formative experiment
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-48
Yevhen Karpenko

The purpose of this article is to present a psychological hermeneutic triangulation model of emotional intelligence in the course of individual’s life fulfillment. In this context, the methodological framework and psychotechnical tools of positive psychotherapy contribute to the explication of the axiological potential of the emotional intelligence in three modes of realization: internal, external and integrative through the bodily sensation and emotional competence and understanding, interpretation and hermeneutic circle mechanisms. Application of positive psychotherapy at the empirical stage of the study has resulted in a training program for the development of emotional intelligence in the areas of individual’s life fulfillment relevant for the participants, as well as through individual consultations. The article presents evidence of the effectiveness of a prolonged formative experiment on the development of emotional intelligence by means of positive psychotherapy, which helped verify the author’s theoretical model. Keywords: emotional intelligence, positive psychotherapy, training, bodily sensation, emotional competence, mode of individual’s life fulfillment

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
pp. 317-329
Svetlana B. Bashmakova ◽  
Elena V. Khmelkova ◽  
Irina A. Koneva ◽  
Natalia V. Karpushkina ◽  

Introduction. Today, the education system covers all categories of children with disabilities. This category also includes children with severe and multiple developmental disabilities. Until recently, only a small part of these children studied. Most of them did not study due to the severity of a developmental disability. Consequently, in order to exercise their constitutional right to education, specialists of a special (defectological) profile should be actively involved in the development of training programs and psychological-pedagogical support for such children. The purpose of the study is to test a program for phrasal speech development in primary schoolchildren with multiple developmental disabilities. Materials and methods. The study was conducted at schools for students with disabilities in the cities of Kirovo-Chepetsk and Kirov (Kirov region, Russian Federation). The empirical part of the work was carried out on a sample of thirty-four (34) primary schoolchildren with multiple developmental disabilities. The adapted methodology of L.V. Kovrigina "The study of phrasal speech" was used, which makes it possible to assess the development of impressive and expressive phrasal speech. Results. A correctional-developmental program for phrasal speech development in primary schoolchildren with multiple developmental disabilities was developed and tested. This program is aimed at developing the understanding of addressed speech, expanding vocabulary, activating one's own speech utterance through learning to form and expand a phrase. The positive dynamics of phrasal speech development in primary schoolchildren after the formative experiment was revealed. There were significant changes in the development of impressive (χ2=47.852 at p≤0.05) and expressive (χ2=33.78 at p≤0.05) phrasal speech. Discussion and conclusion. The research materials can be used by specialists in organizing and performing correctional-developmental work with this category of children in the context of special education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
Ekaterina Kyshtymova

The importance of media competence research is connected with the totality of media communications; its psychological component is necessary for a person to understand the peculiarities of media influence and is, at the same time, poorly studied. For specialists in the field of advertising and public relations, psychological media competence (PMC) is of particular importance, since their activities involve the creation of an attractive product for the audience, while not violating the psychological safety of consumers. This determines the relevance of the presented research, the task of which was to analyze the components of psychological media competence among students. The study was conducted using the semantic differential (SD) method and a questionnaire methodology compiled by the author, which allows assessing the ability of a person to determine the psychological characteristics of media texts. Factor analysis, nonparametric Mann-Whitney and Kraskal-Wallis criteria were used for processing. The program developed by the author and tested in the course of the formative experiment is presented, it is aimed at increasing students’ PMC as of future specialists in the field of advertising and PR. 110 people participated in the study. A low level of students’ PMC was revealed. According to the analysis of the results of the experiment, a judgment on the effectiveness of the experimental program aimed at the development of psychological media competence, in particular, the skills of psychological analysis of media texts, is substantiated.

M. O. Antonets ◽  
O. A. Antonets

The urgency of the topic is due to the search for new didactic principles and their introduction into the teaching of the discipline “Floriculture and ornamental gardening” at the Department of Plant Breeding PSAU. The study was conducted in 2019–2021 by the method of included observation and formative experiment among applicants for higher education 2nd year of the Faculty of Agrotechnology and Ecology, specialty 201 Agronomy. The introduction of four didactic principles, namely responsibility, patriotism, environmental and aesthetic principles, in the teaching of the discipline “Floriculture and Ornamental Horticulture” promotes the education of spiritually mature, intelligent and hard-working professionals in the agricultural sector of Ukraine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 543-567
Oksana Chaikovska ◽  
Anzhela Posokhova ◽  
Liudmyla Melnyk ◽  
Alla Kurytsia

