linguistic research
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 418-437
Asim Ayed Alkhawaldeh

Although deixis has received increasingly academic attention in linguistic research, its use in sermons, particularly in the Islamic context, has been largely underexplored. Therefore, this paper examined deixis in Islamic Friday sermons from the perspective of pragmatics and discourse analysis. Drawing on Levinson’s Framework, it aimed at analyzing three main types of deixis (personal, temporal, and spatial), focusing on their forms, features, functions, and frequency. The data were a corpus of 70 sermons compiled by the researcher from various online websites. The study employed qualitative and quantitative methods to meet the purpose of the study. The findings revealed that these three deictic types were relatively common in the language of the respective corpus with the personal type being predominant, deictically pointing to different referents whose interpretation was sensitive to the context in which they occurred. As an affectively powerful tool in the corpus, the preachers utilized deixis to serve a wide variety of functions on the discourse and pragmatic levels. In the corpus, deictic expressions worked as a discourse strategy to persuade the listeners by drawing their attention and engaging them in the message of the sermon and to signal and organize the flow of information in the ongoing discourse. They also served to enhance togetherness, intimacy, and politeness between the preachers and their audience. This study is hoped to present a good basis for further linguistic investigation of deixis in other languages and religions to illuminate how deictics work in sermonic discourse. 

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-07
Iskandarsyah Siregar

The Palang Pintu tradition is a tradition that is part of the Betawi wedding ceremony. In this study, the semiotic analysis of Roland Barthes was used. This study uses extra-qualitative research methods with an interpretive approach as a complement. This linguistic research is classified as interpretive research because it relies on interpreting texts that can be related to the context in it, such as ideological, moral, cultural, and spiritual values. In this study, the researcher aimed to analyze the meaning of the Palang Pintu procession in terms of semiotics. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that in Palang Pintu, there are 1) meanings of denotation in the procession of the Palang Pintu, processions are starting from the dustur prayer, greetings, rhyme contests, fighting, and reciting the holy verses of the Koran or chanting sike. In the denotative meaning of this Palang Pintu process, apart from explaining the literal meaning and describing the process. It also describes the stages of testing for the groom to marry his bride; 2) the connotation meaning in the Palang Pintu procession describes the practice of the teachings and laws of Islam and love for the Prophet Muhammad SAW and family ties; and 3) the myth in the Palang Pintu procession is that there are Betawi solid community principles, namely recitation, prayer, and silat. In addition, the dominance of solid Islamic teachings is evidenced by the existence of relevant verses of the Koran and hadith and the content of Betawi cultures, such as rhyming, where rhymes are used to advise on traditional art ceremonies.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Beatrijs Wille ◽  
Inez Beukeleers ◽  
Mieke Van Herreweghe ◽  
Myriam Vermeerbergen

In 1990, Vermeerbergen started the first larger-scale corpus study with (semi)spontaneous language data from adult signers on the morpho-syntactic aspects of Flemish Sign Language (VGT). After this, a number of lexicographic projects, including the collection of a 90-h corpus, led to the launch of the first online bilingual Dutch/VGT—VGT/Dutch dictionary in 2004. Since then, researchers have developed several corpora of variable sizes, with the greatest realization being the VGT Corpus. The main focus of this chapter is twofold. On the one hand the run-up to, the development and the use of the VGT Corpus will be discussed, while on the other hand smaller specific research corpora will be highlighted such as the corpus on early parent-child interaction and the multifocal eye-tracking corpus. The current chapter will discuss the research and community value of the corpora and future directions. Finally, it will elaborate on the need for corpus research, the associated advantages and disadvantages, and the obstacles faced in smaller deaf communities.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1190-1204
Miguel A. Sánchez-Acevedo

When new educational games are developed for teaching languages, a set of ideas or intuitions about how students can gain more knowledge are used; however, few of them are based on a solid theory or substantiated with linguistic research. This chapter presents a brief review about second language acquisition theories; describes the importance of recovering, maintaining, and transmitting indigenous languages; and analyzes efforts made for enhancing bilingual education. Serious games are presented as an alternative for learning indigenous languages, and guidelines to develop serious games implementing second language acquisition theories are proposed. Finally, a discussion about challenges and future trends in recovering, maintaining, and transmitting indigenous languages is presented.

