moniezia expansa
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Ruhollah Shaali ◽  
Mohammad Mahdi Doroodmand ◽  
Mohammad Moazeni

Parasitic helminths are usually known as undesired pathogens, causing various diseases in both human and animal species. In this study, we explore supercapacitance/resistance behaviors as a novel probe for rapid identification and direct differentiation of Fasciola hepatica, Parascaris equorum (with and without larvae), Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Taenia multiceps, and Moniezia expansa eggs. This claim is attributed to some characteristics, such as grave supercapacitance/area, high-energy storage/area, large power/egg, huge permittivity, and great electrical break-down potential, respectively (Fasciola hepatica: 2,158, 0.485, 2.7 × 10–3, 267, 52.6, Parascaris equorum without larvae: 2,825, 0.574, 3.0 × 10–3, 351, 68.4, Parascaris equorum with larvae: 4,519, 0.716, 2.4 × 10–3, 1.96, 97.6, Dicrocoelium dendriticum: 1,581, 0.219, 2.8 × 10–3, 1.96, 48.8, Moniezia expansa: 714, 0.149, 2.2 × 10–3, 0.88, 35.2, Taenia multiceps: 3,738, 0.619, 4.7 × 10–3, 4.63, 84.4), and durable capacitance up to at least 15,000 sequential cycles at different scan rates (between 2.0 × 10−4 and 120.0 V s−1) as well as highly differentiated resistance between 400 and 600 Ω. These traits are measured by the “Blind Patch-Clamp” method, at the giga ohm sealed condition (6.18 ± 0.12 GΩ cm−1, n = 5). Significant detection ranges are detected for each capacitance and resistance with gradient limits as large as at least 880 to 1,000 mF and 400 to 600 Ω depending on the type of helminth egg. The effect of water in the structure of helminth eggs has also been investigated with acceptable reproducibility (RSD 7%–10%, n = 5). These intrinsic characteristics would provide novel facilitators for direct helminth egg identification in comparison with several methods, such as ELISA, PCR, and microscopic methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (10) ◽  
pp. 119-124
N. Gasanaliev

The main purpose of the research work is to identify the prevalence of helminthiasis in private sheep-breeding farms of the Sheki, Zagatala and Oguz districts of the Republic of Azerbaijan. One of the urgent problems is the study of mixed invasions that cause damage to animal husbandry. Based on this, as a result of the investigations, the extensiveness and intensity of helminthiasis in sheep of different age groups were studied as a result of the examinations. Extensiveness of invasion: in Sheki district for moniesiasis — 26.6%, for fascioliasis — 20.8%, for dicroceliosis — 23.3%, in Zagatala district for moniesiasis — 21.6%, for fascioliasis — 15.8%, for dicroceliosis — 17.5%, in Oguz distirct for monieziasis — 30.8%, for fascioliasis — 25.8%, for dicroceliosis — 28.3% were identified during the scatological examinations conducted. Presence the intensity of invasion on average: in the Sheki district with Moniezia expansa — 2–6, Fasciola hepatica — 4–14, Dicrocoelium lanceatum — 7–21, in the Zagatala district with Moniezia expansa — 1–4, Fasciola hepatica — 3–11, Dicrocoelium lanceatum — 5–17, in the Oguz district with Moniezia expansa — 2–7, Fasciola hepatica — 5–18, Dicrocoelium lanceatum — 9–24 specimens were identified when examining during the autopsy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (10) ◽  
pp. 115-118
E. Mammadov ◽  
G. Novruzov

In the article presents the results of carpological and helminthological dissect of sheep of different areas of Nakhchivan. In the 7 districts 6 species of anoplocephalates were detected. The specific structure and a degree of contamination of sheep with anoplocephalates (intestinal cestodes) in local climatic conditions are established. As a result of the researches extensiveneness and intensity invasion were revealed. In the territory of these regions anoplocephalates are spread as high, EI of sheep % 50.9, II — 2.5 specimens. Six anoplocephalates species, namely Moniezia expansa, M. benedeni, M. alba, Avitellina centripunctata, Thysanezia giardi and Stilezia globipunctata were identified in sheep.

