additional education
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2022 ◽  
Viktor Vygonov

The textbook discusses the main types of practical work on the subject of "Technology", highlights various types of artistic, creative and design activities of children that underlie this aspect of teaching younger schoolchildren. Detailed material is given on the processing methods and the possibilities of using various types of paper and cardboard. It can be useful for primary school teachers, educators and counselors of children's recreation camps, students of pedagogical colleges, parents, teachers of additional education.

2022 ◽  
Vol 30 (12) ◽  
pp. 157-166
T. A. Starshinova

Training of highly qualified personnel for science, education and industry is an important factor in the formation of a high-tech economy. The modern system of doctoral training does not always cope with its tasks. Enhancing the efficiency of doctoral training can be associated with an increase in adaptability and self-organization. The adaptation of the pedagogical system to changing conditions should be considered in a broad sense, while its fitting to students’ features is a special manifestation of this property. It is necessary to work out two mechanisms of its adaptation – passive and active. Passive adaptation means adjusting to changing external conditions (including a new law), changing in the systems of an adjacent and higher levels. Active adaptation involves the influence on other subsystems of the university educational environment, such as master’s school, additional education (retraining and advanced training of professors), the scientific and pedagogical personnel attestation system (dissertation councils), research departments. Such adaptation can take place according to the model of expanding influence, simultaneously at two levels – personal (subject-subjective) and organizational and managerial. Self-organization is considered as one of the most important features of the system adaptability and a condition for its successful functioning.

М.М. Владимирова ◽  
Ф.Г. Мухаметзянова ◽  
А.Ш. Яруллина

В статье рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с педагогическими основами подготовки кадров для гражданской службы на примере Республики Татарстан (РТ) в контексте их профессионального становления и развития. Тенденции развития современного российского общества, как глобализация и цифровизация, повышают требования не только к интенсивности работы государственных служащих, но и развитию их как субъектов профессиональной деятельности. Ведущая идея статьи заключается в том, педагогическими основами профессионального развития молодых госслужащих является не только система основного и дополнительного образования, но и институт наставничества, что актуализирует вопросы субъектно-ориентированного подхода и развитие госслужащих как субъектов профессиональной деятельности через различные системы их подготовки и переподготовки. В этой системе подготовки и переподготовки госслужащих особое внимание уделяется институту наставничества на основе теоретического анализа изучаемой проблемы и результатов пилотного исследования. The article examines issues related to the pedagogical foundations of training personnel for the civil service on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan (RT) in the context of their professional formation and development. The development trends of modern Russian society, such as globalization and digitalization, increase the requirements for not only the intensity of the work of civil servants, but also their development as subjects of professional activity. The leading idea of the article is that the pedagogical foundations of the professional development of young civil servants are not only the system of basic and additional education, but also the institute of mentoring, which actualizes the issues of the subject-oriented approach and the development of civil servants as subjects of professional activity through various systems of their training and retraining. In this system of training and retraining of civil servants, special attention is paid to the institution of mentoring on the basis of a theoretical analysis of the problem under study and the results of a pilot study.

А.Р. Камалеева ◽  
В.В. Слепушкин

Актуальность статьи обусловлена тем, что в период пандемии COVID-19 использование электронных средств обучения стало объективной профессиональной необходимостью для каждого учителя. Цель статьи заключается в обобщении дидактического опыта разработки и применения онлайн курса по истории России в сфере дополнительного образования. Обоснована необходимость создания Web-версии учебника. Авторы выделяют важность замысла и образа будущего онлайн курса на этапе проектирования. Классифицированы критерии выбора платформы и выделены их наиболее значимые функциональные возможности. Основное внимание в работе акцентируется на структуре, удобочитаемости, краткости учебного текста с обязательным использованием опорных конспектов. Предложено поддерживать высокую познавательную активность в условиях вебинаров, опираясь на принципы постоянной инспекции знаний, бесконфликтности. В заключение утверждается, что разработка и проведение онлайн курса требует учёта законов психологии восприятия, механизма понимания и применения дидактических идей «Педагогики сотрудничества». Статья может быть интересна педагогам, создающим цифровые учебники и онлайн курсы. The relevance of the article is due to the fact that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of electronic teaching aids has become an objective professional necessity for every teacher. The purpose of the article is to summarize the didactic experience in the development and application of an online course on the history of Russia in the field of additional education. The necessity of creating a Web-version of the textbook has been substantiated. The authors highlight the importance of the concept and image of the future online course at the design stage. The criteria for choosing a platform are classified and their most significant functionality is highlighted. The main attention in the work is focused on the structure, readability, brevity of the educational text with the obligatory use of supporting notes. It is proposed to maintain high cognitive activity in the conditions of webinars, relying on the principles of constant knowledge inspection, conflict-free. In conclusion, it is argued that the development and implementation of an online course requires taking into account the laws of the psychology of perception, a mechanism for understanding and applying the didactic ideas of "Pedagogy of cooperation". The article may be of interest to educators who create digital textbooks and online courses.

