nahdlatul ulama
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2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 273-310
Ahmad Taufik

Pemimpin agama Indonesia memainkan peran kunci dalam pandemi COVID-19 karena keputusan dan pandangan mereka didengarkan oleh sebagian besar komunitas Muslim. Kajian ini berfokus pada reaksi dan pandangan organisasi Islam arus utama seperti Nahdlatul Ulama, Muhammadiyah, Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), Jamaah Tabligh dan Front Pembela Islam (FPI) dan beberapa buronan Muslim seperti Ustadz Abdul Somad, dan Kyai Najih di Indonesia. untuk mengatasi COVID-19. Makalah ini menemukan bahwa tanggapan beberapa komunitas Muslim terhadap Covid-19 belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan pedoman pemerintah Indonesia. Selama pandemi Covid-19, beberapa pemimpin agama mengadakan dan mempromosikan pertemuan ibadah. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh reaksi yang menunjukkan pro dan kontra dari masyarakat Muslim dan juga tampak resisten terhadap kebijakan yang ditetapkan. Kedua, ormas Islam arus utama seperti NU, MU, dan MUI telah mengambil pendekatan yang logis dan realistis dalam meminta pengikutnya untuk mematuhi pedoman jarak sosial dari penguasa. Namun, teori konspirasi oleh beberapa guru Islam telah memperumit situasi tersebut. Ketiga, pada awal munculnya Covid-19 di Indonesia (Januari dan Februari), respon para pemuka agama terpecah-pecah dan dipertanyakan, namun mantap seiring dengan kasus COVID-19 yang semakin menyebar di Indonesia, beberapa ormas Islam (seperti MUI) , Muhammadiyah, dan NU) dan tokoh-tokoh Islam (Abdul Somad, Kyai Najih, dan Nasaruddin Umar) bekerja keras bahu-membahu sesuai dengan pedoman.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-75
Riyan Sisiawan Putra Riyan ◽  
Firda Nur Aziza ◽  
Hidayatul Khusnah ◽  
Tri Utami

This study deals with how the influence of dual role conflict, role ambiguity and job stress on the performance of female employees at Nahdlatul Ulama University Surabaya. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of multiple role conflict, role ambiguity and job stress on employee performance. Respondents in this study were 82 employees of Naahdlatul Ulama University Surabaya. The data collection method used is using a questionnaire. This study uses dual role conflict as an independent variable, role ambiguity as an independent variable, job stress as an independent variable and employee staff performance as the dependent variable. The sampling technique used in this research is probability sampling method. The analysis used is the classical assumption test, validation test, reliability test, multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing, coefficient of determination. This study shows that there is a significant effect of dual role conflict on the performance of female employees and, a significant effect of role ambiguity on the performance of female employees and, a significant effect of job stress on the performance of female employees.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 273-288
Muhammad Fahmi Hidayatullah ◽  
Muhamad Anwar Firdausi ◽  
Yusuf Hanafi ◽  
Zawawi Ismail

Trans culture is a cross-cultural condition which can develop or survive within the life of a community. Religion and culture as the pillars for unity in the cross-cultural era can potentially develop into liberalism. This study aims to reveal the process of religious and cultural liberalism along with the solutions. It uses a qualitative-analysis method with hermeneutic approach based on the thoughts of the figures of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in East Java. To collect the data, the researchers conduct in-depth interviews and data analysis of the works and news on religious and cultural liberalism. The study discovers the dialectic model of religious liberalism by making human rights the main source of law, which is called theological-capitalism. Besides, it finds cultural liberalism in the form of an identity crisis, which is called enculturation-liberalism. To overcome the religious liberalism, we can use clarification techniques and logical-systematic thinking. Meanwhile, the solution to deal with cultural liberalism is through cultural realism and socio-cultural learning. Transkultural adalah kondisi lintas kebudayaan yang dapat berkembang atau bertahan di kehidupan masyarakat. Agama dan budaya sebagai pilar persatuan yang dalam era lintas kebudayaan berpotensi berkembang pada paham liberal. Tujuan penelitian ini mengungkap proses liberalisme agama dan budaya yang disertai solusi dalam menangkalnya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif-analisis dengan pendekatan hermeneutik berdasarkan pemikiran tokoh Ulama’ NU Jawa Timur. Dalam menggali data, dilakukan interviu mendalam serta analisis data dokumentatif karya dan berita liberalisme agama dan budaya. Hasil penelitian ditemukan model dialektika liberalisme agama dengan menjadikan Hak Asasi Manusia sebagai sumber hukum utama disebut teologis-kapitalistik, sedangkan dialektika liberalisme budaya dalam bentuk krisis identitas disebut enkulturasi-liberalistik. Solusi dalam menaggulangi liberalisme agama dengan menggunakan teknik klarifikasi dan berfikir logis-sistematis. Sedangkan solusi menghadapi liberalisme budaya melalui realisme culture dan socio-culture learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 241-264
Nawawi Nawawi ◽  
Wawan Juandi

