xix century
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2022 ◽  
Tat'yana Alent'eva ◽  
Mariya Filimonova

The textbook examines the processes of development of American civilization in the XIX century, assesses various aspects of the life and activities of the American state. Special attention is paid to the most important periods, such as "Jeffersonian democracy", "the era of good consent", "Jacksonian democracy", "the brewing of inevitable conflict", the Civil War and Reconstruction. The political activities of American presidents, various parties and movements are analyzed. A separate chapter is devoted to the development of law in the XIX century . It is intended for students of historical faculties studying the academic discipline "History of regions (on the example of the USA)", students of historical and law faculties studying the history of the USA in Modern times, the history of international relations, the development of the state and law of this country, the constitutional law of foreign countries, as well as for students of cultural studies, students of foreign language faculties and anyone interested in the history of the USA.

V. A. Erlikh

   The authors presented an article on the publication of printed matter covering the history of agricultural economy and trades in Central, Northern, Northwestern, and Southwestern Europe in antiquity. The report is based on editions of Russian-language literature published in Russia in the mid-19th century - the 1950s.

С.А. Шибанов ◽  
Л.В. Орлова ◽  
Г.А. Фирсов

В Нижнем и Верхнем дендрологических садах Санкт-Петербургского государственного лесотехнического университета в Санкт-Петербурге выращивается 13 видов и 1 гибрид рода Larix Mill., представленных 124 экземплярами, в возрасте от 25 до 200 лет. Все зимостойки, образуют шишки, 3 вида (L. archangelica, L. decidua, L. sibirica) дают самосев. Всего за период интродукции были испытаны 23 таксона рода Larix, наибольшее число видов здесь впервые испытал Э.Л. Вольф. Некоторые виды (L. komarovii, L. maritima) здесь были впервые введены культуру. В коллекции сохранились старовозрастные экземпляры, посаженные еще в XIX в. – 71 шт., самые старые посадки (9 деревьев) датируются 1820 г. (L. archangelica, L. decidua, L. sibirica). Самое высокое дерево относится к L. sibirica: 34,0 м выс., самое толстое по диаметру ствола – L. decidua: 102 см. Исследования подтверждают важность периодических биометрических измерений и непрерывного мониторинга коллекции. Отдельные деревья заслуживают внесения в базу данных по деревьям-чемпионам по их размерам в высоту и диаметру ствола. There are 13 species and 1 hybrid of genus Larix Mill., represented by 124 trees, in collection of the Upper and the Lower dendrological gardens of Saint-Petersburg State Forest-Technical University, under the age from 25 till 200 years old. All of them are winter hardy and produce cones. Three species (L. archangelica, L. decidua, L. sibirica) give self-sowing. Totally there are 23 taxa which have been tested for the period of introduction. The largest amount of species were tested by E.L. Wolf. Some species (L. komarovii, L. maritima) were introduced here into general cultivation. There are trees of old age planted as early as in the XIX century (71). There are 9 of oldest trees cultivating since 1820 (L. archangelica, L. decidua, L. sibirica). The tallest tree is of L. sibirica: 34,0 m high, the most thick on trunk diameter is the tree of L. decidua: 102 см. The research confirm the importance of periodical biometrical measurements and uninterrupted monitoring of all collection. There are certain trees which deserve to be included into the data base on Champion trees on their sizes.

