category system
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2022 ◽  
Vol 111 ◽  
pp. 103624
Marcel Graus ◽  
Ankie van de Broek ◽  
Paul Hennissen ◽  
Trudie Schils

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-169
Kailing Zhao ◽  
Kornsiri Boonyaprakob

Interaction in foreign language classrooms has been regarded as a key factor in enhancing learning outcomes (Allwright, 1984; Ginting, 2017; Hanum, 2016). This study examined interactions in a specific university classroom context in Thailand where 28 Chinese students were learning Thai as a foreign language with a Thai teacher. It employed a mix-method design. Quantitative data were gathered based on a modified Flanders’ model (Flanders Interaction Analysis Category System or FIACS), and the qualitative data were gathered from classroom observations. The analysis of 90-minute video records and field notes from the observations of three classes reveal the domination of teacher’s talk (77.59%), and the minimal students’ talk (6.16%). Besides, silence time occupies 16.25%. Out of the total of 22 categories of interaction, no student talk can be categorized as an initiation of talk, and no teacher talk can be categorized as procedural lectures and assigning homework. Characteristics of the interaction varied according to the quantity and categories of talk. Transcription of verbatim from the videos reveals details of the interaction. Findings suggest that quantity, category, and characteristics of talk are interrelated and must all be improved together to increase the quality of interaction to affect student learning outcomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (19) ◽  
pp. 10493
Merce Barrientos ◽  
Miguel A. Saavedra-García ◽  
Rafael Arriaza-Loureda ◽  
Cristina Menescardi ◽  
Juan J. Fernández-Romero

Taekwondo competition underwent enormous development with the recent introduction of electronic scoring devices and rule changes. Although the competitive model of taekwondo had been previously studied, most of the literature that analyses this model was previous to the introduction of electronic devices or not based on a prior system of categories. Not only are results of an up-to-date taxonomy essential to guarantee the sustainability of future research about taekwondo based on methodological observation, but they are also completely necessary. This article proposes and validates a new categorisation of taekwondoist technical–tactical actions in the competition after the modifications were introduced between Beijing 2008 and Tokyo 2021 qualification events. The association between environmental conditions, tactical objectives, and technical actions determines the defining parameters of the combat situations. To design the category system, a dual methodology was used: in the first stage, an in-depth review of the technical and scientific literature based on observation of combats was carried out. From that review, a synthesis document was produced, which subsequently was used as a basis for canvassing an up-to-date view of the question from expert advisers. The existing terminology and categories were rearranged and updated, establishing new parameters involved in the technical–tactical resources of contest situations. This updated categorisation was tested by using the generalisability theory, revealing excellent-to-perfect observers’ agreement and reliable data. This new categorisation will allow designing precise and sustainable tools over time for methodological observation of taekwondo in future studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 522
Anna Beniermann ◽  
Laurens Mecklenburg ◽  
Annette Upmeier zu Belzen

The ability to make evidence-based decisions, and hence to reason on questions concerning scientific and societal aspects, is a crucial goal in science education and science communication. However, science denial poses a constant challenge for society and education. Controversial science issues (CSI) encompass scientific knowledge rejected by the public as well as socioscientific issues, i.e., societal issues grounded in science that are frequently applied to science education. Generating evidence-based justifications for claims is central in scientific and informal reasoning. This study aims to describe attitudes and their justifications within the argumentations of a random online sample (N = 398) when reasoning informally on selected CSI. Following a deductive-inductive approach and qualitative content analysis of written open-ended answers, we identified five types of justifications based on a fine-grained category system. The results suggest a topic-specificity of justifications referring to specific scientific data, while justifications appealing to authorities tend to be common across topics. Subjective, and therefore normative, justifications were slightly related to conspiracy ideation and a general rejection of the scientific consensus. The category system could be applied to other CSI topics to help clarify the relation between scientific and informal reasoning in science education and communication.

2021 ◽  
pp. 231
Ana Ponce de León Elizondo ◽  
María Ángeles Valdemoros San Emeterio ◽  
Eva Sanz Arazuri ◽  
Magdalena Sáenz de Jubera Ocón ◽  
Rosa Ana Alonso Ruiz

