imperative mood
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2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-212
Krystyna Bojałkowska

The aim of this paper is to present how the imperative mood is defined in the descriptions of the inflection system of the contemporary Polish language. First of all, imperative mood is considered to be the value of one of the inflection categories of mood, and the forms representing it, e.g. zrób! (‘do!’), myj! (‘wash!’) are considered to be in opposition to the forms of the declarative and the conditional moods. On the other hand, the imperative is a grammatical means that expresses the so-called deontic modality and utterances with imperative forms are treated, before anything else, as acts of directive speech. This way of defining the imperative mood is the reason why the status of such forms as wygraj! (‘win!’), otrzymaj! (‘receive!’), (nie) umieraj! (‘[not] die!’) or bądź (szczęśliwy) (‘be [happy]’) is problematic, because they constitute a non-directive use of the imperative mood. The conclusion is that the way of defining the imperative mood in Polish requires clarification.

2021 ◽  
pp. 42-51
Eunnarae CHO

This article attempts to present some means of expressing inducement in Korean and Bulgarian and to suggest some features discovered in the translation corpus, composed of five original Korean novels and their translations in Bulgarian. Unlike imperative mood, which is a grammatically concretized notion of deontic modality, inducement is a complex unity formed by various elements such as morphological, syntactic and lexical elements. Therefore, it can be realized both directly and indirectly through the means, which express / do not express inducement in its own form. As for the direct way, Bulgarian has a synthetic and an analytic form. Korean has only a synthetic form, but it has six imperative endings, differing in terms of formality and politeness. Regarding the indirect way, some means like interrogative sentences with the verb in indicative mood and declarative sentences with modal verb are actively used in both languages, while others are used only in Bulgarian. For example, the use of a declarative sentence with a future tense verb in the indicative mood for the purpose of expressing inducement is clearly confirmed in Bulgarian, but in Korean this kind of sentence does not perform the same function at all. From the studied translation materials five main asymmetric features have been found – in the person of the addressee, the voice of the sentence, the way of expressing the inducement, the sentence structure and the way of strengthening the persistence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 5-15
A. D. Gavrilov

Ths article is aimed at identifying and comparing the syntactic models of expressive exclamation constructions in the headlines of the online versions of high-quality printed publications: the Vedomosti and the Izvestia (in Russian), the Khypar (in Chuvash), Th Times and Th Guardian (in English). Th research material is online newspaper headlines published in the period from 2017 to 2021. Th relevance of the work is explained by the fact that in the mass consumption of information on the Internet the title has the greatest potential for speech impact on the mass audience, realized by means of expressive syntax and punctuation. Th expressive exclamation structure of the online newspaper headline enhances its expressiveness, translates the author’s intentions, conveys the author’s emotions, forms opinions and encourages readers to act, etc. Depending on the type of speech inflence, the patterns of syntactic design of heading syntactic design in Russian, Chuvash and English are analyzed on the basis of speech influence (social, volitional, informational, explanatory, or emotional-evaluative). For instance, Russian headings of requests, orders and slogans are formed as an elliptical non-verbal construction, a sentence with a verb in the imperative mood and an appeal to a certain person, as well as a construction consisting of homogeneous predicates in the imperative mood. Chuvash headlines of requests, demands and slogans, and the titles that convey various emotions are represented by an exclamation construction with a verb in the imperative mood and a direct address, with a verb in the imperative mood and a negative particle, an indefiite personal sentence, elliptical and parcelled constructions. Expressive exclamation headings in English are based on two-part and segmented syntactic structures. Thse strategies for the design of expressive exclamation constructions in online newspaper headlines reflct the development of syntactic systems of the languages with diffrent structures and make a certain contribution to the development of theoretical foundations of comparative media stylistics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 375-382
Vivanti Puspitasari ◽  
Warsono Warsono ◽  
Djoko Sutopo

