nature tourism
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Suwito SUWITO ◽  
Abdul Rahman JANNANG

This study aims to build a model for optimizing the performance of Village Owned Enterprises in the West Halmahera Regency. As a result of all that the existence of BUMDes has not been able to contribute to Village Original Revenue and improve the welfare of the village community as expected by the Village and the Community. To achieve this goal, the researcher used a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis methods. The results study found two findings that were effective for optimizing the performance of BUMDes. The first finding is that BUMDes must ensure market opportunities, availability of raw materials, product competitiveness, and product uniqueness to develop it is business. The second finding, using the AHP method, it is recommended that the Village of Guaemaadu develop the superior potential of the coastal tourism-based village industry; Hydroponic Farming; Coconut oil; Village Shop; Crafts from Bamboo; Coconut Collector; Hospitality; Processed Bananas; Nature Tourism and Village Bank.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-241
Tepinus Morip ◽  
Keliopas Krey ◽  
Freddy Pattiselanno

Selain sebagai penyedia air bersih, potensi flora dan fauna Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Meja (TWA Gunung Meja), sangat menjanjikan. Karena letaknya yang mudah diakses serta lokasinya yang berada di dalam kota Manokwari, interaksi yang terjadi antara masyarakat dengan kawasan ini juga sangat tinggi dan berdampak terhadap potensi keanekaragaman hayatinya.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari bentuk interaksi antara kelompok etnik Dani dengan TWA Gunung Meja serta merekam informasi etnobiologi mereka dan melakukan penilaian deskriptif dampak pemanfaatan terhadap kondisi lingkungan TWA Gunung Meja. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan dan semua hasil observasi dan wawancara yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Pendekatan kontekstual digunakan untuk menjelaskan situasi di lapangan untuk melengkapi deskripsi lokasi penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tujuh spesies tumbuhan dari enam famili dan enam spesies hewan dari enam famili dimanfaatkan oleh kelompok etnik Dani di kawasan TWA Gunung Meja. Tujuan pemanfaatannya bervariasi untuk kebutuhan sandang, pangan, energi dan pengobatan medis dan asesori budaya. Bagian tumbuhan yang dimanfaatkan berragam terdiri dari batang, ranting, dahan, daun, buah dan kulit, sedangkan daging, lemak, empedu, kulit, cakar dan taring adalah bagian tubuh hewan yang dimanfaatkan kelompok etnik Dani sesuai tujuan pemanfaatannya.ABSTRACTApart from being a provider of clean water, the potential of flora and fauna of the Gunung Meja Nature Tourism Park (TWA Gunung Meja) is very promising. Due to its easily accessible and its location within the city of Manokwari, the interaction that occurs between the community and this area is also very high and creates impact on its biodiversity potential. This study aims to study the form of interaction between the Dani ethnic group and TWA Gunung Meja as well as record their ethnobiological information. We conduct a descriptive assessment of the impact of utilization on the environmental conditions of TWA Gunung Meja. This research is a descriptive study with observation, interview and literature study techniques and all observations and interviews obtained in this study were analyzed using descriptive statistics. A contextual approach is used to explain the situation in the field to complete the description of the research location. The results showed that there were seven plant species from six families and six animal species from six families used by the Dani ethnic group in the TWA Gunung Meja area. The purpose of its use varies for the needs of clothing, food, energy and medical treatment and cultural accessories. The various parts of the plant used consist of stems, twigs, branches, leaves, fruit and skin, while meat, fat, gall, skin, claws and fangs are animal body parts used by the Dani ethnic group according to their intended use

2022 ◽  
pp. 302-321
Jorge Ramos

Avid readers find in literature real or imaginary scenarios, which are written in such a way that make them visit the portrayed places. The same goes for films, or documentary series, where the narrator plays a fundamental role in captivating the viewer. Both means are inductors of cultural and/or nature tourism, regardless of everyone's personal motivations. The transmission of values is important and varies over time. In the past some marine animals were perceived negatively by humans, which has faded over time. Ecotourism with activities related to the sea is a relatively recent tourism niche. Nature films or series are often boosters of impulses in tourists for the search for natural, unexplored places or places with little human pressure. Some tourist activities in the nature tourism line developed all over the world—from this induction—such as the cases of diving and observation of marine animals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 48
Amala Rezki ◽  
Ina Lidiawati ◽  
Bambang Supriono

