prophetic tradition
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2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 299
Ahmad Amir Nabil ◽  
Zunaidah Mohd. Marzuki

<p>Makalah ini menyorot pemikiran hadis Muhammad Asad (1990-1992) yang dinilai progresif serta kontribusinya dalam pemahaman hadis kontemporer. Ia membincangkan pemahaman inti tentang hadis yang dirumuskan dalam karya-karyanya seperti <em>Sahih al-Bukhari The Early Years of Islam</em>; <em>Islam at The Crossroads</em> (bab “Hadis and Sunnah” dan “The Spirit of the Sunnah”); <em>This Law of Ours and Other Essays; The Road to Mecca </em>dan <em>The Message of the Qur’an</em>. Pengaruh hadis ini turut ditinjau dari artikelnya dalam jurnal <em>Arafat</em> dan makalahnya yang lain terkait tema-tema hadis dan sunnah, serta pemahaman serta tantangannya di abad modern, seperti tulisannya “Social and Cultural Realities of the Sunnah”. Bentuk kajian ini adalah bersifat deskriptif, analitis, historis dan komparatif. Kajian ini mencoba mengembangkan ide dan pemahaman hadis yang dirumuskan Asad dari perspektifnya yang modern dan membandingkannya dengan pemikiran-pemikiran sejarah yang krusial terkait prinsip hadis yang dibawakan oleh pemikir Islam yang lain. Hasil kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa Muhammad Asad telah memberikan sumbangan yang penting dalam pemikiran hadis di abad modern dengan hasil penulisannya yang prolifik dan substantif, termasuk terjemahan dan syarahannya yang ekstensif terhadap <em>Sahih al-Bukhari</em> yang memuat komentar-komentar baru dan analisis sejarahnya yang mendalam terhadap kitab ini. Ia merumuskan pertentangan-pertentangan hukum dan istinbat-istinbat fuqaha’ dan <em>muhaddith</em> dalam tradisi syarah hadis yang kritis. Ia turut merespon pertikaian-pertikaian dasar yang dibangkitkan oleh golongan orientalis dan intelektual yang skeptis terhadap riwayat-riwayat sejarah dalam tradisi hadis.</p><p>[<strong><span lang="IN">Muhammad Asad's Progressive Thoughts on Hadith.</span></strong><span>The</span><span lang="IN"> paper analyses the ideas of hadith (prophetic tradition) as espoused by Muhammad Asad (1990-1992) and its significance in contemporary hadith thought. It studies the essential ideas he developed in his discussion of hadith as reflected in his works such as <em>Sahih al-Bukhari The Early Years of Islam</em>; <em>Islam at The Crossroads</em> (chapter “Hadith and Sunnah” and “The Spirit of the Sunnah”); <em>This Law of Ours and Other Essays, The Road to Mecca </em>and <em>The Message of the Qur’an</em>. The influence of hadith was also deeply manifested in his “journalistic monologue” <em>Arafat: A Monthly Critique of Muslim Thought, </em>a periodical he founded in 1946 in Kashmir and other works that addresses significance principles and issues of hadith and essays that incorporate rising themes in contemporary ages, such as “Social and Cultural Realities of the Sunnah”. The research was structured based on descriptive, analytical, historical and comparative method. It attempts to analyse the crucial ideas of hadith principles brought forth by Asad and compared these with other critical views set forth of classical Muslim traditionists. The study concluded that Muhammad Asad had significantly contributed to the revival and  development of hadith in the modern world with his profound translation and commentary of<em> al-Bukhari’s Sahih</em> – <em>Sahih al-Bukhari The Early Years of Islam</em> - that extensively survey the significant tradition of hadith and its intellectual and historical manifestation over centuries. He also responded to the traditional arguments by historian and orientalists who were sceptical of the historical authenticity of hadith narrative and tradition.]</span></p>

2021 ◽  
Nur Afifah binti Abas ◽  
Mohd Nizam bin Sahad ◽  
Alia Sa’ad Eldin Abusahyon

