exotic physics
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Mikhail Padniuk ◽  
Marek Kopciuch ◽  
Riccardo Cipolletti ◽  
Arne Wickenbrock ◽  
Dmitry Budker ◽  

AbstractSearches for pseudo-magnetic spin couplings require implementation of techniques capable of sensitive detection of such interactions. While Spin-Exchange Relaxation Free (SERF) magnetometry is one of the most powerful approaches enabling the searches, it suffers from a strong magnetic coupling, deteriorating the pseudo-magnetic coupling sensitivity. To address this problem, here, we compare, via numerical simulations, the performance of SERF magnetometer and noble-gas-alkali-metal co-magnetometer, operating in a so-called self-compensating regime. We demonstrate that the co-magnetometer allows reduction of the sensitivity to low-frequency magnetic fields without loss of the sensitivity to nonmagnetic couplings. Based on that we investigate the responses of both systems to the oscillating and transient spin perturbations. Our simulations reveal about five orders of magnitude stronger response to the neutron pseudo-magnetic coupling and about three orders of magnitude stronger response to the proton pseudo-magnetic coupling of the co-magnetometer than those of the SERF magnetometer. Different frequency responses of the co-magnetometer to magnetic and nonmagnetic perturbations enables differentiation between these two types of interactions. This outlines the ability to implement the co-magnetometer as an advanced sensor for the Global Network of Optical Magnetometer for Exotic Physics searches (GNOME), aiming at detection of ultra-light bosons (e.g., axion-like particles).

2022 ◽  
Vol 76 (1) ◽  
Joseph A. Smiga

AbstractAn experiment consisting of a network of sensors can endow several advantages over an experiment with a single sensor: improved sensitivity, error corrections, spatial resolution, etc. However, there is often a question of how to optimally set up the network to yield the best results. Here, we consider a network of devices that measure a vector field along a given axis; namely for magnetometers in the Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic physics searches (GNOME). We quantify how well the network is arranged, explore characteristics and examples of ideal networks, and characterize the optimal configuration for GNOME. We find that by re-orienting the sensitive axes of existing magnetometers, the sensitivity of the network can be improved relative to the past science runs.

2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (01) ◽  
pp. P01018
R. Acciarri ◽  
B. Baller ◽  
V. Basque ◽  
C. Bromberg ◽  
F. Cavanna ◽  

Abstract The liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) detector technology has an excellent capability to measure properties of low-energy neutrinos produced by the sun and supernovae and to look for exotic physics at very low energies. In order to achieve those physics goals, it is crucial to identify and reconstruct signals in the waveforms recorded on each TPC wire. In this paper, we report on a novel algorithm based on a one-dimensional convolutional neural network (CNN) to look for the region-of-interest (ROI) in raw waveforms. We test this algorithm using data from the ArgoNeuT experiment in conjunction with an improved noise mitigation procedure and a more realistic data-driven noise model for simulated events. This deep-learning ROI finder shows promising performance in extracting small signals and gives an efficiency approximately twice that of the traditional algorithm in the low energy region of ∼0.03–0.1 MeV. This method offers great potential to explore low-energy physics using LArTPCs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Erjian Cheng ◽  
Wei Xia ◽  
Xianbiao Shi ◽  
Hongwei Fang ◽  
Chengwei Wang ◽  

AbstractThe nature of the interaction between magnetism and topology in magnetic topological semimetals remains mysterious, but may be expected to lead to a variety of novel physics. We systematically studied the magnetic semimetal EuAs3, demonstrating a magnetism-induced topological transition from a topological nodal-line semimetal in the paramagnetic or the spin-polarized state to a topological massive Dirac metal in the antiferromagnetic ground state at low temperature. The topological nature in the antiferromagnetic state and the spin-polarized state has been verified by electrical transport measurements. An unsaturated and extremely large magnetoresistance of ~2 × 105% at 1.8 K and 28.3 T is observed. In the paramagnetic states, the topological nodal-line structure at the Y point is proven by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Moreover, a temperature-induced Lifshitz transition accompanied by the emergence of a new band below 3 K is revealed. These results indicate that magnetic EuAs3 provides a rich platform to explore exotic physics arising from the interaction of magnetism with topology.