Л.В. Лукьянова

В статье впервые представлена попытка обобщить опыт преподавания русского языка и других филологических дисциплин в первом лесном российском вузе с начала XIX века до настоящего времени. Историография лингвистического образования в СПбГЛТУ опирается не только на открытые информационные источники, но и на недавно обнаруженные ведомственные и государственные архивные материалы. Обращение автора статьи к найденным документам позволяет уточнить не только определенные этапы истории преподавания русского языка, основные виды деятельности преподавателей, но и представить яркие личности педагогов, в разные годы преподававших русский язык российским и иностранным студентам. Уже в первые десятилетия существования Лесного института уделяется большое внимание и собственно языковому развитию и образованию. Студенты Лесного института изучают русский язык, занимаются сочинением деловых бумаг и риторикой. Изучение русского языка в XIX веке подчинено главным образом прагматике обучения, однако не меньшую роль играет и знание родного языка для общекультурного уровня студента. Смена идеологической парадигмы, снятие образовательных ограничений, установка на организацию подготовки пролетарского студенчества после революции 1917 г. влияет и на гуманитарное образование новых студентов. Специалист нового типа, с марксистским мировоззрением, должен быть грамотным и обладать широким кругозором. Несмотря на насущную потребность в языковом образовании, в практическом обучении русскому языку студентов и аспирантов, специальной кафедры русского языка в Лесотехнической академии (ЛТА) не было до середины ХХ века. Осознание особой роли русского языка в профессиональной подготовке, в формировании мировоззрения иностранных студентов привело к созданию кафедры русского языка в ЛТА только в сентябре 1955 года. За истекший с образования кафедры период неоднократно менялось штатное расписание, перечень закрепленных дисциплин, цели, задачи и требования в подготовке обучающихся. Однако преподавание филологических дисциплин коллективом кафедры русского языка в Лесотехническом университете всегда было связано с широким контекстом культурного развития человека, со стратегической целью повышения уровня речемыслительной культуры, обеспечивающей эффективную современную коммуникацию языковой личности. The article presents for the first time an attempt to summarize the experience of teaching the Russian language and other philological disciplines in the First Forest Russian University from the beginning of the XIX century to the present. The historiography of linguistic education at SPbFTU relies not only on open information sources, but also on recently discovered departmental and state archival materials. The author's reference to the founded documents allows us to clarify not only certain stages in the history of teaching the Russian language, the main activities of teachers, but also to present the bright personalities of teachers who in different years taught Russian language to native and foreign students. Already in the first decades of the existence of the Forest Institute, much attention is paid to the actual language development and education. Students of the Forestry Institute study Russian, are engaged in writing business papers and rhetoric practice. The study of the Russian language in the XIX century is mainly subordinated to the pragmatics of teaching, but knowledge of the native language plays an equally important role for the general cultural level of the student. The change of the ideological paradigm, the removal of educational restrictions, the installation on the organization of the training of proletarian students after the revolution of 1917 also affects the humanitarian education of new students. A specialist of a new type, with a Marxist worldview, must be literate and have a broad outlook. Despite the urgent need for language education, for the practical teaching of the Russian language to students and postgraduates, there was no special department of the Russian language at the Forestry Academy (LTA) until the middle of the twentieth century. Awareness of the special role of the Russian language in professional training, in the formation of the world outlook of foreign students led to the creation of the Department of the Russian language in LTA only in September 1955. During the period that has elapsed since the formation of the department, the staffing table, the list of fixed disciplines, goals, tasks and requirements in the training of students have been repeatedly changed. However, teaching philological disciplines by the staff of the Russian Language Department at the Forestry University has always been associated with a broad context of human cultural development, with the strategic goal of raising the level of speech-thinking culture that ensures effective modern communication of a linguistic personality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 361-369
Tatyana A. Pershina ◽  
Tatyana V. Shitova