Федор Иванович Василевич ◽  
Ирина Игоревна Цепилова ◽  
Наталья Валерьевна Есаулова ◽  
Светлана Александровна Шемякова ◽  
Юрий Анатольевич Ватников ◽  

В настоящее время на территории Нечерноземья РФ активно разводят диких жвачных животных, таких как лани, европейские косули, зубры, благородные и пятнистые олени и др. Представлены сведения о видовом и родовом составе гельминтов и простейших, обнаруженых у лосей, пятнистых и благородных оленей, муфлонов, маралов, европейских косуль, ланей и зубров. Всего от вышеуказанных животных отобрано и изучено на наличие эндопаразитов 638 проб из Калужской, Московской, Тверской и Смоленской областей. Работу проводили в 2015 – 2019 гг. в национальном парке, заповедниках, охотхозяйстве и частном крестьянско-фермерском хозяйстве. В условиях Нечерноземья РФ зарегистрированы следующие гельминты и простейшие: 2 вида трематод — Fasciola hepatica и Dicrocoelium lanceatum; 2 вида цестод — Moniezia expansa и M. benedeni; нематоды из 5 родов — Trichostrongylus sp., Nematodirus sp., Trichocephalus sp., Protostrongylus sp., Capillaria sp., а также простейшие из рода Eimeria. Наиболее разнообразная фауна эндопаразитов установлена у жвачных из Калужской и Московской областей. Доминирующими являлись нематоды из рода Trichostrongylus, которые зарегистрированы во всех областях Нечерноземной зоны РФ и встречались у разных видов животных. Яйца и личинки гельминтов обнаружены в 193 пробах, что соответствует 30,25 %. Общая зараженность жвачных животных эндопаразитозами составила 44,98 %.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 2581
Bogumiła Pilarczyk ◽  
Agnieszka Tomza-Marciniak ◽  
Renata Pilarczyk ◽  
Elżbieta Bombik ◽  
Beata Seremak ◽  

The aim of the study was to compare the prevalence and intensity of gastrointestinal parasitic infections in goats kept on organic (n = 76) and conventional farms (n = 82). In general, a higher prevalence of some gastrointestinal parasitic infections was found in the conventional farms compared to the organic farms: the mean prevalence of Eimeria spp. was 85.4% in conventional farms and 77.6% in organic farms, that of Fasciola hepatica was 6.10% in conventional farms and 2.63% in organic farms, and that of Moniezia expansa was 31.7% and 17.1%, in conventional and organic farms, respectively. Both farm types demonstrated a similar mean prevalence of nematodes (80.3 vs. 84.2%). Conventional farms demonstrated a significantly higher intensity of infection with E. arloingi, Haemonchus spp., Nematodirus spp. and Moniezia expansa compared to organic farms. They also demonstrated a higher intensity of infection with Eimeria spp. than organic farms. The prophylactic programs used to combat parasitic infections in both types of farms appear ineffective and require improvement. There is a need for goat herds to be covered by ongoing parasitological monitoring. It is also recommended that keepers employ rotational or intensive rotational grazing methods and take care to ensure the hygiene of animal quarters and livestock rooms.

Yi Liu ◽  
Zhengrong Wang ◽  
Wanlong Huang ◽  
Shuai Pang ◽  
Lingxiao Qian ◽  

Moniezia expansa (M. expansa) parasitizes the small intestine of sheep and causes inhibited growth and development or even death. Being globally distributed, it causes considerable economic losses to the animal husbandry industry. Here, using Illumina, PacBio and BioNano techniques, we obtain a high-quality genome assembly of M. expansa, which has a total length of 142 Mb, a scaffold N50 length of 7.27 Mb and 8,104 coding genes. M. expansa has a very high body fat content and a specific type of fatty acid metabolism. It cannot synthesize any lipids due to the loss of some key genes involved in fatty acid synthesis, and it may can metabolize most lipids via the relatively complete fatty acid β-oxidation pathway. The M. expansa genome encodes multiple lipid transporters and lipid binding proteins that enable the utilization of lipids in the host intestinal fluid. Although many of its systems are degraded (with the loss of homeobox genes), its reproductive system is well developed. PL10, AGO, Nanos and Pumilio compose a reproductive stem cell regulatory network. The results suggest that the high body lipid content of M. expansa provides an energy source supporting the high fecundity of this parasite. Our study provides insight into host interaction, adaptation, nutrient acquisition, strobilization, and reproduction in this parasite and this is also the first genome published in Anoplocephalidae.

