linguistic methods
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Acta Acustica ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 2
Paul Cambourian ◽  
Arthur Paté ◽  
Caroline Cance ◽  
Benoît Navarret ◽  
Jérôme Vasseur

This work presents a multidisciplinary approach to vibrotactile perception, applying linguistic methods to musical acoustics. We are interested more particularly in the sense of touch as a part of the multisensory experience of playing a musical instrument. Six words and their inflections are chosen from the literature in musical acoustics dealing with vibrotactile perception: “comfort”, “dynamics”, “response”, “feeling”, “touch” and “vibration”. Their use by musicians in playing situation is analyzed. The data used in this article comes from transcripts of two previous studies, conducted in French with professional guitarists natively speaking French. The linguistic analysis of the corpus is based on different features which help to categorize the utterances according to each observed parameter, namely the relationship with the sense of touch, the object that is qualified by the words under study and the implication in discourse of the interviewee. The results permit to understand the use of the six categories of words in relationship with the sense of touch, and provide perspectives to use some of these words to focus the discourse on the sense of touch in future studies.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-83
Wei Xiao ◽  
Jin Liu ◽  
Li Li

Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in research article (RA thereafter) introductions. Most previous studies focused on the macro structures, rhetorical functions and linguistic realizations of RA introductions, but few intended to investigate the information content distribution from the perspective of information theory. The current study conducted an entropy-based study on the distributional patterns of information content in RA introductions and their variations across disciplines (humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences). Three indices, that is, one-, two-, and three-gram entropies, were used to analyze 120 RA introductions (40 introductions from each disciplinary area). The results reveal that, first, in RA introductions, the information content is unevenly distributed, with the information content of Move 1 being the highest, followed in sequence by Move 3 and Move 2; second, the three entropy indices may reflect different linguistic features of RA introductions; and, third, disciplinary variations of information content were found. In Move 1, the RA introductions of natural sciences are more informative than those of the other two disciplines, and in Move 3 the RA introductions of social sciences are more informative as well. This study has implications for genre-based instruction in the pedagogy of academic writing, as well as the broadening of the applications of quantitative corpus linguistic methods into less touched fields.

2021 ◽  
Ibrokhim Omonovich Darveshov

Abstract Today, in carrying out the reforms for the development of our society, there are created full opportunities and conditions for the fulfillment of the tasks set before the Uzbek linguistics, purposeful research work is carried out on the issue of comprehensive study of our language. At the same time, the study of the features of Uzbek dialects, relying on the theoretical bases of areal linguistic research, is defined as one of the priority directions in the historical-comparative and ethnolinguistic aspects.This sphere consists of imperfect, simple descriptive and illustrative aspects, indefinite places need to learn and fill on the basis of new views, from a mental point of view. The article gives an idea of the peculiarities of the Namangan Kipchak and Karluk dialects, the historical genesis of the system of vowels, the issues areal of their prevalence and application. The phonetic-phonological linguistic character of the dialect is a comparative-historical reflection of the processes of events of features and laws. In its turn, there are described opinions about the events of umlaut in the Turkic dialects of synharmonism and Karluk dialects in Kipchak dialects related to the vowels in the Turkic languages. Key policy insights.The study through areal-typological and areal-linguistic methods, which gave Mahmud Kashgariy in Turkic languages, the initial point of any linguistic theory and conceptions, the study of dialects, their specific features, is still one of the important issues today. The emergence of areal linguistics has opened up a wide way to evaluate new issues and concepts in the field of dialectology, to solve them in new ways. Relying on the theoretical basis of dialect and slang areas in the holistic study of the language system, the fact that historical-comparative and ethnologic research is defined as one of the priority areas imposes new responsibilities on Uzbek linguistics and Uzbek linguists.

