rupture length
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2022 ◽  
Timothy Craig ◽  
Steven Gibbons

A low-magnitude earthquake was recorded on January 18, 2017, in the T\'{e}n\'{e}r\'{e} desert in Niger. This intraplate region is exceptionally sparsely covered with seismic stations and the closest open seismic station, G.TAM in Algeria at a distance of approximately 600 km, was unusually and unfortunately not operational at the time of the event. Body-wave magnitude estimates range from $m_b 4.2$ to $m_b 4.6$ and both seismic location and magnitude constraints are dominated by stations at teleseismic distances. The seismic constraints are strengthened considerably by array stations of the International Monitoring System for verifying compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban-Treaty. This event, with magnitude relevant to low-yield nuclear tests, provides a valuable validation of the detection and location procedure for small land-based seismic disturbances at significant distances. For seismologists not in the CTBT system, the event is problematic as data from many of the key stations are not openly available. We examine the uncertainty in published routinely-determined epicenters by performing multiple Bayesloc location estimates with published arrival times considering both all published arrival times and those from open stations only. This location exercise confirms lateral uncertainties in seismologically-derived location no smaller than 10 km. Coherence for InSAR in this region is exceptionally high, and allows us to confidently detect a displacement of the order 6 mm in the time-frame containing the earthquake, consistent with the seismic location estimates, and with a lateral length scale consistent with an earthquake of this size, allowing location constraint to within one rupture length ($\leq 5$ km) -- significantly reducing the lateral uncertainty compared with relying on seismological data only. Combining Open Access-only seismological and geodetic data, we precisely constrain the source location, and conclude that this earthquake likely had a shallow source. We then discuss potential ways to continue the integration of geodetic data in the calibration of seismological earthquake location.

John G. Anderson ◽  
Glenn P. Biasi ◽  
Stephen Angster ◽  
Steven G. Wesnousky

ABSTRACT We develop a self-consistent scaling model relating magnitude Mw to surface rupture length (LE), surface displacement DE, and rupture width WE, for strike-slip faults. Knowledge of the long-term fault-slip rate SF improves magnitude estimates. Data are collected for 55 ground-rupturing strike-slip earthquakes that have geological estimates of LE, DE, and SF, and geophysical estimates of WE. We begin with the model of Anderson et al. (2017), which uses a closed form equation for the seismic moment of a surface-rupturing strike-slip fault of arbitrary aspect ratio and given stress drop, ΔτC. Using WE estimates does not improve Mw estimates. However, measurements of DE plus the relationship between ΔτC and surface slip provide an alternate approach to study WE. A grid of plausible stress drop and width pairs were used to predict displacement and earthquake magnitude. A likelihood function was computed from within the uncertainty ranges of the corresponding observed Mw and DE values. After maximizing likelihoods over earthquakes in length bins, we found the most likely values of WE for constant stress drop; these depend on the rupture length. The best-fitting model has the surprising form WE∝logLE—a gentle increase in width with rupture length. Residuals from this model are convincingly correlated to the fault-slip rate and also show a weak correlation with the crustal thickness. The resulting model thus supports a constant stress drop for ruptures of all lengths, consistent with teleseismic observation. The approach can be extended to test other observable factors that might improve the predictability of magnitude from a mapped fault for seismic hazard analyses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 131
Vasileios Karakostas ◽  
Costas Papazachos ◽  
Eleftheria Papadimitriou ◽  
Michael Foumelis ◽  
Anastasia Kiratzi ◽  

On 3 March 2021, the Mw6.3 Tyrnavos earthquake shook much of the Thessalia region, leading to extensive damage in many small towns and villages in the activated area. The first main shock was followed in the next day, on 4th of March 2021, by an “equivalent” main shock with Mw6.0 in the adjacent fault segment. These are the largest earthquakes to strike the northeastern part of Thessalia since the M6.3, 1941 Larissa earthquake. The main shocks triggered extensive liquefaction mainly along the banks of the Titarisios tributary where alluvial flood deposits most probably amplified the ground motions. Our seismic monitoring efforts, with the use of recordings of the regional seismological network along with a dense local network that was installed three days after the seismic excitation initiation, led to the improved understanding the geometry and kinematics of the activated faults. The aftershocks form a north–northwest–trending, east–northeast–dipping, ~40 km long distribution, encompassing the two main ruptures along with minor activated structures, consistent with the rupture length estimated from analysis of regional waveform data and InSAR modeling. The first rupture was expanded bilaterally, the second main shock nucleated at its northern tip, where from this second rupture propagated unilaterally to the north–northwest. The focal mechanisms of the two main shocks support an almost pure normal faulting, similar to the aftershocks fault plane solution determined in this study. The strong ground motion of the March 3 main shock was computed with a stochastic simulation of finite fault model. Coseismic displacements that were detected using a dense GPS / GNSS network of five permanent stations located the Thessaly region, have shown an NNE–SSW extension as expected from the nature and location of the causative fault. Coulomb stress changes due to the coseismic slip of the first main shock, revealed that the hypocentral region of the second main shock was brought closer to failure by more than 10 bars.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Maren Böse ◽  
Allie A. Hutchison ◽  
Isabelle Manighetti ◽  
Jiawei Li ◽  
Frédérick Massin ◽  

