instrument variable
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Businesses ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 151-167
Jun Wang ◽  
Qijian Wang

Prior literature finds that earnings management is negatively correlated with institutional ownership. The question is whether institutional investors drive down earnings management of the firms they invest in, or they choose firms with lower earnings management. In this paper, we use the instrument variable design of the Russell 1000 and 2000 indices reconstruction to obtain an exogenous variation in institutional ownership. We find that institutional investors do not drive down earnings management. Instead, institutions choose firms with lower earnings management when they make investment decisions. To further support the preference hypothesis, we add measures of institution preference in the panel regression and find that the negative relation between institutional ownership and earnings management disappears.

Ly Dai Hung ◽  
Nguyen Thi Thuy Hoan

In an open multi-country economy, the safe assets supply shapes the pattern of international capital flows. A higher productivity growth rate raises the net capital inflows for economies with abundant safe assets, but reduces the net capital inflows for economies with scarce safe assets. The cross-section analysis on a sample of 170 economies over 1980–2013 confirms the theory. The evidence is robust for instrument-variable (IV) analysis method. JEL Classifications: F15, F36, F43

2021 ◽  
Lin Hu ◽  
Wenshou Yan

Abstract There has been limited effort to explore whether non-gravity trade, as not driven by standard variables entering an augmented gravity model, matters for firms’ corruption. To fill this gap, this paper explores the effect of non-gravity trade on firms’ corruption in 141 developing countries during the period 2006–2017. Our results show that non-gravity trade does matter for the firms’ corruption behavior. Specifically, we find that firms’ corruption decreases by 0.09–0.23% following a unit increase in non-gravity trade (e.g. 19.7 million dollars’ increase in real trade), and the effect is much larger during the world financial crisis period. The result is robust to exploiting conditional heteroskedasticity for identification, constructing a Bartik-type instrument variable, applying different econometric technics, and using alternative measures of firm corruption.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-156
Kusuma Wardani (Universitas Indonesia) ◽  
Muhammad Halley Yudhistira (Universitas Indonesia)

AbstractThis study aims to analyze the impact of agglomeration in the form of localization economies and urbanization economies on the productivity of manufacturing industrial companies in Indonesia. Unlike previous studies, this study will look at the effect of technology level on the relationship between productivity and agglomeration by classifying research samples into low-tech and high-tech industries. In addition, this study also improves the estimation technique by addressing the endogeneity problem that has the potential to arise in estimating the relationship between productivity and agglomeration to be overcome by using instrument variable (IV). The study was conducted in two stages of estimation using company-level panel data from 2010 to 2014. First, productivity was measured at the company level using Total Factor Productivity (TFP). Then, the company productivity is estimated together with the company and industry characteristic variables, including the agglomeration measurement variable which represents localization economies and urbanization economies. The regression results show a positive impact from localization economies and a negative impact from urbanization economies.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis dampak aglomerasi berupa localization economies dan urbanization economies terhadap produktivitas perusahaan industri manufaktur di Indonesia. Berbeda dengan penelitian terdahulu yang juga meneliti dampak aglomerasi industri terhadap produktivitas perusahaan, pada penelitian ini akan melihat pengaruh tingkat teknologi terhadap hubungan produktivitas dan aglomerasi dengan mengklasifikasikan sampel penelitian ke dalam industri berteknologi rendah dan industri berteknologi tinggi. Selain itu, peneltian ini juga memperbaiki teknik estimasi dari penelitian sebelumnya dengan menangani masalah endogenitas yang berpotensi muncul dalam mengestimasi hubungan produktivitas dan aglomerasi akan diatasi dengan penggunaan instrument variable (IV). Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua tahap estimasi dengan menggunakan data panel level perusahaan dari tahun 2010 sampai 2014. Pertama, produktivitas diukur pada level perusahaan dengan menggunakan Total Factor Productivity (TFP). Kemudian, produktivitas perusahaan diestimasi bersama variabel karakteristik perusahaan dan industri, termasuk variabel pengukuran aglomerasi yang mewakili localization economies dan urbanization economies. Hasil regresi menunjukkan adanya dampak positif dari localization economies dan dampak negatif dari urbanization economies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-117
Anjala Kalsie ◽  
Neha Singh

A firm's financial attributes play an essential part in the merger decision. The present paper attempts to improve the existing literature on assessing M&A activity in Indian corporate. This research paper aims primarily to analyze the (a) Synergies realized when the mode of payment in the merger deal is cash, (b) impact on bidder liquidity when payment is made in cash (c) Synergies realized when both target and acquirer in the deal belong to related industry, i.e. the merger is horizontal and (d) assess the impact on bidder leverage when payment is made in equity. The paper has analyzed a panel of 120 major Indian M&A deals from 2005 to 2015, having three years of data pre and post-merger. Instrument Variable Probit Regression analysis has been employed in the study. The key results from the analysis show that in case of payment method in the deal being cash, M&A appears financially favorable for the bidder companies. The results of the empirical analysis of the study do support the generation of synergies in the case of horizontal mergers. The combined firm has also found to have lower liquidity for Indian Mergers & Acquisitions. Significant results have also been obtained for the leverage variables indicating fewer borrowings for the merged firm. JELL Classification Code: G34, C35, M41.                                      

