metabolic equivalents
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2022 ◽  
Vol 76 ◽  
pp. 110559
Caecilia Jaeger ◽  
Thilo Burkard ◽  
Firmin Kamber ◽  
Esther Seeberger ◽  
Daniel Bolliger ◽  

2022 ◽  
pp. 1358863X2110688
Dereck L Salisbury ◽  
Kari Swanson ◽  
Rebecca JL Brown ◽  
Diane Treat-Jacobson

Background: Treadmill walking is the most commonly recommended exercise modality in supervised exercise therapy (SET) for peripheral artery disease (PAD); however, other modalities may be equally effective and more tolerable for patients. The primary aim of this single-blind, randomized pilot study was to compare the feasibility, safety, and preliminary efficacy of a treadmill walking (TM) versus a total body recumbent stepping (TBRS) exercise program for treatment of PAD. Methods: Participants ( n = 19) enrolled in a 12-week SET program and were randomized to either a TM ( n = 9) or TBRS ( n = 10) exercise group that followed current SET exercise guidelines. Feasibility, safety, and efficacy outcomes were assessed. Results: SET attendance was 86% and 71%, respectively, for TBRS and TM groups ( p = 0.07). Session exercise dose (metabolic equivalents of task [MET] minutes) (mean [SD]) for TM was 117.6 [27.4] compared to 144.7 [28.7] in the TBRS group ( p = 0.08). Study-related adverse events were nine in 236 training hours and three in 180 training hours for the TBRS and TM groups, respectively. There were no significant differences between groups for improvement in 6-minute walk distance (mean [SD]) (TM: 133.2 ft [53.5] vs TBRS: 154.8 ft [49.8]; p = 0.77) after adjusting for baseline 6-minute walk distance. Conclusion: This is the first randomized study comparing TBRS to TM exercise in SET using current SET guidelines. This pilot study showed that TBRS is a feasible and safe exercise modality in SET. This study provides preliminary efficacy of the use of TBRS exercise in SET programs following current guidelines. Larger studies should be conducted to confirm these findings.

2022 ◽  
Christian Brakenridge ◽  
Agus Salim ◽  
Genevieve Nissa Healy ◽  
Ruth Grigg ◽  
Alison Carver ◽  

BACKGROUND Lockdown restrictions reduce COVID-19 community transmission; however, they may pose challenges for non-communicable disease management. A 112-day hard lockdown in Victoria, Australia (commencing March 23, 2020), which affected an intervention trial of reducing and breaking up sitting time in desk workers with type 2 diabetes who were using a provided consumer grade activity tracker (Fitbit). OBJECTIVE To compare continuously recorded activity levels preceding and during COVID-19 lockdown restrictions among working adults with type 2 diabetes participating in a sitting less and moving more intervention. METHODS Eleven participants (8/11 male; mean [SD] age 52.8 [5.0] years) in Melbourne, Australia had Fitbit activity tracked before (mean [SD]: 122.7 [47.9] days) and during (99.7 [62.5] days) city-wide COVID-19 lockdown restrictions. Regression models compared device (Fitbit Inspire HR)-derived activity (steps; METs [metabolic equivalents], mean time in sedentary, lightly, fairly, and very active minutes, and usual bout durations) during restrictions, to pre-restriction. Relative rates (RR) <1.00 indicated a decline in activity levels following restrictions. RESULTS Total wear days were 2447. There was a decrease in steps (-1,584 steps; RR: 0.91; 95%CI: 0.89, 0.93), METs (-83 METs; RR: 0.95; 95%CI: 0.94, 0.95), lightly active (RR: 0.96; 95%CI: 0.92, 0.99), fairly active (RR: 0.82; 95%CI: 0.79, 0.85), very active (RR: 0.92; 95%CI: 0.89, 0.95) intensity minutes, and increases in sedentary minutes (RR: 1.03; 95%CI: 1.01, 1.06). Only very active (+5.1mins) and sedentary (+4.3mins) bout durations changed significantly. CONCLUSIONS In adults with type 2 diabetes, COVID-19 lockdown restrictions were associated with decreases in overall activity levels and increases in very active and sedentary bout durations. A Fitbit monitor provided meaningful continuous long term data in this context. CLINICALTRIAL Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ANZCTRN12618001159246