The Finite-Fault Rupture Detector (FinDer) algorithm computes rapid line-source rupture models from high-frequency seismic acceleration amplitudes (PGA). In this paper, we propose two extensions to FinDer, called FinDerS and FinDerS+, which have the advantage of taking into account a geological property of the source fault, its structural maturity, as well as its relation to the earthquake slip distribution. These two new algorithms calculate real-time earthquake slip profiles by backprojecting seismic and/or geodetic displacement amplitudes onto the FinDer line-source. This backprojection is based on a general empirical equation established in previous work that relates dynamic peak ground displacement (PGD) at the stations to on-fault coseismic slip. While FinDerS projects PGD onto the current FinDer line-source, FinDerS+ allows the rupture to grow beyond the current model extent to predict future rupture evolution. For an informed interpolation and smoothing of the estimated slip values, FinDerS and FinDerS+ both employ a generic empirical function that has been shown to relate the along-strike gradient of structural maturity of the ruptured fault, the earthquake slip distribution, and the rupture length. Therefore, while FinDer derives magnitudes from a relatively uncertain and general empirical rupture length-magnitude relations, FinDerS and FinDerS+ provide alternate and better informed magnitude estimates using the mean slip of the profiles derived from the integration of fault source maturity. The two new algorithms can incorporate both seismic strong-motion and geodetic displacement data. In order to recover PGD from strong-motion instruments, we double-integrate and high-pass filter (> 0.075 Hz) the seismic acceleration records. Together, the three algorithms exploit the full spectrum of ground-motions, including high frequencies to derive a source fault model (FinDer) and low frequencies to determine the static offsets along this model (FinDerS and FinDerS+). We test the three algorithms for the 2019 MW 7.1 Ridgecrest (California), 2016 MW 7.0 Kumamoto (Japan), and 2008 MW 7.9 Wenchuan (China) earthquakes. Conclusively, low-frequency PGD data and integration of the fault maturity gradient do not speed-up calculations for these events, but provide additional information on slip distribution and final rupture length, as well as alternative estimates of magnitudes that can be useful to check for consistency across the algorithm suite. The FinDer algorithms systematically outperform previously established real-time PGD-based magnitude estimates in terms of speed and accuracy. The resulting slip distributions can be useful for improved ground-motion prediction given the observed relationship between seismic radiation and fault maturity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Mingfei Yao ◽  
Yanmeng Lu ◽  
Ting Zhang ◽  
Jiaojiao Xie ◽  
Shengyi Han ◽  

AbstractThe low viability during gastrointestinal transit and poor mucoadhesion considerably limits the effectiveness of Ligilactobacillus salivarius Li01 (Li01) in regulating gut microbiota and alleviating inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In this study, a delivery system was designed through layer-by-layer (LbL) encapsulating a single Li01cell with chitosan and alginate. The layers were strengthened by cross-linking to form a firm and mucoadhesive shell (~10 nm thickness) covering the bacterial cell. The LbL Li01 displayed improved viability under simulated gastrointestinal conditions and mucoadhesive function. Almost no cells could be detected among the free Li01 after 2 h incubation in digestive fluids, while for LbL Li01, the total reduction was around 3 log CFU/mL and the viable number of cells remained above 6 log CFU/mL. Besides, a 5-fold increase in the value of rupture length and a two-fold increase in the number of peaks were found in the (bacteria-mucin) adhesion curves of LbL Li01, compared to those of free Li01. Oral administration with LbL Li01 on colitis mice facilitated intestinal barrier recovery and restoration of the gut microbiota. The improved functionality of Li01 by LbL encapsulation could increase the potential for the probiotic to be used in clinical applications to treat IBD; this should be explored in future studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 804
Chimaobi G. Ofoha ◽  
Ifiok P. Umana ◽  
Adedeji G. Adewale

Background: Penile fracture is a urological emergency and requires urgent medical attention. There was a relative upsurge in 2020. Diagnosis is usually based on typical history and examination findings suggestive of penile fracture. The objective of this study was to determine the demographics, clinical presentation and management of fracture of the penis.Methods: All patients who presented at the accident and emergency in 2020 with penile fracture were studied. The patients age, time to presentation, mechanism of injury, clinical features (cracking sound, pain, immediate detumescence, penile swelling, urethral bleeding and acute urinary retention) were recorded. Intraoperative findings (location of corpora rupture, length of tear and urethral rupture) were recorded and analysed.Results: Twelve patients were studied. The mean age was 34.8 years, range (20 years to 56 years). 58.3% presented within 24 hours of trauma. The commonest mechanism of penile fracture was sexual intercourse with the woman on top position (58%). 75% of the patients heard a popping sound. All patients had pain, detumescence and penile swelling (N=12) 100%. Two patients had urethral bleeding (N=2) 16.7%, with one having associated urethral rupture (N=1) 8.3%. Two patients had acute urinary retention (16.7%). Rupture of the right corpora occurred in 50%, 8.3% had bilateral rupture of the corpora. All the patients had repair of the corporal rupture. Urethral injury was repaired primarily. Erection and voiding post-repair were satisfactory.Conclusions: Fracture of the penis is a urological emergency. Diagnosis can be made based on typical history and examination findings. Prompt surgical intervention is advised to avoid complications and erectile dysfunction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 2034
Ying-Hui Yang ◽  
Qiang Chen ◽  
Qian Xu ◽  
Jing-Jing Zhao ◽  
Jyr-Ching Hu ◽  

