white cabbage
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Romina Belén Parada ◽  
Franco M. Sosa ◽  
Emilio R. Marguet ◽  
Marisol Marguet

A Gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic, gas-forming, catalase-negative, nonmotile, non-sporeforming, vancomycin-resistant, and ovoid-shaped bacterium, designated strain Tw234, was isolated from the intestinal tract of Parona leatherjacket (Parona signata). The strain grew in the presence of 0–6% (w/v) NaCl, at pH 3.5–8.5 and 8–40 °C; optimum growth was achieved at 1% (w/v) NaCl, at pH 6.0 and 30–32 °C. Exopolysacharides production was detected by the solidification test of skim milk supplemented with sucrose in the temperature range of 8 to 30 °C. Results of phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity indicated that strain Tw234 was closed related to the genus Leuconostoc and 100% homology with the type strain Ln. mesenteroides ssp. jonggajibkimchii DRC1506 (KCCM 43249, JCM 31787). The evaluation of growth and acidification rates were carried out in white cabbage and Chinese cabbage and compared with the strain Ln. mesenteroides ssp. jonggajibkimchii RCTw1.1, isolated from the spontaneous fermentation of red cabbage. No significant differences were observed between the behaviors of the two strains. The strain Tw234 displayed higher growth and acidification rates in controlled fermentation of white cabbage compared with those obtained in Chinese cabbage. New trends are targeted on the isolation and selection of strains to achieve controlled fermentation of vegetables that may ensure uniform quality. The results obtained in this work suggest that strain Tw234 harbored technological useful properties for its potential use as a starter in controlled vegetable fermentations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 35-37
Г.А. Костенко ◽  
А.Н. Ховрин

Четыре перспективных гибрида капусты белокочанной среднепозднего срока созревания селекции агрофирмы «Поиск» – F1Универс, F1 Застольный, F1 Поиск 2018 – и позднеспелый гибрид для хранения F1 Континент проходили испытание при разной густоте посадки: 19, 23, 27, 30, 33 тыс. растений/га в условиях Раменского района Московской области. Цель исследования: определить отзывчивость гибридов капусты белокочанной на густоту высадки для их выращивания в Нечерноземной зоне. Место исследований относится к лесной зоне в центральной части Русской равнины. Почвы – аллювиально-луговые среднесуглинистого механического состава. Погодные условия в годы проведения исследований были не совсем благоприятными для выращивания капусты белокочанной: в 2020 году отмечались осадки выше среднемноголетних значений, в 2021 году – жаркая засушливая погода, недостаток влаги, благоприятные условия для развития капустной моли и табачного трипса во время вегетации. Максимальной и стабильной урожайностью за два года исследований отличался среднепоздний гибрид F1 Застольный 144,54 т/га. Для получения наибольших сборов урожая продукции капусты белокочанной рекомендована высадка F1 Застольный при густоте 33 тыс. раст/га, для получения крупных кочанов на разреженных посадках 27 тыс. раст/га. F1 Поиск 2018 – при густоте 33 тыс. раст/га средняя урожайность составила 130,35 т/га, на разреженных посадках 141,4 т/га при густоте 23 тыс. раст/га. Гибрид F1 Универс реализовал свой биологический потенциал продуктивности 125,07 и 126,90 при 33 и 27 тыс. раст/га соответственно. Гибрид F1 Континент менее всех реагировал на изменение густоты посадки, имел наибольшую урожайность при 30 тыс. раст/га 120 т/га. Four promising F1 hybrids of white cabbage bred at Poisk company were tested at different planting density: 19, 23, 27, 30, 33 thousand plants/ha. in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region. F1 Univers, F1Zastolniy, F1 Poisk 2018 – mid-late ripening and F1Continent – late hybrid for storage. Objective of the study: to determine the responsiveness of white cabbage hybrids at different planting densities for their growing in the Non-Black Earth Zone. The research site belongs to the forest zone in the central part of the Russian Plain. Soils are alluvial meadows of medium loamy texture. The weather conditions during the years of the research were not entirely favorable for the cultivation of white cabbage. Precipitation above average annual values was observed in 2020. Hot dry weather, lack of moisture, favorable conditions for the development of cabbage moth and tobacco thrips during the growing season were in 2021. The mid-late hybrid F1 Zastolniy was distinguished by the maximum and stable yield over 2 years of research. Its yield was 144.54 t/ha. Planting F1Zastolniy was recommended at a density of 33 thousand plants/ha to maximize the yield of white cabbage production; large heads of cabbage should be obtained on sparse plantings at 27 thousand plants/ha. The average yield of F1Poisk 2018 was 130.35 t/ha with a density of 33 thousand plants/ha, 141.4 t/ha on sparse plantings with a density of 23 thousand plants/ha. The F1 Univers hybrid has realized its biological productivity potential of 125.07 and 126.90 at 33 and 27 thousand plants/ha, respectively. Hybrid F1 Continent reacted least of all to changes in planting density, had the highest yield at 30 thousand plants/ha 120 t/ha.

