Currently, the main type of connection between a steel column and a reinforced concrete foundation is a steel base, which is often economically unprofitable due to its size, number or diameter of anchor bolts. Not only in Armenia, but also in most countries, a steel base is the main type of connection between a steel column and a reinforced concrete foundation. The usage of other types of connections is associated with both new calculation methods and technological problems. The possibility of computation and design of the connection of a steel column with a reinforced concrete foundation in seismically active regions using shear studs is considered in this work, a reinforced concrete section with longitudinal reinforcement is used for this type of connection which ensures a smooth transfer of forces from the column to the foundation. Based on the example of the connection of a single-story industrial building column shows the change in the stress-strain state of the connection under axial force and bending moments for seismic regions. Not only the feature and construction technology of the connection considered in the work, but also proposes a calculation method with future possibility of its subsequent inclusion in the building codes of the Republic of Armenia.