Larisa Kochetova ◽  
Elena Ilyinova ◽  
Tatiana Klepikova

Based on an integrative methodology that combines quantitative and qualitative methods of linguistic research, the authors consider grammatical forms, syntactic types and pragmatic functions of the tag question in British spoken discourse. The research material included samples of dialogues with tag questions taken from British contemporary fiction and the Spoken BNC2014. Drawing on the theory of linguistic metarepresentation and using corpus analysis tools the authors presented the model under study in structural-syntactic and functional-pragmatic perspectives and obtained reliable data on discourse realization of tag question models, specified their standard and common usage polarity status, distinguished bi- and monopolarity variations. An analysis of the tag question types that are distinguished as the combinations of the predicative and auxiliary parts shows that the most frequent type of tag question is the one formed with an affirmative predicative part and a negative tag. The corpus-based approach allowed obtaining quantitative data on frequencies of tag questions in British spoken discourse, retrieving the repertoire of tag questions with their grammatical representation. It is shown that in the corpus under study the most frequent form of the tag question is the form isn't it?. The least frequent forms of tag questions are the ones formed with the have verb, as well as the modal verbs will, may, can, which supports the thesis that tag questions are losing ground in British spoken discourse. Discourse-pragmatic analysis of utterance contexts with tag questions highlighted its discourse value in the British tradition of conversation, as they perform the following communicative functions: informational; etiquette; interpersonal-relation-corrective (focus-positive or focus-negative).

Kateryna Lobodzinska

The scientific paper is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the specifics of the translation of linguo-stylistic features of creating narrative tension in the English-language horror literature. Features of creating narrative tension in the horror literature is one of the relevant topics for linguistic research, as horror literature is becoming increasingly popular. The aim of the article is to identify and analyze the specifics of the translation of linguo-stylistic features of creation of narrative tension in the English-language horror literature. Using the novel “It” by American writer of the genre “horror” Stephen King and its Ukrainian translation as the example, the specifics of translation of linguo-stylistic features of creating narrative tension at various levels of language in translating English horror literature into modern Ukrainian literary language were also analyzed and characterized. The study revealed a wide range of linguo-stylistic features at different language levels that help create narrative tension in the text of the horror genre, which contributes to the emergence of readers' interest in the narrative and the emergence of a range of emotions. The research considers examples of the use of linguo-stylistic features of creating narrative tension in the work of the horror genre and analyzes the specifics of their translation into Ukrainian. Keywords: narrative tension; specific of translation of the literature of horror; linguistic-stylistic features of creation of the tension; specificity of translation of linguistic-stylistic features; literature of horror; linguistic-stylistic features.  

Olena Matyushenko

The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of translation of hate speech by means of the Ukrainian language. Particular attention is paid to the identification of the most frequent methods of translation of hate speech, which allows the preservation of its linguo pragmatic and socio-cultural features. The linguo pragmatic and sociocultural aspects are also considered. The article presents the results of the quantitative analysis of the use of translation transformations in the reproduction of hate speech for foreign linguaculture. The presented study demonstrated the results of a quantitative analysis based on nearly 400 English-language utterances, which were recorded in different uses and in different forms of manifestation. The most prominent examples were analyzed in detail, justifying one or another choice of mode of translation. The analysis of translation was presented according to the following structure: hate speech in modern social networks; manifestations of hate speech recorded in modern advertising campaigns and vintage advertisements; manifestations of hate speech caused by COVID-19; hate speech recorded in television shows, TV shows, and movies; manifestations of hate speech in Internet memes The phenomenon of "hate speech" is also seen as an actual interdisciplinary phenomenon, which requires thorough scientific and linguistic research, to prevent its dangerous consequences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
Rusty Barrett ◽  
Robin Queen

This tribute considers the work of linguist and novelist, Anna Livia (1955–2007). Anna was a noted fiction writer before becoming a linguist and much of her work considered language play in literature. Anna brought her experience as a lesbian activist to queer linguistics, where she played an important role in establishing the field. Her work continues to be an important example of linguistic research on lesbians, an area that continues to be underrepresented in the field.

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