2021 ◽  
pp. 25-50

Introduction. The article discusses the features of proper names in advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals. Attention is paid to the description of structural and semantic features of anthroponyms. We investigate proper names as the part of the structure of advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals. The purpose of the article is the analysis of anthroponyms in advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals. The object of the study is proper names in advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals. The subject of the study is anthroponyms in advertising texts in the beginning of the 20th century. Materials and methods. The purpose determines the choice of methods in our study: general scientific methods of systematization, analysis and synthesis, quantitative analysis were used. The descriptive method of advertising texts is used in the work. Among the special linguistic methods, structural one was used, which helped in determining the features of the structure of anthroponyms. Anthroponyms for our research have been taken from the newspaper “Public Veterinary Bulletin” for the period of 1904-1906 years. Results. As a result of the study, structural and semantic features of anthroponyms were established. Сonclusions. Anthroponyms learned in advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals in the beginning of the 20th century had been used almost in all analyzed texts. The practical value of the work lies in the fact that the analysis of anthroponyms in advertising texts opens up prospects for further researches, which may be connected with the identification of the specific characteristics of proper names in the advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals in different languages. Summing up, a thorough analysis of the advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals helped to establish the structure and functioning peculiarities of anthroponyms.

Artyom A. Khabarov

The article is devoted to the scientific understanding of the linguistic and cultural factors of shaping external ideology of governance in Ukraine during the preparation and conduct of a series of low-intensity conflicts (“color revolutions”) in 2004-2014. Using linguistic methods of semantic, structural, contextual, discourse and communicative analysis, the author studies verbal forms of linguistic cognitive manipulation with the public opinion of the Ukrainian society focusing on the techniques of polyphonic attack, conceptual modeling and reframing. Communicative strategies and methods of indoctrination of the population are viewed in the environment of the information and psychological war launched by the US-led collective West in the digital space of mass media and the worldwide web with the aim of alienating Ukraine from the geopolitical space of Russia and turning it into an antipode state of the Russian Federation. The author focuses on verbal forms and means of indoctrination identified in communicative strategies of disinformation, data blocking, falsifying truth, fake messages, tabooing of signs, distortion of the true semantic meaning and substitution of concepts that are used by subjects of information and psychological influence in the synergetic coupling of media resources of the media of Ukraine and the collective West. The author concludes that some processes are underway in the interdiscursive environment of the “post-Maidan” Ukraine that structure a new dominant information need of the society around the image of Russia as an enemy and aggressor. Russian linguistic and cultural pattern holders demonstrate speech behavior in Ukraine that has been formed under the external ideology of governance and illustrates the destructive changes in the values of Russian self-identity, which is a consequence of linguistic cognitive manipulation of the public opinion under the imposed information model of total Russophobia.

Natalya G. Lavrentyeva ◽  
Eugeniya V. Orlova

The paper reports on the findings of the study of prosody in teaching spontaneous speech production. Insufficient development of a scientifically based methodology for building oral language skills, taking into account its prosodic characteristics, determines the relevance of the study. The main goal of the research is to correct the methodology of teaching spontaneous learner talk, based on the results of experimental phonetic research. The research methodology is based on an integrated approach using linguistic methods of experimental phonetic research, as well as methods of psychological and pedagogic research. The results of phonetic experiment of 97 monolingual utterances of undergraduate students, non-English majors (total running 190 minutes) show a summary of commonly occurring problems that lead to non-native intonation. These problems are mostly related to improper segmentation, wrong distribution of the utterance stress, incorrect rhythmic organisation of speech, break of intonation continuum, inappropriate intonation patterns and melodic contour. The proposed prosodic focus on teaching spontaneous monologue speech includes the following stages: sensitisation, imitation, reading with prosody and practice activities. Methodological recommendations contain specific proposals for teaching sentence stress, syntagmatic division, pausing, intonation and rhythmics of spontaneous speech.

