ideological attitudes
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Анастасия Эдуардовна Пилипенко ◽  
Вадим Геннадьевич Пантелеев

В статье рассматривается социальная активность молодежи в контексте смысловых представлений студентов вузов. На основании материалов регионального эмпирического исследования были проанализированы смыслы, которыми наделяется активность и которые имеют высокую значимость в саморегуляции общественно направленной и индивидуализированной активности студентов. Выявлено, что смысл социальной активности в восприятии вузовской молодежи соотносится с приоритетами органов исполнительной власти, занимающихся реализацией молодежной политики; определена зависимость между частотой участия студентов в практиках социальной активности и готовностью воспринимать данную деятельность посредством институционально организованных форм. Определены доминирующие мировоззренческие установки среди вузовской молодежи и описана их связь с мотивацией социальной активности в исследуемой группе. Выявлено противоречие между смысловым представлением о социальной активности и проявляемой деятельностью: образ определяется студентами через доминирование альтруистических ценностей, а в основе реальной активности молодых людей находятся гедонистические и инструментальные ценности. The article attempts to analyze the social activity of youth in the context of semantic representations of university students. Based on the materials of a regional empirical study, the meanings of activity are analyzed, as well as those meanings that are significant in the self-regulation of socially directed and individualized activity of students. The research shows that the meaning of social activity in the perception of university youth correlates with the priorities of executive authorities involved in the implementation of youth policy; the dependence between the frequency of students' participation in social activity practices and the willingness to perceive this activity through institutionally organized forms is determined. The dominant ideological attitudes among university youth are analyzed and their connection with the motivation of social activity is described. The contradiction between the semantic idea of social activity and the activity manifested is revealed: the students determine this activity basing on the altruistic values, but in practice, hedonistic and instrumental values are at the heart of the activities of young people.

Dr. Franck Amoussou

The present paper seeks to raise students‘ consciousness about how language can be used to encode ideological meanings. It also aims to enhance their critical thinking about how social structures- notably racist practices- implicitly impact their behavior and attitudes. In that sense, it draws on critical discourse analysis (hereafter, CDA) to disentangle the meanings of a set of texts dealing with racial discrimination in Go for English Tle used to teach upper sixth students English in Benin. The study basically focuses on van Dijk (1993)‘s and Fowler & Kress (1979)‘s analytical methods to disclose the transparent and hidden situated meanings conveyed in/by the texts at stake. The results of the analysis reveal that racism, as a social practice, is not peculiar to any specific group or community; rather, it is expressed through discourse in all continents. It is concluded from the findings that CDA can serve as a potent theoretical and emancipatory tool for the analysis of important sociolinguistic, linguistic, educational, and multiracial issues facing students.

2021 ◽  
pp. 146144482110617
Cornelia Sindermann ◽  
Christopher Kannen ◽  
Christian Montag

This study aimed to examine the degree of homogeneity versus heterogeneity of individuals’ political information environments across offline and online media types and relations with sociodemographic variables, personality, and political attitudes. In two online surveys, German participants (sample 1: N = 686; sample 2: N = 702) provided information on sociodemographic variables, consumption of political news, and voting intentions, and completed the Big Five Inventory and Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) and Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) scales. Results revealed that absolutely homogeneous political news consumption was evident for a small proportion of individuals (2.04% and 0.43%). Openness (positively) and Agreeableness (negatively) exhibited significant associations with the degree of heterogeneity of political information environments across samples. No consistent patterns of relations with either the ideological attitudes of RWA and SDO or voting intentions were observed. The findings shed light on the existence of absolutely homogeneous political information environments and “who” might be prone to a more homogeneous versus more heterogeneous information environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 659-674
Ilya A. Pomiguev ◽  
Eldar R. Salakhetdinov

