critical reflections
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Lucio Cadeddu

Besides the birth of new revolutionary concepts and methods, and of new areas of research, mathematicians, logicians, and philosophers have put into question the foundations of the discipline itself and the whole meaning of “mathematical truth.” Before then, at the end of the eighteenth century, mathematics was mainly concerned with explaining the “real world” and its laws. At the beginning of the “modern era” things started to change, sometimes slowly, other times abruptly. Abstract mathematics was no longer intimately related to the real world and its description. This abstract approach, both on research and on mathematical education, generated critical reactions in the mathematical community, and some “modern” ideas were rejected or neglected after several decades of experimentation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 135 ◽  
pp. 108519
Andrew M. Ray ◽  
Blake R. Hossack ◽  
William R. Gould ◽  
Debra A. Patla ◽  
Stephen F. Spear ◽  

2022 ◽  

Truth has always been a central philosophical category, occupying different fields of knowledge and practice. In the current moment of fake news and alternative facts, it is mandatory to revisit the various meanings of truth. Departing from various approaches to psychoanalytic theory and practice, the authors gathered in this book offer critical reflections and insights about truth and its effects. In articulations of psychoanalysis with (for instance) philosophy, ethics and politics, the reader will find discussions about issues such as knowledge, love, and clinical practice, all marked by the matter of truth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 189-199

The article is an interpretation of Oles Ulyanenko’s novel Fiery Eye on the principles of corporal-mimetic method for analyzing fiction. Having applied this innovative methodology, the conclusion is reached that the novel is not based on an apocalyptic vision but on a seduction phenomenon. This conclusion disputes traditional critical reflections on Oles Ulyanenko’s literary works. The content of seduction is determined by the correlation between the desire for power, woman, sex and death. They are symbolically echoed by the image of a sky with an enormous eye in the center, blazing with seductive fire. This fire is vivifying warmth and light. According to Oles Ulyanenko, the way there runs through a carnival turning cruelty into mercy, horror into delight, hatred into tenderness, disgust into pleasure, and vice versa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (65) ◽  
pp. 103
Carlos Roberto dos Santos Menezes

Resumo: Partindo da tentativa de decifração do título atribuído à novela de Patrícia Reis – O que nos separa dos outros por um copo de whisky (2014) –, buscaremos compreender os motivos pelos quais um professor universitário se encontra em Macau, a beber desenfreadamente – fato implícito a uma narrativa ininterrupta em forma de monólogo. Com o intuito de preencher o vazio da existência, na esperança de ser salvo, tal personagem busca recuperar imagens fantasmáticas de seu passado por meio de vestígios memorialísticos que se sobrepõem nas malhas textuais. Como aparato teórico na busca por decifrar o enigma acerca do que separa o narrador-personagem dos outros, outras vozes se unirão à nossa. Ao mencionar questões em torno da morte da memória, das artimanhas da ironia e do humor, convocaremos as reflexões críticas de Lélia Parreira Duarte, em seu livro Ironia e humor na literatura (2006), e a questão do “salto no vazio” será trazida pelas mãos de Vladimir Safatle, através de O circuito dos afetos: corpos políticos, desamparo e o fim do indivíduo (2018).Palavras-chave: O que nos separa dos outros por um copo de whisky; Patrícia Reis; memória; ironia; morte. Abstract: Starting from the attempt to decipher the title attributed to Patrícia Reis’s novel – O que nos separa dos outros por um copo de whisky (2014) –, we will try to understand the reasons why a university professor is in Macau, drinking wildly – implicit fact to an uninterrupted narrative in the form of a monologue. In order to fill the emptiness of existence, in the hope of being saved, such a character seeks to recover ghostly images of his past through memorialistic traces that overlap in textual meshes. As a theoretical apparatus in the quest to decipher the enigma about what separates the narrator-character from others, other voices will join ours. When mentioning issues surrounding the death of memory, the antics of irony and humor, we will call on the critical reflections of Lélia Parreira Duarte, in her book Ironia e humor na literatura (2006), and the question of “jumping into the void” will be brought up through the hands of Vladimir Safatle, through O circuito dos afetos: corpos políticos, desamparo e o fim do indivíduo (2018).Keywords: O que nos separa dos outros por um copo de whisky; Patrícia Reis; memory; irony; death.

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