Resumen: Las vivencias de ocio compartidas entre abuelos y nietos desde una dimensión ambiental-ecológica pueden ser clave en el desarrollo humano, a nivel personal, familiar, social y sostenible, reforzando la cohesión familiar, el bienestar de ambas generaciones y el respeto y cuidado del medio ambiente. La presente investigación tiene por objetivo identificar las actividades de ocio ambiental-ecológico compartidas por abuelos y nietos, y su vinculación con variables relacionadas con aspectos temporales, espaciales, afectivos y motivacionales. Se llevaron a cabo dos grupos de discusión. En el primero participaron 8 nietos, de entre 6 y 12 años, 4 chicos y 4 chicas; en el segundo, 9 abuelos (5 varones y 4 mujeres) con nietos con edades comprendidas entre 6 y 12 años. Se creó un sistema de categorías que fue validado a través de los índices Kappa de Cohen y Kappa de Fleiss. Los resultados reflejan la importante presencia de la dimensión ambiental-ecológica en las actividades compartidas entre abuelos y nietos, destacando experiencias de cuidado de animales, ordeño, labranza del campo, siembra y cuidado de verduras, hortalizas y frutales, así como elaboración de conservas. Estas vivencias nutren un co-aprendizaje intergeneracional en torno al respeto, compromiso y sensibilidad medioambiental fomentando un desarrollo sostenible.   Palabras clave: ocio ambiental; abuelos/as; nietos/as; co-aprendizaje; desarrollo humano.  Abstract: The leisure experiences shared between grandparents and grandchildren from an environmental-ecological dimension can be key in human development, at a personal, family, social and sustainable level, reinforcing family cohesion, the well-being of both generations and respect and care for the environment. The present research aims to identify the environmental-ecological leisure activities shared by grandparents and grandchildren, and their link with variables related to temporal, spatial, affective and motivational aspects. Two focus groups were carried out. In the first one, 8 grandchildren between 6 and 12 years old, 4 boys and 4 girls participated; in the second one, 9 grandparents (5 boys and 4 girls) with grandchildren between 6 and 12 years old participated. A category system was created and validated through Cohen's Kappa and Fleiss' Kappa indexes. The results reflect the important presence of the environmental-ecological dimension in the activities shared between grandparents and grandchildren, highlighting experiences of caring for animals, milking, tilling the fields, planting and caring for vegetables and fruit trees, as well as making preserves. These experiences nurture intergenerational co-learning about respect, commitment and environmental awareness, promoting sustainable development.   Key words: environmental leisure; grandparents; grandchildren; co-learning; human development; environmental leisure; grandparents; grandchildren; co-learning; human development.

Genes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 821
Olivia Strunge Meyer ◽  
Nina Mjølsnes Salvo ◽  
Anne Kjærbye ◽  
Marianne Kjersem ◽  
Mikkel Meyer Andersen ◽  

Description of a perpetrator’s eye colour can be an important investigative lead in a forensic case with no apparent suspects. Herein, we present 11 SNPs (Eye Colour 11-EC11) that are important for eye colour prediction and eye colour prediction models for a two-category reporting system (blue and brown) and a three-category system (blue, intermediate, and brown). The EC11 SNPs were carefully selected from 44 pigmentary variants in seven genes previously found to be associated with eye colours in 757 Europeans (Danes, Swedes, and Italians). Mathematical models using three different reporting systems: a quantitative system (PIE-score), a two-category system (blue and brown), and a three-category system (blue, intermediate, brown) were used to rank the variants. SNPs with a sufficient mean variable importance (above 0.3%) were selected for EC11. Eye colour prediction models using the EC11 SNPs were developed using leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) in an independent data set of 523 Norwegian individuals. Performance of the EC11 models for the two- and three-category system was compared with models based on the IrisPlex SNPs and the most important eye colour locus, rs12913832. We also compared model performances with the IrisPlex online tool (IrisPlex Web). The EC11 eye colour prediction models performed slightly better than the IrisPlex and rs12913832 models in all reporting systems and better than the IrisPlex Web in the three-category system. Three important points to consider prior to the implementation of eye colour prediction in a forensic genetic setting are discussed: (1) the reference population, (2) the SNP set, and (3) the reporting strategy.

Maria Koschig ◽  
Ines Conrad ◽  
Steffi G. Riedel-Heller

Abstract Objectives The study should show how familiar German first year university students are with mental health issues and what their attitudes are regarding mental illness. Methods The study sample consisted of 293 first year German university students (20.37 years ± 1.88), most of them women (82.9%). The majority (77.6%) was studying a social type subject. An additive focus group consisted of four experts. The participants of the quantitative part were recruited at prevention workshops that were offered during the induction week at the beginning of the semester at 15 German universities. Experts of the focus group were recruited by telephone call. In addition to quantitative analysis, we realized a focus group with experts of our target group concerns and university system. For statistical analysis, we used statistic software programme “SPSS” 24 to conduct t-tests. We used content-analytical evaluation to build a category system. Results Every fourth participant reported having had a mental health problem. Male participants had a slightly greater desire for social distance (p=0.008; df=288) and slightly stronger stereotypes (p<0.001; df=289). Conclusions The present study shows that first year university students in Germany have substantial experience with mental health problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-43
Judit Pappné Vancsó ◽  
Mónika Nagy ◽  
Tamás Bazsó

