convergent design
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Hina Shahab ◽  
Hafsah Zahur ◽  
Naveed Akhtar ◽  
Sobia Rashid

The current approaches in identifying the characteristics of ethical leadership proceed mainly from a Western perspective based on virtue-driven moral philosophy (i.e., relativism) and frequently ignoring the Asian perspective of morality based on idealism. This study aimed to conduct parallel analysis in convergent design by using qualitative and quantitative methods to extract person-driven ethical leadership themes by considering the Asian context. Using the hypothetico-deductive method, 13 themes were extracted altogether, out of which 4 are new context-driven themes (i.e., altruism, encouragement, collective good, and spiritual transcendence as the emerging themes of ethical leadership in the Asian context).

2021 ◽  
Vol 932 ◽  
Haotian Hang ◽  
Sina Heydari ◽  
John H. Costello ◽  
Eva Kanso

Fish typically swim by periodic bending of their bodies. Bending seems to follow a universal rule; it occurs at about one-third from the posterior end of the fish body with a maximum bending angle of about $30^{\circ }$ . However, the hydrodynamic mechanisms that shaped this convergent design and its potential benefit to fish in terms of swimming speed and efficiency are not well understood. It is also unclear to what extent this bending is active or follows passively from the interaction of a flexible posterior with the fluid environment. Here, we use a self-propelled two-link model, with fluid–structure interactions described in the context of the vortex sheet method, to analyse the effects of both active and passive body bending on the swimming performance. We find that passive bending is more efficient but could reduce swimming speed compared with rigid flapping, but the addition of active bending could enhance both speed and efficiency. Importantly, we find that the phase difference between the posterior and anterior sections of the body is an important kinematic factor that influences performance, and that active antiphase flexion, consistent with the passive flexion phase, can simultaneously enhance speed and efficiency in a region of the design space that overlaps with biological observations. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that fish that actively bend their bodies in a fashion that exploits passive hydrodynamics can at once improve speed and efficiency.

Tacettin Açıkgöz ◽  
Mustafa Cem Babadoğan

This study aimed to reach a pro on Competency-Based Education (CBE) through the opinions of Educational Sciences experts and to review the literature on CBE. In this study, convergent design, one of the mixed methods research, was used, and a semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data. The sample was selected through convenience sampling and consisted of 28 participants. In the study, the documents related to National and International Qualifications Frameworks, history of CBE, its comparison with traditional education, its implementation, and the challenges of CBE practices are reviewed. The findings revealed that there is a conceptual consensus among the experts on the concepts of skill and learning outcome, but no agreement on the use of “competence,” “proficiency,” and “qualification.” The study showed that the experts adopt the most up-to-date definitions of CBE, but it is often confused with Proficiency-Based Education. The study revealed that CBE focuses on the demonstration of competence when considering students’ progress and measures it by formative assessments and that, in CBE, students’ learning gaps are eliminated by supporting them at each stage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
J. O. Owade ◽  
G. O. Abong’ ◽  
M. W. Okoth ◽  
A. W. Mwang’ombe

Abstract Background As much as local communities have employed traditional techniques of preservation to enhance availability and utilization of cowpea leaves, the efficiency of these techniques in achieving food security need to be established. The current study sought to document trends and constraints of utilization of preserved cowpea leaves in the arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) in order to overcome of seasonal availability of the vegetable. Method A mixed method convergent design that included household survey of randomly sampled cowpea producing households and focus group discussion and key informant interviews with stakeholders in the ASAL areas of Kitui and Taita Taveta Counties of Kenya was conducted. Results The study found that the utilization of preserved forms of cowpea leaves in the in-season was by 58% of the respondents. Three quarters (73.6%) of the households could not get the vegetables from their own sources during scarcity, whereas 25% did not consume the vegetables at all at such times. The preserved forms of the vegetables was utilized among 24.0% of the households, with significantly (p < 0.05) higher utilization in less arid areas. Households that were involved in commercialization of cowpea leaves and sale of the preserved forms in the open air market had significantly higher likelihood (p < 0.001, OR = 2.47 and p < 0.001, OR = 2.3, respectively) of utilization of the vegetables during scarcity. Emerging themes from the qualitative survey showed that weaknesses in the policy environment, stakeholder interest, marketing and accessibility to proper equipment were the deterrents of traditional preservation of the vegetable. Conclusion In conclusion, the preserved forms of cowpea leaves promoted availability of the vegetable especially in the dry seasons. In as much as there is limited practising of preservation of the vegetables, its availability is enhanced through dehydration and other value-addition techniques among a significant number of the households.