The paper analyses the politics of memory of the World War II (WWII) in socialist Yugoslavia and compares the corresponding commemorative practices in the post-Yugoslav republics. The focus is on the design of holidays and memorial dates that reflect the symbolic and valuable attitudes of society, as well as the trajectory of nation-building. The formation of the state metanarrative in post-war Yugoslavia was closely related to the monopolisation of the leadership roles of the national liberation war by the communists, who united the six South Slavic nations in their struggle against the Nazi invaders. The state holidays and memorial days were derived from the history of resistance to foreign occupiers and internal enemies in order to legitimise and strengthen the triumph of the new socialist order. Alternative Yugoslavian non-communist movements, especially the Ustash and Chetniks who were potentially capable of competing in the symbolic field, were declared class enemies, reactionary elements, and quislings. As the processes of disintegration increased in socialist Yugoslavia, there were several attempts to revise its ideological attitudes and symbolic heritage of WWII. Nevertheless, as the study shows these attempts became, rather, a marginal phenomenon, and most post-Yugoslav states retained the commemorative, albeit de-ideologised, practices of the previous period.

Kavkaz-forum ◽  
2021 ◽  

Мужская субкультура и свойственные ей мировоззренческие установки имели особенно большое значение в жизни традиционного общества. В трансформированном виде мужская система ценностей, образ мышления и форма поведения, свойственные традиционному обществу, продолжают существовать и в современном обществе. Этим обусловлена актуальность всестороннего изучения мужских субкультур традиционного общества. Комплексное исследование традиционных мужских субкультур важно для осмысления скрытых тенденций эволюции и объективного восприятия принципов развития современного общества. В значительной степени мужская субкультура проявляется в бытовавших в мужской среде состязаниях, играх и забавах. В настоящей работе проанализированы традиционные осетинские мужские игры и состязания, характерными элементами которых были быстрое передвижение, бег, лазанье, прыжки. Научная новизна определяется тем, что данная работа является первым комплексным исследованием подвижных мужских игр на осетинском материале. Источником при разработке поставленной проблемы послужили этнографический материал и фольклорные тексты. В данной статье выявлены и рассмотрены наиболее распространенные среди осетинского мужского населения состязания и игры, предполагавшие быстрое передвижение; отмечены стереотипы мужского поведения во время участия в исследуемых состязаниях и играх; проанализированы видоизменения, встречающиеся в некоторых из мужских игр и состязаний; выявлено влияние подвижных игр и состязаний на укрепление внутригрупповой солидарности в мужских коллективах в традиционном обществе; определено военно-прикладное значение некоторых из рассмотренных игр и состязаний; установлено существование корреляционной зависимости между религиозно-магическими обрядами и традиционными мужскими играми в традиционном осетинском обществе; определено воздействие трансформаций в общественном сознании на мужские состязания и стереотипы мужского игрового поведения. The men’s subculture and its inherent ideological attitudes were especially important in the life of the traditional society. In a transformed form, the men’s value system, way of thinking and form of behavior inherent in traditional society continue to exist in the modern society. This explains the relevance of a comprehensive study of men’s subcultures of the traditional society. A comprehensive study of traditional men’s subcultures is important for understanding the hidden trends of evolution and the objective perception of the principles of development of the modern society. To a large extent, the men’s subculture manifests itself in the competitions, games and amusements that existed in the men’s environment. This work analyzes Ossetian traditional men's games and competitions, a characteristic element of which was fast movement, running, climbing, jumping. The scientific novelty is determined by the fact that this work is the first comprehensive study of active men’s games based on the Ossetian material. Ethnographic material, folklore texts served as a source in the development of the problem posed. This article identifies and examines the most common competitions and games among the Ossetian men’s population, which involved fast movement; noted stereotypes of men’s behavior during participation in the reviewed competitions and games; analyzed the modifications found in some of the men's games and competitions; the influence of active games and competitions on the strengthening the intragroup solidarity in men's teams in the traditional society was revealed; the military-applied significance of some of the games and competitions considered is determined; the existence of a correlation between religious and magical rituals and traditional men’s games in the traditional Ossetian society has been established; the impact of transformations in public consciousness on men’s competitions and stereotypes of men’s play behavior is determined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 584-599
Mikhail I. Krishtal