2021 ◽  
Keryn Anne Williams

<p>The antibonding VHS of the high temperature superconductor Bi-2212 appears in the extreme overdoped regime, a part of the cuprate phase diagram little studied to date. Observation of this VHS motivated taking a fresh look at the cuprates using fundamentals of electronics as the foundation for understanding the physics involved in the superconductivity of these materials. In the study of the high temperature superconductors it appears important questions have been overlooked, notably the possible contribution of the gapped state and whether these materials are better considered as doped semiconductors rather than as 'poor' metals. We also find the question of the contribution of oxygen, a substance with a strong magnetic signature, to data of the oxygen-doped cuprates has been neglected. Comparison with non-oxygen doping is supportive of the view the oxygen dopant contributes noticeably to magnetic data. Through magnetic susceptibility measurements the antibonding VHS location, predicted by use of Fermi liquid theory, is well confirmed in polycrystals of the lead-doped cuprate Bi-2212. It was found that the peak in the DOS at the VHS produces no corresponding local peak in the critical temperature versus doping. Instead, the VHS appears associated with the disappearance of the superconductivity, rather than with the maximum critical temperature. We find the metal-insulator transition plays an important role. There are two of these in the cuprates, a horizontal doping dependent one and a vertical temperature dependent one. They affect each other. Noting the consequences of doping an insulator until a metallic state is reached enables a connection to be made between doping and pressure. Three requirements are identified for superconductivity to occur: 1. screening 2. pairing 3. charge mobility Each requirement may be separately satisfied in a manner whereby each can vary differently as a function of the same variable. The superconductivity of the cuprates is found to arise out of an underlying non-metallic state. As such, BCS theory, being formulated to explain superconductivity arising from metallic conduction, cannot be directly applicable. However, although HTS materials are a rich repository of both novel and familiar solid state physics, evidence does not appear to support the notion that superconductivity in the cuprates is caused by "exotic" physics. We also find cause for optimism regarding the development of new or improved superconducting materials.</p>

2021 ◽  
Keryn Anne Williams

<p>The antibonding VHS of the high temperature superconductor Bi-2212 appears in the extreme overdoped regime, a part of the cuprate phase diagram little studied to date. Observation of this VHS motivated taking a fresh look at the cuprates using fundamentals of electronics as the foundation for understanding the physics involved in the superconductivity of these materials. In the study of the high temperature superconductors it appears important questions have been overlooked, notably the possible contribution of the gapped state and whether these materials are better considered as doped semiconductors rather than as 'poor' metals. We also find the question of the contribution of oxygen, a substance with a strong magnetic signature, to data of the oxygen-doped cuprates has been neglected. Comparison with non-oxygen doping is supportive of the view the oxygen dopant contributes noticeably to magnetic data. Through magnetic susceptibility measurements the antibonding VHS location, predicted by use of Fermi liquid theory, is well confirmed in polycrystals of the lead-doped cuprate Bi-2212. It was found that the peak in the DOS at the VHS produces no corresponding local peak in the critical temperature versus doping. Instead, the VHS appears associated with the disappearance of the superconductivity, rather than with the maximum critical temperature. We find the metal-insulator transition plays an important role. There are two of these in the cuprates, a horizontal doping dependent one and a vertical temperature dependent one. They affect each other. Noting the consequences of doping an insulator until a metallic state is reached enables a connection to be made between doping and pressure. Three requirements are identified for superconductivity to occur: 1. screening 2. pairing 3. charge mobility Each requirement may be separately satisfied in a manner whereby each can vary differently as a function of the same variable. The superconductivity of the cuprates is found to arise out of an underlying non-metallic state. As such, BCS theory, being formulated to explain superconductivity arising from metallic conduction, cannot be directly applicable. However, although HTS materials are a rich repository of both novel and familiar solid state physics, evidence does not appear to support the notion that superconductivity in the cuprates is caused by "exotic" physics. We also find cause for optimism regarding the development of new or improved superconducting materials.</p>

