bibliographic analysis
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NANO ◽  
2022 ◽  
Nikta Vosoughian ◽  
Ali Mohammadi ◽  
Homa Hamayeli

The growth trend of publications in the field of nanoparticles biosynthesis by bacteria was analyzed using bibliometric techniques to the identification of the areas with significant development and the orientations that have guided the research on bacteria. This study extracted data from the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus between 2000 and 2020 to compare results. The number of articles published annually, participating countries, resource growth rate, most used keywords and research collaborations were obtained from bibliometric analysis. The results showed that nanoparticle documents in materials science, biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology have improved citation rates as the authors researched in multidisciplinary areas. Although these keywords have the most sites, they are not emerging keywords, and their most common use was in the years 2014–2018. The results showed the upward trend of articles published from 2000 to 2020, most of which were related to the last 10 years. The 5 countries that had the most articles published in this field were China, USA, India, Germany and Iran. The top sources that had the most published documents in this field had a similar scope to our research. The results of each section had a significant relationship with other sections of this study. VOS viewer program was used for quantitative analysis. It seems that bibliometric methods will complement meta-analysis and qualitative structured literature reviews as a method for reviewing and evaluating scientific literature. The advantage of the bibliographic analysis was the awareness of trends in a study area.

Angiology ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 000331972110622
Fabien Lareyre ◽  
Cong Duy Lê ◽  
Ali Ballaith ◽  
Cédric Adam ◽  
Marion Carrier ◽  

Research output related to artificial intelligence (AI) in vascular diseases has been poorly investigated. The aim of this study was to evaluate scientific publications on AI in non-cardiac vascular diseases. A systematic literature search was conducted using the PubMed database and a combination of keywords and focused on three main vascular diseases (carotid, aortic and peripheral artery diseases). Original articles written in English and published between January 1995 and December 2020 were included. Data extracted included the date of publication, the journal, the identity, number, affiliated country of authors, the topics of research, and the fields of AI. Among 171 articles included, the three most productive countries were USA, China, and United Kingdom. The fields developed within AI included: machine learning (n = 90; 45.0%), vision (n = 45; 22.5%), robotics (n = 42; 21.0%), expert system (n = 15; 7.5%), and natural language processing (n = 8; 4.0%). The applications were mainly new tools for: the treatment (n = 52; 29.1%), prognosis (n = 45; 25.1%), the diagnosis and classification of vascular diseases (n = 38; 21.2%), and imaging segmentation (n = 38; 21.2%). By identifying the main techniques and applications, this study also pointed to the current limitations and may help to better foresee future applications for clinical practice.

2022 ◽  
pp. 162-177
Rajeev Srivastava ◽  
Prakash Chandra Bahuguna

The tremendous increase in the amount of e-waste and its impact on the environment and human health is a concern for the whole world. The low rate of recycling of e-waste as compared to the rate at which e-waste is increasing is a matter of concern and needs immediate action. Negative environmental consequences of e-waste have prompted the interest of both academia and industry alike. The objective of the study is to study the yearly growth pattern for the last 20 years, recognize relevant scholars, and explore collaborations among various institutes, authors, and countries over time. The study also intends to identify any shift in the field of e-waste recycling. So to better understand the development of this field in the past 20 years, its required to study the yearly growth pattern of publication and to identify the relevant collaborations among authors, institutes, and countries that contributed to this field. In line with this, this study is conducted to examine the research landscape of e-waste recycling by using comprehensive bibliometric analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-142
V. H. Hryn ◽  

Background. In recent years, there have emerged new directions in the study of the histological structure of the digestive tract in humans and mammals and, in particular, white rats, since non-inbred white rats are the main model for reproducing human pathology under experimental conditions as well as for preclinical testing of new drugs. Objective. A comparative study of the histological features of the cecum and appendix in rats and humans by means of bibliographic analysis. Material and methods. Bibliographic analysis is based on published peer-reviewed articles, books, textbooks, monographs, dissertation abstracts. For the purposes of a systematic review, the literature search (concerning the study of the histological structure of the cecum and appendix) was carried out on the Internet, in native literature sources, the scientific and electronic library of Poltava State Medical University using the following keywords: “histology”, “microscopic structure”, "digestive system", "cecum", "appendix", "white rats", "rat anatomy". Results. The mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract of white rats, in terms of its histological structure, is similar enough to that of humans to serve as an object in the experimental modeling of certain pathological conditions of the digestive system. Conclusions. There has been found an increased concentration of lymphoid nodules in cecal mucosa of white rats. In white rats and humans, the cecum and the appendix in humans are endowed with the same immune defense structures, which together represent the immune system of the digestive tract mucosa.