The Situgunung area has direct usability value as recreation place and natural tourism. This study aims to determine the perception of visitors and the economic value usability on the natural tourism of Situgunung. This research method uses descriptive methods as well as traveling expenses or the Travel Cost Method (TCM). Testing the perception of visitors using validity and reliability tests were analyzed descriptively using a Likert scale and the economic value use was analyzed using the concept of travel cost (TCM). This result of the study indicates the index of visitors’ perceptions of Situgunung Nature Tourism from the beauty is 89,25% very beautiful, the security aspect is 83,5 % very safe, the hygiene aspect is 77,5% very clean, the accessibility aspect is 77,75% very easy, the facility aspect is 74,25% complete. And the economic value of the use of Situgunung Nature Tourism is Rp., with the average traveling expenses calculated based on the zone or distance from the area from which the visitor came to the tourist location. With the high perception of visitors and the value of economic use of Situgunung Nature Tourism objects, a more professional management is needed without reducing the concept of natural sustainability.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 191-200
Nafiah Solikhah

Indonesia has 3.4 million hectares or 24% of the world's 13.8 million hectares of mangrove forests. In its development, Indonesia's mangrove area continues to decline and it is recorded that an area of ​​637,624 hectares (18.95%) is in critical condition due to canopy cover which is less than 60%. Mangrove forests can absorb large waves including tsunamis, prevent abrasion, absorb carbon dioxide 5 times greater than tropical forests in the highlands, and are a habitat for several types of wildlife. Thus, Indonesia has a very significant role in the existence and sustainability of the world's mangrove forests. Based on 2018 data, DKI Jakarta Province has 300 hectares or about 10.7% of the total mangrove forest in Indonesia which is spread in the Angke Kapuk Nature Park, Muara Angke Wildlife Sanctuary, Angke Kapuk Protection Forest and Kamal Muara Production Forest as well as part of the last remaining mangrove forest in DKI Jakarta province. Based on this phenomenon, efforts are needed to maintain the existence and sustainability of mangrove forests, especially in the city of Jakarta. One of the important actors in this effort is the youth with growing awareness of environmental issues. Teenagers as future milestone holders need to understand the importance of the existence and sustainability of mangrove forests. The problem faced is the need for an educational activity that is by the characteristics of adolescents. Therefore, the implementing team initiated education on the existence and sustainability of the mangrove forest ecosystem for youth (12-24 years old) in Tanjung Gedong Village who are members of the At-Taufiq Tanjung Gedong Mosque Youth with an Experiential Learning Discovery Journey approach which was carried out in 3 (three) stages, namely the introduction stage by providing infographics and videographics materials, the observation stage with a visit to the Mangrove Nature Tourism Park, Angke Kapuk, North Jakarta; and the reflection stage through reflection instruments filled out by partners. Based on the results of the activity, it is known that all respondents have theoretical experience about the existence and sustainability of mangrove forests obtained from the school. Community service activities (PkM) provide new experiences in the creative process to understand the topic of PkM, namely the existence and sustainability of mangrove forest ecosystems in Jakarta.   Abstrak Indonesia memiliki 3,4 juta hektar atau 24% dari total 13,8 juta hektar hutan mangrove dunia. Dalam perkembangannya, luas mangrove Indonesia terus mengalami penurunan dan tercatat seluas 637.624 hektar (18,95%) dalam kondisi kritis karena penutupan tajuk yang kurang dari 60%. Hutan mangrove bermanfaat untuk meredam gelombang besar termasuk tsunami, mencegah abrasi, menyerap karbondioksida 5 kali lebih besar daripada hutan tropis di dataran tinggi, dan sebagai habitat bagi beberapa jenis satwa liar. Dengan demikian, Indonesia memiliki peranan yang sangat signifikan bagi eksistensi dan keberlanjutan hutan mangrove dunia. Berdasarkan data tahun 2018, Propinsi DKI Jakarta memiliki 300 hektar atau sekitar 10,7% dari total hutan mangrove di Indonesia yang tersebar di Taman Wisata Alam Angke Kapuk, Suaka Margasatwa Muara Angke, Hutan Lindung Angke Kapuk dan Hutan Produksi Kamal Muara sekaligus merupakan bagian dari hutan mangrove terakhir yang tersisa di provinsi DKI Jakarta. Berdasarkan fenomena tersebut, maka diperlukan upaya untuk menjaga eksistensi dan keberlanjutan hutan mangrove khususnya di Kota Jakarta. Salah satu aktor penting dalam upaya tersebut adalah kalangan remaja dengan tumbuhnya kesadaran akan isu lingkungan. Remaja sebagai pemegang tonggak masa depan perlu memahami pentingnya eksistensi dan keberlanjutan hutan mangrove. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah perlunya sebuah kegiatan edukasi yang sesuai dengan karakteristik bagi remaja. Oleh karena itu, tim pelaksana   menginisiasi edukasi eksistensi dan keberlanjutan ekosistem hutan mangrove bagi remaja (berusia 12 – 24 tahun) di Kampung Tanjung Gedong yang tergabung dalam Remaja Masjid At-Taufiq Tanjung Gedong dengan pendekatan Experiential Learning Discovery Journey yang dilaksanakan dalam 3 (tiga) tahap, yaitu tahap pengenalan dengan memberikan materi infografis dan videografis, tahap observasi dengan kunjungan ke Taman Wisata Alam Mangrove, Angke Kapuk, Jakarta Utara; dan tahap refleksi melalui instrumen refleksi yang diisi oleh mitra. Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan, diketahui seluruh responden telah memiliki pengalaman teoretis tentang eksistensi dan keberlanjutan hutan mangrove yang diperoleh dari bangku sekolah. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PkM) memberikan pengalaman baru dalam proses kreatif untuk memahami topik PkM yaitu eksistensi dan keberlanjutan ekosistem hutan mangrove di Jakarta.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 183
La Hamiti Hamiti ◽  
Hasbullah Syaf ◽  
Lies Indriyani