Writing can be among the most enjoyable and satisfying activities to measure the ability to produce well-formed sentences. This study dealt with the realization of MOOD and Modality in the analytical exposition of the undergraduate students of Tidar University. Fifteen analytical exposition texts were analyzed to determine how the indicative MOOD, the imperative MOOD, modalization, and modulation were realized in the analytical exposition of undergraduate students of Tidar University. The type of this study is qualitative case study research. This study employed Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) based on Suzan Eggins (2004) as a framework since this level of structured language creates meaning that can be sought and identified. There were 511 clauses found in the fifteen analytical expositions. The result revealed several findings: (1) it was found that declarative MOOD was the most dominant of the indicative of MOOD system;  (2) that the imperative MOOD type was not dominant; (3) that probability was more dominant than usuality. There were 73 clauses, or around 97% categorized as a probability, and 2 clauses or about 3% were categorized as the usuality; (4) that the obligation was dominant (14 clauses). Then, no clauses were indicated as the inclination. It was concluded that the realization could be seen from the type of indicative, imperative, modalization, and modulation that were found in the analytical exposition text of the undergraduate students of Tidar University.  

Zizinska A.P.

The article is aimed to investigate speech acts in the Old English language (7–11 centuries). Our study focuses on one of the types of speech acts – directives. Literary monuments of the Old English language, the oldest of which date back to the 7th century, served as illustrative material.We have studied and identified the main types of directives that were most manifested in the language of the above mantioned period. Based on previous researches, and analyzing the sources of illustrative material, we were able to trace back the peculiarities of the directives usage in the Old English language, and to make a comparative analysis.The diachronic analysis revealed that orders were the most commonly used type of directive speech acts. They proved to be the most diachronically stable and have retained a one-part structure since the Old English period. That is why our research focuses on this period, as it is important to investigate the origin and formation of directives, which in its further development became an important part of the imperatives. The grammaticalization of directives and imperative sentences in general was mainly pragmatic and morphological. It was connected to the development of the imperative mood and language in general.The usage of electronic corpora has helped us to determine the frequency of manifestation of a particular directive marker in literary monuments. The article analyzes four main types of directives: ic bidde, sceu scealt / ge sculon, uton, neodþearf / þearf. Performative directives were among the most widely used and widespread in the written literature of the period under study. In Old English, the typical model of a directive speech act was: a directive verb in the first person singular or plural + object. A subordinate clause with a request was often added with the specified action that the speaker required to perform.Our study allowed us to establish that the choice of directives depended (in most cases) on face threat. Instead, the peculiarities of their manifestation had a different purpose. Thus, performatives were used to emphasize the effect of the speech act and to ensure the performance of a certain action. Other types of directives were used to emphasize the urgency and necessity of the implementation of a particular act, and to clarify to whom it applies. We found that the above mentioned directives were used mainly in religious texts.Key words: imperative, diachrony, historical pragmatics, request, order. Стаття присвячується дослідженню мовленнєвих актів в англійській мові давньоанглійського періоду (7–11 ст.). Наша розвідка зосереджується на одному з видів мовленнєвих актів – директивах. Ілюстративним матеріалом слугували літературні пам’ятки давньоанглійської мови, найдавніші з яких датуються 7 століттям.Нами були досліджені й виділені основні типи директивів, які були найбільш вживаними в зазначений період. Взявши за основу попередні розвідки й проаналізувавши джерела ілюстративного матеріалу, нам вдалося прослідкувати особливості використання директивів у давньоанглійській мові й зробити порівняльний аналіз.Діахронічний аналіз дозволив визначити, що накази є найбільш вживаним типом директивних мовленнєвих актів. Вони виявилися діахронічно стійкими й зберегли односкладову структуру ще із часів давньоанглійського періоду. Саме тому наше дослідження зосереджується на цьому періоді, оскільки важливо дослідити зародження та утворення директивів, які в подальшому своєму розвитку стали невіддільною частиною імперативів. Граматикалізація, що відбулась із директивами й наказовими реченнями загалом, мала переважно прагматичний і морфологічний характер. Вони були пов’язані з розвитком наказового способу й мовою загалом.Застосування електронних корпусів допомогло визначити частоту вживання певного директивного маркера в пам’ятках літератури. У статті аналізуються чотири основні типи директивів: ic bidde, þu scealt / ge sculon, uton, neodþearf / þearf. Перформативні директиви належали до найбільш вживаних і поширених у письмових пам’ятках літератури досліджуваного періоду. У давньоанглійській мові типовою моделлю було директивне дієслово в першій особі однини чи множини + додаток. Часто додавалось підрядне речення з вказаною дією, яку мовець вимагав виконати.Наше дослідження дозволило нам встановити, що вибір директивів залежав (у більшості випадків) від «загрози (не загрози) обличчю». Натомість особливості їх вживання мали іншу мету. Таким чином, перформативи вживались для підкреслення дії мовленнєвого акту й забезпечення виконання певної дії. Інші види директивів використовувались для наголошення на терміновості й необхідності виконання того чи іншого акту й уточнення адресата. Нами було встановлено, що зазначені вище директиви вживались переважно в релігійних текстах.Ключові слова: імператив, діахронія, історична прагматика, прохання, наказ.