Virittäjä ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 125 (4) ◽  
Terhi Ainiala ◽  
Paula Sjöblom

Artikkelissa tarkastellaan Virittäjässä vuosina 1897–2019 julkaistuja erisnimiä käsitteleviä kirjoituksia ennen kaikkea metodisesta näkökulmasta. Virittäjässä on tarkastelu­ajanjaksona ilmestynyt liki 500 nimistöaiheista kirjoitusta, joista liki puolet, 232, on artikkeleita, katsauksia ja väitöslektioita. Nämä niin sanotut alkuperäistutkimukset on jaettu käytetyn metodin perusteella seitsemään ryhmään. Luokittelu on väistämättä karkea, ja luokkien välillä on päällekkäisyyttä. Kirja-arviot ja konferenssikatsaukset ovat mukana tarkastelussa mutta eivät laskelmissa. Etymologinen suuntaus on ollut voimissaan koko tarkastelujakson ajan, ja kaikista nimistökirjoituksista yli puolet kuuluu tähän ryhmään. Nimitypologinen analyysi, sosio-onomastiikka ja kontaktionomastiikka ovat seuraavaksi suosituimpia metodeja, joiden kunkin osuus alkuperäistutkimuksista on noin 10 prosenttia. Funktionaalis-semanttinen analyysi ja korpusanalyysi ovat melko harvinaisia; vain kolmesta neljään prosenttia kirjoituksista noudattaa jompaakumpaa metodia. Kymmenisen prosenttia kirjoituksista on luokiteltu monitieteistä analyysia hyödyntäviksi, eli niissä onomastisen metodin ohessa käytetään jotain ei-lingvististä metodia.  Virittäjän kirjoituksissa kuvastuu suomalaisen onomastiikan metodinen kehitys, joka on ollut paljolti aiempien metodien pohjalle rakentamista: esimerkiksi typologisen ajattelun piirteitä alettiin tuoda esiin etymologissa kirjoituksissa, ja sosio-onomastinen suuntaus taas sai virtaa typologisesta. Nimien merkityspiirteiden ja funktioiden analyysi on ollut luonteva seuraus erilaisten nimistöjen typologiaa selvitettäessä. Korpusanalyysi taas on luonnollista kehitystä aiemmista suuntauksista ja lingvistiikassa ylipäänsä käyttöön tulleista suurten aineistojen analyysityökaluista. Research methods in the field of onomastics in Virittäjä The article examines onomastic writings, published in Virittäjä between 1897–2019, from a primarily methodological perspective. During this period, Virittäjä published nearly 500 onomastic writings, of which almost half, 232, are articles, review articles and lectures given at the public defences of doctoral dissertations. Here, these research papers are classified by their methods into seven groups. The classification is rough, and there is some overlap between the categories. Book reviews and congress reports have been taken into account, but they are not included in the calculations. Etymological research was prevalent throughout the period: over half of all onomastic papers published in the journal fall into this category. The next most popular methods are name typological analysis, socio-onomastic analysis and contact onomastics, each accounting for ca. 10% of all papers. Functional-semantic analysis and quantitative corpus analysis are rarer occurrences; only 3–4% of all papers follow either of these methods. About 10% have been classified as multidisciplinary papers because they exploit non-linguistic methods in addition to onomastic methods. The writings in Virittäjä reflect the methodical development of Finnish onomastics. New methods always build on what has gone before: for instance, typological thinking can already be observed in the early etymological papers, and socio-onomastic research arose from typological analysis. This being said, semantic and functional analysis was a natural consequence of the typological studies of different nomenclatures, whereas corpus analysis evolved out of previous methods, particularly since the advent of new technological tools for analysing large quantities of data.

