great commission
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2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-115
Gerhard Eliasman Sipayung

AbstractThis study was conducted to obtain an overview of the criteria of an evangelist according to the perspective of Philippians 3:7-14 to add references to the views of the Bible about an evangelist in carrying out his duties and responsibilities in preaching the Gospel to fulfill the great commission and support one of the Church's triduties. This needs to be done to equip evangelists, mission agencies and even theological schools to equip people who will go specifically to the field of evangelism and in general Christians who also have the same responsibility in preaching the gospel. Facts in the field cannot be denied, many things happen in the field in terms of obstacles or problems, even concepts that are not the same in preaching the gospel. The understanding of evangelists and ways of looking at this evangelistic task can have different perspectives, therefore it is necessary to learn from Paul's point of view as an evangelist and apostle who has dedication and determination in the task of preaching the gospel. This study uses a qualitative approach with the method of literature/literature and facts in the field. The results of this study indicate that; first, evangelists must have a visionary perspective, second serve with the concept of grace, third have high accuracy in understanding the concept of Christology, fourth researchers are consistent with the orientation of the heavenly calling. Keywords   : Grace, the power of resurrection, the power of death, captured by Christ, I consider loss, consider trash, heavenly calling AbstrakPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh gambaran kriteria seorang Penginjil menurut perspektif  kitab Filipi 3:7-14 dan tak kalah penting menambah referensi pandangan-pandangan Alkitab tentang seorang penginjil dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggungjawab dalam pemberitaan Injil untuk menggenapi amanat agung dan mendukung salah satu tritugas Gereja. Hal ini perlu dilakukan untuk memperlengkapi para penginjil, badan misi bahkan sekolah teologi memperlengkapi orang-orang yang akan terjun secara khusus ke ladang penginjilan dan secara umum orang kristen yang juga memiliki tanggungjawab yang sama dalam memberitakan Injil. Fakta dilapangan tidak dapat dipungkiri, banyak hal yang terjadi dilapangan dalam hal kendala atau masalah, bahkan konsep yang tidak sama dalam memberitakan Injil. Pemahaman para penginjil dan cara memandang tugas penginjilan ini dapat memiliki perspektif yang berbeda-beda, oleh karena itu perlu belajar dari sudut pandang Paulus sebagai seorang Penginjil dan rasul yang memiliki dedikasi dan keteguhan hati dalam tugas pemberitaan Injil. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode literatur/pustaka. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa; pertama, Penginjil harus memiliki perspektif visioner, kedua Penginjil melayani dengan konsep anugerah, ketiga Penginjil memiliki akurasi yang tinggi memahami konsep Kristologi, keempat Penginjil konsisten kepada orientasi panggilan sorgawi. Kata kunci: Anugerah, kuasa kebangkitan, kuasa kematian, di tangkap oleh Kristus, kuanggap rugi, menganggap sampah, panggilan sorgawi 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 26-38
Ediman Jonson Manurung ◽  
Alvyn Hendriks ◽  
Stimson Hutagalung ◽  
Rolyana Ferinia

Batam Island has diverse social characteristics that are shown by many ethnicities, traditions, and religions. This diversity exists as a result of the population on this island is dominated by domestic migrants from all around Indonesia. In line with the expansion of industry in Batam, the island's population is rapidly increasing, which is accompanied by the establishment of various types of worship places.  Based on population growth, it is essential to examine the historical development of churches of all denominations as well as the establishment of worship places in other religions. The research method used in this writing is qualitative research method by conducting literature review related to church growth. The result of this historical review was, the growth of Christian churches in Batam is not as fast as the growth of mosques, but that does not mean it has decreased in number. They continue to grow and shift geographically in various ways. Clearly, Christianity has spread far from its historical origins and supports Jesus' great commission of making disciples of all nations, baptizing him, and teaching the gospel throughout the world. Abstrak: Pulau Batam merupakan wilayah dengan unsur masyarakat heterogen yang ditunjukkan dengan keberagaman suku, adat istiadat, serta agama yang dianut oleh masyarakat pulau Batam. Keberagaman ini terbentuk karena masyarakat di pulau Batam didominasi oleh pendatang yang berasal dari seluruh Indonesia. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan industri di pulau Batam, maka pertumbuhan penduduk juga meningkat pesat dan diikuti juga bertumbuhnya berbagai macam rumah ibadah.  Berdasarkan latar belakang pertumbuhan penduduk tersebut, maka perlu dilakukan tinjauan historis perkembangan gereja dari semua denominasi dan juga berdirinya rumah ibadah agama -agama lainnya. Penulisan ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dengan melakukan penelitian kepustakaan atau kajian literatur yang berhubungan dengan pertumbuhan gereja. Hasil tinjauan historis ini adalah pertumbuhan gereja Kristen tidak sepesat pertumbuhan masjid tetapi bukan berarti berkurang dalam jumlah.  Mereka terus bertumbuh dan bergeser secara geografis dalam berbagai cara, Jelas agama Kristen telah menyebar jauh dari asal usul historisnya dan mendukung amanat agung Yesus yaitu menjadikan semua bangsa murid, membaptiskannya dan mengajar injil keseluruh dunia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-77
Paulus Kunto Baskoro

