quality of information
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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Michael A. Hansen ◽  
John C. Navarro ◽  
Sierra A. Malvitz

PurposeThe purpose of this study is to explore the availability of information on law enforcement websites in the state of Wisconsin.Design/methodology/approachThe study conducted a content analysis of all 179 county and municipal local law enforcement agency websites within Wisconsin. The authors then implemented a comparative analysis that explored whether the quantity and quality of information available on law enforcement websites are similar to those of local governments and school districts. The authors then estimated models to test whether there is a relationship between the population size served and gender distribution of law enforcement departments to the availability of information on law enforcement websites.FindingsLaw enforcement websites contain a noticeable lack of information. The finding is even more apparent when comparing law enforcement websites to the websites of local governments and school districts. Finally, the authors show a positive link between information sharing on law enforcement websites and the proportion of the civilian staff at an agency that are women.Originality/valuePast studies that reviewed the make-up of law enforcement websites analyzed large law enforcement departments rather than local law enforcement departments, which notably represent the majority of most law enforcement departments. The authors also explicitly demonstrate that the commitment to information sharing is lagging within law enforcement websites compared to local-level governments. Future scholarship and law enforcement departments may benefit from exploring the employment of female civilians.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. e0261607
Jia Li ◽  
Jin-Wei Nie ◽  
Jing Ye

Online virtual museum tours combine museum authority and an academic approach with the diversity and interactivity of online resources; such tours have become an essential resource for online scientific research and education. Many important museums around the world are developing this type of online service. Comprehensive evaluation of such tours is, however, urgently needed to ensure effectiveness. This paper establishes a heuristic evaluation scale based on the literature. Taking the online virtual tour of the Exhibition of Architecture of the Forbidden City as a case study, confirmatory factor analysis was then carried out to improve the scale. Interviews were conducted to discuss and analyze the research results. The developed evaluation scale has four dimensions: authenticity, interaction, navigation, and learning. The results from the case study showed, first, that the exhibition had visual authenticity, but the behavioral authenticity was insufficient; second, the exhibition was generally interactive, but this aspect could be improved by enriching the links; third, the lack of effective navigation design for the exhibit was the main factor affecting experience quality. Fourth, the exhibition was informative and supported learning, but needs further improvement to the quantity and quality of information provided. Finally, the interviews revealed that the online exhibition did not entirely support people of different ages and abilities, so it needs further improvement to be wholly inclusive.

GigaScience ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Omer Benjakob ◽  
Rona Aviram ◽  
Jonathan Aryeh Sobel

Abstract Background With the COVID-19 pandemic’s outbreak, millions flocked to Wikipedia for updated information. Amid growing concerns regarding an “infodemic,” ensuring the quality of information is a crucial vector of public health. Investigating whether and how Wikipedia remained up to date and in line with science is key to formulating strategies to counter misinformation. Using citation analyses, we asked which sources informed Wikipedia’s COVID-19–related articles before and during the pandemic’s first wave (January–May 2020). Results We found that coronavirus-related articles referenced trusted media outlets and high-quality academic sources. Regarding academic sources, Wikipedia was found to be highly selective in terms of what science was cited. Moreover, despite a surge in COVID-19 preprints, Wikipedia had a clear preference for open-access studies published in respected journals and made little use of preprints. Building a timeline of English-language COVID-19 articles from 2001–2020 revealed a nuanced trade-off between quality and timeliness. It further showed how pre-existing articles on key topics related to the virus created a framework for integrating new knowledge. Supported by a rigid sourcing policy, this “scientific infrastructure” facilitated contextualization and regulated the influx of new information. Last, we constructed a network of DOI-Wikipedia articles, which showed the landscape of pandemic-related knowledge on Wikipedia and how academic citations create a web of shared knowledge supporting topics like COVID-19 drug development. Conclusions Understanding how scientific research interacts with the digital knowledge-sphere during the pandemic provides insight into how Wikipedia can facilitate access to science. It also reveals how, aided by what we term its “citizen encyclopedists,” it successfully fended off COVID-19 disinformation and how this unique model may be deployed in other contexts.

Accounting ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-150 ◽  
La Ode Anto ◽  
Wa Ode Aswati ◽  
Hasnita Hasnita

This study aims to determine the effect of competence of human resource, quality of information technology and organizational commitment on the successful implementation of accrual-based accounting. The sample in this study was 56 respondents who were obtained using purposive sampling technique from employees of the administration and accounting department of the Regional Finance and Assets Agency of Kendari City. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis method and multiple linear regression. The results showed that the competence of human resources, the quality of information technology and organizational commitment have a positive and significant impact on the successful implementation of accrual-based accounting in local governments. This shows that the higher the level of competence of human resources, the quality of information technology and organizational commitment, the successful implementation of accrual-based accounting in local governments will be better.