The article analyzes the ideological preferences of the residents of the Kaliningrad region through the prism of their socio-economic situation and political behavior. The study is based on the data of a formalized interview (N = 977) according to the age and sex sample, representing the population of four geodemographic districts of the Kaliningrad region. Based on the Nolan Chart, the study determines ideological types according to the respondents attitude to political and economic freedom. The statistical analysis of the data revealed a high degree of pluralism among the residents of the region on the issues under consideration. At the same time, it showcased the prevailing ideas of state regulation of the economy and values of personal freedom. Analyzing the socio-economic situation of the respondents and their inherent ideological attitudes, the author found that the values of economic freedom are more often shared by young people, middle-aged people, residents living in Kaliningrad, with higher income. Ideas of state regulation of the economy prevail among people of retirement and pre-retirement age, residents of the semi-periphery of the Kaliningrad region, with lower income. The study also revealed the relationship between the ideological attitudes of people in the region and their political behavior. In particular, it found that people who share the values of political and economic freedom are ready to take the most active part in protests. At the same time, the study did not identify any significant links between the ideological type of the respondents and their electoral behavior.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 117-134
Alexander V. Tschernych ◽  
Mikhail S. Kamenskikh

The article is devoted to the analysis of ethno-social resettlement campaigns of the USSR of the second half of the 1920s. The implementation of these practices in the Volga Region led to major migrations and the formation of ethnic enclaves on the territory of Urals and Siberia. Basing on various sources and field materials, the article describes the situation in the Southern Prikamye after several thousand of the Chuvash people migrated to the places inhabited by Russian Old Believers. The sources allow to reconstruct complex processes of ethno-cultural interaction that formed new specific complexes of spiritual and material culture of the Chuvash people of Prikamye. The authors noted that the resettlement in the 1920s took place in the conditions of the destruction of the traditional life characteristics in the whole country, a change in ideological attitudes, a significant transformation of ethnocultural complexes. Under the conditions of migration, these factors contributed to a more intensive course of assimilation processes. At the same time, a significant number of Chuvash migrants encamped in one area at a distance from large settlements, as well as preservation of the rural character of the outposts contributed to the functioning of institutions for keeping the traditional way of legacy transmission.

2021 ◽  
pp. 13-20

Мировоззренческие установки, характерные для мужской субкультуры, являются важными элементами духовной культуры традиционного общества. В силу доминирующего положения мужчин в традиционном обществе их система ценностей оказывала большое влияние на весь социум. Мужские ценности и нормы поведения, характерные для традиционного общества, в трансформированном виде существуют и в современном обществе. Вследствие этого комплексное исследование мужской субкультуры прошлого необходимо для объективного понимания путей развития и выявления скрытых тенденций в эволюции современного общества. В значительной мере мужская субкультура отражена в бытовавших среди мужского населения каждого этноса традиционных играх, забавах и развлечениях. В предлагаемой статье на осетинском материале рассмотрены традиционные силовые игры как один из аспектов мужской субкультуры. Научная новизна определяется тем, что настоящая работа является первым комплексным исследованием мужских силовых игр у осетин. Источниками при разработке поставленной проблемы послужили этнографический материал, фольклорные тексты и данные осетинского языка. В ходе исследования рассмотрены бытовавшие в прошлом у осетин игры и состязания, требовавшие от участников значительной физической активности, мышечной силы и силы духа. Выявлены варианты некоторых из рассматриваемых игр и состязаний и их деление на индивидуальные, парные и групповые. Определены место и роль силовых игр и состязаний в мужской субкультуре осетин. Рассмотрены стереотипы поведения мужчин при проведении различных силовых состязаний. Установлено воздействие силовых игр на упрочение мужской коллективной идентичности в традиционном обществе. Обосновано наличие тесной связи между мужскими силовыми играми и магическо-ритуальными церемониями в традиционном осетинском обществе. The ideological attitudes characteristic of the men’s subculture are important elements in the structure of traditional society. Due to the dominant position of men in a traditional society, their value system exerted great influence on the entire society. Men’s values and norms of behavior characteristic of a traditional society in a transformed form exist in the modern society as well. As a result, a comprehensive study of the men’s subculture of the past is necessary for an objective understanding of the ways of development and identification of hidden trends in the evolution of modern society. To a large extent, the men’s subculture is reflected in traditional games, amusements and entertainment that existed among the men’s population of each ethnic group. This article examines traditional power games as one of the aspects of the men’s subculture based on the Ossetian material. The scientific novelty is determined by the fact that this work is the first comprehensive study of men’s power games among the Ossetians. Ethnographic material, folklore texts and data of the Ossetian language served as the sources for the development of the problem. In the course of the research, the Ossetians in the past were considered games and competitions, which required from the participants significant physical activity, muscle strength and fortitude. Variants of some of the games and competitions under consideration have been established and their division into individual, pair and group ones. The place and role of power games and competitions in the men’s subculture of Ossetians has been determined. Stereotypes of men's behavior during various power competitions are considered. The influence of power games on strengthening men’s collective identity in the traditional society has been established. The presence of a close connection between men’s power games and magic-ritual ceremonies in the traditional Ossetian society was revealed.