The article highlights the results of an experimental study on the formation of prosocial behavior among out-of-school students of their teenage and adolescent years. The dynamics of development of prosocial behavior is determined; the reliability of the revealed changes is established to confirm the effectiveness of the conducted psycho-correctional work. This article is an experimental continuation of the first stage of the study of teens and adolescents’ prosocial behavior. The results of the experimental study show the dynamics of changes before and after the formative experiment on the levels of empathy, the components of altruism and selfishness in the experimental and control groups. Changes in types and norms of teens and adolescents’ prosocial orientation of behavior are analyzed. After the experiment it was found out that the level of empathy and altruism is statistically higher among the students of their teenage and adolescent years in the experimental group than in the control one. It is noted that the system of psycho-correctional measures promotes the development and increase of empathy and altruism among teenagers and adolescents. Significant differences among the types and norms of teenage and adolescent students’ prosocial behavior before and after the experiment are identified. It is proved that teenagers and adolescents show less dominance of altruistic motives in behavior when there is a necessity to provide assistance in public. The level of altruism increases under the possibility of selfless and charitable assistance. It is concluded that the results of the approbation have testified to the effectiveness of the developed program of prosocial behavior formation in students of out-of-school institutions.

Educatia 21 ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 208-218
Luciana Truța ◽  

Effective communication involvement in the decision-making process of kindergarten of all members at each level of management, which leads to interactions, teamwork, exchanges of good practice, initiative. A complex tool that can be used at the level of educational organization, and that involves all levels of management, refers to the documented procedures. Am efficient communication will allow the revision of the procedures, the regulation of the institutional approaches, so that the assumed objectives and performance indicators are permanently taken into account. Thus, the purpose of the presented study aimed to establish the efficiency of documented procedures specific to managerial activities in kindergarten on the optimization of internal communication. The research involved the application of an online questionnaire that addressed the components of internal communication and documented procedures at the level of kindergartens in Cluj County. The intervention within the formative experiment, by implementing the documented procedures, had as a positive impact the highlighting, in the post-experimental stage, of some positive effects on the communication, from the perspective of the relationship with them. Documented procedures, as working tools, represent a vector for establishing and maintaining communication relations at kindergarten level, given their complexity in terms of their development and, subsequently, their implementation. The strategies used (creation of inclusive work teams, development of cooperation actions between management levels, taking responsibility for those involved by valuing their professional expertise) led to the harmonization of the manager-teacher relationship for preschool education, identifying a common vision that can be supported only by optimal internal communication.

Т.С. Вершинина ◽  
О.Л. Кочева

Актуальность статьи обусловлена несоответствием содержания вузовской подготовки переводчиков требованиям, предъявляемым современной профессиональной средой к выпускникам этого направления. Описаны результаты трехлетнего исследования, нацеленного на выявление набора переводческих компетенций, включающих, кроме лингвистических и метакогнитивных навыков, личностные характеристики и умения регулировать социокультурные противоречия. Показано, что в контексте межъязыкового общения переводчик выступает регулятором коммуникации, а, значит, должен демонстрировать эффективные приемы воздействия на индивидуальное или групповое сознание. Авторы убеждены, что развитие новых качеств может также положительно сказаться на уровне мотивации будущих переводчиков, что было подтверждено в ходе проведенного формирующего эксперимента. Статья предназначена для руководителей образовательных переводческих программ и специалистов в области перевода, планирующих разработку алгоритма применения нового профессионального стандарта «Специалист в области перевода». The relevance of the article is due to the inconsistency of the content of the university training of translators with the today’s professional requirements placed on the graduates of this direction of studies. The article describes the results of a three-year study aimed at identifying a set of translation competencies, including, in addition to linguistic and metacognitive skills, personal characteristics and the ability to regulate socio-cultural contradictions. It is shown that in the context of interlingual communication, the translator acts as a regulator of communication, and, therefore, must demonstrate effective methods of influencing individual or group consciousness. The authors are convinced that the development of new qualities can also have a positive effect on the level of motivation of future translators, which was confirmed by the formative experiment. The article is intended for managers of educational translation programs and specialists in the field of translation who plan to develop an algorithm for applying the new professional standard "Specialist in the field of translation".