2021 ◽  
Vol 939 (1) ◽  
pp. 012044
A J Shokirov ◽  
S S Lapasov ◽  
K J Shokirov

Abstract At present, scientific research is underway to further develop vegetable growing in the secondary crop, in particular to further increase the yield and quality of white cabbage, to select a system of planting time-sowing scheme that maximizes the biological productivity of varieties, and to apply the most optimal standards of fertilization and irrigation. In this regard, the urgent task remains to determine the optimal varieties of cabbage that can be grown in repeated crops, their optimal planting scheme, timing, development and implementation of optimal standards for each variety of mineral fertilizers and irrigation, and its solution is large-scale throughout the country. Besides that a number of problematic issues are addressed, which could allow to get high and high-quality harvest of white cabbage in repeated sowing in grain-free areas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 937 (3) ◽  
pp. 032075
S Kazantsev ◽  
A Pavlov ◽  
O Chekha

Abstract The article provides a wavelet analysis of small wholesale prices for white cabbage in Rostov-on-Don from 2017 to 2020 year. Approximation coefficients show a steady trend, the detailing coefficients reflect seasonal and insignificant temporary price fluctuations. The constituent scaling approximation coefficients and the detailing components are highlighted in the form of separate graphs. The series was decomposed up to the 6th level using the Haar and Daubechies wavelets.

Г.А. КУПИН ◽  

Для увеличения масштабов производства и переработки растительного сочного сырья и сокращения использования химических пестицидов применяются различные виды физической обработки, в том числе электромагнитные поля (ЭМП). Представлены результаты изучения влияния ЭМП крайне низкой частоты (ЭМП КНЧ) на активность пероксидазы и содержание полифенольных веществ в белокочанной капусте сорта Белтис и цветной капусте сорта Ардент при хранении. Образцы обрабатывались ЭМП (25 Гц, 10 мТл, 30 мин) на лабораторной экспериментальной установке и хранились в течение 21 сут при t (4±1)°С и относительной влажности воздуха (75±3)%. Установлено, что обработка капусты белокочанной привела к увеличению активности пероксидазы на 70% через 7 сут, а через 21 сут хранения - увеличению пероксидазы на 25% и уменьшению полифенольных веществ на 13,7%. В обработанных образцах цветной капусты увеличилась активность пероксидазы на 54% через 7 сут и на 62 % через 14 сут хранения, а также количество полифенольных веществ на 8% через 21 сут хранения. Изучение закономерностей влияния обработки растительного сочного сырья ЭМП КНЧ на индукцию резистентности позволяет разработать на их основе новые способы хранения. In order to increase the scale of production and processing of vegetable juicy raw materials, it is necessary to timely develop new efficient, economical and environmentally friendly storage technologies. One possible way to reduce the use of chemical pesticides is through the use of various types of physical treatments, including electromagnetic fields. The article presents the results of studying the influence of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields on the peroxidase activity and the total polyphenolic content in the white cabbage cultivar Beltis and the cauliflower cultivar Ardent during storage. The objects of research were treated with an electromagnetic field (25 Hz, 10mT, 30 min) in a laboratory experimental setup and were stored for 21 days at a temperature of 4±1°С and air relative humidity of (75±3)%. It was found that, in comparison with the control, the treatment of white cabbage leads to an increase in peroxidase activity by 70% after 7 days and by 25% after 21 days of storage, and an increase in peroxidase by 25% and a decrease in polyphenolic substances by 13,7% after 21 days of storage. It was also found that, in comparison with the control, the treatment of cauliflower leads to an increase in peroxidase activity by 54% after 7 days and by 62% after 14 days of storage, and leads to an 8% increase in the content of polyphenolic substances after 21 days of storage. The study of the regularities of the influence of the treatment of vegetable juicy raw materials with electromagnetic fields of extremely low frequencies on the induction of resistance can make it possible to develop new storage methods on their basis.


