news report
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-26
Butler Cain

On May 8, 2018, U.S. President Donald Trump announced the United States would withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran. President Trump had campaigned on removing the U.S. from the nuclear agreement, but the announcement still caught Iran and other parties to the JCPOA by surprise. This research analyzed three days of JCPOA-related news headlines from two international broadcasters: Press TV, headquartered in Tehran, and Voice of America, located in Washington, D.C. The majority of headlines published by both news organizations exhibited negative tone. Considering that reading a headline often substitutes for reading an entire news report, examining the headlines these international broadcasters used to present this event to their global audiences is a worthwhile pursuit. Keywords: Iran, United States, nuclear, headline, tone

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-129
Muhamad Sulhan

This article aims to describe complexity of news texts on discourse Desa Tangguh Bencana (Destana) in Yogyakarta and Surabaya which are contained in online media throughout the process of handling the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. This article use the critical discourse analysis (CDA) from Teun A van Dijk’s model (1988) to analyze the structure of news report which consists of two main categories: summary and story. The summary aspect is reduced to an analysis of headlines and leads. The story is revealed to analysis of the situation and comments. The result of analysis found that had been a shift in Destana discourse in 2 (two) online media (, and medcom.id3). The discourse shitfting comes  from an informative discourse to an investigative discourse during May – November 2020. Another finding was that there was a pattern of the use of issues and discourses that remain the same as a 'stage' for the appearance of the political elite. They have been using Destana's humanist discourse to become politically charged  with the shift in the word 'Desa' into 'Kampung'.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-82
Milica Vučković ◽  
Stana Odak Krasić ◽  
Marija Volarević

Kad pogledamo medijske navike korisnika, posebno mladih (Reuters Institute Digital News Report, 2020), onda možemo vidjeti sve veći utjecaj društvenih medija u njihovu informiranju i komunikaciji. Značaj društvenih medija još je dodatno ojačan s početkom globalne pandemije bolesti COVID-19. U tom kontekstu društvena mreža Instagram proteklih godina postaje sve popularnija platforma na globalnoj razini, a posebno kod mlađe populacije. No, i dalje ostaje neiskorišten alat u približavanju politika, političkih aktera i važnih društvenih tema mlađoj populaciji. Cilj je ovog rada ispitati kako su ključni politički akteri u Hrvatskoj komunicirali putem Instagrama za vrijeme pandemije COVID-19 te utvrditi jesu li koristili ovu društvenu mrežu kako bi se približili publici na toj platformi, odnosno mladima. S druge strane, ovaj rad će ispitati kako komunikaciju političara na društvenoj mreži Instagram percipiraju i ocjenjuju mladi praktičari odnosa s javnošću i jesu li njihove poruke prilagođene mlađoj populaciji. Svrha će rada biti na temelju dvostruke analize donijeti zaključke i dati preporuke za unapređenje komunikacije političara na društvenoj mreži Instagram. Koristeći metodu analize sadržaja analiziran je sadržaj na Instagram profilima dvojice ministara i članova kriznog stožera za pandemiju COVID-19 te hrvatskog premijera i predsjednika. Analizom je utvrđeno na koji način političari komuniciraju, je li sadržaj prilagođen mladima i potiču li angažman u svojim objavama. Metodom strukturiranog intervjua s odabranim praktičarima odnosa s javnošću komunikacija je ocjenjivana trodimenzionalno: u sadržaju, javnom nastupu i karizmi političara na Instagramu. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata u zaključku rada sažete su preporuke za daljnju praksu u komunikaciji političara na društvenoj mreži Instagram.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-62
Geane Alzamora ◽  
Lorena Tárcia

The study of transmedia in journalism is still evolving. Although news organizations around the world have been spreading stories through different and complementary platforms and screens, this does not necessarily constitute the use of transmedia concepts. Usually, the same story is simply distributed across multiple screens. Transmedia news reporting, in our view, would involve the expansion of content and engagement of the audience, instead of repetition and propagation. This article studies examples of possible applications of the transmedia concept to the news report, by examining The Float Project (Flutuador), in Brazil and comparing it to a potential model of engagement, The Great British Property Scandal: Every Empty Counts (2012) in the UK. The theoretical framework is provided by Henry Jenkins (2006), Carlos Scolari (2009), Kevin Moloney (2011), Renira Gambaratto (2013) Alzamora and Tárcia (2012) and proposes an evolving analytical model as a methodology for understanding transmedia applied to news features. The study points to major investments in building potential transmedia news reports by Globo Networks and suggests the necessary involvement of other departments and institutions to achieve full engagement and social relevance, as occurred in the UK project.