Introduction. The comparative analysis of the expenditure part of rural and township budgets of the Middle Volga provinces in the 1880s – 1890s is presented. Materials and Methods. The study is based on the comparative method. Quantitative, problem-chronological, system analysis and structural methods were of auxiliary importance. Results. The comparison of data on the Middle Volga provinces shows that in the 1880s – early 1890s, the mundane expenses of rural societies were twice as high as the costs of the volost boards. A significant part of the worldly fees went to pay employees of volost boards; much more modest funds were allocated to representatives of peasant self-government bodies, and, in their totality, these funds were steadily declining at the end of the XIX century. Discussion. In many areas of the Middle Volga region in the 1890s, rural electors did not receive any payment at all. The item of expenditure of local self-government bodies designated as “other expenses for the management and conduct of all kinds of public affairs”, which included the costs of renting apartments for officials, paying for the travel of officials and elected officials, delivering taxes to the treasury, the costs of conducting court cases, hiring servants and accounting officials was quite noticeable for rural societies at the very beginning of the 1890s, but gradually decreased. The amounts spent under this article by rural societies significantly exceeded the volost ones. During the period under review, the protection of public safety and fire-fighting measures were financed mainly from the fees of rural societies. An important component of the “mundane budgets” were the so-called “agricultural expenditures”, which included a wide range of operations aimed at organizing agriculture and animal husbandry. Conclusion. The reform of taxation and the system of local self-government in Russia in the 60–70s of the XIX century provided rural societies with wider opportunities for spending funds to meet urgent needs. A certain independence in the approval of expenditure items can be traced in the specifics of the costs of individual volosts and rural societies of the Middle Volga provinces. Allocating a significant part of worldly fees for payments to employees of volost boards, the peasantry preferred to minimize their own expenses on self-government bodies. The costs of “managing and conducting all kinds of public affairs” were quite palpable for the villagers at the very beginning of the 1890s, but also gradually decreased.