Benjamin T. Fitzgerald ◽  
Erin Smith ◽  
Gregory Scalia

Background. Electrocardiographic (ECG) changes during stress testing are a common and perplexing finding during non-ischaemic stress echocardiography (SE). Research has provided conflicting results regarding the implications. Methods. SE was performed after maximal Bruce protocol treadmill exercise. Results. 3020 consecutive patients, mean age 58±12 years, 36% female, were followed-up for up to 9 years (mean 36±21 months) post SE. Time to first cardiac event (composite of heart failure admission, worsening New York Heart Association class, worsening ejection fraction, acute coronary syndrome, revascularization, angina or cardiovascular death) was analyzed and adjusted using Cox proportional hazards regression. Prognostic significance was found with 1.5mm of downsloping or horizontal ST depression. Adjusting for baseline differences, increased risk of composite major adverse cardiac events was shown with at least 1.5mm of exercise induced ST depression (Hazard ratio [HR] of 2.47, 95% Confidence ratio [CI] 1.67-3.72, p<0.0001). Patients achieving high level exercise capacity (≥13 metabolic equivalents or METs) with ST depression lower risk of cardiac events during follow-up Conclusion. Patients with ST segment depression but non-ischaemic stress imaging have poorer prognosis compared to patients with non-ischaemic stress echocardiograms with normal stress ECGs. ST depression of 1.5mm or more was established as a prognostically significance value. High exercise capacity improves prognosis, and ECG changes in that setting can be regarded as false positives. Overall, however, ST depression during non-ischaemic stress imaging is not a benign finding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 343-356
V.I. Kravchenko ◽  
T.F Zakharchenko ◽  
Yu.M. Pysarenko ◽  
V.А. Kovtun ◽  
I.V. Gonchar ◽  