This study found that the relationship between santri and kyai is a pattern of emotional relations such as the feudal system. Kyai has three pillars. They are the mass base as a pattern of social structure, the ulama base as a leadership structure and the cultural base as a scientific basis. However, these three pillars have experienced a shift due to the kyai's entry into practical politics due to his political ijtihad. This shift places the authority of the kyai from a spiritual teacher (central position) to a politician (peripheral position). In this case, the kyai is still obeyed when he is in a central position as a spiritual teacher and not obeyed when his position is marginal as a politician. Of course, this becomes an authority dilemma as experienced by kyai Fawaid who is directly involved in practical politics. The involvement of kyai Fawaid in politics does not belong to the opportunist category but is a form of concern for carrying out the commands of ma'ruf nahi munkar in social transformation. Kyai Fawaid's political ijtihad was strongly influenced by the habituation of Islamic boarding schools based on fiqh. Habituation here is to create a political situation and condition (persistence life situation) through a process of internalization and habituation in accordance with the values ​​of the pesantren, not to be carried away by the flow of political habituation which is always pragmatic and materialistic. The result of his Ijitihad that winning in politics by deception must be abandoned and losing in the right way must be maintained. Thus, the findings of this study can invalidate the theory from the results of research that has been carried out by Ernst Utrecht, Mochtar Naim, Daneli Lev, Justus van der Kroef, Arnold Brackman and Munir Mulkan, where they say that kyai or pesantren of Nahdlatul Ulama who participate politics are opportunists.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 151
Said Romadlan ◽  
Dimas Prasetyo Wibisono ◽  
Zulfa Triwahyuningsih

Pascareformasi tahun 1998, diskursus kelompok-kelompok muslim radikal menguat dalam mewacanakan pandangan-pandangannya melalui media-media online yang dimiliki. Mereka mewacanakan sistem pemerintahan khilafah pengganti Pancasila, jihad sebagai perang, dan intoleransi terhadap nonmuslim. Diskursus radikalisme mengenai jihad di media online harus dilawan dengan kontradiskursus makna jihad yang lain, salah satunya melalui media online dan NU Online, media resmi Muhammadiyah dan Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). Permasalahannya adalah bagaimana bentuk-bentuk kontra-diskursus makna jihad melalui dan NU Online? Tujuannya untuk menunjukkan bentuk-bentuk kontra-diskursus makna jihad melalui dan NU Online. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis wacana kritis Norman Fairclough yang memfokuskan analisisnya pada tiga level: (1) analisis teks, (2) analisis praktik diskursus, dan (3) analisis sosio-kultural (konteks). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk kontra-diskursus radikalisme adalah merepresentasikannya sebagai jihad lil-muwajahah (bersungguh-sungguh menciptakan sesuatu yang unggul). Selain itu, NU Online menampilkan pemaknaan jihad kontekstual, seperti jihad melawan korupsi, melawan narkoba, melawan hoaks. Implikasi hasil penelitian ini menegaskan bahwa diskursus yang ditampilkan dan NU Online merupakan kontra-diskursus mengenai jihad sebagai perang atau kekerasan yang diwacanakan kelompok-kelompok muslim radikal. Kesimpulannya, media online dan NU Online memiliki peran strategis dalam menandingi dan melawan diskursus radikalisme, khususnya mengenai jihad sebagai perang dari kelompok-kelompok muslim radikal di Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-177
Zulfa Fiqria ◽  
Zaenal Arifin

The spread of radicalism in education requires students to fortify and strengthen their beliefs to not fall into radicalism. The researcher aims to discover the revitalization of NU’s practice in countering radicalism in schools. In this study, the type of field research is descriptive analysis. This study resulted in research findings, namely the implementation of NU’s Islamic tradition in the form of grave pilgrimage of Walisanga and Asmaul Husna reading, as well as a form of revitalization in countering radicalism through NU’s Islamic tradition practice for strengthening Aswaja’s theology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-267
Muhammad Syaiful Imam Baidowi ◽  
Said Abadi