Польза для здоровья от ферментированных функциональных продуктов выражается непосредственно, через взаимодействие живых микроорганизмов, поступивших в организм вместе с пищевыми продуктами или с биологически активными добавками (пробиотический эффект), или косвенно, в результате потребления микробных метаболитов, синтезируемых в процессе ферментирования (биогенный эффект). Целый ряд исследований посвящен потенциалу процесса ферментирования для создания экономически эффективного производства пищевых продуктов с новыми функциональными и потребительскими свойствами. Присутствие в составе субстрата достаточного количества нутриентов (преимущественно сахаров) играет решающую роль в развитии молочнокислых микроорганизмов в процессе ферментирования. В этой связи были исследованы динамики концентрации глюкозы и фруктозы в результате направленной углеводной корректировки субстрата, приготовленного из белокочанной капусты сорта Парус. Установлено, что оптимальным, с точки зрения деструкции сахаров, является консорциум молочнокислых микроорганизмов видов L. casei и L. plantarum. Экспериментально установлено, что только этот консорциум удовлетворяет условие устойчивого синергизма между входящими в него видами микроорганизмов во время основного этапа ферментирования при условии углеводной корректировки сырья. Процесс углеводной корректировки целесообразно использовать при разработке технологии направленной ферментации овощного сырья. The health benefits of fermented functional products are expressed directly, through the interaction of living microorganisms that have entered the body together with food or biologically active additives (probiotic effect), or indirectly, as a result of consumption of microbial metabolites synthesized during fermentation (biogenic effect). A number of studies are devoted to the potential of the fermentation process to create cost-effective food production with new functional and consumer properties. The presence of a sufficient amount of nutrients (mainly sugars) in the substrate plays a crucial role in the development of lactic acid microorganisms during fermentation. In this regard, the dynamics of glucose and fructose concentrations were investigated as a result of directed carbohydrate adjustment of the substrate prepared from white cabbage of the Parus variety. It has been established that the consortium of lactic acid microorganisms of the species L. casei and L. plantarum is optimal from the point of view of the destruction of sugars. It has been experimentally established that only this consortium satisfies the condition of stable synergy between the species of microorganisms included in it during the main stage of fermentation, subject to carbohydrate adjustment of raw materials. It is advisable to use the process of carbohydrate correction in the development of technology for directed fermentation of vegetable raw materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 845 (1) ◽  
pp. 012051
E N Blagorodova ◽  
N I Varfolomeeva ◽  
A S Zvyagina ◽  
E A Krasnoselova

Abstract Fertilizers help to fill the missing nutritional elements for plants and affect their growth and the future crop. The paper presents the results of conducted studies on the effect of nutrient solution concentration on morphological and biochemical indicators of white cabbage seedlings. The seedlings of two early-ripe cabbage hybrids – Mirror F1 and Tiara F1 – were grown in peat substrate trays. A nutrient solution of 50 ppm (No.1) and 150 ppm (No.2) was used to feed the seedlings twice during the growing period. The obtained results showed the differences in experimental variants in terms of the height of seedling plants, the number of leaves and leaf-area duration, the weight and volume of the root system, total solids, content of sugar, ascorbic acid. The varietal reaction of cabbage seedlings to the introduction of root feeds with different concentrations was revealed. The nutrient solution No. 2 of hybrid plants Mirror F1 stimulated the development of roots, their weight exceeded the control indicators (without fertilizers) by 37.3%, and the volume – by 37.8%, contributed to the increase of the content of solids (8.27%), general sugar (0.53%), ascorbic acid (78.79 mg%). When fed with nutrient solution No. 2 the seedlings of Tiara F1 hybrid were characterized by a large leaf-area duration, which exceeds the control by 1.3 times, and the indicators of the root system. The plants of this seedlings consisted of 49.5% of the root system. The chemical analysis of water in greenhouse farming for irrigation of plants showed that it contains various macro- and microelements that are necessary for the growth of vegetable seedlings. The concentration of the nutrient solution did not significantly affect the content of macroelements in the seedlings. When using nutrient solution No. 2, an increase in the plants of the two studied phosphorus hybrids was noted, a deficit of which is very often observed when growing seedlings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 24-29
Zh. Petrova ◽  
V. Paziuk ◽  
P. Vishnevsky ◽  
D. Grakov ◽  
О. Grakov

Known methods of production of dried cabbage are long-term production processes that take place within 12… 24 hours. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new methods of drying and intensification of this process. The article presents experimental studies of the kinetics of the drying process of white cabbage with different energy supply and their combinations, such as convective, infrared and convective-infrared drying methods. The main criterion for choosing a rational mode of drying is the quality of raw materials after heat treatment, in particular the visual assessment of color by temperature. During convective drying, the analysis of temperature regimes for process intensity and quality of raw materials was performed. The drying mode of 60ºC which satisfies all requirements for quality of material was chosen. To speed up the process, it is proposed to reduce the drying time by introducing a step mode of 80 / 60ºC, which also reduces the energy component. Infrared radiation intensifies the process due to the rapid heating of the material, but in turn it burns. Therefore, a combined convective-infrared method is proposed in which the temperature in the product did not exceed 60 ° C. This method of drying showed good results with a shorter drying time.Infrared radiation intensifies the process due to the rapid heating of the material, but in turn it burns. Therefore, a combined convective-infrared method is proposed in which the temperature in the product did not exceed 60 ° C. This method of drying showed good results with a shorter drying time.

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