Alexey V. Varzin

The article is devoted to the study of the linguistic expression of the phenomenon of pain in the texts of F.M. Dostoevsky. The material of the analysis is the texts of works of fiction, journalism and letters of the Great Russian writer. The study of Dostoevskys texts is preceded by an analysis of entries in explanatory and specialized dictionaries and encyclopedias, including articles in the Dictionary of Dostoevskys Language. The relevance of the study is determined by the approaching bicentennial of F.M. Dostoevsky, in whose works the phenomenon of pain has become one of the important subjects of the image. The specificity of this work lies in the reliance on linguistic methods of studying the phenomenon of pain while maintaining the interdisciplinary focus of the research as a whole. Various associative connections of the word pain and its derivatives in the contexts of the writers works of different genres are being studied. At the initial stage, the selection of material is carried out by the method of continuous sampling using the DiaWin software system of the Department of Experimental Lexicography of the V.V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The material thus obtained, is subjected to a multilevel analysis, in course of which the specificity of the conceptualization of pain in language and culture is revealed and the features of the depiction and interpretation of the phenomenon of pain in the discourse of Dostoevsky and his characters are revealed. Conclusions are formulated about the stable associative connections of the lexeme pain, the specificity of the linguistic depiction of various states of pain in the writers texts is revealed, the original interpretations of the concept of pain in the discourses of heroes-ideologists are analyzed. As a result, the analyzed phenomenon appears in multidimensional illumination. The general structure of the frame is established. The relationship between external symptoms and internal sensations of physical and mental pain is revealed. It is postulated that the explication of the concept of pain by a native speaker is fraught with significant difficulties, since pain is introspective and subjectively experienced. This special state is experienced and lived on. The contextual combinations of meanings of the word pain in Dostoevskys texts are highlighted. The specificity of the figurative representation of pain situations in the writers works is revealed. The increments of meaning characteristic of Dostoevskys contexts are analyzed. As a result, pain is interpreted as a complex phenomenon of language and culture and an important concept in the discourse of F.M. Dostoevsky.

2021 ◽  
Mohammad Atari ◽  
Nils Karl Reimer ◽  
Jesse Graham ◽  
Joseph Hoover ◽  
Brendan Kennedy ◽  

Infectious diseases have been an impending threat to the survival of individuals and groups throughout our evolutionary history. As a result, humans have developed psychological pathogen-avoidance mechanisms and groups have developed societal norms that respond to the presence of disease-causing microorganisms in the environment. In this work, we demonstrate that morality plays a central role in the cultural and psychological architectures that help humans avoid pathogens. We present a collection of studies which together provide an integrated understanding of the socio-ecological and psychological impacts of pathogens on human morality. Specifically, in Studies 1 (2,834 U.S. counties) and 2 (67 nations), we show that regional variation in pathogen prevalence is consistently related to aggregate moral Purity. In Study 3, we use computational linguistic methods to show that pathogen-related words co-occur with Purity words across multiple languages. In Studies 4 (n = 513) and 5 (n = 334), we used surveys and social psychological experimentation to show that pathogen-avoidance attitudes are correlated with Purity. Finally, in Study 6, we found that historical prevalence of pathogens is linked to Care, Loyalty, and Purity. We argue that particular adaptive moral systems are developed and maintained in response to the threat of pathogen occurrence in the environment. We draw on multiple methods to establish connections between pathogens and moral codes in multiple languages, experimentally induced situations, individual differences, U.S. counties, 67 countries, and historical periods over the last century.