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to find out the management of zakat conducted by the district of magetan district by using the swot method of analysis. Which later in swot analysis USES matics and swot analysis diagrams so that it can be known in the upper quadrant of zakat lazisnu's management in the diagram. The study employed qualitative methods of fieldwork and employed qualitative approaches. The data-collection techniques that are done are interviews, observations, and documentation. Research shows that lazisnu has performed some zakat management activities such as planning, organization, execution and surveillance strategies.. Swot analysis using mattices and diagrams indicates that zakat lazisnu's management was in the first quadrant. In the diagram it shows that the first quadrant is between chance and strength. The strategy that supported lazisnu is an aggressive strategy by maximizing the remaining forces to achieve the odds. However, when this strategy is employed incorrectly, it reduces the weaknesses and threats found in lazisnu Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui manajemen zakat yang dilakukan oleh LAZISNU Kabupaten Magetan dengan menggunakan metode analisis SWOT. Yang nantinya dalam analisis SWOT menggunakan matrik dan diagram analisis SWOT sehingga dapat diketahui dalam posisi kuadran manakan manajemen zakat LAZISNU dalam diagram. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif penelitian lapangan dan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LAZISNU telah melakukan beberapa kegiatan manajemen zakat seperti perencanaan, pengorganisasian, strategi pelaksanaan dan pengawasan.. Hasil analisis SWOT menggunakan matrik dan diagram menunjukkan bahwa manajemen zakat LAZISNU berada di kuadran pertama. Dalam diagram ditunjukkan bahwa kuadran pertama berada di antara peluang dan kekuatan. Strategi yang mendukung LAZISNU adalah strategi agresif yaitu dengan memaksimalkan kekuatan yang ada untuk meraih peluang yang ada. Namun, jika strategi ini dapat dilakukan dengan baik secara tidak langsung akan mengurangi kelemahan dan ancaman yang ada di LAZISNU.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-68
M. Romadlon Habibullah

The university is part of the intellectual community in this country, which is expected to be able to contribute to the development of the nation and state. Community Service Activities (PKM) are a form of education by providing empirical experience to Lecturers with students to live in the midst of society outside the campus, and directly teaching students how to identify populist social problems. Sumberejo Village is a village located in Trucuk District, Bojonegoro, East Java. The implementation of the Covid-19 Thematic PKM activity was carried out in Sumberejo Village because the PKM location was an area close to student homes. In accordance with the direction of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) at the University of Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri Bojonegoro that the implementation of PKM is better in their respective villages to reduce mobility and transmission of COVID-19. PKM in Sumberejo Village Using a Community Based Research approach, by carrying out a community assistance process using the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) method. The 2021 Thematic PKM activity at the Sunan Giri Bojonegoro University Nahdlatul Ulama in Sumberejo Village, Trucuk District can be carried out well. Activities can be accepted by the community and receive support from all levels of village officials and several elements who are always enthusiastic about ongoing activities. Work programs that are focused on community economic development during the pandemic. The activity is in the form of developing yarn knitting skills. Marketing assistance for community knitting products, namely on social media and marketplaces. Marketing and introducing knitting products in Sumberajo Village which was carried out after development assistance.

2021 ◽  
Ahmad Mustafid ◽  
Miftahussurur Hamidi Putra ◽  
Mochammad Miftah El Azmi Mauladi Tontowi ◽  
Muhammad Rodlin Billah

Nahdlatul Ulama merupakan organisasi islam terbesar di dunia. Menyambut abad ke-2 Organisasi Nahdlatul Ulama merupakan momentum penting dalam perjalanan organisasi. Transformasi digital dalam tubuh Nahdlatul Ulama sangat perlu dilakukan untuk memutar roda organisasi kedepan. Langkah awal dalam transformasi digital adalah proses digitalisasi dan pemahaman yang baik atas data tersebut.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-76
Asriyani Sagiyanto ◽  
Achmad Syahlani ◽  
Liliyana Liliyana ◽  
Ferrari Lancia

One aspect that has changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic is the way humans communicate in public (public speaking). This impact was also felt by women who were members of the Fatayat NU (Nahdlatul Ulama) Ciledug organization. Fatayat NU is an Islamic women's organization which is one of the autonomous institutions within NU, which is religious, social and familial. The concept of Fatayat NU activities can be classified into three, namely in the field of regeneration and education, the field of da'wah or Islamic development, and the field of social society. The problems faced by Fatayat NU Ciledug, relating to public speaking are: (1) Lack of ability to appear and speak in public; and (2) Lack of public speaking skills, both face-to-face and online. The solutions offered to solve these problems are through community service activities, namely providing online training/workshops by utilizing the Zoom Meeting application to members of Fatayat NU Ciledug to provide tips and tricks regarding: (1) How to have the ability to appear and speak in public; and (2) Skills in public speaking both face-to-face and online. The implementation of this community service activity consists of 3 stages, namely; (1) The preparation stage, to identify problems, apply for permits to the Fatayat NU Ciledug management, and make preparations for the implementation of public speaking training; (2) the stage of implementing public speaking training; and (3) the evaluation stage, by providing evaluation test questions that must be done using Google Forms media, to find out how much the increase in knowledge, abilities, and skills of Fatayat NU Ciledug women regarding public speaking after participating in training activities.

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