Safety is fundamental part of human life. The issue of the doctrine of salvation is a never-ending discussion. Because this is closely related to a belief in life in the future. Yet not many people take seriously the importance of salvation. There are some people who say salvation is matter of later, what important now is to focus on life in this wolrd. So it very necessary for every believer to take responsibility for preaching the gospel of salvation. Because of what is happening now, many believers are more focused on living tn the present. Many believres do not take their evangelistic mandate seriously and consistenly, even though the content of salvation is extraordinary and veru clear. As a believer, preaching the gospel is a task that is most basic and even become a believer’s lifestyle. Because salvation in Jesus is an important principle whose end is eternal salvation. The context of this discussion is focused on the theological overview of the concept of through writing, namely, First, believers understand how important the meaning of salvation is for everyone. Second, belivers fulfill the call to carry out the great commission in all aspects of life; Third, every believer always has creativity in conveying the gospel message to everyone who does not believe in Jesus.

Michael Carruthers

Education and training are vital to the success of Christians who are wanting to fulfill the Great Commission. While it can be difficult to understand the ones Christians are trying to reach with the life-changing Gospel, how the Christian learns and shares with others can make a big impact in people’s lives. This study aims to determine the effect of good Christian education and training has on Christian evangelism. This study was conducted through sources and surveys with ten local pastors. The result of this study shows that good biblical teaching does impact the way Christians share with the lost in our communities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 315-332
Paulus Purwoto ◽  
Asih Rachmani Endang Sumiwi ◽  
Alfons Renaldo Tampenawas ◽  
Joseph Christ Santo

Abstract. Society 5.0 is the concept of a new life order that focuses on humans and based on digital technology to support human work. Meanwhile, the Church has the task to carry out the Great Commission of Christ according to Matthew 28:18-20. The problem is how to implement the Great Commission of Christ in this 5.0 society era. The method used in this study is grammatical and lexical study of Matthew 28:18-20. Through this study, it could be concluded that the actualization of the Great Commission of Christ requires new innovations, from previously on-site-based missions to digital missions. Missionaries are required to have capabulity in mission activities innovation through digital technology.Abstrak. Masyarakat 5.0 adalah konsep tatanan kehidupanbaru yang berfokus pada manusia dan berbasiskan teknologi digitaluntuk mendukung pekerjaan manusia.Sedangkan Gereja memiliki tugas untuk melaksanakan Amanat Agung Kristus berdasarkan Matius 28:18-20.Problemnya adalah bagaimanakah implementasi Amanat Agung Kristus di era masyarakat 5.0 ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam kaijian ini adalah studi gramatikal dan leksikal Matius 28:18-20. Melalui kajian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa aktualisasi Amanat Agung Kristus menuntut inovasi baru, dari sebelumnya misi berbasis on site menuju digital mision.Misionaris dituntut untuk memiliki kemampuan berinovasi dalam aktivitas misi melalui teknologi digital.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 124-134
Jamin Tanhidy ◽  
Priska Natonis ◽  
Sabda Budiman

Cross-cultural evangelism is the duty of all believers without exception. In Acts 10 there is an interesting phenomenon related to cross-cultural service. In the verse it is recorded that the apostle Peter was given the task by God through a vision to go to Cornelius's place, to preach about Jesus. Cornelius was a Greek while the apostle Peter was Jewish. The Apostle Peter was a Jew who held strong Jewish customs. This shows the cross-cultural service that is happening. This article aims to describe the implementation of cross-cultural services based on Acts 10:34-43. The author uses descriptive qualitative research methods by analyzing data such as books and journals. From the results of the analysis, the authors found that the church needs to introduce Christ as a God who loves everyone, preach that everyone deserves salvation, deliver the news of peace through Jesus Christ to all, and deliver the news of peace through Jesus Christ to everyone. The church's awareness of the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus is one of them is to implement cross-cultural ministry, specifically in terms of evangelism.AbstrakPelayanan penginjilan lintas budaya merupakan tugas semua orang percaya tanpa terkecuali. Dalam Kisah Para Rasul 10 terdapat fenomena menarik berkaitan dengan pelayanan lintas budaya. Dalam ayat tersebut tercatat bahwa rasul Petrus diberi tugas oleh Tuhan melalui penglihatan untuk pergi ke tempat Kornelius, supaya memberitakan tentang Yesus. Kornelius adalah seorang Yunani sedangkan rasul Petrus adalah orang Yahudi. Rasul Petrus merupakan seorang Yahudi yang memegang kuat kebiasaan Yahudi. Hal tersebut menunjukkan adanya pelayanan lintas budaya yang terjadi. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan implementasi pelayanan lintas budaya berdasarkan Kisah Para Rasul 10:34-43. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan menganalisis data-data seperti buku-buku maupun jurnal-jurnal. Dari hasil analisis tersebut penulis menemu-kan bahwa gereja perlu memperkenalkan Kristus sebagai Allah yang mengasihi semua orang, memberitakan bahwa semua orang berhak menerima keselamatan, menyampaikan berita damai melalui Yesus Kristus kepada semua orang, dan menyampaikan berita damai melalui Yesus Kristus kepada semua orang. Kesadaran gereja terhadap Amanat Agung Tuhan Yesus salah satunya ialah dengan mengimplementasikan pelayanan lintas budaya, secara khusus dalam hal penginjilan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-86
Paulus Kunto Baskoro