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-147

Предложен ряд решений, проливающих свет на темные и спорные места в десяти стихотворных текстах выдающегося русского и советского поэта О. Э. Мандельштама, критически проанализи- рованы существующие в современной специальной литературе трактовки таких мест. Выявлены тактики, реализующие характерную для позднего Мандельштама «установку на загадку» (О. Ронен), определены базисные функции данной установки в его поэтике. Как показал анализ, основной из таких тактик является метафора, различными способами затемненная, а потому допускающая вари- ативность трактовок либо в той или иной степени герметичная, т. е. закрытая для исчерпывающего и однозначного истолкования. Такие «темные» метафоры, основной субъект которых не поддается уверенной экспликации, поэт именовал «гераклитовыми».В статье приведены доводы в пользу того факта, что внутренняя форма термина гераклитова метафора восходит к прозванию раннеантичного греческого философа Гераклита Эфесского – σκοτεινός ‘темный’. Среди применяемых О. Э. Мандельштамом способов затемнения семантических переносов наиболее востребованными, а значит, характерными для его авторского идиостиля ока- зались: 1) недостаточность контекста, в частности незамкнутый характер метафор указанного типа; тщательно «припрятанная», т. е., как правило, не более чем однословная, аллюзийная опора на прецедентный текст, зачастую малоизвестный, а значит, недоступный для широкой читательской аудитории; 3) «замаскированное» указание на отдельный элемент (или элементы) той актуальной для поэта бытовой либо исторической конситуации, с опорой на которую может быть достигнуто адекватное понимание текста.Это означает, что трактовка, более или менее отвечающая авторскому замыслу, облигаторно предполагает применение контекстуального, конситуативного либо интертекстуального анализа построенных поэтом семантических переносов, в частности «гераклитовых метафор», анализ же семантических переносов настоятельно требует применения трансформационного анализа; соот- ветственно, удаленность исследователя от указанных лингвистических методов, прежде всего от экспериментальных, т. е. дистрибутивного и трансформационного анализа, если не лишает ясной перспективы, то существенно затрудняет дальнейшее герменевтическое осмысление творческого наследия позднего Мандельштама, т. е. тех текстов, которые были написаны им после 1920 года.Исследование показало, что неясность целого ряда таких текстов, иногда вплотную приближаю- щаяся к сфере герметизма, имеет определенное функциональное обоснование. Установка на загадку, или, в античной терминологии, «темный намек» (κάλυμμα, συγκάλυμμα), в подавляющем большин- стве случаев используется в стихотворных текстах О. Э. Мандельштама не как привычный атрибут эзопова языка (мнение Н. Струве), а в эстетических целях, т. е. как прием, который придает тексту эмоционально минорный, стилистически приподнятый, нередко профетический оттенок, характер энигмы.A number of solutions are proposed that shed light on the dark and controversial passages in ten poetic texts of the outstanding Russian and Soviet poet O. Mandelstam. The existing interpretations of such passages in modern special literature are critically analyzed. The tactics that implement the characteristic for late Man- delstam “orientation to riddle” (O. Ronen) are identified, the basic functions of this orientation in his poetics are determined. As the analysis has shown, the main of these tactics is a metaphor that is in various ways darkened, and therefore allows for variability of interpretations, or is more or less hermetic, i.e. closed to an exhaustive and unambiguous interpretation. Such “dark” metaphors, the main subject of which does not lend itself to confident explication, the poet called “heraclitic”.The paper provides arguments in favour of the fact that the internal form of the term heraclitic metaphor goes back to the nickname of the early antique Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus – σκοτεινός ‘dark’. Among the applied by O. Mandelstam methods of darkening of semantic transfers were the most popular, and therefore characteristic for his author’s idiostyle: 1) the lack of context, in particular, the non-closed nature of metaphors of type mentioned above; 2) carefully “hidden”, i.e., as a rule, no more than a one-word, allusive reliance on a precedent text, often little-known, and therefore inaccessible to a wide readership; “disguised” indication of a separate element (or elements) of the actual for the poet everyday or historical consituation, based on which an adequate understanding of the text can be achieved.This means that the interpretation that more or less corresponds to the author’s intention obligatorily involves the use of contextual, consituative, or intertextual analysis of the semantic transfers constructed by the poet, in particular, “heraclitic metaphors”, while the analysis of semantic transfers obligatorily requires the use of transformational analysis. Accordingly, the researcher’s remoteness from the above-mentioned linguistic methods, primarily from experimental, i.e., distributive and transformational analysis, if not de- prives of a clear perspective, then significantly complicates further hermeneutical understanding of the cre- ative heritage of the late Mandelstam, i.e., those texts that were written by him after 1920.The study has shown that the darkness of a number of such texts which sometimes comes close to the sphere of hermeticism has a certain functional justification. “Orientation to riddle”, or, in ancient terminol- ogy, “dark hint” (κάλυμμα, συγκάλυμμα), in the vast majority of cases is used in the poetic texts of O. Man- delstam not as a familiar attribute of the Aesop language (opinion of N. Struve) but for aesthetic purposes, i.e. as a technique that gives the text an emotionally minor, stylistically elevated, often prophetic shade, the character of Enigma.

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