Petre Breazu ◽  
David Machin

Abstract It has been argued that more research is needed on the role of humor in the expression of racism. One reason is that, in the ‘post racial’ society, overt racism has become publicly unacceptable and, therefore, tends to appear in more concealed forms. In this paper, as part of a larger project on media representations of the Roma, we look at the role of humor in a Romanian television news clip reporting on the financial rewards of begging. We draw on the critical scholarship in humor research and carry out a multimodal critical discourse analysis of a news report selected from a larger corpus. We argue that through humor a recontextualisation of the Roma’s situation takes place, transforming their actual situation of poverty and social marginalisation into a humorous account of cultural failure, incompetence, stupidity and calculated money grabbing. We show that humor is one way by which culture becomes represented as embodied by ethnic minorities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-40
Sofiya Sarkisova

The cult of personality started by the first President of Turkmenistan Saparmurat Niyazov has acquired new dimensions with the present leader of the country. The cult of personality of Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov is actively constructed via mass media. This paper examines two short clips of a news report dedicated to the President’s birthday celebration that was broadcasted on the Turkmen national TV on 26 June 2020. The paper analyzes a set of specific mechanisms of flattery inflation used in the report and demonstrates special linguistic choices and visual patterns applied to force a specific ideology on the audience. Due to the multimodal nature of the analyzed discourse, multimodal critical discourse analysis has been implemented, additionally informed by the systemic functional linguistics and the visual semiotic analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-153
Nurlaila Nurlaila ◽  
Andi Irlina

Different language systems between English and Indonesian cause difficulties in communication, both written and oral. This case can be solved with translation. This research aims to find about types of translation difficulties in translating English news reports encountered by the fourth semester of English Education Department students of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty at UIN Antasari Banjarmasin. This research is a qualitative descriptive research by analyzing the text of the news report entitled "London is the Best Destination in the World in the 2019 Trip Advisors Travellers' Choice Awards," published on 29 March 2019 at 00.48:00 a.m translated into Bahasa Indonesia by involving 50 of the students. The number of the students are the participants taken by using purposive sampling. The writers collect the written documents due to translating the text of the English News Report by the students, analyze the words, phrases, and sentences to find the students' difficulties based on Hartono's theory. There are four difficulties the writers found in this study. The difficulties are lexical, grammatical, stylistic, and cultural difficulties.

Vincent Masse

Printed news reports circulated, in the 16th and 17th century, which revealed the sudden conversion to Christianity – some were real, but several were invented – of powerful monarchs from abroad. How were such announcements written or invented? Different scenarios existed. There was genuine news, to which were added cosmetic and false details, or sometimes overly enthusiastic interpretations. There was false news, although invented, arguably, to simplify the reporting of real upheavals on the scene of world affairs – such as the entrance on the historical stage of the Safavid dynasty, fantasized in the media as the conversion of Ismail I (in 1508) or Abbas I (in 1606). The strange case of La conversion de trois grands rois [The Conversion of Three Great Kings] helps in distinguishing two falsification mechanisms, or in this case two steps: in 1571, it was the fraudulent mixing of excerpts from genuine Jesuit letters; in 1588, 1608 and 1609, the same news report circulated anew, with all of its dates replaced by current ones. Truth and fiction thus intertwined better than they clashed, and paradoxically at the very time when genuine and current information about Persia, India and Indonesia was starting to circulate in Europe. The existence of such chimerical news also indicates that, as the industry of news reporting was developing, the particular desirability of reports on high-level conversions helped them prevail over other news more genuine, yet less appealing.

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