Historically, the language contact contributed by Muslim preachers among the Arab traders of diverse origins that some of them opted to migrate and intermarry with the local Malays, thus, intermingled with the locals that had influenced the Malay/Malaysian language to borrow more Arabic words. Some semantic properties of the loanwords are adopted, but some are adapted. This study concerns with the divergent meaning of some adapted ones. 18 Malay-Arabic homophonous loanwords were purposely sampled – (the limited sample is due to the journal words limit). It is observed that despite of their similar utterance and spelling/transliteration but they have partially or fully dissimilar meanings when being compared between the two languages. Generally, it may confuse users of both languages, specifically the Arabian students who are compulsory to pass the Malay language in order to pass their study in Malaysia as well as Malay students who are studying in Arabian countries. Moreover, it may affect their meaning in the Malay translation for the Holy Qur’an/Prophetic Tradition (Hadith). So, it is essential to engage academics of the Islamic studies, and the Malay-Arabic linguists alike with the crucial issue stemmed from the bilingual mastery level that involved both languages departing from the rising movement of re-examining and re-envision criticality in language studies. Henceforth, the Malaysian Muslim society could dynamically develop further ahead after more than 10 centuries exposed to the Arabic language rather than being stagnant in minimalism evermore.

2021 ◽  
pp. 39-56
Jill Middlemas

Abstract: This chapter offers a discussion of the history of ancient Israel as related to the exile and Judahite diaspora that took place at the time in which the prophet Jeremiah is said to be active and in which the book that bears his name took shape. It focuses on the topoi of exile and diaspora. In so doing, it highlights reflection that took place at the time—e.g., the refraction of the prophetic tradition to correspond to the perspective of the Babylonian exiles, the golah, as the inheritors of the traditions and legitimacy of the former kingdom of Judah. It also shows how diaspora functions as a subset to the theme of exile in order to discount future promises of homecoming, restoration, and blessing to other Judahite communities that experienced the fall of Judah in the sixth century bce.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 (02) ◽  
pp. 59-95
رقية اختر

This ariticle aims to explain Syntactical semantics and its impact on tuḥfaẗ al-āaḥwaḏī a commentary of tirmiḏī by Abdur–Rehman al Mubarakpuri (1353A.H). he was a great Indian scholar particularly in the field of  Hadith and its sciences,the book  tuḥfaẗ al-āaḥwaḏī is a well known commentary and living proof of the expertise of Mubarak poori in the said field. The author wrote an intellectual and useful introduction of Sunan tirmiḏī and the rules applied by imam tirmiḏī in the narration of Prophetic tradition, likewise, he has explained the worth of sunan tirmiḏī in the field of Hadith. The method of abdur Rahman Mubarakpuri in this commentary is that he mentions the differences of different school of thoughts of Arabic   grammarians in grammatical issues along with preferred opinion,    for example he describes first the opinions and intellectual basis of kūfiyin , baṣriyin etc, then he discussed in detail the merits and demerits and gives preference to one of them.,

Mohammad Hilmy Baihaqy Yussof ◽  

One of the most critical aspects in the development of a society is education. From the Quranic perspective, man and women do not come to this world accidentally without any mission and purpose in their life as the Qur’ān says: “Did you think that we had created you in play (without any purpose), any that you would not be brought back to Us?” (Al-Mu’minun, 23:115). Thus, Islām has put a greater emphasize and rights on education, not specifically towards men but also women. Both men and women are equally encouraged to acquire knowledge as what was being said in the Prophetic tradition, “Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave”. However, what are the unique critical roles of Muslim women in the development of modern education? To examine this issue, it is important to know the position of Islam in relation to education and women’s education. Generally, education can be in a formal as well as non-formal setting. Thus, it is important to identify the type of curriculums that should be provided to the Muslim women in developing their roles towards the ummah. By applying a purely qualitative methods, this paper will examine the critical roles of Muslim women in education as well as the issues and challenges faced by them in carrying out their roles in the development of the modern education system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-124
Mahmoud Batal Mohamed