Олена Дудник

Ключові слова: «Просвіта», Уманський повіт, Київська губернія, культурно-освітня політика, Центральна Рада. Анотація Події Української революції 1917-1921 рр. сприяли заснуванню просвітницьких організацій, які своїм основним завданням вбачали надання різної допомоги населенню на ниві культурно-освітніх справ. У статті досліджується процес утворення товариств «Просвіта» в Уманському повіті Київської губернії. З огляду на вагомість реалізованих проектів в статті увага присвячена добі Центральної Ради. Базуючись на архівних документах та матеріалах періодики, з’ясовано, що організаційні заходи з відродження просвітницького руху в Київській губернії були започатковані відразу після зміни політичного режиму. Головну увагу «Просвіти» краю приділяли праці в українських селах. У публікації встановлено, що просвітницькі організації в повіті почали виникати завдяки народній ініціативі, передусім проявам організаційних зусиль національно налаштованої місцевої інтелігенції та сільської молоді. Встановлено, що у більшості сіл Уманського повіту «Просвіти» виступали єдиними структурами, які проводили активну роботу серед населення, їх діяльність фокусувалася у культурницькій і освітній площині. Одним із головних завдань, що стояли перед просвітянами, було відкриття власних книгозбірень або бібліотек-читалень, придбання літератури і періодичних видань, організація курсів українознавства, поширення освітніх знань серед населення тобто все те, що могло сприяти пробудженню національної свідомості українців краю та їх об’єднанню. Фінансова допомога просвітянам краю надавалася органами місцевої влади, самоврядувань, окремими громадянами. Посилання 29 chervnia v m. Talnomu, 1917 – 29 chervnia v m. Talnomu…1917 [June 29 in Talne …1917]. «Prosvita». Nova Rada. (Kyiv). 2 lypnia. [in Ukrainian]. Adamskyi, 2018 – Adamskyi V. R. «Prosvity» Podillia v dobu Ukrainskoi Tsentralnoi Rady (berezen 1917 – kviten 1918 rr.) [«Enlightenment» Podillya in the days of the Ukrainian Central Council (March 1917 - April 1918)] : Doslidzhennia. Dokumenty. Materialy. Khmelnytskyi: FOP Tsiupak A. A., 2018. 478 s. [in Ukrainian]. V Shukaivodi, 1917 – V Shukaivodi… 1917 [In Shukaivoda … 1917] – «Prosvita». Nova Rada. (Kyiv).28 kvitnia. [in Ukrainian]. Verstyuk,  ta in., 2004 – Verstiuk V., Horobets V., Tolochko O. Ukraina i Rosiia v istorychnii retrospektyvi. Ukrainski proekty v Rosiiskii imperii [Ukraine and Russia in historical retrospective review. The Ukrainian projects in the Russian empire]. K., 2004. 504 s. [in Ukrainian]. Vynnychenko, 2007 – Vynnychenko V. Vidrodzhennia natsii. Reprynt. vidtvor. vyd. 1920 r. [Revival of the nation]: u 3 ch. K. : Vyd-vo polit. l-ry Ukrainy, 1990. Ch. III. 542 s. [in Ukrainian]. Herman, 1995 – Herman O. M. Diialnist tovarystva «Prosvita» na Podilli naprykintsi XIX I v pershii polovyni XX stolittia [Activities of  the society «Enlightenment» in Podolia in the late XIX and early XX century]: dys. ... kand. ist. nauk: 07.00.01. Chernivtsi, 1995. 228 s. [in Ukrainian]. Hrytsak, 1996 – Hrytsak Ya. Narys istorii Ukrainy. Formuvannia modernoi ukrainskoi natsii u XIX-XX st. [Essays on the history of Ukraine: the formation of the modern Ukrainian nation of the XIX-XX centuries]. K.: Heneza, 1996. 358 s. [in Ukrainian]. DAKO – Derzhavnyi arkhiv Kyivskoi oblasti Doroshenko, 2007 – Doroshenko D. Moi spomyny pro nedavnie mynule (1914-1920 roky) [My memories of the recent past (1914-1920)]. K. : Tempora, 2007. 632 s.  [in Ukrainian]. Kravchuk, 1996 – Kravchuk L. V. Kulturo-tvorcha diialnist ta prosvitnytskyi rukh v period Ukrainskoi derzhavnosti 1917–1920 rr. [Cultural activity and educational movement in the period of Ukrainian statehood 1917-1920]: avtoref. dys. ... kand. ist. nauk: 07.00.01. Chernivtsi, 1996. 23 s. [in Ukrainian]. Kulturno-prosvitnii hurtok, 1918 – Kulturno-prosvitnii hurtok…1918 [Cultural and educational circle…1918]. «Prosvita». Nova Rada. (Kyiv). 25 kvitnia. [in Ukrainian]. Lozovyi, 2006 – Lozovyi V. S. Poshyrennia prosvitnytskykh oseredkiv v ukrainskomu seli v period Tsentralnoi Rady (1917 r.) [Dissemination of educational centers in the Ukrainian countryside during the Central Rada (1917)]. Osvita, nauka i kultura na Podilli: zb. nauk. pr. / hol. red. kol.: P. T. Tronko. Kam’ianets-Podilskyi: Oiium, 2006. T. 7: mat. tretoho kruhloho stolu «Kultura, osvita i prosvitnytskyi rukh na Podilli u KhVIII – na pochatku KhKhI st.». S. 3-11. [in Ukrainian]. Ostashko,1997 – Ostashko T. Tovarystvo «Prosvita» – oseredky ukrainskoho natsionalno-osvitnoho rukhu za doby Tsentralnoi Rady [Society «Enlightenment» is a center of the Ukrainian national educational movement during the Central Rada] // Tsentralna Rada i ukrainskyi derzhavotvorchyi protses (do 80-richchia stvorennia Tsentralnoi Rady): Materialy nauk. konf., 20 bereznia 1997 r. NAN Ukrainy, In-t istorii Ukrainy. K., 1997. Ch. 2. S. 272-280. [in Ukrainian]. Reient, 2003 – Reient O. Ukraina v impersku dobu (XIX – pochatok XX st.) [Ukraine in the imperial era (XIX - early XX centuries)]. K., 2003. 338 s. [in Ukrainian]. Sarbei, 1999 – Sarbei V. Natsionalne vidrodzhennia Ukrainy [National revival of Ukraine]. K., 1999. 335 s. [in Ukrainian]. U mistechku Pokotylove, 1917 – U mistechku Pokotylove…1917 [In the town of Pokotylove…1917] – Chytalnia. Nova Rada. (Kyiv). 26 chervnia. [in Ukrainian]. U s. Tykhomu Khutori, 1917 – U s. Tykhomu Khutori…1917 [In the village of Tykhy Khutir] –  «Prosvita». Nova Rada. (Kyiv). 1 zhovtnia. [in Ukrainian]. Faryna, 1993 – Faryna S. Ya. Rol «Prosvit» v ukrainskomu natsionalno-kulturnomu rusi na pochatku KhKh stolittia [The role of  «Enlightenment» in the Ukrainian national and cultural movement in the early XIX century].: dys. ... kand. ist. nauk: 07.00.01. Kremenchuk, 1993. 233 s.  [in Ukrainian]. TsDAVO Ukrainy – Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi arkhiv vyshchykh orhaniv vlady ta upravlinnia Ukrainy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (74) ◽  
pp. 06-13
I. Antonovich

