research perspective
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P.C. Taylor ◽  
M. Abeysekera ◽  
Y. Bian ◽  
D. Ćetenović ◽  
M. Deakin ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Zhicheng Wang ◽  
Xingyu Qiu ◽  
Yixing Jin ◽  
Xinyan Zhang

This paper aims to verify the effects of work–family conflict and work–family facilitation on employee innovation in the digital era. Based on resource conservation theory, this study regards the work–family relationship as a conditional resource. Employees who are in a state of lack of resources caused by work–family conflict will maintain existing resources by avoiding the consumption of further resources to perform innovation activities; employees who are in a state of sufficient resources are more willing to invest existing resources to obtain more resources. In this study, 405 employees from enterprises in the Chinese provinces of Jiangsu, Anhui, Sichuan, and Guangdong, and in the municipality of Tianjin were selected as the research object. These enterprises are knowledge-based companies, and their employees frequently transfer knowledge at work. We collected questionnaires from the frontline employees of these companies. The results show that negative and positive emotions mediate the effect of work–family conflict and work–family facilitation on employee innovation. Moreover, work flexibility has a significant moderating effect on the mediating role of emotions between work–family facilitation and employee innovation behavior. In the digital era, when facing different work–family situations, employees need to pay attention to and dredge their negative emotions to avoid reducing their innovative behaviors due to self-abandonment; in parallel, they need to guide their positive emotions toward innovation, so as to promote their innovative consciousness and behavior. This paper expands the research perspective of employee innovation behavior.

Materials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 416
Eva Gil-González ◽  
Luis A. Pérez-Maqueda ◽  
Pedro E. Sánchez-Jiménez ◽  
Antonio Perejón

Flash Sintering (FS), a relatively new Field-Assisted Sintering Technique (FAST) for ceramic processing, was proposed for the first time in 2010 by Prof. Rishi Raj’s group from the University of Colorado at Boulder. It quickly grabbed the attention of the scientific community and since then, the field has rapidly evolved, constituting a true milestone in materials processing with the number of publications growing year by year. Moreover, nowadays, there is already a scientific community devoted to FS. In this work, a general picture of the scientific landscape of FS is drawn by bibliometric analysis. The target sources, the most relevant documents, hot and trending topics as well as the social networking of FS are unveiled. A separate bibliometric analysis is also provided for Reaction or Reactive Flash Sintering (RFS), where not only the sintering, but also the synthesis is merged into a single step. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study of this nature carried out in this field of research and it can constitute a useful tool for researchers to be quickly updated with FS as well as to strategize future research and publishing approaches.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 207-212
Junhua Ren

Rhetoric and translation help to promote language and cultural exchanges. Therefore, the study of the two fields can be traced far back. Scholars focused on the translation of rhetorical devices long before. In order to learn the trend and problem of the current study of rhetoric translation in China, this paper adopts the method of bibliometrics to analyze the relevant academic articles, theses and dissertations published from1997 to 2021 on China National Knowledge Infrastructure (short for CNKI), a well-known academic website of China. The analysis goes through six dimensions, such as languages involved in the transfer, translation direction, text type, research perspective, rhetoric device and citation frequency.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Salmi Yuniar Bahri ◽  
Abdul Khalik ◽  
Martin Romiza

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are one of the pillars of the domestic economy, especially for village government. However, they often do not get good support from the village government. Therefore, the government must involve the existence of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) to increase the income of SMEs so that they can improve the village economy. Village-Owned Enterprises have become a pillar of social economy (social economy) and commercial (commercial Institution) for people who want to manage and develop the potential and needs of villages to be used as business facilities in increasing village community income, as well as contributing to good social service and presentation. Meanwhile, as a commercial institution, it aims to seek profit through offering local resources (goods and services) to the community. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach that emphasizes understanding the design of the proposed social phenomenon approach from the subject of the research perspective. This research was conducted in Gerung Permai Village, Suralaga District, East Lombok Regency by involving BUMDes Management and UKM actors as sources of data taken by means of interviews and questionnaires. The results of the research are that BUMDes Gerung Permai, Suralaga District, East Lombok Regency supports the existence of SMEs as a means to improve the community's economy. Therefore, BUMDes plays an active role in providing assistance to SMEs in the form of savings and loans with only one percent interest.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Huan Huang ◽  
Fan Wang ◽  
Yi Xiao ◽  
Jiaxin Kuang