Galina Vladimirovna Petruk ◽  
Nina Vladimirovna Shashlo

The article focuses on studying the modern trends of digital transformation of the management system of institutions of additional education of schoolchildren. Theoretical and methodological provisions have been scientifically substantiated and practical recommendations have been developed to improve the management system of additional education of schoolchildren in the context of digital transformations. It is proved that the institution of extracurricular education is also a community characterized by dedication, formal and informal structures, autonomy, cyclicality, freedom of choice of extracurricular activities. For the first time it was proposed to use a system-cybernetic approach to the strategic management of institutions of additional education of schoolchildren based on the procedural model of strategic management and the information management system, tested in the management system of Russian Childrenʼs Center “Ocean”. It is proved that Management Information Systems (MIS) uses the information necessary for top managers at all levels in making operational, tactical and strategic decisions. The advantages and positive factors for institutions of the sphere of additional education of schoolchildren from the introduction of MIS within the boundaries of the procedural model of strategic management are highlighted. The characteristic features of the management activities of the subjects of management of institutions of additional education of schoolchildren are outlined. There are presented the management models, the knowledge of which will provide the heads of organizations of extracurricular education with data on selecting MIS. The importance of further development of the theory, methodology and practice in the strategic management of additional education of schoolchildren in the context of digital transformations has been proved.

Irina A. Yakovlevа

In this article the author analyses the processes of sociogenesis and transformation of the system of additional education for children and youth in the social-temporal continuum which is set by the challenges of the post-Soviet period of the formation of the Republic of Belarus as a sovereign state. The main socio-cultural formats and trends of innovative development of additional education that presented as a social system and socio-educational practice were studied. The author explores methodological approaches to the analysis of additional education as a variable polydisciplinary type of education which is not regulated by state educational standards. Today additional education is considered as a social technology of formal education, non-formal education and development. The article provides up-to-date statistical information about social actors who implement additional education for children and youth in the Republic of Belarus. This approach allows us to consider additional education as a sociosphere of resource opportunities that increase the efficiency of socialisation process of students.

Irina Ivanova

Based on the study of publication activity in the Journal of Pedagogical Research, trends in the development of modern domestic pedagogical science are analyzed in the framework of the implementation of theoretical, methodological and practice-oriented ideas developed in the scientific school of existential approaches in pedagogy under the guidance of Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor Mikhail Iosifovich Rozhkov. It is shown that in modern socio-cultural conditions, the implementation of educational practices based on ideas that embody the meanings of the existential strategy of educating a free personality is especially relevant. Our research has shown that the leading trends in the development of domestic education at the present stage, embodying the ideas of existential approaches in pedagogy, are: the use of subject-oriented technologies in the educational process, the organization of a personality-developing educational environment at school, pedagogical support for the self-development of children and adolescents in conditions additional education, the specificity of the forms of training teachers for the implementation of pedagogical support for self-development and self-realization of students in conditions of additional education, stimulating self-development and self-realization of students in a value-oriented educational environment. The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research within the framework of scientific project No. 20-013-00616.

O. Moiseeva ◽  
O. Filippova ◽  
A. Sadkovaya ◽  
E. Moiseev

The research is aimed at identifying approaches to the promotion of educational resources of additional education. The article analyzes the specifics of approaches to the positioning of courses of additional vocational education of various centers of vocational education and advanced training in Moscow. The aim of the study is to identify modern technologies for promoting services in the conditions of increasing demand for online technologies due to the limitations caused by coronavirus infection.

Natalya Shafazhinskaya ◽  
Sergey Shishov ◽  
Galina Yulina

The article is devoted to the study of the specifics of the spiritual and moral education of mid-level Cossack cadets. Special attention in the study is paid to the justification of the need for classes and events on Orthodox themes within the framework of additional education for the Cossack class. The experience of diagnosing the features of spiritual and moral education and discussing the results obtained is presented. The importance of the implementation of the psychological and pedagogical program for the development and improvement of the moral and ethical component in Cossack cadet classes is emphasized.

Ekaterina Klestova ◽  
Aleksej Klestov

The article deals with various forms and methods of work that are carried out in institutions of additional education in the field of physical culture and sports for patriotic education of students. In particular, karate classes in sports schools contribute to the socialization of teenagers through participation in the educational and training process, competitions, mass sports events

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