Perencanaan tapak yang baik sangat perlukan untuk menciptakan kawasan hutan dapat terus lestari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu (1) menganalisis potensi obyek wisata alam di KPH Unit XII Ladongi; dan (2) membuat rencana desain tapak obyek wisata alam di KPH Unit XII Ladongi. Metode yang digunakan yaitu (1) kualitas biofisik kawasan, (2) analisis spasial yang mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Dan Kehutanan Republik Indonesia Nomor P.31/MenLHK/Setjen/Kum.1/3/2016 dan Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Pengelolaan Hutan Produksi Lestari Nomor: P.4/PHPL/SET/4/2017.Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu (1) potensi obyek wisata alam diantaranya puncak Lalingato, sungai Simbune, sungai Loea, sungai Ladongi, sungai Andowengga dan air jatuh Taore. Kesesuaian biofisik kawasan masuk dalam kategori sesuai dan sangat sesuai untuk dijadikan sebagai obyek wisata alam, (2) Adanya pembagianruangpublik dan ruangusaha pada obyek dan dayatarikwisataalam wilayah KPH Ladongi. Kata Kunci : Desain Tapak, WisataAlam, LadongiGood site planning is very necessary to create sustainable forest areas. The aims of this research are (1) to analyze the potential of natural tourism objects in KPH Unit XII Ladongi; and (2) make a site design plan for natural tourism objects in KPH Unit XII Ladongi. The methods used are (1) the biophysical quality of the area, (2) spatial analysis which refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia Number P.31/MenLHK/Setjen/Kum.1/3/2016 and the Regulation of the Director General of Production Forest Management. Lestari Number: P.4/PHPL/SET/4/2017.. The results of this study are (1) the potential for natural tourism objects including the Lalingato peak, Simbune river, Loea river, Ladongi river, Andowengga river and Taore waterfall. The biophysical suitability of the area is included in the appropriate category and is very suitable to be used as a natural tourism object, (2) There is a division of public space and business space on objects and natural tourist attractions in the Ladongi KPH area.Keywords: Site Design, Nature Tourism, Ladongi

