stress assessment
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2022 ◽  
Vol 254 ◽  
pp. 113849
Hailong Lu ◽  
Murilo Augusto Vaz ◽  
Marcelo Caire

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 751-758
Nadia REGOUAT ◽  
Cheboub Amina ◽  
Hadj-Bekkouche Fatima

Sexual hormones are determinant players in cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of testosterone deficiency, induced by castration, on oxidative status and the histopathology of the aor-tic media tunica. The experiments were undertaken on a batch of 30 Wistar males’ rats randomised into 3 groups, 10 control (Con), 10 castrated (Cas) and 10 castrated then supplemented with testosterone (Cas-T). Our results showed that testosterone deficiency induced a significant decrease in myeloperoxidase activity (19,95 ± 1, 79 vs 34,86 ± 1,13, p˂0,0001) this was maintained even after testosterone replacement. Furthermore, testosterone deficiency decreased the antioxidant capacity by reducing GSH in plasma (0,118 ± 0,003 vs 0,15 ± 0,011, p˂0,05). Our results also indicate that testos-terone supplementation leads to a significant increase in ceruloplasmin lev-els (62,37 ± 15,89 vs 148,12 ± 27,77, p ˂0.05). The histomorphometric exami-nation of the aortic tunica media in castrated rats showed a significant de-crease of media thickness (274,7 ± 2,96 vs 317,6 ± 5,19, p ˂0.0001) and VSMC count (108,1 ± 6,47 vs 130 ± 6,147, p ˂ 0.05) associated with damaged and broken elastic lamina. Testosterone supplementation restores the media thickness and the count of VSMC. Our findings demonstrate that testos-terone deficiency leads to a decrease in the count of VSMC and a rupture of elastic lamina. Testosterone altered the plasma oxidative status through ac-tions on GSH, MPO and ceruloplasmin.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Amanda Mannucci ◽  
Flavia Rita Argento ◽  
Eleonora Fini ◽  
Maria Elisabetta Coccia ◽  
Niccolò Taddei ◽  

At present infertility is affecting about 15% of couples and male factor is responsible for almost 50% of infertility cases. Oxidative stress, due to enhanced Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) production and/or decreased antioxidants, has been repeatedly suggested as a new emerging causative factor of this condition. However, the central roles exerted by ROS in sperm physiology cannot be neglected. On these bases, the present review is focused on illustrating both the role of ROS in male infertility and their main sources of production. Oxidative stress assessment, the clinical use of redox biomarkers and the treatment of oxidative stress-related male infertility are also discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Roxane Monnoyer ◽  
Jacky Lautridou ◽  
Sanjoy Deb ◽  
Astrid Hjelde ◽  
Ingrid Eftedal

Health monitoring during offshore saturation diving is complicated due to restricted access to the divers, the desire to keep invasive procedures to a minimum, and limited opportunity for laboratory work onboard dive support vessels (DSV). In this pilot study, we examined whether measuring salivary biomarkrers in samples collected by the divers themselves might be a feasible approach to environmental stress assessment. Nine saturation divers were trained in the passive drool method for saliva collection and proceeded to collect samples at nine time points before, during, and after an offshore commercial saturation diving campaign. Samples collected within the hyperbaric living chambers were decompressed and stored frozen at −20°C onboard the DSV until they were shipped to land for analysis. Passive drool samples were collected without loss and assayed for a selection of salivary biomarkers: secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA), C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukins IL-6, IL-8, IL-1β, as well as cortisol and alpha-amylase. During the bottom phase of the hyperbaric saturation, SIgA, CRP, TNF-α, IL-8 and IL-1β increased significantly, whereas IL-6, cortisol and alpha-amylase were unchanged. All markers returned to pre-dive levels after the divers were decompressed back to surface pressure. We conclude that salivary biomarker analysis may be a feasible approach to stress assessment in offshore saturation diving. The results of our pilot test are consonant with an activation of the sympathetic nervous system related to systemic inflammation during hyperbaric and hyperoxic saturation.