Класичні «польові» епідеміологічні дослідження щодо факторів ризику розвитку цукрового діабету (ЦД) та серцево-судинної патології все ще рідкісні в Україні, через що оцінка поширеності ЦД 2-го типу (ЦД2) базується на екстраполяції з іноземних досліджень. Об’єктивні методи вимірювання фізичної активності (ФА), яку вважають одним із головних чинників профілактики ЦД2, в Україні мало відомі. Зокрема не з’ясовано, наскільки поширеним є серед дорослого населення України виконання рекомендацій Всесвітньої організації охорони здоров’я (ВООЗ) щодо мінімальної кількості помірної фізичної активності (150 хв/тиждень). Залишається недостатньо дослідженим питання про зв’язок композиції тіла та характеристик, що впливають на ризик розвитку ЦД2. Матеріал і методи. Наше дослідження представляє аналіз біохімічних, антропометричних та актиграфічних характеристик 50 рандомізовано відібраних сільських мешканців Київської області України (16 чоловіків із медіанним віком 63,5 року, 34 жінки з медіанним віком 58,0 року), у яких раніше не було діагностовано ЦД2. Після отриманої інформованої згоди всім досліджуваним проведено оральний тест толерантності до глюкози (ОТТГ) за методом ВООЗ (1999). Вимірювали рівні глюкози плазми крові натщесерце (fasting plasma glucose, FPG), глюкози плазми через 2 год після стандартного навантаження (2 hours plasma glucose, 2hPG), тригліцеридів (ТГ), холестерину ліпопротеїнів високої щільності (ХСЛВЩ), глікованого гемоглобіну (glycated hemoglobin, HbA1c), індекс маси тіла (ІМТ), окружність шиї (ОШ), окружність талії (ОТ) та окружність стегон (ОС). Визначили показники композиції тіла за допомогою методу біоелектричного імпедансу: пропорцію жиру тіла (body fat, %) та загальної води тіла (total body water, %). Актиграфічні вимірювання було проведено шляхом акселерометрії за допомогою програмного забезпечення ActiGraph. Моніторинг ФА відбувався протягом 7 днів за такими показниками: середня кількість метаболічних еквівалентів (metabolic equivalents, MET’s), частка ФА помірної інтенсивності за весь час носіння та записування акселерометра (moderate physical activity, ModPA, %) і показник помірної ФА — кількість хв/тиждень, накопичених у періодах тривалістю не менше 10 хв (ModPA, хв/тиждень). Статистичну обробку результатів проведено за пакетом MedStat. Результати. Серед досліджених осіб за даними ОТТГ та вимірювання HbA1c ЦД виявлено в 4 осіб (8%). Порушена глікемія натщесерце (impaired fasting glucose, IFG) за критеріями Американської діабетичної асоціації (АДА) (FPG: 5,6-6,9 ммоль/л) виявлена у 21 особи, а за критеріями ВООЗ (FPG: 6,1-6,9 ммоль/л) — у 7 осіб. IFG незалежно від застосованого критерію не виявляє зв’язку з рівнем ФА. Порушена толерантність до глюкози (impaired glucose tolerance, IGT: 2hPG 7,8-11,0 ммоль/л) виявлена в 5 осіб. За рівнем глікемії, HbA1c та ліпідів не виявлено зв’язку з ФА. Жінки не відрізнялися від чоловіків за віком, мали більший ІМТ (35,08±5,53 проти 27,43±4,98, р<0,001) і більшу частку жиру тіла (45,8±5,7% проти 26,3±5,5%, р<0,001). Водночас, показники ФА у чоловіків і жінок не відрізнялися, були дуже низькими й мали помірну негативну кореляцію з віком (р<0,05). Результати наведені як середнє арифметичне та стандартне відхилення (M±SD). Лише в одного чоловіка та двох жінок було досягнуто рекомендований рівень помірної ФА (150 хв/тиждень). Серед осіб з IGT кількість ФА виявилась меншою: MET’s — 1,22±0,07 проти 1,32±0,19, р=0,023; помірна ФА — 6,95±2,3% проти 10,41±6,43%, р=0,020. Висновки. Виявлена поширеність раніше не діагностованого ЦД2 близька до результатів наших попередніх досліджень та сучасних оцінок поширеності ЦД2 серед дорослого населення у світі. Рівень ФА, оціненої об’єктивним методом актиграфії, виявився нижчим у групі осіб з IGT. Подальші дослідження зможуть прояснити питання профілактичної ефективності ФА в різних групах ризику ЦД2.

2021 ◽  
pp. 089011712110598
Aayush Visaria ◽  
Bharath Nagaraj ◽  
Megh Shah ◽  
Nikhit Kethidi ◽  
Anurag Modak ◽  

Purpose We sought to describe leisure-time, aerobic, and muscle strengthening physical activity (PA) patterns in U.S. Asian Indians, in comparison to other races/ethnicities. Design, Setting, and Sample We utilized the 2011–2018 National Health Interview Surveys, a set of cross-sectional, nationally representative surveys of the U.S. noninstitutionalized population. Our study population included 257 652 adults who answered PA questions. Measures PA was classified per 2008 U.S. guidelines and continuously per estimated metabolic equivalents (METs). Race was classified into White, Black, Asian Indian, Other Asian, and American Indian/Alaskan Native/Multiracial. Analysis We used survey design-adjusted, multivariable logistic regression to determine odds of sufficient and highly active physical activity levels, adjusting for predisposing, enabling, need, and health care service factors as guided by the Anderson Model. We also used linear regression to determine racial differences in average MET-minutes/week. Analysis was additionally stratified by comorbidity status. Results While Asian Indians (N = 3049) demonstrated similar odds of sufficient aerobic PA as Whites (aOR [95% CI]: .97 [.88,1.07]), Asian Indians had 22% lower odds of meeting highly active aerobic PA levels (.78 [.71,0.87]) and 18% lower odds of meeting sufficient muscle strengthening PA levels (.82 [.73,0.91]). This translated to an average 172 (95% CI: 45 300) fewer MET-minutes. Furthermore, this decrease in MET-minutes/week was especially apparent in those without hypertension (β[95% CI]: −164 [-314,-15]) without diabetes (−185 [-319,-52]), and low/normal BMI (−422 [-623,-222]). Conclusion Asian Indians, especially those without comorbidities, are less likely to engage in high-intensity physical activity than Whites.

