legal proceedings
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2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 113-130
N. V. Kratova

Based on a wide range of sources, this article shows the development of Islam on the territory of Karachay- Cherkessia during the Soviet period. In the fi rst years of Soviet power, the declared atheism did not prevent the Bolsheviks from using the religious factor to attract the sympathy of the population. The commonality of Islam and Bolshevism in relation to social equality and justice was declared, and the system of Shari‘a legal proceedings was preserved for some time. As their positions were strengthened, the Bolsheviks no longer needed allies, the religious infrastructure was destroyed, and the clergy, including the Islamic ones, were repressed. However, in the conditions of the Great Patriotic War, when the need arose for the formation of patriotic sentiments, religion again took its, albeit limited, place in public life. The sound policy pursued by the regional authorities with regard to Islam in the 1980s made it possible to successfully resist the onslaught of religious extremism that hit the country in the post- Soviet period and build a religious infrastructure practically from scratch.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 49-56
M. V. Zhizhina ◽  
V. B. Danilovich

The article addresses the problems of methodical support for establishing the statute of limitations when conducting a forensic document examination, directly affecting the admissibility of an expert’s opinion as evidence in legal proceedings. Establishing the statute of limitations for the execution of documents’ requisites is one of the most demanded tasks when considering all categories of cases – administrative, arbitration, civil, criminal. Analysis of the forensic practice of this type of examination in legal proceedings shows the application of various methods and approaches. Such variety raises questions among both the judicial and legal communities. For example, what existing methods are scientifically substantiated, tested, certified, lead to reliable results, and can be used to solve expert tasks? Which are unsuitable for the use in expert practice, and for what reasons?To confirm the suitability of their author’s developments for forensic examination, individual non-state experts provide various patents and certificates. How legal and permissible is this practice?The article offers a competent analysis of the current situation on the example of the widely used method of “wet copying”

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 17-25
V. O. Kuznetsov

The article provides the periodization of the development of forensic linguistics as one of the primary forms of application of specialized linguistic knowledge in legal proceedings. The author distinguishes four main stages: the 1st stage – the emergence of forensic linguistic expertise, the 2nd stage – its formation, the 3rd stage - development, and the 4th stage - improvement. Finally, at a more generalized alternative periodization (before-the-expert/philological and expert stages), the author reveals pressing issues of developing this kind of expertise and the prospects for its evolution.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 (1) ◽  
pp. 122-142
Patrick O’Brien ◽  
Yvette Joubert

Beste internasionale praktyk verg dat die concursus creditorum wat teweeggebring word by die aanvang van insolvensieverrigtinge, regsgedinge teen die skuldenaar opskort ten opsigte van eise wat deel vorm van die concursus. Die Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewing wat hoofsaaklik insolvensie- en likwidasieverrigtinge beheers, is die Insolvensiewet 24 van 1936 en die Maatskappywet 61 van 1973. Albei wette kan vertolk word om gevolg te gee aan ’n algemene opskorting van regsgedinge teen die skuldenaar wanneer ’n concursus creditorum ontstaan. Ongelukkig het die Suid-Afrikaanse howe nie die wetgewing noodwendig op hierdie wyse vertolk nie. Beide wette verleen ’n grasietydperk na die ontstaan van ’n concursus creditorum waarbinne ’n skuldeiser die geleentheid gebied word om hangende regsgedinge voort te sit sonder toestemming van die hof. Die Maatskappywet brei hierdie geleentheid uit na die instelling van nuwe regsgedinge de novo. Daar is egter formaliteite waaraan die skuldeiser moet voldoen gedurende hierdie grasietydperk. Dit sluit in dat kennisgewing gegee moet word van die voorneme om die regsgeding voort te sit of in te stel aan die kurator, likwidateur of meester, afhangende van die omstandighede. Indien ’n skuldeiser nie gedurende die grasietydperk aan hierdie formaliteite voldoen nie, het die skuldeiser die toestemming van die hof nodig om die regsgeding voort te sit of in te stel, afhangende van die geval. Volgens die regspraak mag ’n kurator of likwidateur ook toestem tot die instel of voortsetting van die regsgeding. In die aantekening word die statutêre meganisme ontleed wat bestaan om kollektief die eise teen insolvente boedels en regspersone in likwidasie te bewys. Hierdie statutêre meganisme maak dit moontlik om baie vinniger en goedkoper die eise van skuldeisers te hanteer as wat die geval sou wees as regsgedinge ingestel of voortgesit word teen die skuldenaar. Die statutêre meganisme maak dit deurlopend moontlik vir skuldeisers om hulle na die howe te wend indien hulle nie daarin slaag om hulle eise af te dwing deur van die statutêre meganisme gebruik te maak nie. Die statutêre afdwingingsmeganisme raak dus geensins ’n skuldeiser se reg tot toegang tot howe nadelig nie. Die skuldeiser word voorts beskerm deur ’n spesiale reëling vervat in die Verjaringswet 68 van 1969 wat die afloop van verjaring uitstel terwyl die skuld die onderwerp is van ’n eis wat volgens die statutêre afdwingingsmeganisme gehanteer word. Met die aantekening doen die outeurs aan die hand dat, volgens internasionale praktyk, skuldeisers verplig moet wees om die statutêre afdwingingsmeganisme te gebruik indien hulle nie binne die grasietydperk aan die voorgeskrewe formaliteite voldoen vir voortsetting of instelling van regsgedinge nie. Alhoewel die Insolvensiewet slegs ’n redelike verskoning van ’n skuldeiser verg om ’n hangende regsgeding voort te sit indien daar nie binne die grasietydperk aan die formaliteite voldoen word nie, verg die Maatskappywet dat die hof alle faktore moet oorweeg om te besluit of die regsgeding ingestel of voortgesit mag word. Dit sluit in die belange van ander skuldeisers en die likwidateur. Die Engelse howe vra pertinent waarom die skuldeiser verkies om van ’n duur en uitgerekte regsgeding gebruik te maak, eerder as om in die kollektiewe belang van die skuldeisers gebruik te maak van die veel goedkoper en vinniger statutêre afdwingingsmeganisme. Daar word aan die hand gedoen dat Suid-Afrikaanse howe daardie benadering behoort te volg. Dit is die hooggeregshof by maatskappye en beslote korporasies, of die landdroshof by beslote korporasies, waar die geregistreerde kantoor van die betrokke regspersoon geleë is wat die nodige toestemming moet gee vir instelling of voortsetting van die regsgeding, ongeag die forum wat die geding moet aanhoor. Dit is so omdat die hof alle skuldeisers en likwidateurs se belange in ag moet neem by hierdie besluit, en nie net die belange van ’n spesifieke skuldeiser en die skuldenaar wat dalk deur ’n spesiale tribunaal (soos ’n arbitrasieliggaam of die arbeidshof) oorweeg moet word nie. Daar word ten slotte aan die hand gedoen dat die grasietydperk vir die instel of voortsetting van regsgedinge nie in ooreenstemming met beste internasionale praktyk is nie. Dit behoort tydens wetswysiging geskrap te word.