2021 ◽  
Minjung Kim ◽  
Jungsook Kim ◽  
Kyounghyun Park ◽  
HyunSuk Kim ◽  
Daesub Yoon

2021 ◽  
Jungsook Kim ◽  
Minjung Kim ◽  
Kyounghyun Park ◽  
Hyun-Suk Kim

2021 ◽  
Fares Al-Shargie ◽  
Rateb Katmah ◽  
Usman Tariq ◽  
Fabio Babiloni ◽  
Fadwa Al-Mughairbi ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 391-425
Fatima Sousa ◽  
Maria Alice Santos Curado

Objetivo: Realizar la traducción, adaptación cultural y lingüística y la valoración de las cualidades psicométricas de la Escala de Evaluación de Estrés Parental en la Unidad de Neonatología - versión modificada.Método: Estudio metodológico con enfoque cuantitativo, para validar la Escala de Evaluación de Estrés Parental en la Unidad de Neonatología. Los padres fueron seleccionados por muestreo no aleatorio (n = 406 padres). En la estimación de la sensibilidad, validez y confiabilidad de la Escala de Evaluación de Estrés Parental en Neonatología se utilizó estadística descriptiva, alfa de Cronbach estandarizado y análisis factorial confirmatorio (índices de calidad del ajuste del modelo χ2 / df, CFI, TLI, RMSEA, P (RMSEA).Resultados: Los índices empíricos de la calidad del ajuste del modelo factorial EASPUN-VM, presentan una calidad aceptable (χ2 / gl = 3.3; CFI = 0.8; GFI = 0.8; TLI = 0.8 y PRMSEA = 0,07).Conclusión: La Escala de Evaluación de Estrés Parental en la Unidad de Neonatología - versión modificada es un instrumento psicométricamente sensible, válido y confiable que permitirá la evaluación sistemática del estrés parental, cuando los niños ingresan en las unidades de Neonatología, facilita la toma de decisiones de enfermeras en el seguimiento de los padres y derivación a otros profesionales de la salud. Objective: To translate the Neonatal Unit Parental Stress scale into Portuguese and culturally and linguistically adapt it for Portugal, and to evaluate the psychometric qualities of the Neonatal Unit Parental Stress Assessment Scale - Modified Version (EASPUN-MV). Method: This was a quantitative methodological study to validate the Neonatal Unit Parental Stress Assessment Scale. Parents were selected by non-probabilistic sampling (n = 406 parents). Descriptive statistics, standardized Cronbach's alpha, and confirmatory factor analysis were used to calculate the sensitivity, validity, and reliability of the Neonatology Unit Parental Stress Assessment Scale (indexes of the model's goodness of fit χ2/df, CFI, TLI, RMSEA, P(RMSEA). Results: The empirical indexes of the EASPUN-MV’s factorial model showed acceptable goodness of fit (χ2/df=3.3; CFI=0.8; GFI=0.8; TLI=0.8 and P(RMSEA)=0.07). Conclusion: The Neonatology Unit Parental Stress Assessment Scale - Modified Version is a psychometrically sensitive, valid and reliable instrument that can systematically assess parental stress and facilitate the decision-making of nurses, the follow-up care of parents, and their referral to other healthcare professionals. Objetivo: Fazer a tradução, adaptação cultural e linguística e a avaliação das qualidades psicométricas da Escala de Avaliação do Stress Parental na Unidade de Neonatologia-versão modificada.Método: Estudo metodológico com abordagem quantitativa, para validação da Escala de Avaliação do Stress Parental na Unidade de Neonatologia. Os pais foram selecionados por amostragem não aleatória (n=406 pais). Na estimação da sensibilidade, validade e fiabilidade da Escala de Avaliação do Stress Parental na Neonatologia recorreu-se à estatística descritiva, alfa de Cronbach estandardizado e análise fatorial confirmatória (índices de qualidade do ajustamento do modelo χ2/df, CFI, TLI, RMSEA, P(RMSEA). Resultados: Os índices empíricos da qualidade do ajustamento do modelo fatorial da EASPUN-VM, apresentam uma qualidade aceitável (χ2/df=3,3; CFI=0,8; GFI=0,8; TLI=0,8 e PRMSEA=0,07). Conclusão: A Escala de Avaliação do Stress Parental na Unidade de Neonatologia-versão modificada é um instrumento psicometricamente sensível, válido e fiável que permitirá a avaliação sistematizada do stress parental, aquando do internamento dos filhos nas unidades de Neonatologia, facilita a tomada de decisão dos enfermeiros no acompanhamento dos pais e no encaminhamento para outros profissionais de saúde.

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