2020 ◽  
Haoran Xue ◽  
Wei Pan

AbstractOrienting the causal relationship between pairs of traits is a fundamental task in scientific research with significant implications in practice, such as in prioritizing molecular targets and modifiable risk factors for developing therapeutic and interventional strategies for complex diseases. A recent method, called Steiger’s method, using a single SNP as an instrument variable (IV) in the framework of Mendelian randomization (MR), has since been widely applied. We report the following new contributions. First, we propose a single SNP-based alternative, overcoming a severe limitation of Steiger’s method in simply assuming, instead of inferring, the existence of a causal relationship. We also clarify a condition necessary for the validity of the methods in the presence of hidden confounding. Second, to improve statistical power, we propose combining the results from multiple, and possibly correlated, SNPs. as multiple instruments. Third, we develop three goodness-of-fit tests to check modeling assumptions, including those required for valid IVs. Fourth, by relaxing one of the three IV assumptions in MR, we propose methods, including one Egger regression-like approach and its multivariable version (analogous to multivariable MR), to account for horizontal pleiotropy of the SNPs/IVs, which is often unavoidable in practice. All our methods can simultaneously infer both the existence and (if so) the direction of a causal relationship, largely expanding their applicability over that of Steiger’s method. Although we focus on uni-directional causal relationships, we also briefly discuss an extension to bi-directional relationships. Through extensive simulations and an application to infer the causal directions between low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, or high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and coronary artery disease (CAD), we demonstrate the superior performance and advantage of our proposed methods over Steiger’s method and bi-directional MR. In particular, after accounting for horizontal pleiotropy, our method confirmed the well known causal direction from LDL to CAD, while other methods, including bi-directional MR, failed.Author SummaryIn spite of its importance, due to technical challenges, orienting causal relationships between pairs of traits has been largely under-studied. Mendelian randomization (MR) Steiger’s method has become increasingly used in the last two years. Here we point out several limitations with MR Steiger’s method and propose alternative approaches. First, MR Steiger’s method is based on using only one single SNP as the instrument variable (IV), for which we propose a correlation ratio-based method, called Causal Direction-Ratio, or simply CD-Ratio. An advantage of CD-Ratio is its inference of both the existence and (if so) the direction of a causal relationship, in contrast to MR Steiger’s prior assumption of the existence and its poor performance if the assumption is violated. Furthermore, CD-Ratio can be extended to combine the results from multiple, possibly correlated, SNPs with improved statistical power. Second, we propose two methods, called CD-Egger and CD-GLS, for multiple and possibly correlated SNPs while allowing horizontal pleiotropy. Third, we propose three goodness-of-fit tests to check modeling assumptions for the three proposed methods. Finally, we introduce multivariable CD-Egger, analogous to multivariable MR, as a more robust approach, and an extension of CD-Ratio to cases with possibly bi-directional causal relationships. Our numerical studies demonstrated superior performance of our proposed methods over MR Steiger and bi-directional MR. Our proposed methods, along with freely available software, are expected to be useful in practice for causal inference.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-94
Niki Barenda Sari ◽  
Nagendra Shrestha ◽  
Craig Parsons

Abstrak Pengukuran produktivitas yang akurat dapat memberikan informasi yang berguna dalam meningkatkan daya saing. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk memahami perbedaan dalam produktivitas relatif antar-negara. Hal ini memungkinkan negara untuk fokus dan berspesialisasi dalam produk-produk mereka yang relatif lebih produktif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola dasar keunggulan komparatif, dengan industri baja Indonesia sebagai fokus analisis. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis RCA berbasis regresi dengan metode variabel instrumen (instrument variable/IV) yang menggunakan data ekspor dari 25 negara ke 35 negara tujuan dari tahun 2010-2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia memiliki keunggulan komparatif terkuat di industri baja di antara negara-negara ASEAN. Meskipun industri baja adalah industri ke-27 dalam peringkat nilai keunggulan komparatif dalam negeri Indonesia, ada beberapa produk yang memiliki keunggulan komparatif yang kuat dan bahkan memiliki posisi yang kuat secara internasional. Selain itu, penting untuk mengikutsertakan beberapa negara ASEAN sebagai observasi dalam mengestimasi parameter kunci produktivitas karena menghasilkan estimasi baru θ, yang masih sejalan dengan literatur yang ada.   Abstract Accurate productivity measurements can provide useful information in improving competitiveness. Therefore, it is important to understand the differences in relative productivity among countries, allowing countries to focus and specialize in their relatively more productive products. This study aims to analyze the fundamental patterns of comparative advantage, with the Indonesian steel industry as the focus of analysis. This research uses the regression-based method of revealed comparative advantage (RCA) analysis with an instrument variable (IV) method that employs export data from 25 exporting countries to 35 destination countries during 2010 - 2017. The result shows that Indonesia has the strongest comparative advantage in the steel industry among the ASEAN countries. Even though the steel industry is ranked 27th in Indonesia’s comparative advantage values, several products have a strong comparative advantage and even a strong position internationally. In addition, it is worth including some ASEAN countries in the observation of estimating the key parameter of productivity, while not the main focus of the paper, yields a new estimate of θ, which is still in line with the literature. JEL Classification: F11, F13, F14

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