A geoturizmus mind hazánkban, mind világviszonylatban dinamikusan fejlődő jelenség, amely gyakran a tematikus bemutatóhelyekhez, geoparkokhoz köthető. A már meglévő turizmusformákhoz képest a geoturizmus újdonságértéke a földtudományos bázison nyugvó, azonban mégis komplex, a geológia és az arra épülő élő-, valamint épített környezet összefüggéseit egyaránt vizsgáló szemlélet, ahol földtudományi értékeink védelme kap elsődleges fontosságot. Hazánk két UNESCO Globális Geoparkjának közel tíz éve tartó működése mérhető pozitív változásokat eredményezett az érintett területek látogatottságában. Félő azonban, hogy az UNESCO rangot elérni nem, vagy csak nehezen tudó, de megismerésre és védelemre méltó értékekkel rendelkező tájaink földtudományiés kultúrtörténeti kincsei – a védettségüket garantáló kategória nélkül – rejtve maradnak. A Magyar Geopark Bizottság által kidolgozott Nemzeti Geopark Koncepció a fenti problémát hivatott orvosolni. Geotourism is a dynamically developing phenomenon both in Hungary and in the world. This form of tourism is often related to geoparks. Compared to existing forms of tourism, the novelty of geotourism is its earth science basis, together with the complex approach which involves the studying of our living and built environment, although the protection of our geological values is of primary importance. The ten year duration of two UNESCO Global Geoparks in Hungary has produced measurably positive changes in the number of visitors. However, it is feared that the geological and cultural values of our other geographical areas will remain hidden without the protection guaranteed by a category system. Specifically, achieving the UNESCO Global Geopark title is relatively difficult, especially for territories lacking the potential for the application procedure. However, the National Geopark Concept developed by the Hungarian Geopark Committee is intended to solve this problem.

2021 ◽  
István Pacsuta

Alapvető célunk, hogy számos korábbi vizsgálat adatbázisát felhasználva megalkossunk egy kategóriarendszert, amelynek felhasználásával megismerhető a fiatalok – szűkebben véve a felsőoktatásban részt vevő hallgatók – értékválasztása, annak motivációi. Ehhez elengedhetetlen, hogy a korábbi elemzéseink során kialakított értékrendszerek érvényességét ellenőrizzük. Tervezett előadásunkban arra keressük a választ, hogy a „kapcsolatorientált” hallgatók valóban aktívabbak a közösségi média által kínált lehetőségek kihasználásában, infokommunikációs szokásaik összhangban vannak-e értékválasztásukkal? A kérdőívvel történt adatfelvételek során használt értéksor a World Value Survey (WVS) által használt értékeken, értéksoron alapszik (Inglehart, 2000 és Inglehart – Baker, 2000). A Regionális Egyetem Kutatócsoport 2005-ös és 2010-es kérdőíves lekérdezésen alapuló adatbázisát felhasználva korábban meghatároztuk a hallgatói „értékcsoportokat”, feltártuk a hallgatók értékstruktúráját. A 2016-os Magyar Ifjúságkutatás adataira támaszkodva (A Kutatópont Kft. engedélyével) lehetőségünk nyílik arra, hogy az eddigi eredményeinket, kategóriáinkat összevessük egy jóval nagyobb minta, azaz a Kárpát-medence fiataljainak értékstruktúrájával, az általunk felállított kategóriák érvényességét ellenőrizzük. Az eredményekből kiderül, hogy az értékválasztás során felmért attitűd jellegű választások, vagyis az értékek rangsora milyen mértékben jár együtt az infokommunikációs eszközök használatából következtethető közösségiorientált viselkedéssel. Másként fogalmazva a „kapcsolatorientált” hallgatók mennyivel aktívabbak „anyagias” társaiknál? Nagyobb ívű elméleti vonatkozású vállalásunk, hogy megalkossunk egy, az ifjúságra alkalmazható értékrendszer-kategóriát, amely az ifjúság megváltozott társadalmi körülményei között is alkalmazható. Gyakorlati szempontból az értékrendszerek megfelelő alátámasztottság mellett egyéb társadalmi cselekvések esetén is prediktív funkcióval bírhatnak, vagyis az értékválasztás alapján regisztrálható különbségek a társadalmi élet különböző színterein (oktatás, munka világa, közösségi kapcsolatok) eltérő viselkedéseket vetítenek előre. .----- Students' info communication habits along their value choice ----- Our basic aim is to establish a category system using the database of many previous research, and by using this category system to learn about the value choice, and the motivation behind that value choice of the youth – more narrowly the value choice of students in higher education. To do so, it is essential to check the validity of the value systems established during our previous analysis. In our planned presentation we are looking for the answer whether “relationship-oriented” students are really more active in taking the advantages of the opportunities offered by social media, and whether their infocommunication habits are in line with their value choices. The values used in the survey are based on the values, value- lines applied by the World Value Survey (WVS) (Inglehart 2000 and Inglehart -Baker, 2000). Using the database of the 2005 and 2010 survey of the Regional University’s research team, we determined the „value groups”, and we explored the value structure of the students. Relying on the data from 2016 Hungarian Youth Research (with the permission of Kutatópont Kft.) we have the opportunity to compare our current results and categories against a considerably greater sample, namely against the value structure of the youth of the Carpathian Basin, therefore we can check the validity of the categories we established. The results show the extent to which the attitude-type choices assessed during value-selection, namely the ranking of values, are associated with community-oriented behaviour, that can be concluded from the use of infocommunication tools. In other words, how much more active “relationship-oriented” students are than their “material-oriented” peers. Our broader theoretical commitment is to create one value system category valid for the young which can also be applied in the changed social circumstances of the youth. From a practical point of view, value systems, with adequate support, can have a predictive function in case of other social actions, namely the differences registered in value choice project different behaviours in other spheres of social life (education, world of work, community relations).

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