2022 ◽  
pp. 241-272
John F. Edens ◽  
Tiffany N. Truong

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 ◽  
Мирослава Володимирівна Мамич ◽  
Олена Валентинівна Шевченко-Бітенська

Semantic Structure of the Term “Child” in Legislative Texts and Professional Competence of Law Students: Associative-Semantic Aspect This article presents the principles of reconstruction of the semantic struc­ture of the concepts of legal discourse and the methodology of evaluation of the results by involving a professionally oriented audience. The procedure was applied on the example of semantic structuring of the term “child” according to texts of international and Ukrainian legislation in the field of child protec­tion. The article concretises and deepens the idea of the conceptual meaning of the term “child”, which combines common language (non-professional) and professionally oriented idea about reality. The associative-semantic experi­ment held for the purposes of the study set three areas of work: (1) checking the level of students’ knowledge of provisions on the rights of the child; (2) checking the knowledge of key legal terms in this domain and the ability to use them in legal proceedings; (3) teaching students to differentiate correctly between legal and general vocabulary in a given field. It was also established that the semantic structure of the term “child” in legislative texts is determined by associative subcomponents – semantic microfields “child and life”, “child and protection”, “child and health”, “child and family”, “child and freedom”, “child and dignity”, “child and development”, “child and work”, “child and well-being”, “child and crime”, “child and war”, the verbalisers of which are syntactic nominations of the child and the corresponding stereotypical state­ments that mean a right of the child. Struktura semantyczna terminu „dziecko” w tekstach prawnych a kompetencje zawodowe studentów prawa: Aspekt asocjacyjno-semantyczny Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia zasady rekonstrukcji struktury semantycznej pojęć dyskursu prawniczego oraz metodologię oceny jej wyników przy udziale odbiorców ukierunkowanych zawodowo. Procedurę zastosowano na przykładzie struktury semantycznej terminu „dziecko” zgodnie z tekstami ustawodawstwa międzynarodowego i ukraińskiego w zakresie ochrony dziecka. Artykuł kon­kretyzuje i pogłębia koncepcję pojęciowego znaczenia terminu „dziecko”, który łączy w sobie potoczne i zorientowane zawodowo wyobrażenie o rzeczywistości. Przeprowadzony na potrzeby badania eksperyment asocjacyjno-semantyczny wyznaczył trzy kierunki pracy: (1) sprawdzenie poziomu znajomości przez studentów przepisów dotyczących praw dziecka; (2) sprawdzenie obeznania z kluczowymi terminami prawnymi w tym zakresie i umiejętności posługiwania się nimi w postępowaniu prawnym; (3) wdrożenie studentów do prawidłowej dyferencjacji słownictwa prawniczego i ogólnego w danym zakresie. Ustalono również, że strukturę semantyczną terminu „dziecko” w tekstach prawnych wyznaczają asocjacyjne subkomponenty – mikropola semantyczne „dziecko i życie”, „dziecko i ochrona”, „dziecko i zdrowie”, „dziecko i rodzina”, „dziecko i wolność, „dziecko i godność”, „dziecko i rozwój”, „dziecko i praca”, „dziecko i dobrostan”, „dziecko i przestępczość”, „dziecko i wojna”, których werbaliza­torami są nominacje syntaktyczne dziecka i odpowiadające im stereotypowe stwierdzenia, które oznaczają prawo dziecka.

