internal affairs
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A. А. Tsvilii-Buklanova ◽  
P. V. Samolysov ◽  
S. N. Belova

The state and trends of judicial practice are important indicators of the effectiveness of justice. Their study is a prerequisite for identifying shortcomings (gaps and collisions) of regulatory regulation, including in the field of procurement, as well as developing proposals to eliminate it or minimize the corresponding shortcomings.The article offers the basics of the methodology of judicial practice research on disputes and cases of violations related to the application of legislation on the contract system in the procurement of goods (including works and services) for the needs of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.The subject of the study is typical errors in the application of material and procedural norms of contractual and interrelated branches of law, the causes and conditions of violation of the principle of uniformity of the relevant judicial practice.The authors make and substantiate proposals to improve the Methodology of comparative assessment of the activities of logistics units of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia aimed at improving the efficiency of the use of budgetary funds by internal affairs bodies.

2022 ◽  
pp. 33-47
S. V. Korostelev

The purpose of this article is to eliminate methodological discrepancies in the definition of the problem of “hybrid” use of force and the possibility of using this construct when interfering in the internal affairs of states. In any conflict situation, the behavior of states in moving towards their national goals can be explained through how they do combine and synchronize (as it is often defined at the present time — «hybrid») the use of means of compellence and coercion available to them. In general, conceptually «hybrid war» can be described as “the synchronized use of multiple instruments of national power, specially selected to obtain mutually reinforcing effects on specific vulnerabilities across the entire spectrum of social processes. The substance of the modern security environment has led to an increase in the number of areas of conflict of interests of actors, the complexity and dynamism of conflicts, and the unpredictability of their outcomes. The formation of the practice of attribution of international responsibility, and the development of the international institutions supporting it, took place gradually and, ultimately, led to such a development of the international security environment, which made an appeal to «hybridity» to promote national interests in the process of political competition of social groups or individuals with divergent interests for power inevitable. The problem of terminology is one of the main obstacles to a clear understanding of the operation of the «hybridity» construct in political competition. The active use of the definition «hybrid» by propaganda in combination with the terms «war», «threats», «hostilities in the gray zone», «operations», «tactics», «competition does not turn into a state of war» political discourse, since these terms are almost never linked to the definition of the desired state of international relations by the state leadership. And if we are talking about the outcome of the collision of interests of actors in competition or conflict, then this desired result is «historically» defined by the term «victory». Thus, the definition of the substance of «victory» is a necessary initial point to onset analyzing the possibilities of turning to any of the instruments of national power in a «hybrid» confrontation.

Aziza Nigmanovna Akhrorova

This article discusses the negative effects of the Soviet government’s “kulak” and repressive policies on Uzbek women. The Covet government, by organizing training courses, trained women; involved women in social life in exchange for the sacrifice of hundreds of women. At the same time, the above-mentioned policy of kulak and repression has led to the suffering of Uzbek women as well as men. Below we meet some of these women. КEY WORDS: repression policy, kulak, austerity policy, sentence, imprisonment, criminal code, People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs, counter-revolutionary activity, family, Uzbek woman.

Natal'ya Krasnoshtanova ◽  
Elena Pechenkova

The article studies the components of the structure of the motivational sphere of the personality of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. A theoretical and methodological analysis of the currently existing approaches to the study of the motivational sphere of a person's life is carried out and only those that are focused, to a greater extent, on the search and description of the dispositional (trait-like) foundations of motivation and the assessment of individual differences in the degree of their severity among employees are highlighted. ATS, to identify their deep motives and values that determine professional behavior and are able to predict it. One of the goals of the work was to create an original psychodiagnostic toolkit aimed at identifying the psychological characteristics of the professional motivation of candidates to enter the service in the internal affairs bodies, employees to be appointed to other positions in the internal affairs bodies and the choice of a certain direction of professional service by them. The novelty of the results lies in the fact that on the basis of the proposed structure and known methods and tests - questionnaires, a «Methodology for studying the professional motivation of candidates to enter the service in the internal affairs bodies, employees for appointment to other positions in the internal affairs bodies and the choice of a certain areas of professional service», which includes 12 basic scales: the need for achievement; the need for power; the need for security; the need for ownership; locus of control; hedonism / altruism; ambition; behavioral regulation; corruption resistance; conscientiousness; professional identity «I am a policeman» and a mandatory scale of «social desirability» and atypical responses. The developed methodology can be used in the activities of personnel departments to improve the professional psychological selection of candidates for entering the service in the internal affairs bodies, employees for appointment to other positions in the internal affairs bodies and the choice by them of a certain direction of professional service activity.

Ekaterina Sumina ◽  
Leonid Grischenko ◽  
Ekaterina Sepiashvili

The complexities of modern policing require internal affairs agencies to expand the training opportunities for police officers to carry out the tasks assigned to internal affairs agencies. It is not enough to focus solely on the law or on perishable skills such as arrest and control; defensive tactics; driving; and firearms. This article discusses the experience of building and developing the psychological skills required by the United States police force. Police training in the United States focuses on developing the skills needed to deal with the modern challenges that arise in the performance of official tasks. Training involves building and developing skills such as cognitive, emotional, social and moral skills that can improve the condition of police officers, as well as foster relationships between police officers and members of the community. Trained police officers need to develop critical thinking skills, effective communication, and emotional intelligence. The presented article reveals professional competencies for police officers, graduates of the police academy, which were developed by the Law Enforcement Foundation in the United States (Ohio). It also discusses aspects of psychological screening developed by the California Commission on Peacekeeping Training Standards to Consider When Recruiting Police Officers. The authors emphasize that when training police officers in any country, it is necessary to pay special attention to the continuity between training and practical service activities of the police officer.

