The article covers the two main topics: the characteristics of three key stages of studying art by the author, and a brief summary of the original concept of art proposed as a result of this study. Leaning on the concept of art of L. S. Vygotsky, the author offers the own approach towards studying art. Firstly, art is viewed in comparison with dreams, communication and play, analyzing the role of these processes and semiotic means played in relation to ordinary life. The article introduces the idea of artistic reality, which manifests as a continuation of ordinary life, allowing to realize in a semiotic form the desires (psychic programs) that are blocked in ordinary life; and such realization suggest living through the events set by the specific semiosis of art and conditionality. Secondly, the author describes the results of the genesis of art. In the course of analysis, emphasis is place on the three central topics:: 1) establishment of the semiosis of art based on the semiosis formed in ordinary life; 2) formation of recreation sphere, within which art is being formed; 3) philosophical “conceptualization” of art in the antique culture, which characterizes art as an independent sphere of life, unlike other spheres. Thirdly, art and artistic reality are viewed as a peculiar type of communication. The author believes that both, the artist (writer, composer) and the viewer (reader, listener), on the one hand, create and reconstruct artistic reality (and there is not always a coincidence), while on the other hand, to one or another extent, they take into account each other's communicative abilities and competencies. The conclusion is made that art is determined by conceptual space, the coordinates of which indicate the representations of artistic reality, artistic communication, life patterns in art, conceptualization of art and its development.