2021 ◽  
Yamashita Makoto ◽  
Kawai Keisuke ◽  
Toda Kenta ◽  
Aso Suzuyama Chie ◽  
Suematsu Takafumi ◽  

Abstract Purpose Patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) require appropriate nutrient therapy and physical activity management. Eating disorder treatment guidelines do not include safe, evidence-based intensity criteria for exercise. This study used cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPX) to evaluate the exercise tolerance of patients with AN and develop treatment guidelines to optimize their physical activity. Methods CPX was done with 14 female AN patients admitted to a specialized eating disorder unit between 2015 and 2019. Their anaerobic threshold (AT) was determined by assessing their exercise tolerance using CPX and compared with 14 healthy controls (HC). The metabolic equivalents (AT-METS) were compared when AT was reached. We examined factors related to AT (AN-AT) in the AN group, including age, body mass index (BMI), previous lowest weight, minimum BMI, past duration of BMI < 15, exercise history, and ΔHR (heart rate at the AT - resting heart rate). Results The AT of the AN group (BMI: 15.7 [Mean] ± 1.8 [SD]) was significantly lower than the HC group (BMI: 19.7 ± 1.8) (AN: 10.0 ± 1.8 vs HC: 15.2 ± 3.0 ml/kg/min, P<0.001). AT-METS was also significantly lower in the AN than the HC group (AN: 2.9 ± 0.52 vs HC: 4.4 ± 0.91, P<0.001). AN-AT was highly influenced by ΔHR. Conclusion The AT-METS level for these AN patients was 2.5-3.3 METS, and this index can be used by clinicians to teach AN patients a safe exercise intensity. CPX and AT-METS are useful tools for clinicians to manage physical activity in AN patients. Level of evidence III: Evidence obtained from case-control analytic studies

Rina So ◽  
Tomoaki Matsuo

Accelerometers based on the cut-point method are generally the most used in sedentary time (ST) research. However, mixed cut-points are an issue, so an accelerometer based on metabolic equivalents (METs) could be used as an alternative. This study aimed to validate a METs-based accelerometer (HJA-750C, OMRON) and a questionnaire that estimates domain-specific sedentary time measures using activPAL as a criterion value. We also examined whether measurement validity differed according to gender and occupation. We used data from 242 workers in the validation study. Participants wore activPAL on the thigh and OMRON on the waist for seven consecutive days with daily recording logs. The Workers Living Activity-time Questionnaire (WLAQ) was administered once. The domain-specific ST assessed quantities of ST during commuting, working time, non-working time on a workday, and non-workday. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and Spearman’s rho coefficients were then used to conduct analyses. The OMRON accelerometer showed acceptable values (r = 0.67–0.86 and ICC of 0.63–0.87) in the overall domain-specific ST. Additionally, each measurement result suggested that working time is the most accurate domain to measure ST (ICC of 0.87 for OMRON and 0.68 for WLAQ). Moreover, there were no differences in the overall validity of the results according to gender and occupation. The METs-based accelerometer has acceptable validity for ST measurements to be used among workers. Additionally, working time may be the preferred domain for the accurate assessment of ST in both objective and subjective measurements. These results can advance the quality of the sedentary research field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Joyce S. Ramos ◽  
Lance C. Dalleck ◽  
Mackenzie Fennell ◽  
Alex Martini ◽  
Talita Welmans ◽  

