a performance
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2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-107

A friend sent me the call for submissions for the first TURBA journal because a photo of my body—from a performance in which I lie facedown on a marble staircase—was on the cover of the as-yet-unpublished first edition.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Min Zhu

This article first established a university network education system model based on physical failure repair behavior at the big data infrastructure layer and then examined in depth the complex common causes of multiple data failures in the big data environment caused by a single physical machine failure, all based on the principle of mobile edge computing. At the application service layer, a performance model based on queuing theory is first established, with the amount of available resources as a conditional parameter. The model examines important events in mobile edge computing, such as queue overflow and timeout failure. The impact of failure repair behavior on the random change of system dynamic energy consumption is thoroughly investigated, and a system energy consumption model is developed as a result. The network education system in colleges and universities includes a user login module, teaching resource management module, student and teacher management module, online teaching management module, student achievement management module, student homework management module, system data management module, and other business functions. Later, the theory of mobile edge computing proposed a set of comprehensive evaluation indicators that characterize the relevance, such as expected performance and expected energy consumption. Based on these evaluation indicators, a new indicator was proposed to quantify the complex constraint relationship. Finally, a functional use case test was conducted, focusing on testing the query function of online education information; a performance test was conducted in the software operating environment, following the development of the test scenario, and the server’s CPU utilization rate was tested while the software was running. The results show that the designed network education platform is relatively stable and can withstand user access pressure. The performance ratio indicator can effectively assist the cloud computing system in selecting a more appropriate option for the migrated traditional service system.

2022 ◽  
Vol 38 (113) ◽  
Marco Antonio Catussi Paschoalotto ◽  
João Luiz Passador ◽  
Claudia Souza Passador ◽  
Gustavo Yuho Endo

Este artigo visa compreender os padrões das regiões de saúde no Brasil quanto à performance em saúde e às condições socioeconômicas. Para atingi-lo, utilizou-se de 2 análises de clusters das 438 regiões de saúde, composta de indicadores de condicionantes estruturais e dimensões de saúde. A primeira análise de clusters empregou os 3 indicadores que compõem os condicionantes estruturais, e a segunda análise de clusters as 6 dimensões de saúde. Os resultados demonstram que as regiões de saúde com os piores valores de condicionantes estruturais e performance em financiamento, recursos humanos, infraestrutura e qualidade, estão localizadas em grande parte nas macrorregiões Norte e Nordeste. Além disso, 25% das regiões de saúde no Brasil possuem melhor performance em cobertura e qualidade, e estão localizadas no Sudeste e Nordeste. Portanto, pode-se afirmar que as regiões de saúde no Brasil ainda possuem grandes desigualdades regionais quanto às condições socioeconômicas e performances na saúde.

Fang (Cherry) Liu ◽  
Mehmet Belgin ◽  
Nuyun Zhang ◽  
Kevin Manalo ◽  
Ruben Lara ◽  

2022 ◽  
pp. 030573562110420
Aoife Hiney

This case study focuses on the processes involved in co-constructing an interpretation of Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco’s Romancero Gitano with a non-professional choir. Rehearsals began in April 2018 and culminated with a performance in June 2018. In order to develop an understanding of the individual and collective processes involved, data were generated through autoethnography and journaling. These texts tracked our regular weekly rehearsals, any extra individual practice, and the performance experience. Seven journals were subsequently compiled and analyzed together with my autoethnography. The findings show that the bulk of the writings focused on technical questions like correctly executing the information contained in the score, with significantly fewer references to other aspects of musical interpretation, such as timbre, or personal reflections regarding our perception of the music and our journey in learning and performing the work. Furthermore, the texts reveal a hierarchical structure within the choir, especially related to perceived levels of musical literacy and/or institutionalized knowledge. In this article, I discuss the various experiences relating to the process of co-constructing a musical interpretation, together with the potential of journaling to develop reflexive, conscious, and inclusive processes of collective musical development within the context of a non-professional choir.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Zuhair A. Al-Hemyari ◽  
Abdullah M. AlSarmi

BACKGROUND: HEIs implement different techniques for the problem of assessing the progress towards the notified goals or the achievements, which is the only way to ensure that the HEIs are functioning properly along the right way or not. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to propose a model for assessing the performance, which may be of interest to institutions, partners, society and students. METHODS: In this paper, the technique of performance-related goals of HEIs, and a statistical approach are proposed. The methodology of this paper will manage briefly the issues of the applicability of the technique, how to derive the “goals” for HEI’s, taking into consideration the indicators of the Intellectual Capital (Human, Organizational, and Relational), and how to collect the data from HEIs successfully. The processes of assuring the technique of performance-related goals, deriving and implementing the goals, and the acquisition and testing of data are developed. RESULTS: The findings of this paper are in two directions, i.e. in the proposing of a performance model for HEIs which is based on the goals of HEIs; and in the application side, i.e. in the practical results of the evaluation of HEIs and how to clarify the performance of institutions and how to compare between them. The findings show that the practical results are significant, and reliable. CONCLUSIONS: This paper develops a significance model for performance appraisal of HEIs, how we can compare between the performance of HEIs, and to rank their performance. The practical results of the model are both accurate and significant.

Sergio Lara-Bercial ◽  
Jim McKenna

Part 1 of this 2-paper series identified a wide and deep network of context, generative mechanisms and outcomes responsible for psychosocial development in a performance basketball club. In this – part 2 – study, the stakeholder’s programme theories were tested during a full-season ethnography of the same club. The findings confirm the highly individualised nature of each young person’s journey. Methodologically, immersion in the day-to-day environment generated a fine-grain analysis of the processes involved, including: i) sustained attentional focus; ii) structured and unstructured skill building activities; iii) deliberate and incidental support; and iv) feelings indicating personal growth. Personal development in and through sport is thus shown to be conditional, multi-faceted, time-sensitive and idiosyncratic. The findings of this two-part study are considered to propose a model of psychosocial development in and through sport. This heuristic tool is presented to support sport psychologists, coaches, club administrators and parents to deliberately create and optimise developmental environments.

2022 ◽  
Dr Senthilkumar Palanisamy ◽  
Dr Suresh Kumar Tirupur Venkatachalam ◽  
Sudhagar Babu

Hand book of Practical Microbiology, is a performance based text designed for use by students of microbiology, biotechnology, medicine, laboratory technology, allied sciences; by microbiologists and by others who are interested in practical microbiology. The intent of the book is to provide recent information and explain in detail the routine microbiological methods performed in a Microbiology laboratory. Hand book of Practical Microbiology consists of 12 chapters. Each chapter contains practical exercises. Each exercise contains theoretical aspects of the practical, principle, and experimental procedure in detail.

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