Catalysts ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
M. Olga Guerrero-Pérez

During the last two decades, electrospinning has become a very popular technique for the fabrication of nanofibers due to its low cost and simple handling. Nanofiber materials have found utilization in many areas such as medicine, sensors, batteries, etc. In catalysis, these materials also present important advantages, since they present a low resistance to internal diffusion and a high surface area to volume ratio. These advantages are mainly due to the diameter–length proportion. A bibliographic analysis on the applications of electrospun nanofibers in catalysis shows that there are two important groups of catalysts that are being investigated, based on TiO2 and in carbon materials. The main applications found are in photo- and in electro-catalysis. The present study contributes by reviewing these catalytic applications of electrospun nanofibers and demonstrating that they are promising materials as catalysts, underlining some works to prove the advantages and possibilities that these materials have as catalysts. On one hand, the possibilities of synthesis are almost infinite, since with coaxial electrospinning quite complex nanofibers with different layers can be prepared. On the other hand, the diameter and other properties can be controlled by monitoring the applied voltage and other parameters during the synthesis, being quite reproducible procedures. The main advantages of these materials can be grouped in two: one related to their morphology, as has been commented, relative to their low resistance and internal diffusion, that is, their fluidynamic behavior in the reactor; the second group involves advantages related to the fact that the active phases can be nanoscaled and dispersed, improving the activity and selectivity in comparison with conventional catalytic materials with the same chemical composition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 224-237

It is said that time means money. But, in a world where time seems to be compressed, finding the time to complete all daily tasks and finding a balance between personal and professional life is becoming increasingly difficult. Even more, we live in a world of gadgets and devices that are meant to make our life easier, and more manageable and utilising smart tools and living in a smart city seems to be parts of the solution, if not THE solution. The equilibrium between personal and professional, with all the aspects that these two imply, makes a city more liveable in respect with others that may not offer the same opportunities, the same interest form the public administration sector to make the city appealing and use all the tools of smart urban planning to achieve this goal. Based on the bibliographic analysis in the field, using the method of fundamental research of materials retrieved from Scopus, Web of Science and Science Direct database, this article aims to take a step in showing that time budgets can become a viable assessment tool for quality of life in smart cities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 11720
Rosolino Vaiana ◽  
Cesare Oliviero Rossi ◽  
Giusi Perri

Subgrade conditions significantly affect functionality of the road pavement during its service life. Among the different stabilization techniques for upgrading poorly performing in-situ soil subgrades, an economically attractive example involves the use of waste materials, such as lignin. A deep bibliographic analysis of previous studies is carried out in the first section of this paper. The literature review suggests that use of lignin as a stabilizing agent of road subgrade soils is not completely consolidated. In addition, this study reports an investigation on the strength and performance characteristics of a lignin-treated clayey soil. Several experimental tests were carried out on both the untreated and lignin-treated soils in order to shed some light on different aspects with limited knowledge available, such as the behaviour of the stabilised soil in specific conditions (e.g., the presence of water). Finally, the test results are discussed and compared with those obtained when the same soil is treated with lime, which is more widely used. The most relevant finding is the poor ability of lignin to upgrade the bearing capacity of the soil in wet conditions compared to lime; on the contrary, the presence of lignin helped in controlling the swelling potential of this type of soil.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 353-364
Ivan Miloloža

Leadership is one of the functions of management, and unlike other management functions, it cannot be partially transferred to others, so leadership becomes the most important and real function of management. It is a ubiquitous and current topic because successful leadership is a skill that is present in different aspects of life and organizations, such as in a company, the state, in wars, or within the family. The art is to influence other people and relationships so that they are willing to achieve set goals. Leadership is an action, not a position that is automatically gained by a position in an organization. The phenomenon of leadership and successful leaders always capture the attention of not only the scientific but also the social public. Given the large number of studies conducted and studies written on the importance and the impact of leadership, numerous models, approaches, and leadership theories have been formed. The paper aims to shed some light on the research trends of leadership types in scientific literature. The Scopus database has been researched using the keywords “leadership type”, which resulted in 127 journal articles. A bibliographic analysis has been conducted with the focus on the timeline of publications, trends in leading authors, institutions, and countries, and the financing institutions analysis. Citation analysis has also been conducted with the focus on papers with the highest number of citations. Topics of the papers have been analyzed using the text mining analysis, which revealed a variety of management-related topics. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 433-443
Roger Jesús Echevarría Gonzales Gonzales ◽  
Dra. Doris Fuster-Guillén ◽  
Yessenia Karina Rosell Garay ◽  
Hugo Walter Maldonado Leyva ◽  
Carlos Augusto Luy-Montejo

The purpose of this article is to offer a clear and concise overview of the didactic perspectives on the interpretation of historical sources that have been developed in recent years. To this end, we have considered it appropriate to dedicate a few paragraphs to the problems of current historical education and to the proposals that seek to remedy this situation. Likewise, we have specified the scope of historical thinking in history teaching and presented the main research associated with it. The exposition of these details has served as a preamble to the central development of the topic. In the main section, we have presented the treatment of historical sources as a methodological process, intimately related to their interpretation, which accounts for the skills and abilities that the student must develop for the satisfaction of historical research problems. As conclusions we emphasize the importance of the use of historical sources in the disciplinary and methodological understanding of the subject by the students. Finally, regarding the methodology used for the elaboration of this work, we have resorted to the bibliographic analysis of various sources of information, including theses, research articles and books, in order to provide a comprehensive overview of the topic we have proposed to investigate.

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