تمثِّل قضية الوعي إحدى أبرز مفردات البناء العقلي للمنهج النبوي؛ ذلك لأنها قضية تحوي كنه الوجود الإنساني، وترسم خارطة لامتدادات هذا الوجود. ويهدف هذا البحث إلى الكشف عن سبل تشكيل وعي الإنسان بأنماطه المختلفة ذاتًا وزمانًا ومكانًا ومعرفة ولغة من خلال السنة النبوية، ليكون ذلك برهانًا من براهين احتواء الرسالة الخاتمة على مرتكزات الرشاد الإنساني. وقد استعملت في هذا البحث منهجين، وهما: المنهج الاستقرائي، والمنهج التحليلي، أما المنهج الاستقرائي فتتبعت من خلاله مواطن الاستدلال من السنة النبوية على موضوع البحث، وأما المنهج التحليلي  فقمت من خلاله بتحليل هذه الأحاديث لاستخراج النتائج منها.وخلصت الدراسة إلى أنه كانت للسنة النبوية أساليبها المتنوعة في تشكيل الوعي الذاتي للإنسان من خلال تشكيل وعيه بأصل خِلْقته، وغاية خلقته، وحدود طاقته، وأن السة لنبوية أصَّلت للوعي الزماني من خلال الربط بين الزمن وبين الحركة الإنسانية، والربط بينه وبين التكاليف الشرعية، وبيان الأثر الإيجابي المترتب على استغلال الزمن والسلبي المترتب على الغفلة عنه. كما أبانت كيف أن السنة النبوية قد شكَّلت وعيًا مكانيًّا تُفَرِّقُ العقلية الإسلامية من خلاله بين إطار مكاني وآخر، وكان من دوائر هذا الوعي الربط بين المكان والحدث، والتنبيه على اختلاف الإطار الثقافي والاجتماعي لكل موطن من المواطن.كما أظهرت كيف أن السنة النبوية كوَّنت وعيًا لغويا من خلال الوعي بالمضامين الحضارية لمفردات اللغة، والتنبيه إلى المناط الاستعمالي، والأثر النفسي للغة. Awareness is one of the most fundamental elements of the rational construction in the prophetic scheme, as it expresses the essence of the purpose of human existence on the planet earth and shapes it future extension. This research aims to underline ways of the formation all kinds of human awareness in the perspective of the Sunnah and it will then focus on presenting how this would be a proof of the evidence that the God’s final message contains the basics of human guidance. A mix of deductive and analytical method was used to trace the points of inference from the Prophetic sunnah on the topic and several hadiths were quoted and analysed for the result extractions. The research resulted in the conclusion that the prophetic Sunnah had various methods of forming the self-awareness of the human being. The Prophet enlightened that if human being reflecting the origin of his creation, the purpose of his creation, and the limits of his energy, the awareness consequently be formed. Furthermore, the prophetic tradition was rooted in temporal consciousness by linking time and human movement. The link between temporal consciousness with the shariah obligation explains the positive impact of the time exploitation and the negative consequences of neglecting those obligations. On the other, the prophetic tradition also illuminates the formation of special awareness in which the Islamic mentality differentiated between the framework of one place and another. Among the circle of this awareness was the link between place and event, and alerting the difference of cultural and social context for each people. Finally, this study also shared how the prophetic sunnah formed a linguistic awareness through the cultural implications of the language, the alertness or cognition of the person to the areas of its function, and the psychological impact of language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-82
Jacqueline Grey

Abstract This article explores the tradition of female prophets in the Old Testament utilizing Isaiah’s woman (Isa. 8.1-4) as a case study. First, it discusses the general evidence for a female prophetic tradition in the Old Testament, locating it in the broader ancient Near East context. It then focuses on examples of women prophets within the Old Testament to demonstrate the role of female prophets in shaping national life and politics despite the gender limitations of women in ancient Israelite society. Following this broader discussion, a case study of Isaiah’s wife is presented to explore her function and role as a prophet. In particular, the role of hannevi’ah as a possible mother within the prophetic guild is examined. Finally, the implications for the Pentecostal community are considered, focusing on retrieving the role of prophetic mothers to function alongside prophetic fathers.

Heliyon ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. e07103
Zulfahmi Alwi ◽  
Rika Dwi Ayu Parmitasari ◽  
Alim Syariati

Robin Lovin

For Reinhold Niebuhr, ideas of justice emerge from the interaction of human nature and historical forces. While biblical ideals do not provide a blueprint for solving modern social problems, the prophetic tradition provides us with an example for criticism of existing distributions of wealth and power. These impossible ideals enable Christian ethics to engage responsibly in the politics of modern democracy while maintaining a critical perspective on its political achievements. A realistic, flexible, and relevant idea of justice allows the correction of injustices without succumbing to the illusion that perfect justice is possible. Like democracy, justice provides ‘proximate solutions to insoluble problems’. Faith finds meaning in impossible ideals while seeking the proximate solutions.

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