mass rapid transit
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Technologic ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Vuko A T Manurung ◽  
Yohanes Tri Joko Wibowo ◽  
Thoriq Daffa Nurdin

UT cabang On Road merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang dipilih oleh operator bus Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Jakarta untuk melakukan kontrak perawatan pada unit Scania K310 IB Maxi Bus miliknya, sehingga unit bus siap beroperasi melayani transportasi publik. Pada 2021 unit bus tipe K310 mengalami persoalan berupa mesin yang mati mendadak. Pengecekan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa aliran bahan bakar dari filter bahan bakar ke mesin mengalami sumbatan sehingga alirannya tidak lancar. Dari persoalan yang timbul ini maka dilakukan penyelidikan dan ditemukan aliran bahan bakar yang tidak lancer ke mesin. Dari buku referensi yang ada, penggunaan solar B30 yang ada di pasaran Indonesia akan menyebabkan usia saringan bahan bakar menjadi lebih pendek. Oleh karena itu dilakukan perbaikan pada sistem penyaringan (filter) bahan bakar dengan mempercepat penggantian pre fuel filter dari per 20.000 km pemakaian, menjadi setiap 10.000 km pemakaian. Proses ini dilakukan guna menghindari denda dari operator bus akibat tidak beroperasi dan terjadinya di jalur khusus bus yang mengakibatkan kemacetan. Metodologi penelitian yang dilakukan adalah mengecek peyebab mogoknya unit, mengambil sampel bahan bakar yang ada di filter dan mengirimkan ke lab utuk di analisis kandungannya sehingga dapat diambil tindakan. Proses perbaikan ini dapat menurunkan kerusakan mesin sampai dengan 0% sehingga target Physical Availability (PA) unit tercapai. Percepatan penggantian saringan bahan bakar ini mengakibatkan jumlah limbah yang dihasilkan dari saringan tersebut juga makin banyak sehingga perlu dibuat juga sistem pengolahan limbah bahan bakar agar dapat dipakai dan tidak dibuang secara percuma.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
Yakin Nur Sunoto ◽  
Zakiah Ponrahono ◽  
Zulfa Hanan Ash’aari ◽  
Nur Aulia Rosni ◽  
Noor Suzilawati Rabe ◽  

The Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) feeder bus service is a complementary public transport service provided to encourage ridership of MRT rail services in Malaysia. In brief, this feeder bus service plays a role in connecting people to and from MRT stations. The objective of this study is to determine the passenger volume generated at each MRT feeder bus stop location in the study area, and relate it to surrounding land use activities. Using the rule of thumb in public transportation systems, 200 m and 400 m radial buffers were identified as catchment areas of the bus stops. The key finding from this study is the relationship between volume of passenger and land use activities. This study concludes that land use activities influence MRT ridership, and that the presence of shelters or waiting poles is important to encourage ingress or egress.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-106
Halifa Nurnadhifa ◽  
Hafizhah Nur Latifah

Transfer kebijakan merupakan proses peminjaman kebijakan dari negara lain yang telah berhasil mengimplementasikan gagasan tersebut di negara asalnya. Setidaknya terdapat empat hal yang perlu diketahui dalam transfer kebijakan, yaitu bentuk, proses pembelajaran, hambatan di dalamnya, serta kesalahan dalam transfer kebijakan. Tulisan ini akan membedah lebih lanjut mengenai transfer kebijakan MRT Jakarta ditinjau dari ketiga aspek serta melihat sejauh mana transfer kebijakan tersebut telah dilaksanakan. Dengan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa transfer kebijakan MRT Jakarta sendiri sudah terlaksana dengan baik, meskipun pada pelaksanaannya masih terdapat beberapa hambatan dan kesalahan dalam proses pembelajaran kebijakan. Untuk itu, diperlukan beberapa koreksi yang harus dilakukan untuk membuat kebijakan tersebut berkembang.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 397-409
Yulianto Syahyu

The development activities are things that every country to realize the fulfillment of the needs and welfare of the community. Limited land area is still one of the big problems in carrying out development. The land area that does not increase, followed by the need for land that continues to increase is the cause. The type of research used is the method normative and empirical juridical research which was finally analyzed using qualitative analysis methods. Regulation of the Governor of DKI Jakarta No. 167 of 2012 about underground space and the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 02/PRT/M/2014 on Guidelines for Use of Space Inside the Earth, that exists today is sufficient and accommodate the implementation of the use of space underground for the construction of the Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit (MRT). However, as a step in the future use of underground space, required regulations on the use of space underground in the form of legislation that accommodates all the needs that have not been included in the current rules. Keywords: Underground Space Utilization, MRT Jakarta, Legal Certainty.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 12965
Jaime Larumbe

A transport business that has reached financial sustainability is one that is providing a service at a price that not only covers its costs but also creates a profit for upcoming contingencies. A focus on rail infrastructure financial sustainability is of paramount importance to guarantee the availability of punctual rail transport to remote potential users. To evaluate the sustainability of mass rapid transit on the relation among hypothetical key aspects of sustainability—perception of property; willingness to pay for maintenance, repair, and operations; confidence in the Roads and Transport Authority; and citizen participation in the rail project—and railway service punctuality, the most important result variable, was studied according to the specialized literature on rail transport sustainability. Leading information was collected by means of personal questionnaires of more than 1000 railway users according to the Krejcie Morgan formula for the calculation of the sample size knowing the population size. Qualitative plus quantitative information was gathered from different ways (technical test of the rail system, discussions with users, focus-group discussions, and interviews with key informers).The outputs by means of the statistical analysis allowed understanding two key perceptions. Firstly, beyond a half decade after construction, during a system intervention, a smaller perception of public property for the railway system was related to better service punctuality. This idea contrasts with the vast majority of the publications, which highlight a regular, direct relationship between perception of property and sustainability of railway systems. Secondly, in spite of three-quarters of users accepting that they would contribute monetarily for maintenance, repair, and operations service, such payments were not imminent because of the lack of confidence in the Roads and Transport Authority. In this situation, more than one-third of the metro stations were identified as non-punctual, beyond a half decade after construction.

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