We here present an example of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake with its coseismic surface deformation mapped by the ALOS-2 satellite both in the right- and left-looking observation modes. It provides the opportunity to reveal the coseismic surface deformation and to explore the performance of the unusual left-looking data in faulting model inversion. Firstly, three tracks (ascending and descending right-looking and descending left-looking) of ALOS PALSAR-2 images are used to extract the surface deformation fields. It suggests that the displacements measured by the descending left-looking InSAR coincide well with the ascending right-looking track observations. Then, the location and strike angle of the fault are determined from the SAR pixel offset-tracking technique. A complicated four-segment fault geometry is inferred for explaining the coseismic faulting of the Kumamoto earthquake due to the interpretation of derived deformation fields. Quantitative comparisons between models constrained by the right-looking only data and by joint right- and left-looking data suggest that left-looking InSAR could provide comparable constraints for geodetic modelling to right-looking InSAR. Furthermore, the slip model suggests that the series of events are dominated by the dextral strike-slip with some normal fault motions. The fault rupture initiates on the Hinagu fault segment and propagates from southwest to northeast along the Hinagu fault, then transforms to Futagawa fault with a slip maximum of 4.96 m, and finally ends up at ~7 km NW of the Aso caldera, with a rupture length of ~55 km. The talent of left-looking InSAR in surface deformation detection and coseismic faulting inversion indicates that left-looking InSAR can be effectively utilized in the investigation of the geologic hazards in the future, same as right-looking InSAR.

Glenn P. Biasi ◽  
Steven G. Wesnousky

ABSTRACT Earthquake early warning (EEW) systems can quickly identify the beginning of a significant earthquake rupture, but the first seconds of seismic data have not been found to predict the final rupture length. We present two approaches for estimating probabilities of rupture length given the rupture initiation from an EEW system. In the first approach, bends and steps on the fault are interpreted as physical mechanisms for rupture arrest. Arrest probability relations are developed from empirical observations and depend on bend angle and step size. Probability of arrest compounds serially with increasing rupture length as bends or steps are encountered. In the second approach, time-independent rates among ruptures from the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast, Version 3 (UCERF3), are interpreted to apply to the time-dependent condition in which rupture grows from a known starting point. Length probabilities from a Gutenberg–Richter magnitude–frequency relation provide a reference of comparison. We illustrate the new approach using the discretized fault model for California developed for UCERF3. For the case of rupture initiating on the southeast end of the San Andreas fault we find the geometric complexity of the Mill Creek section impedes most ruptures, and only ∼5% are predicted to reach to San Bernardino on the eastern edge of the greater Los Angeles region. Conditional probabilities of length can be precompiled in this manner for any initiation point on the fault system and thus are of potential value in seismic hazard and EEW applications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Xiongnan Huang ◽  
Xiaoping Yang ◽  
Haibo Yang ◽  
Zongkai Hu ◽  
Ling Zhang

The Hexi Corridor is located beyond the northeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, and it is bounded by a series of active thrusts along the northern margin of the Qilian Shan and the southern piedmont of the Longshou Shan. Historically, five destructive earthquakes have occurred along the Hexi Corridor, which indicates that this region poses high potential seismic risks. The 1609 Hongyapu earthquake occurred along the Fodongmiao-Hongyazi fault in the northern Qilian Shan, China, and it killed more than 840 people and destroyed a large number of buildings. Presently, there are different opinions as to the distribution and length of the surface rupture of this event along the Fudongmiao–Hongyazi fault. Thus, we searched all of the fault scarps on the Holocene surfaces and suspected surface rupture locations related to the 1609 earthquake based on previous studies and developed detailed remote-sensing interpretations along the fault. An abundance of north-facing scarps on the younger fans and terrace faces, slightly higher than the active modern stream bed, were found along the Fodongmiao-Hongyazi fault in the area ranging from the Hongshuiba River (39.52°N, 98.41°E) in the west to the Shuiguan River (39.07°N, 99.37°E) in the east. Based on our research, we estimate a surface rupture length as ∼98 km based on the distribution of the fault scarps on Late Holocene surfaces and constraints provided by age dating. Most of the surface ruptures are preserved as fault scarps and indicate an average vertical surface offset of ∼1.0 m, a value found consistently in three segments of the fault. The surface rupture features indicate that segments of the fault ruptured together coseismically during the 1609 earthquake, i.e., a multisegment rupture. Using the surface fault traces, length of 98 or 90 km (without the Shuiguan River section), dip of 30° inferred from previous reflection profiles, a rigidity of 3.3 × 1010 N/m2, and dip slip average as 1.9 m converted from our observations of the offsets, we computed the magnitude of this event as ca. Mw 7.2–Mw 7.4.

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