Lex Russica ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 62-76
V. D. Nikishin

The the paper is devoted to the results of a comprehensive legal and linguistic study of the "Columbine" ("school shooting") subculture from the standpoint of criminology, criminal law, forensic science and forensic speech studies. Despite some conventionality of the well-established term "school shooting" borrowed from the English language, the author proceeds from the fact that any form of violent actions in educational institutions committed by a student (group of students) or an outsider in relation to teachers and students using weapons and improvised means should be understood as school shooting.Empirically, the study is based on the publications of Russian and foreign scientists, the results of semi-automated monitoring of social networks for the promotion of school shooting, as well as materials of criminal cases held in the archives of the investigative departments of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Volgograd, Moscow, Saratov, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory and Republic of Khakassia. The author concludes that the the Columbine subculture is extremist-terrorist in its essence. The paper summarizes the most characteristic ideological attitudes of this subculture, signs of a person's involvement in the targeted community, examines the problems of the legal characterisation of school shooting acts and proposes criminalistic diagnostic complexes to examine extremist speech actions aimed at promoting Columbine. These complexes give a law enforcement officer clear criteria for recognizing information materials as extremist, as well as for holding liable or discharging an individual under Art. 205.2, 280, 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation depending on the presence or absence of mass executions propaganda aimed to intimidate the population in order to influence the authorities or other extremist motives.

Yu. N. Guseva ◽  
V. S. Khristoforov

For the first time in Russian historiography, a Russian-language translation from Turkish (literary version of Ottoman) of a manuscript of an article by the Samara imam Mukhammet-Fatykh Murtazin (18751938), sent to the religious and educational journal Asri Musulmanliq (Modern Islam, published in Simferopol in 19241927) editorial board of the People's Administration of Religious Affairs of Muslims of Crimea (NURDMK). The article entitled Islam and Civilization was planned for placement in № 13 for 1926, its translation was carried out by an employee of the Eastern Department of the OGPU in Crimea and sent for approval of the text to the Eastern Department of the OGPU in Moscow. Murtazin's manuscript contains a number of reformist ideas, loyal to the current political moment. He tried to adapt the Islamic tradition to new reality. The article was not allowed for publication due to the desire of its author to present the priority of Islamic civilization over the European and American worlds, which, obviously, did not correspond to the ideological attitudes of the workers of the Soviet special services. The authors also draw attention to the course and nature of intense theological discussion and the development of renovationist thought in the Muslim world of the Soviet Union in the 1920-ies, a discussion that took place under censorship and the emerging ideological pressure.

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