The Great Commission of the Lord Jesus commanded every believer to go make all nations. This is an important mandate called an evangelistic mandate. But there is no denying that many of God's churches or believers are not serious about carrying out the mandate of evangelism which is God's desire to bring believers to Him. The author tries to contribute to the understanding of one of the methods in evangelism, evangelism explosion method as an evangelistic method is quite effective for the growth of the local church. In obtaining accurate and accountable data, the author uses descriptive writing methods of literature. The purpose of this writing is to convey how important evangelism is in the local congregation. Then through evangelism the evangelism explosion method became a very effective method of bringing people to accept Jesus as Lord, and the Savior personally. In addition, local congregations can play an active role in evangelism. The impact of the application of this method experienced the maximum growth of the congregation and evangelism into the lifestyle of believers.Keyword : Evangelism Explosion, Local Church AbstrakAmanat Agung Tuhan Yesus memerintahkan setiap orang percaya untuk pergi menjadikan semua bangsa. Ini merupakan mandat penting yang disebut mandat penginjilan. Namun tidak bisa dipungkiri, banyak gereja Tuhan atau orang percaya tidak serius dalam melaksanakan mandat penginjilan yang merupakan keinginan Tuhan untuk membawa orang percaya kepada-Nya. Penulis mencoba memberikan kontribusi pemahaman salah satu metode dalam penginjilan, yaitu metode evangelism explosion sebagai metode penginjilan cukup efektif bagi pertumbuhan gereja lokal. Di dalam mendapatkan data-data yang akurat dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, penulis menggunakan metode penulisan deskriptif literatur. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah menyampaikan betapa pentingnya sebuah penginjilan dalam jemaat lokal. Kemudian  melalui metode penginjilan dengan evangelism explosion menjadi metode yang sangat efektif dalam membawa orang menerima Yesus sebagai Tuhan, dan Juruselamat secara pribadi. Selain itu jemaat lokal dapat berperan aktif dalam penginjilan. Dampak dari penerapan metode ini mengalami pertumbuhan jemaat yang maksimal dan penginjilan menjadi gaya hidup orang percaya.Kata Kunci : Evangelism Explosion, Gereja Lokal

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 13-36
Yonatan Alex Arifianto

Abstract: Evangelism as a means of bringing people together with God through testimony or example must continue to be echoed. However, there are many different paradigms and concepts of evangelism. Moreover, churches and believers are reluctant to do evangelism because they do not consider it their duty and responsibility. Indeed, believers do not escape the actualization of the mandate of the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus in preaching the gospel to humans. Using a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach, it can be concluded that the study of mission theology in Romans 10:13-15 on the actualization of Christian missions studied through exegesis can be concluded, First, evangelism must be carried out as part of the actualization of the mandate of the Great Commission by giving oneself to preach the news to others so that People who don't know Jesus can hear salvation only in Jesus. Second, the task of the believer is continued as a person who continues to preach by listening and proclaiming the gospel of salvation for humans. The three churches or leaders are obliged to send messengers of evangelists for the sake of saving souls. Abstrak:Penginjilan sebagai sarana mempertemukan manusia dengan Tuhan lewat kesaksian ataupun keteladannan harus terus digaungkan. Namun banyaknya perbedaan paradigma dan konsep pengijilan. Terlebih gereja maupun orang percaya enggan melakukan penginjilan karena bukan mengangap bahwa tugas dan tanggung jawabnya. Sejatinya orang percaya tidak luput dari aktualisasi mandat Amanat Agung Tuhan Yesus dalam melakukan pemberitaan Injil kepada manusia. Mengunakan meotode kualitatif deskritif dengan pendekatan studi literature bahwa kajian Teologi misi dalam Roma 10:13-15 terhadap aktualisasi misi Kristen yang dikaji melalui eksegesa dapat disimpulkan, Pertama Penginjilan harus terus dilakukan sebabgai bagian aktualisasi mandat Amanat Agung dengan memberi diri untuk memberitakan kabar bagi sesama sehingga orang yang belum mengenal Yesus dapat mendengar keslematan hanya didalam Yesus. Kedua, Tugas orang percaya dilanjutkan sebagai pribadi yang terus menerus melakukan pemberitaan dengan Memperdengarkan dan memberitakan Injil keselamatan bagi manusia. Ketiga Gereja atau pemimpin wajib mengirimkan utusan Pemberita Injil demi jiwa jiwa diselamatkan.

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