Yolanda Eraso ◽  
Stephen Hills

Self-isolation and quarantine measures were introduced by the UK Government on 12 March 2020 as part of the ‘delay’ phase to control the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Non-adherence to self-isolation for 7 days after the development of symptoms is considered suboptimal and little is known about adherence to quarantine for 14 days if a co-habitant developed symptoms. This study aims to analyse non-adherence behaviours to self-isolation and quarantine measures by identifying their potential psycho-social and demographic predictors and by exploring people’s accounts of their experiences with these measures. A mixed-methods convergent design was used, comprising an online survey (n = 681) completed by residents in six North London boroughs and qualitative interviews with a subsample of participants (n = 16). Findings identified not accessing community support, lack of control over leaving the house, and lack of perceived benefit and need to follow the rules as behaviours associated with non-adherence to quarantine (42.7%). Non-adherence to self-isolating measures (24.4%) was associated with individuals’ perceived lack of control over responsibilities, lack of control over leaving the house, uncertainty about symptoms experienced, lack of access to tests, and distrust in the Government. Adherence to self-isolation and quarantine could be improved through strengthening perceived benefit to self-isolate with messages emphasising its effectiveness, by implementing a two-way information system to support symptoms identification, and with Government-funded, locally supported packages at different levels (financial, food, and practical needs).

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 282-291
R. Safkolam ◽  
P. Khumwong ◽  
C. Pruekpramool ◽  
A. Hajisamoh

Societies and cultures influence students' understandings of the nature of science (NOS). An approach to promote an accurate understanding of the nature of science is to manage the learning based on students' contexts through the integration of their social, cultural, and religious stories. Hence, this study investigated the pedagogical effects of Islamic scientist history on seventh graders' understandings of the nature of science in an Islamic private school, Yala Province, Thailand. Through a mixed-methods convergent design, data were collected from 30 seventh graders in an Islamic private school of Yala who were selected through a convenience sampling. The instruments were 1) a NOS questionnaire and 2) a semi-structured interview on the understanding of the nature of science. The quantitative data were statistically analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and a dependent t-test. The qualitative data were analyzed through content analysis and categorized into three groups based on the views of the nature of science: informed views (IV), transitional views (TV), and naive views (NV). Results revealed that the students who learned from the history of Islamic scientists had gained higher mean scores on the understanding of the nature of science at the .05 significance level and transformed their views from transitional (TV) and naive (NV) to informed (IV) in every aspect of the nature of science. This can be summarized that applying the history of Islamic scientists with the explicit reflective NOS teaching is practical in Islamic private school. To make this change happen in the unique school context, science teachers must devote time to analyzing the NOS hidden in the history of Islamic scientists. In addition, another Islamic context, such as local Islamic wisdom, could also promote the understanding of the NOS for students in private Islamic schools.

Sopha Soeung

Private tutoring is not a new phenomenon for education in both developed and developing countries. However, English private tutoring (EPT) attracted a limited number of studies, although English is viewed as the key to success in non-English speaking countries like Cambodia. By observing EPT as a choice, this mixed-method study, using the convergent design, aimed to explore factors affecting Cambodian 12th graders towards quitting or not quitting EPT during the year of the national examination. Quantitative data were collected from 639 twelfth graders in Cambodia via a self-rated questionnaire, while qualitative data were obtained from 8 respondents. Findings reveal that the decision of leaving EPT is more influenced by their parents, while that of continuing EPT is stirred by educational aspirations, internal motivation as well as part-time employment during their university life. Surprisingly, unlike private tutoring of other core exam subjects, this study found that students from better income families in Cambodia do not seem interested in investing in EPT. It is proposed that an ‘exam-career balance’ syllabus be developed and implemented in both mainstream schools and EPT classes to boost the success probability of Cambodian 12th graders in their exams as well as their future.

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