И. Архипов ◽  
А. Душкин ◽  
С. Халиков ◽  
А. Варламова ◽  
М. Арисов ◽  

Изучено влияние механохимической технологии на антигельминтную эффективность твердой дисперсии альбендазола (ТДА) с динатриевой солью глицирризиновой кислоты (Na2ГК). В опытах на мышах, экспериментально инвазированных Trichinella spiralis, Hymenolepis nana, и овцах, спонтанно зараженных Moniezia expansa и желудочно-кишечными нематодами, получено повышение в 2 – 3 раза эффективности ТДА с Na2ГК по сравнению с субстанцией альбендазола. При исследовании физико-химических свойств выявлено повышение растворимости твердой дисперсии, что способствовало повышению ее фармакологической активности. Результаты исследований говорят о том, что ТДА является перспективной и требует дальнейших исследований.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-51
Debbie Chávez García ◽  
Néstor Acosta Lozano ◽  
Ronny García Pluas ◽  
Pablo Ortiz Nacaza ◽  
Verónica Andrade Yucailla

La investigación se realizó en el Centro de Faenamiento Regional del cantón La Libertad, provincia de Santa Elena; el objetivo fue identificar la presencia o ausencia y tipos de parásitos gastrointestinales que se encuentran en los bovinos, para el estudio se utilizó la técnica coproparasitaria de flotación por sacarosa-glucosa y de frotis directo, la toma de muestras fecales se realizó en cincuenta animales post-mortem seleccionando aquellos provenientes de la zona peninsular, se tomó una muestra de heces, se identificó y conservó hasta su posterior análisis en el laboratorio de investigaciones agropecuarias de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, los resultados obtenidos se procesaron en el paquete estadístico SPSS 21.0. En los resultados se observó principalmente, parásitos gastrointestinales predominando los Nematodos con 87%, Cestodos 9% y quistes de Protozoos 4%; en donde la mayor presencia de los diferentes tipos de parásitos fueron  Oesophagostomun spp (Nematodos) con  31%, Moniezia expansa 50% (cestodos) y Balantidium coli (protozoo) con 43%, cabe recalcar que, el método más eficiente en las condiciones para este estudio empleado fue el de la técnica de flotación con sacarosa en el cual se obtuvo un 55% de carga parasitaria en comparación con la de glucosa 35% y con el directo un 10%. Los resultados indican que, de acuerdo con los parámetros establecidos, es necesario realizar un plan sanitario en las diferentes zonas de la Península de Santa Elena para determinar los principales antiparasitarios que se deben utilizar para contrarrestar los nematodos, cestodos y protozoos dentro del tracto digestivo del bovino y poder bajar su presencia en la zona, mejorando el comportamiento productivo de los animales.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 213-216
E. Mamedov

In 2017–2019 studying of contamination of small cattle with anoplocephalid tapeworms in various farm of Nakhchivan AR is carried out. A total of 1625 sheep and lambs of different ages were used in this study. 584 intestines of sheep were observed. It is ascertained, that in the conditions of the Nakhchivan Anoplocephalidae of small cattle are widespread. Disease of small cattle is observed in all districts. The species composition of anoplocephalid tapeworms of small cattle in the territory includes 5 species. During inspections of the intestinal tracts were found 5 species of anoplocephalid tapeworms: Moniezia expansa, M. benedeni, Avitellina centripunctata, Thysaniezia giardi and Stilesia globipunctata. Extensiveness of invasion by results of helminthoovoscopic examination is 36.6% and by results of helminthological dissections is 26.4%. Intensity of invasion of small cattle with anoplocephalid tapeworms is on the average 3.4 sp./h.

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