Natal'ya Serdyuk ◽  
Aleksey Polyakov

the review article presents a historical and pedagogical retrospective of Suvorov military education in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from the 40s of the XX century to the present, identifies problems and trends in the training of pupils of the Suvorov military schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, defines the essence of professional orientation of graduates-Suvorov service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. The genesis of Suvorov education from the depths of cadet training and upbringing, the state and social nature of Suvorov education: the preparation of a statesman and the care of orphans of the dead servicemen and employees of internal affairs bodies. It has been determined that the Suvv military schools exercise the individual's right to choose an individual educational trajectory, on the one hand, and are obliged to fulfill the state order for training personnel for the activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, on the other. Such dualism gives rise to the contradictory interpretation of constitutional norms associated with the right of a citizen to choose not only the direction of education, but also the direction of professional activity.

2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 911-919
N. A. Potapova ◽  
A. A. Babiy

The research featured the Special Troika of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, i.e. a committee of three officials who issued sentences without public trial. The authors focused on the number of the convicted on the so-called ethnic cases during the late Great Terror in the fall of 1938. The study was based on the archival documents of the Special Troika of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. According to the protocols, 1,894 local residents were found guilty in the ethnic cases in in the fall of 1938. Out of 1,690 people who were sentenced to capital punishment, less than 1% were executed. On November 26, 1938, the NKVD issued Order No. 00762, which marked the end of the Great Terror and recommended to transfer the remaining cases to the courts. Those convicted on the last day of mass repressions were released, and the NKVD authorities were forbidden to carry out sentences approved by the Special Troika after November 15, 1938. On December 22, 1938, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs L. P. Beria declared that all execution sentences issued by the Troika before November 17, 1928, became invalid.

Maria Tokareva ◽  
Daria Skvortsova

The article discusses topical problems of ensuring the psychological selection of employees for inclusion in the personnel reserve of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. The sample of the study consists of 47 people: the first group of police officers appointed to leading positions in the educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from the personnel reserve (n = 25), and the second group of employees included in the personnel reserve of the educational organization, but who were not appointed to senior positions for various reasons (n = 22). In order to increase the effectiveness of the examination of the individual psychological characteristics of employees recommended for inclusion in the personnel reserve of an educational organization, we propose to study them in blocks (potentials), which, in our opinion, will increase the reliability of the data obtained and reduce subjectivity. The authors of the article identified the following blocks: intellectual, leadership, adaptive and executive potential. The article presents the results of a study of the potentials and competencies of employees of the personnel reserve of the internal affairs bodies. Recommendations for improving the work on the selection of employees included in the personnel reserve of an educational organization are presented. An analysis of the psychological characteristics of employees of internal affairs bodies included in the personnel reserve and subsequently appointed to leading positions gives us reason to believe that psychological diagnostics and, in general, forecasting the professional success of police officers requires a revision of existing approaches to diagnostic and prognostic indicators, and possibly and psychodiagnostic methods and procedures

Viktoriya Vahnina ◽  
Tatyana Maltseva ◽  
Aleksandr Afanas'ev ◽  
Dmitriy Novikov ◽  
Ivan Rogozhnikov ◽  

In a media-dominated society, all organizations have certain reputational risks. In recent years, the public image of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation has been largely determined by the Internet environment. On the one hand, favorable images are created in it, on the other, the exposure of abuse and illegal actions. As a rule, the latter, on the basis of the action of the regularities of the formation of a conditioned reflex and the emergence of emotions and feelings, have a greater impact on the public. The authors note that the effectiveness of external communication of employees of internal affairs bodies is interconnected with its positioning in society, which ensures a positive or negative emotional attitude towards the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the part of others. In this regard, interaction with citizens in legal situations is an image-forming component. The article analyzes the acute conflict situation of interaction between an employee of the internal affairs bodies with citizens, which is posted on the video hosting You Tube (channel of the public project "Movement") in the form of videos about citizens visiting the Reception of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia ("Kneeling in front of the lieutenant colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia! Sercons continued", " Serkons Bought the Police? Bloggers At the Reception of the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "). The main methods of psychological influence are highlighted, which made it possible to destabilize this situation, the regulatory legal framework is analyzed, which can be used by police officers in an acute crisis situation and in the process of performing operational and service actions.

Marina Kutyepova

The article deals with optimization of activities for the education of personnel of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. In the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, special attention is traditionally paid to the education of employees. At the same time, the process of education is distinguished by its special content, forms and methods, and its main meaning is to improve the performance of personnel in solving professional problems. The purpose of this work is to consider the features of the implementation of a personality-oriented approach in the process of educating employees of the RF Internal Affairs Department. Subject of the research: features of the application of an individual, personality-oriented approach in the education of employees of the RF Internal Affairs Directorate. The object of the research is the directions of optimization of activities for the education of the personnel of the internal affairs bodies. The article discusses the results of an expert survey of managers and employees of various levels of educational work units (Moscow region, Smolensk region, Lipetsk region, Republic of Sakha). 36 people were respondents. It should be emphasized that a personality-oriented educational impact should have the ultimate goal of a comprehensive and holistic personal development of employees of internal affairs bodies, preparing them for better and more efficient performance of official and official duties.

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