Л.В. Недоступова

В исследовании внимание сосредоточено на речи жителей посёлка Высокого Таловского района Воронежской области. Актуальность данной работы продиктована имеющимся интересом к живому народному слову как удивительному феномену современности. Цель статьи состоит в выявлении антропонимических единиц, называющих представителей мужского пола по особенностям внешности, речи, умственным способностям, чертам характера в высоковском говоре, определении их семантического значения, установлении имён-метафор, уточнении наиболее продуктивных подгрупп в каждой группе и указании их частеречной принадлежности. В качестве языкового материала использована речь коренных селян старшей возрастной группы (Л.Я. Гридневой, М.В. Бочарникова, М.М. Бочарниковой), записанная в ходе непосредственного общения с автором. Объектом наблюдений стали неофициальные наименования мужчин - прозвищ. Предметом исследования выступает местный говор. В ходе анализа описано толкование всех зафиксированных лексических единиц. В результате обобщено 4 группы прозвищ, представленные 12 подгруппами. У 78 некалендарных имён определены разные признаки, положенные в основу номинации. Это дало возможность выявить конкретные характеристики носителя того или иного антропонима. Указано, что многочисленной группой являются прозвища, отражающие особенности внешности человека. Малочисленной группой выступают прозвища, указывающие на умственные способности. Выявлено, что в большинстве своём некалендарные имена выражаются существительными (56 единиц), прозвища, представленные прилагательными, малочисленны (21 единица). Одно из прозвищ выступает в форме повелительного наклонения глагола. Среди зарегистрированных антропонимов найдено 19 имён-метафор, указаны их ассоциативные связи. Отмечено, что в основу всех представленных неофициальных именований положены реальные качества, характеристики их обладателей или разовые события и факты, за которые люди их удостоились. The study focuses on the speech of residents of the village of Vysoky Talovsky district of the Voronezh region. The relevance of this work is dictated by the existing interest in the living folk word as an amazing phenomenon of our time. The purpose of the article is to identify anthroponymic units that name males in appearance, speech characteristics, mental abilities, character traits in Vysokov's dialect, determining their semantic meaning, establishing metaphor names, clarifying the most productive subgroups in each group and indicating their part of speech affiliation. As a linguistic material, the speech of indigenous villagers of the older age group was used: Gridnevoy L.Ya., Bocharnikova M.V., Bocharnikova M.M., which was recorded in the course of direct communication with the author in the field. The unofficial names of men became the object of observation. The subject of research is the local dialect. In the course of the analysis, the interpretation of all lexical units recorded from the lips of the respondents is described. As a result, 4 groups of nicknames were summarized, displayed by 12 subgroups. 78 non-calendar names are defined according to different criteria. This made it possible to isolate the specific characteristics of the bearer of a particular anthroponym. It is indicated that a large group are nicknames based on a person's appearance, which were given quite easily. The most non-standard of them perfectly coexist with the official names. A small group are nicknames that reflect mental abilities. It was revealed that for the most part non-calendar names are expressed by nouns (56 units), less - by adjectives (21 units). One nickname appears in the form of the imperative mood of the verb. Among the registered anthroponyms, 19 metaphor names were found, their associative links were indicated. It is noted that all the presented unofficial names are based on real qualities, characteristics of their owners or one-time events and facts for which people have been awarded them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Rosa Gita Cahyani ◽  
Chusni Hadiati ◽  
Nadia Gitya Yulianita