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
Olena Lysiuchenko ◽  
Yuliia Sydorenko ◽  
Larysa Oleksiienko ◽  
Tetiana Lysenko ◽  
Mariia Hulych

Intercultural communicative competence (ICC) is a component of the general concept of communicative competence, which refers to the ability to establish effective communication with representatives of different social-cultural regions. The role of ICC is growing significantly with the intensification of globalization processes. The purpose of the present academic paper is a comprehensive research of intercultural communicative competence of students-philologists while studying a foreign language at university. To achieve the purpose outlined, the following methods have been used, namely: analysis; synthesis; generalization; ascertaining experiment; the method of formative experiment; comparison. As a result of the research conducted, a diagnostic model has been developed in order to determine the level of ICC formation in students of foreign philology (based on English); a tactic of stimulating the initially diagnosed level of students’ ICC by conducting a formative experiment with subsequent secondary diagnostics for measurement of efficiency of the offered technique. It has been determined that the factors that have influenced the results are as follows: the complexity of the methodologies applied, the duration of the formative experiment, the intensity of work on improving ICC, individual features of participants (motivation, attitude to learning in general, etc.).

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (5) ◽  
pp. 10-20
Svetlana Yu. Divnogortseva ◽  
Svetlana A. Atroshchenko ◽  
Irina V. Zabegaylova ◽  

Introduction. In modern pedagogy, research and thought on upbringing and personal development in a significant number of cases come to the problem of values such as identifying values in educational process, definition of basic values, forming values in an individual, etc. The purpose of the article is to analyze the specifics of pedagogical researches related to axiological aspects in education, to identify existing problems in the same studies and ways to overcome these problems. Materials and methods. As basic research methods we used a literary review on the problem of values in philosophy and psychology, as well as a critical analysis of the problems of pedagogical researches related to values in education. Results. The authors quite often demonstrate a lack of understanding of the scope and concepts related to value problems, inability to focus on concretization of values and, as a result, adequately construct a formative experiment that gives result appropriated to the set goal. Referred to the studies of philosophers and psychologists on problem of values, we have found various methodological approaches to understanding essence and meaning of those values, the need for a clear division of the concept "value" and the definition of generic and specific concepts, as well as its content. Using the example of identifying the concept of "Christian values" based on certain methodological positions, the authors demonstrate possible variants of values concretization when formulating topics of pedagogical studies for students of pedagogical universities. Conclusions. The authors attract attention of researchers to the problem of the classification of values; identify and define such concepts as "values", "value orientations", "value ideas" of the individual; as well consider that it is possible for pedagogical studies, limited in time, to focus on the creation of the value perceptions of individuals.

Татьяна Владимировна Романова

Актуальность исследования обусловлена необходимостью всестороннего научного изучения сущности, специфики и практических методов организации профилактики распространения в образовательных организациях деструктивной идеологии. Целью данного исследования является разработка программы подготовки будущих педагогов к работе по профилактике распространения в образовательных организациях деструктивной идеологии, ее экспериментальное обоснование. В статье предложена структура формирования готовности педагогов к профилактике различных форм экстремисткой деятельности, которая включает познавательный, организационно-деятельностный, мотивационный компоненты. Определены критерии и показатели готовности педагогов к работе по профилактике распространения в образовательных организациях деструктивной идеологии. Описан социально-педагогический эксперимент, показывающий эффективность предложенной программы, на примере деятельности психолого-педагогического факультета Чувашского государственного педагогического университета им. И. Я. Яковлева. В эксперименте участвовало 60 человек, студенты 2 курса (30 - ЭГ, 30 - КГ). В результате внедрения в учебный процесс предложенной нами программы подготовки будущих педагогов к работе по профилактике распространения в образовательных организациях деструктивной идеологии были выявлены значительные изменения в экспериментальной группе, которая участвовала в формирующем эксперименте, в контрольной группе изменения были незначительны. Предложенная программа может использоваться в процессе организации подготовки будущих педагогов к работе по профилактике распространения в образовательных организациях деструктивной идеологии. The relevance of the study is due to the need for a comprehensive scientific study of the essence, specificity and practical methods of organizing the prevention of the spread of destructive ideology in educational organizations. The purpose of this study is to develop a program for training of future teachers for prevention of destructive ideology spread in educational organizations, and to substantiate it experimentally. The article proposes a structure for the formation of teachers’ readiness to prevent various forms of extremist activity, which includes cognitive, organizational-activity, motivational components. The author determined the criteria and indicators of teachers’ readiness for prevention of destructive ideology spread in educational institutions. The article provides the socio-pedagogical experiment showing the effectiveness of the proposed program, on the example of the activities of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University. The experiment involved 60 people, the second-year students (30 people from the experimental group and 30 from the control group). As a result of the introduction of the proposed program on prevention of destructive ideology spread in educational institutions into the educational process, there were revealed significant changes in the experimental group that participated in the formative experiment, while in the control group the changes were rather minor. The proposed program can be used in the process of training of future teachers for prevention of destructive ideology spread in educational institutions.

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