Law and World ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 195-205

Private international law plays an important role in defining applicable law and regulating private international law relations. Foreign law is significantly different from local law. Judges do not have the right to change the content of foreign law, they simply have the opportunity to reject or apply foreign law. When a judge is obliged to make a decision based on the rules of national law in the process of legal proceedings, it is clear that the law of a foreign country can- not enjoy the same status. The issue of determining the content of foreign law and its application remains one of the most problematic issues in the private international law of countries around the world. French case law has gone through a difficult and controversial path to formulate a decisive position on the application of foreign law. Resolving this problem was especially important for France, as the courts of this country have to deal with a large number of international litigation cases. The basis for the application of foreign law is the choice of French private international law rules, as a particular legal relationship is subject to regulation by a foreign legal system. Thus, French courts apply foreign law to administer high-quality justice, as finding the right solution lies in applying foreign law.

2021 ◽  
pp. 8-25
V. O. Rumyantsev ◽  
S. L. Hotsuliak

The article identifies and characterizes the main stages of formation and transformation of the judicial system and the judiciary of the Hetmanate. The years of independence of the Ukrainian state are marked by rapid changes in the judicial system. The desire of national law to eliminate gaps, determines the interest in the legal past, namely, awareness of the need to reproduce an objective picture of the emergence and evolution of national justice to determine the main directions of its further development. In this regard, the analysis of the judicial system and the judicial process in the Ukrainian lands of the second half of the XVII – first half of the XVIII century. Is useful in some respects. First, an important factor is the appeal to the history of the Ukrainian judicial system, namely the period of the second half of the XVII – first half of the XVIII century, which was decisive for the formation of Ukrainian law as a prototype of European. Secondly, in recent decades there has been an accumulation of significant theoretical and scientific value, which requires a theoretical rethinking of many facts and phenomena. The relevance of the study lies in the accumulation of a large amount of information to reproduce an objective picture of the provisions of the judiciary, which can significantly affect the evolution of the national judicial system and determine its further development. The purpose of the article is to study the structures of the judicial system of the Hetmanate in the second half of the XVII – first half of the XVIII century., And highlight the main features of the judiciary. Issues related to the organization of the judicial system and forms of justice in the Hetmanate in the second half of the XVII – first half of the XVIII century are considered and analyzed. The legal aspects of the organization and activity of various institutions of the judicial system, their jurisdiction and instance are also analyzed. The most significant provisions of the proceedings are highlighted: preliminary investigation, procedure for consideration of the case, evidence, court decisions, the procedure for their appeal and execution.

Biology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 1336
Hans H. de Boer ◽  
Charles E. H. Berger ◽  
Soren Blau

Forensic pathologists and anthropologists are often asked in court for an opinion about the degree of force required to cause a specific injury. This paper examines and discusses the concept of ‘degree of force’ and why it is considered a pertinent issue in legal proceedings. This discussion identifies the implicit assumptions that often underpin questions about the ‘degree of force’. The current knowledge base for opinions on the degree of force is then provided by means of a literature review. A critical appraisal of this literature shows that much of the results from experimental research is of limited value in routine casework. An alternative approach to addressing the issue is provided through a discussion of the application of Bayes’ theorem, also called the likelihood ratio framework. It is argued that the use of this framework makes it possible for an expert to provide relevant and specific evidence, whilst maintaining the boundaries of their field of expertise.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 461-481
Denis A. Dobryakov ◽  
Ilda Kasa ◽  
Yuliia V. Sukhostavskaya

By now (we mean 2020) digitalization has completely replaced the more general modernization and innovation from both the political vocabulary and the sci-entific agenda. It is difficult to say how long this trend will continue and what kind of socio-technological phenomenon will replace it. It can be cyberization, within which a person will begin to bring himself into line with the canons of the sci-fi cyberpunks and combine biological with technological (and digital at the same time) in his body, or vice versa, some kind of reactionary naturalization. Anyway, now the widespread adoption of digital technology is an indisputable and obvious fact. And this process applies to all spheres of societys life, without bypassing legal proceedings and out-of-court settlement of disputes (or in other words - alternative dispute resolution), which can be significantly improved using digital technologies. This article analyses the practice and legislative regulation of the use of digital technologies in various forms of legal proceedings and such types of out-of-court dispute resolution as arbitration and mediation. Comparative legal method allowed to compare Russian and foreign legislations as well as approaches to determining the permissible limits of the use of digital technologies, including their intellectual variety. Individual proposals have been formulated to improve Russian legislation.

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