2021 ◽  
Mikhail Padniuk ◽  
Marek Kopciuch ◽  
Riccardo Cipolletti ◽  
Arne Wickenbrock ◽  
Dmitry Budker ◽  

Abstract Searches for pseudo-magnetic spin couplings require implementation of techniques capable of sensitive detection of such interactions. While Spin-Exchange Relaxation Free (SERF) magnetometry is one of the most powerful approaches enabling the searches, it suffers from a strong magnetic coupling, deteriorating the pseudo-magnetic coupling sensitivity. To address this problem, here, we compare, via numerical simulations, the performance of SERF magnetometer and noble-gas-alkali-metal co-magnetometer, operating in a so-called self-compensating regime. We demonstrate that the co-magnetometer allows reduction of the sensitivity to low-frequency magnetic fields without loss of the sensitivity to nonmagnetic couplings. Based on that we investigate the responses of both systems to the oscillating and transient spin perturbations. Our simulations reveal about five orders of magnitude stronger response to the neutron pseudo-magnetic coupling and about three orders of magnitude stronger response to the proton pseudo-magnetic coupling of the co-magnetometer than those the SERF magnetometer. Different frequency responses of the co-magnetometer to magnetic and nonmagnetic perturbations enables differentiation between these two types of interactions. This outlines the ability to implement the co-magnetometer as an advanced sensor for the Global Network of Optical Magnetometer for Exotic Physics searches (GNOME), aiming at detection of ultra-light bosons (e.g., axion-like particles).

2021 ◽  
Nathan Guisinger ◽  
Daniel Trainer ◽  
Srilok Sriniva ◽  
Brandon Fisher ◽  
Yuan Zhang ◽  

Abstract Topological phases of matter give rise to exotic physics that can be leveraged for next generation quantum computation1–3 and spintronic devices4,5. Thus, the search for topological phases and the quantum states that they exhibit have become the subject of a massive research effort in condensed matter physics. Topologically protected states have been produced in a variety of systems, including artificial lattices6–9, graphene nanoribbons (GNRs)10,11 and bismuth bilayers12,13. Despite these advances, the real-time manipulation of individual topological states and their relative coupling, a necessary feature for the realization of topological qubits, remains elusive. Guided by first-principles calculations, we spatially manipulate robust, zero-dimensional topological states by altering the topological invariants of quasi-one-dimensional artificial graphene nanostructures. This is achieved by positioning carbon monoxide molecules on a copper surface to confine its surface state electrons into artificial atoms positioned to emulate the low-energy electronic structure of graphene derivatives. Ultimately, we demonstrate control over the coupling between adjacent topological states that are finely engineered and simulate complex Hamiltonians. Our atomic synthesis gives access to an infinite range of nanoribbon geometries, including those beyond the current reach of synthetic chemistry, and thus provides an ideal platform for the design and study of novel topological and quantum states of matter.

2021 ◽  
Samer Afach ◽  
Ben Buchler ◽  
Dmitry Budker ◽  
Conner Dailey ◽  
Andrei Derevianko ◽  

Abstract Results are reported from the first full-scale search for transient signals from exotic fields of astrophysical origin using data from a newly constructed Earth-scale detector: the Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic physics searches (GNOME). Data collected by the GNOME consist of correlated measurements from optical atomic magnetometers located in laboratories all over the world. GNOME data are searched for patterns of signals propagating through the network consistent with exotic fields composed of ultralight bosons such as axion-like particles (ALPs). Analysis of data from a continuous month-long operation of the GNOME finds no statistically significant signals consistent with those expected due to encounters with topological defects (axion domain walls), placing new experimental constraints on such dark matter scenarios.

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