably somehow communicated and expressed a yearning for their home, had strong emotions of displacement away from home; seemed highly motivated to participate and “join in” musicking sessions due to the presence of their kin; or because they had a clear personal goal during sessions to reach a recovery stage that would facilitate their return as soon as possible to a spouse, parent, siblings, children, or to the space and place that represented “home.”  Data was collected from clinical notes, assessment reviews, client reports, reflective journal. Deductive secondary analysis was used for coding from which five key themes emerged as being important in the FWCMT, and are further described in the music therapy methods, strategies and activities in a clinical vignette.  Of the eight clients, the 167 music therapy sessions which I facilitated, only 43 sessions included the physical presence of family-whānau.  Findings are listed as:  (1) The spiritual, psychotherapeutic, physiological health and well-being of the client;  (2) The internal space – of the participant;  (3) Maintaining the dignity of all – participants, family-whānau;  (4) Boundaries: The collaborative external space – visiting family-whānau, the interdisciplinary teams and staff carers who became the ‘institutional family-whānau,’ or extended whānau of the client;  (5) The rhythmic foundation of the client – innate musical self, external structures, influences and rhythm found in whenua and cosmos which supports the rhythmical structures of the musical, cultural self.</p>

2021 ◽  
Samuel Journeaux

<p>This thesis seeks to investigate the role of architecture in distilling of ephemerality within a fixed geometry; using the variables of light, texture, context and atmospheric conditions as experimental catalysts. Consequently, this research explores the notion that a rigid architecture can play a central role in the creation of temporal atmosphere. It investigates this proposition by developing a method to represent ephemerality through architectural form and medium with an iterative design process as the overarching methodology.  The design research begins with establishing the literary and physical context of projective geometries, abstraction of ‘place’ and atmospheric manipulation. This follows onto a three-part design-led exploration, with each test increasing in scale and architectural complexity. These include a site less installation, a gallery and a rehabilitation centre site on the rugged South Brighton coastline. This series explores the relationship between the temporary and the constant, with lessons learnt from each previous experiment translated into the later. These develop a range of architectural techniques for distilling ephemerality within fixed geometries with social response and programmatic factors being supplementary factors.The research recognises the already well established study into the ephemerality of spatial conditions within the architectural discourse and seeks to build on this through abstraction of place and site specific design responses.</p>

2021 ◽  
Samuel Journeaux

<p>This thesis seeks to investigate the role of architecture in distilling of ephemerality within a fixed geometry; using the variables of light, texture, context and atmospheric conditions as experimental catalysts. Consequently, this research explores the notion that a rigid architecture can play a central role in the creation of temporal atmosphere. It investigates this proposition by developing a method to represent ephemerality through architectural form and medium with an iterative design process as the overarching methodology.  The design research begins with establishing the literary and physical context of projective geometries, abstraction of ‘place’ and atmospheric manipulation. This follows onto a three-part design-led exploration, with each test increasing in scale and architectural complexity. These include a site less installation, a gallery and a rehabilitation centre site on the rugged South Brighton coastline. This series explores the relationship between the temporary and the constant, with lessons learnt from each previous experiment translated into the later. These develop a range of architectural techniques for distilling ephemerality within fixed geometries with social response and programmatic factors being supplementary factors.The research recognises the already well established study into the ephemerality of spatial conditions within the architectural discourse and seeks to build on this through abstraction of place and site specific design responses.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (43) ◽  
pp. 67-78
Khagendra Baraily

This study aimed to explore the barrier of school transition for the children with disability from the parent's prospective. This study adopted qualitative method along with hermeneutics phenomenology. On the behalf of philosophical orientation, multiple realities were ontological basis and lived experiences of participants were epistemological assumption. The construct of critical disability theory was applied in this study.  Purposefully 5 parents were selected from Kathmandu Valley. Data sources included field's notes, indepth interviews and artifacts.  Interviewed data were transcribed and categorized to develop theme. Result revealed that several challenges such as awareness, attitude, accessibility, misconception, infrastructure, lack of policy implementation and ill motivation about disability are the major barrier towards transition. The perception of parents toward special school and rehabilitation centre are inadequately supporting to smooth transition. This study might be valuable support for policy maker in ensuring the no child left behind for the welfare state.

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