regenerative cooling
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Zhigang Gao ◽  
Tianhu Wang ◽  
Yuxin Yang ◽  
Xiaolong Shang ◽  
Junhua Bai ◽  

Abstract The issue of regenerative cooling is one of the most important key technologies of flight vehicles, which is applied into both the engine and high-power electrical equipment. One pattern of regenerative cooling channels is the microchannel heat sinks, which are thought as a prospective means of improving heat removal capacities on electrical equipment of smaller sizes. In this paper, three numerical models with different geometric configurations, namely straight, zigzag, and sinusoid respectively, are built to probe into the thermal hydraulic performance while heat transfer mechanism of supercritical methane in microchannel heat sinks for the heat removal of high-power electromechanical actuator is also explored. In addition, some crucial influence factors on heat transfer such as inlet Reynolds number, operating pressure and heating power are investigated. The calculation results imply the positive effect of wavy configurations on heat transfer and confirm the important effect of buoyancy force of supercritical methane in channels. The heat sinks with wavy channel show obvious advantages on comprehensive thermal performance including overall thermal performance parameter ? and thermal resistance R compared with that of the straight one. The highest Nu and average heat transfer coefficient am appear in the heat sink with zigzag channels, but the pumping power of the heat sink with sinusoidal channels is lower due to the smaller flow loss.

2022 ◽  
William A. Mullin ◽  
Keaton Melendez ◽  
Benjamin Stefanko ◽  
Aaron Bell ◽  
Grant Davis ◽  


Requirements for improving the reliability, service life, and increasing a specific pulse of liquid-propellant rocket engines justify a need for transfer to new designs and manufacturing technologies of regenerative engine cooling system. The paper describes a advanced diffusion-vacuum technology of manufacturing a regenerative cooling circuit for liquid-propellant rocket engine based on the concept of inter-channel coolant transpiration through a porous metal mesh material. The method of diffusion welding of metal wire mesh in vacuum makes it possible to obtain large axisymmetric blanks of metal mesh materials necessary to manufacture the regenerative cooling path of the liquid-propellant rocket engine and recuperative heat exchanger (RHE). The possibility of developing a high-efficient low-gradient porous heat exchange path obtained using a metal mesh material (MMM) has been experimentally confirmed. It is recommended to use metal woven cloth and twill filter screens of standard size П24–П60, С120 as a basic material for manufacturing MMM. Key words: diffusion-vacuum technology, porous mesh material, regenerative cooling system, inter-channel coolant transpiration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Lihan Li ◽  
Xin Li ◽  
Jiang Qin ◽  
Silong Zhang ◽  
Wen Bao

In order to extend the cooling capacity of thermal protection in various advanced propulsion systems, dimple as an effective heat transfer enhancement device with low-pressure loss has been proposed in regenerative cooling channels of a scramjet. In this paper, numerical simulation is conducted to investigate the effect of the dimple depth-diameter ratio on the flow and heat transfer characteristics of supercritical hydrocarbon fuel inside the cooling channel. The thermal performance factor is adopted to evaluate the local synthetically heat transfer. The results show that increasing the dimple depth-diameter ratio h / d p can significantly reduce wall temperature and enhance the heat transfer inside the cooling channel but simultaneously increase pressure loss. The reason is that when h / d p is rising, the recirculation zones inside dimples would be enlarged and the reattachment point is moving downstream, which enlarge both the high Nu area at rear edge of dimple and the low Nu area in dimple front. In addition, when fluid temperature is nearer the fluid pseudocritical temperature, local acceleration caused by dramatic fluid property change would reduce the increment of heat transfer and also reduce pressure loss. In this study, the optimal depth-diameter ratio of dimple in regenerative cooling channel of hydrocarbon fueled is 0.2.

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