Ely Santari ◽  
Syamsul Alam Paturusi ◽  
A.A.P. Agung Suryawan

This research aimed to determine the potential of ecotourism that can be developed and to analyze visitor perceptions and to formulate environmental management strategies for development of ecotourism in TWA Danau Buyan. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative with the techniques, namely observation, interviews and questionnaires. The result of this indicate that the potential tourist attractions in TWA Lake Buyan area already exist including jungle tracking, camping, cannoing, selfie spot, outbond locations that have paid attention to environmental issues by involving the community. The perceptions of visitors were based on the function of the area, management policies, tourism activities, facilities and infrastructure, and on the willingness to stay generally quite good. Based on the IE table, the management strategy matrix was ??in quadrant V (Five) or in the hold and maintain and survival phase. These strategies included: a) Developing the unique potential in TWA Lake Buyan both natural resource potentials such as biodiversity (flora and fauna), landscape beauty, and community socio-cultural potential that could be developed and packaged into  ecotourism package, b) Increasing support from the local government and participation of local communities to optimize the quality improvement of ODTW TWA Danau Buyan, both facilities and infrastructure tourism, public facilities, human resources, and increasing the promotion of cultural and spiritual tourism to foreign tourist, c) Increasing supervision in field, increasing guidance and counseling on the benefits of tourist attraction to the community, as well as inviting the public and tourists to actively participated in preserving the forest and existing tourism objects (environmentally friendly tourism awareness activities), d) Build cooperation and synergy with competent stakeholders, including the Tourism Office, the KSDA unit, the Agriculture Office, Academics, Non-Governmental Organization, local community organizations, and open for opportunities to do collaboration with the surrounding community. Keywords: Strategy Management, Ecotourism, Nature Tourism Park, Buyan Lake

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Ute Eickelkamp

Six decades ago, Germany’s Ruhr region began its slow transition out of coalmining and the coal-powered iron and steel industry. Over the last twenty years a blue economy has developed in their stead pivoting on the lead market ‘resource efficiency’, while the Ruhr Metropolis has gained recognition for the rehabilitation of its heavily polluted environment. This managed transition has seen the rise of eco-industries – sustainable energy production, research and development in universities, environmental technology companies, industrial heritage and nature tourism, as well as consumptive industries seen as eco-adjacent, foremost sports, leisure, arts and culture. These are central to an overarching strategy for the establishment of a sustainable, climate-resilient and future-proof Ruhr region and a globally significant investment site in the heart of Europe.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 2469-2482
Ekaning Krisnawati ◽  
Heriyanto Darsono ◽  
Rosaria Mita Amalia ◽  
Eva Tuckyta Sari Sujatna ◽  
Kasno Pamungkas

Research about nature as an object of tourist gaze has been carried out to cover the relationship between nature, language, and tourists. Due to the increased tourists’ desire to have full commitment to enjoying nature, communicating what nature offers and revealing people’s behavior and concept about nature is, therefore, important. The concept of nature leading to ways to treat nature can be expressed in language, little, however, has been done to disclose how language shapes and conceptualizes nature, in particular in tourism discourse. This research aims at disclosing the concept of nature, which also reveals humans’ cognition about nature, constructed through metaphors in tourism discourse. Employing the theory of Conceptual Metaphor and the procedure of Metaphor Identification Procedure Vrije Universitet (MIPVU), this study analyzes metaphors in an online tourism magazine that describes Indonesian nature. In this study, the concepts of nature as heaven, a person, an object to be identified, and an entity are disclosed. The concept of nature as a person is the most frequently constructed notion. Comprehending this, as a result, can suggest ways how humans treat nature.

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