The British Empire has become the most powerful in the world by the end of the XIX century. Having 1/4 of the worlds’s area the empire had a dramatic impact on historical and cultural development of its colonial countries. Moreover "the Great Game" which Britain was playing in Asia was aimed to prevent strengthening of Russia. After the Second World War the colonial domination began to fade away and "the New Britain" found new focus of its historical, political and socio-cultural development.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 341-348
Vasily A. Grigorkin

Introduction. The entrepreneurial activity in history has passed a very long distance in the course of its evolutionary development. At each of the stages of its development, it possessed very specific features and qualities that directly depended on a number of various factors. These factors include: the level of development of productive forces, the nature of various (socio-economic, production, political) relationships, forms of ownership and their changes. Materials and Methods. Comparative historical, chronological and genealogical research methods were used, the principles of objectivity and historicism were observed. Results. By the time the lease system was canceled, the period of initial capital accumulation for the former leaseholders was over. Discussion and Conclusion. One of the main stages in the development of Russian entrepreneurship falls on the first half of the 19th century. At this time, directly related to the beginning and development of the industrial revolution, there was a significant acceleration of the processes of initial capital accumulation. This process was based on various forms and types of trade and intermediary activities within the developing the all-Russian market.

Oleg I. Mariskin

Introduction. The study of the features of the confessional and socio-cultural development of peoples and individual regions of the Russian state is one of the important research tasks. Results and Discussion. At the end of the XVII century the village of Novotroitskoye of the Alatyrsky district became the first Mordovian Christian settlement of the region, in which the new Christians, protected from oppression, began to live, who were an example for their tribesmen in the adoption of the Orthodox faith. From the middle of the XVIII century in many Novokreschen villages of the region, a chapel was initially built, in which a priest was determined to serve. Then money was allocated for the construction of the church. In the XIX century active construction of Orthodox churches continued on the territory of the Alatyrsky and Ardatovsky districts of the Simbirsk province: instead of outdated and dilapidated church buildings, new ones were built, and parish churches were opened in populous villages. Conclusion. The Christening of a Mordva and opening of churches became an important step in strengthening of Orthodoxy and autocracy in the region, have played a positive role in spiritual and moral education of the people, have left a noticeable mark in education development. To acceptance of christianity there was a sociocultural integration of a mordva into structure of the Russian Empire. On the other hand, the commonality of the Orthodox religion was one of the factors in the development of assimilation processes among the Mordovian people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 42-44
S.O. Yakimenko ◽  
N.F. Bobrova ◽  
A.P. Maletskiy ◽  
O.V. Petrenko

The work presents the main milestones of the Odesa ophthalmoplastic school. The historical perspective shows the formation and development of ophthalmoplasty from the XIX century to the present day, preserving and emphasizing the continuity of its existence. Information on some prominent scientists dealing with the problems of the orbit and periorbital area in Odesa is given. Particular attention is paid to scientific developments in reconstructive surgery of the patho­logy of the auxiliary eye apparatus and orbit in pediatric patients. The knowledge and use of the accumulated experience will allow modern ophthalmoplastic surgeons to widely implement and improve the best methods and techniques of reconstructive and restorative operations on the auxiliary eye apparatus and periorbital area.

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