The appearance of a sentence that is continuously uttered by the speaker becomes a style or characteristic of the speaker. This can be seen in a series entitled 13 Reasons Why in which the main character, Hannah Baker, uttered many imperative moods. This research focuses on how the use of one form of sentences, namely imperative or what is called as imperative mood, can give a stylistic effect that appears on the utterances of Hannah Baker in a monologue. This research uses a qualitative method that aims 1) to find out the forms of the imperative mood; and 2) to find out the functions of the form of the imperative mood using the theory of Aikhenvald (2010). By observing and transcribing, the data can be found, which then can be identified to find out the imperative sentence, what form and function of it. Through these things, a conclusion can be drawn about how the character of Hannah Baker's is seen from the imperative mood that she utters and what meaning she wants to convey through the imperative mood. This research uses purposive sampling in collecting the data. Based on the results of the study, 54 imperatives mood were found in the monologue. The findings reveal two forms of imperatives namely canonical imperative as many as 77.78% and non-canonical imperative as many as 22.22%. The functions of imperatives found include: 1. Orders, commands, demands (only commands), 2. Requests, pleas, entreaties, 3. Advice, recommendations, warnings, 4. Instructions and expository directives, 5. Invitations, 6. Permission, 7. Acceptance, 8. Incredulous rejection, and 9. Self-deliberation. From the results obtained, it can be seen that the most dominant function is instruction, which is 16.67%. From this result, it can be known that Hannah Baker wanted to show each incident in detail that caused her suicide through her monologue in 13 Reasons Why (Season 1).

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (44) ◽  
pp. 234-252
Muthana Abdulsada Radhi ◽  
Ali A. Hadi Al-Araji ◽  

The article examines the definition of the verb in the form of the imperative mood (imperative) _ general information about the verb in Russian . A verb in Russian is one of the parts of speech that unify all parts of speech, expressing the meaning of action, movement, process in grammatical forms of time, type, mood, face and voice. The imperative mood is a grammatical feature of the verb expressed through several forms of the verb that urges someone to do things. In other words, imperative mood or (imperative) : - one of the single meaning of the form . The form of the imperative expresses a supplication, order, advice, etc. With the support of the imperative form, the communicator states his own desire , so that in this case another process should be carried out by someone else to fulfill the communicator desire. (go away!) , for example, Or, (Don't go away!). В статье обьяснится определение глагола в форме повелительного наклонения (императива) _ общая сведения о глаголе на русском языке . Глаголом на русском языке является один из частей речи , который объединяет все слова , выражающий значение действия , движения, процесса в грамматических формах времени , вида , наклонения , лица и залога . Повелительное наклонение - это грамматическая особенность глагола , которая выражается через несколько форм глагола , которое кто-то побуждает совершенить дела . И другими словами Повелительное наклонение или (императив ) : - одино с значений группы наклонения . Форма императива выражает мольбу, приказ , совет и т. д . Со поддержкой императива сообщающий информирует об собственном желании , для того чтобы в таком случае либо другое процесс существовало осуществлено кем-в таком случае (Уходи!) либо , напротив , никак не проделывалось (Никак Не уходи!) .

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-27
Ali Sofyan ◽  
Sri Wulan

This study aims to explore the transference of mood in interpersonal metaphor. The design method is descriptive and the approach is qualitative research. The main data are taken from the novel All the Light We Cannot See written by Anthony Doerr. The analysis is done by identifying the interpersonal metaphor of mood in the novel, describing them, and determining the dominant transference by using the percentage formula. 160 pages or one-third of the novel were taken as the data of this study. By completing the steps of the objectives, the significance is to give a thorough comprehension about interpersonal metaphor of mood and the transferences occurred in the sentences whether it is in texts or in speeches. The finding shows that the dominant mood found in the novel is declarative which reaches 44% occurrences. The second mood which often occurs in the novel is interrogative with 40%. The third is command in interrogative mood with 12%occurences and the statement in imperative mood follows with 4% occurrences; while there two patterns which cannot be found in the novel. They are question in declarative mood and imperative mood. It implies that most sentences in the novel give command in declarative form.

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