With the deterioration of the global climate, there is consensus that the environment and economy must develop in coordination. Effective environmental regulation (ER) is an important incentive of environmental protection, and there is a clear interaction mechanism between it and the economic growth quality (EGQ). In order to explore the intrinsic link between ER and EGQ, this study establishes a comprehensive evaluation index system from the research perspective of the coupling coordination degree (CCD). Based on the panel data of 30 provincial administrative regions in mainland China (excluding Tibet), from 2004 to 2017, the entropy method, coupling coordination model, and spatial econometric model are used to explore the CCD and the factors influencing the CCD of ER and EGQ. The key findings of this study were as follows: (1) The CCD of ER and EGQ system showed an upward trend in the fluctuation from 2004 to 2017. (2) In 2017, Beijing showed good coordination, Yunnan and Qinghai showed primary coordination, and the rest of the provinces showed moderate coordination. (3) The CCD of different regions in China is uneven. (4) Per capita GDP, per capita FDI, ER intensity, and industrial structure adjustment have promoting effects on the CCD, while per capita investment in fixed assets and environmental pressure have inhibiting effects on the CCD. Our conclusions are significant for promoting the integrated development of regional economy and ecological civilization, and provide a theoretical reference for other countries and regions to explore the relationship between ER and EGQ.

2021 ◽  
Vol 60 (4) ◽  
pp. 219-244
Bartosz Wachnik ◽  
Piotr Pryciński ◽  
Jakub Murawski ◽  
Mirosław Nader

The high IT project failure rate means that the stakeholders start recognizing the need to analyze the factors influencing project success, previously deemed irrelevant in the face of technology, including the agile approach, eliminating project documentation, effective prototyping, information asymmetry between project parties, while also perfecting communication and the methods of knowledge transfer between team members. Currently, IT projects are researched using a holistic approach, seeing an implementation project as a whole, subject to specific regularities, which may not be deduced based on the knowledge of their individual components. We would like to enrich the research perspective with the notion of the information gap. The article aims to evaluate and analyze the information gap in ERP and CRM project implementations. We have researched the information gap from the perspective of project managers on the supplier’s and the client’s sides. The study was conducted in Poland between 2014 and 2021 in a group of medium companies, using qualitative research methods: unstructured interview and direct observation. The study led to a qualitative characterization of the information gap and the identification of its causes and consequences. The presented research result can help achieve three goals, i.e. studying the information gap in the selected group of IT projects, indicating the nature of imperfection in information access by the project participants, and raising awareness amongst project managers regarding risk management issues, especially uncertainty. Reducing the information gap can be used by the transaction parties to implement a strategy of building the object’s resilience to uncertainty and its consequences. These results can help develop methodologies of IT project implementation, limiting the level of risk and uncertainty.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Nabeel Zahoor ◽  
Abid Ali Dogar ◽  
Akhtar Hussain

The transformer is one of the most discussed and important components of electrical power systems because of its reliability, durability and energy conversion capability. It is also useful in load sharing, which reduces system burden, but is also responsible for a sufficient number of losses, as it is used in different types of electric appliances that require voltage conversion. The no-load losses of transformers have gained much attention from research perspective because of its operating cost throughout its lifetime. Many studies were carried out to achieve the highest possible efficiency, decreasing certain losses by using different methods and materials. However, the local market in Pakistan is far behind in the field of efficient core material manufacturing of transformers, which is why consumers are unable to obtain efficient electric appliances. Due to these loss-making appliances, the overall residential load increases and the consumers are charged with heavy electricity bills. This proposed study discusses core losses, different core comparisons, T/F efficiency and advancement in the core material. To accomplish a core comparison, two locally available core materials are used to fabricate two different T/F, and some tests such as open-circuit and short-circuit tests are performed to discover their losses, thermal degradation, and output efficiencies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Ge Zhang ◽  
Lu Liu ◽  
Hao Guo

Cloud computing offers significant impacts on organization by changing how information systems are developed, deployed, operated, maintained, and paid for. Therefore, the adoption of cloud computing becomes the focus of relevant research; however, previous studies have mostly studied the factors affecting cloud computing adoption from the perspective of adopters, ignoring the influence of the vendors. This study defines cloud service capability and develops scale to measure it from the perspective of cloud computing vendors to empirically examine the impact of the supply-side of cloud computing. The initial scale of cloud service capability is constructed using qualitative research, and the formal scale is obtained after two rounds of pretest. The statistical results of matched data collected from 132 cloud computing vendors and their users show that cloud service capability significantly affects cloud computing adoption. This study shifts the research perspective on cloud adoption to make theoretical contributions and management insights from the perspective of cloud computing vendors.

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