Abstract Background Cardiorespiratory fitness and fatness (notably central obesity) are mediating factors of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) and consequent cardiovascular disease (CVD)/mortality risk. The fitness-fatness index (FFI) combines these factors and has been reported to be a better indicator of CVD and all-cause mortality risk, beyond the capacity of either fitness or fatness alone. Objective This study sought to investigate the effects of different exercise intensities on FFI in adults with MetS. Methods This was a sub-study of the ‘Exercise in the prevention of Metabolic Syndrome’ (EX-MET) multicentre trial. Ninety-nine adults diagnosed with MetS according to the International Diabetes Federation criteria were randomized to one of the following 16-week exercise interventions: i) moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) at 60–70% HRpeak for 30 min/session (n = 34, 150 min/week); ii) 4 × 4 min bouts of high-intensity interval training at 85–95% HRpeak, interspersed with 3-min active recovery at 50–70% HRpeak (n = 34, 38 min/session, 114 min/week); and iii) 1 × 4 min bout of HIIT at 85–95% HRpeak (n = 31, 17 min/session, 51 min/week). Cardiorespiratory fitness (peak oxygen uptake, V̇O2peak) was determined via indirect calorimetry during maximal exercise testing and fatness was the ratio of waist circumference-to-height (WtHR). FFI was calculated as V̇O2peak in metabolic equivalents (METs) divided by WtHR. A clinically meaningful response to the exercise intervention was taken as a 1 FFI unit increase. Results Seventy-seven participants completed pre and post testing to determine FFI. While there was no significant between group difference (p = 0.30), there was a small group x time interaction effect on FFI [F(2, 73) = 1.226; η2 = 0.01], with numerically greater improvements following HIIT (4HIIT, + 16%; 1HIIT, + 11%) relative to MICT (+ 7%). There was a greater proportion of participants who had a clinically meaningful change in FFI following high-volume HIIT (60%, 15/25) and low-volume HIIT (65%, 17/26) compared to MICT (38%, 10/26), but with no significant between-group difference (p = 0.12). A similar trend was found when a sub-analysis comparing the FFI between those with type 2 diabetes (MICT, 33%, 3/9; high-volume HIIT, 64%, 7/11; and low-volume HIIT, 58%, 7/12) and without type 2 diabetes (MICT, 41%, 7/17; high-volume HIIT, 57%, 8/14; low-volume HIIT, 71%, 10/14). Conclusion Although there were no statistically significant differences detected between groups, this study suggests that the response to changes in FFI in adults with MetS may be affected by exercise intensity, when numerical differences between exercise groups are considered. Further research is warranted. Trial registration number and date of registration: NCT01676870; 31/08/2012.

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 4169
Yosuke Yamada ◽  
Hiroyuki Sagayama ◽  
Jun Yasukata ◽  
Akiko Uchizawa ◽  
Aya Itoi ◽  

Water and energy are essential for the human body. The doubly labeled water (DLW) method measures water turnover (WT) and total energy expenditure (TEE), which serves as a benchmark for the adequate intake (AI) of water and estimated energy requirements (EER). The objective of the current study was to examine the association of WT and TEE with physical activity and body composition in Japanese preschool children. We included 41 preschool children (22 girls, 19 boys) aged 3–6 in this study. WT, TEE, and fat-free mass (FFM) were obtained using DLW. Physical activity was measured using a triaxial accelerometer and categorized as light (LPA; 1.5–2.9 Metabolic equivalents, METs) and of moderate-to-vigorous intensity (MVPA; ≥3.0 METs). Exercise duration (Ex) was defined as ≥4.0 METs of physical activity. WT and TEE moderately positively correlated with Ex, but not with LPA. WT moderately positively correlated with BW and FFM while TEE strongly. We established predictive equations for WT and TEE using body weight (BW), FFM, step count, and Ex to guide the AI of water and EER in Japanese preschool children. We found that FFM and step count are the determinants of TEE, and that BW and Ex are the determinants of WT in preschool children.

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