Lizette Alvarez

Over the years, health literacy has embodied various forms to aid healthcare decisions. For technology and health literacy to merge, the author examines and discusses how the following three elements can be applied to implement a type of technology and to what audience: 1) time, 2) cost, and 3) engagement. Through focused time, cost, and engagement efforts, healthcare can be optimized without reductions to the quality of information. Due to its rapid spread, information could to be fixed accordingly. This would positively impact the decision-making process for communities and public and private sectors. Benefits outweigh risks related to the implementation of technology and health literacy. Traditional medicine is known to have difficulties adapting to change. However, the risk is too high not to explore the use of technology and health literacy.

2022 ◽  
pp. 135-159

The goal of this chapter is to discuss development trends of information systems. The chapter begins by discussing a framework known as the semantic ladder. This framework provides an overview and shows relations between data, information, concepts, knowledge, and wisdom. The chapter then discusses three domains of scientific activity: data science, knowledge science, and wisdom science. Next, the chapter considers how we can move from a science of information to a science focused on informing. Ways of measuring the quality of information is then considered. The chapter concludes by examining the latest trends in designing information systems during the past century.

David Eko Setiawan

<p class="abstrak">This article seeks to explain the significance of Tabayyun's practice as conflict resolution in Indonesian society. Indonesia is a multicultural country with considerable potential for conflict. To prevent that, it is necessary to be aware in the community to be open to each other and try to find clarity on a problem/information so as not to cause prolonged conflict. In Islamic Theology, the practice is called Tabbayun. The research problem in this study is the extent to which the significance of Tabayyun's practice can be a conflict resolution in Indonesian society? This research uses a qualitative approach using library methods and is also supported by data from interviews with Muslim figures who have practiced tabayyun in resolving conflicts in society. The results of this study show that tabayyun practice has a very big meaning in solving social conflicts in Indonesian society because it can improve the quality of information conveyed and received, clarify the root causes in a conflict, prevent disasters due to unclear root problems in conflict, and foster social ethics based on religious values in Islamic theology.</p><p class="abstrak"><em>Artikel ini berupaya menjelaskan pentingnya praktik Tabayyun sebagai penyelesaian konflik di masyarakat Indonesia. Masalah penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah sejauh mana signifikansi praktik Tabayyun dapat menjadi penyelesaian konflik di masyarakat Indonesia?. Indonesia adalah negara multikultural dengan potensi konflik yang cukup besar. Untuk mencegah hal itu, perlu diwaspadai di masyarakat untuk saling terbuka dan berusaha mencari kejelasan sebuah permasalahan/informasi agar tidak menimbulkan konflik yang berkepanjangan. Dalam Teologi Islam, praktik ini disebut Tabbayun. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode kepustakaan dan juga didukung dengan data hasil wawancara dengan tokoh-tokoh muslim yang telah mengamalkan tabayyun dalam menyelesaikan konflik di masyarakat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa praktik Tabayyun memiliki arti yang sangat besar dalam penyelesaian konflik sosial di masyarakat Indonesia karena dapat meningkatkan kualitas informasi yang disampaikan dan diterima, memperjelas akar permasalahan dalam sebuah konflik, mencegah bencana karena ketidakjelasan akar permasalahan dalam konflik, dan menumbuhkan etika sosial berdasarkan nilai-nilai agama dalam teologi Islam.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2/2021 (4) ◽  
pp. 68-83
Sergiusz Łuczak ◽  
Wioletta Jachym

The aim of the article is to analyze the quality of information contained in the bibliographic databases Web of Science and Scopus. The results of the presented study prove that due to errors existing in the analyzed databases, there are often cases of significant underestimation of bibliometric parameters. In extreme cases, the relative error of a given parameter exceeds several dozen per cent, which concerns both individual authors and entire scientific journals. The publication presents a discussion on sources of errors in bibliographic databases and methods of their effective search and correction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 603-609
Sriyono Sriyono ◽  
Oliver Samuel Simanjuntak ◽  
Riza Prapascatama Agusdin ◽  
Sylvert Prian Tahalea

This research adopted WebQual 4.0 to determine user satisfaction from members of the UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta Whatsapp Group (WAG) cooperative. A total of 150 samples were obtained to be ready for analysis. Correlation and Regression Analysis were used to analyze. The analysis results show that the WAG members of the UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta Cooperative are not satisfied with the quality of the information provided so far and the use of WAG as a medium for disseminating information. However, they are satisfied with the interactions carried out by the WAG admin in the group. In the future, it is hoped that the Yogyakarta "Veteran" UPN Cooperative can improve the way they provide information and pay attention to the quality of information before it is distributed to their WAG.

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