relationship with god
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2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-106
Saripaini Saripaini

The robo-robo tradition is a traditional ritual carried out by the Sungai Kakap people as an effort to resist danger. This study explored to describe and identify the characteristics of people spirituality in the process of providing assistance through local community traditions. This research was a qualitative research using descriptive method. Data was collected by observing people’s life in the field and interviews. The result revealed that: 1) amongst their existence as human, they had an awareness of the need for the God's help. 2) close to nature and living environment. 3) had close relationships amongst people, social values such as the value of togetherness, the value of sharing and respect, and the value of kinship. 4) The relationship with God in the robo-robo tradition was divided into three groups, namely: first, religious people had faith in Allah SWT, and did not want to involve themselves in the robo-robo tradition. Generally, this group considered this custom to be a deviation in religion. Second, they had faith in Allah SWT, were involved in cultural celebrations but did not believe in the belief traditions developed in these celebrations. Third, they had faith in Allah SWT but also they had faith in other supernatural beings (soul / ancestral soul).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-78
Fajar Gumelar ◽  
Christopher James Luthy ◽  
Robi Panggarra ◽  
Hanny Frederik

Abstract: Matthew 5:17-48 is part of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, where it is the deepest reflection of God's law which contrasts sharply with the patterns and teachings of the scribes and Pharisees. This passage concludes with Jesus' mandate to His followers to be perfect as their Father in heaven is perfect (5:48). The word perfect in this text is translated from the Greek word τέλειος which can actually be translated as perfect, complete or mature. The difference in interpretation of the meaning of the word τέλειος has led to several different thoughts and doctrines. In Matthew 5:48's research, the author uses general hermeneutic principles to find the meaning or meaning conveyed by the author to the first reader. This research used the critical historical interpretation method. In addition, the author also uses library research methods, by reading books, journals and investigating books related to the discussion of this scientific work. Based on the description of this scientific work, the authors draw the following conclusions: first, the meaning of the word τέλειος in Matthew 5:48 does not refer to a sinless perfect state, but rather to the meaning of completeness. Second, the example of life for believers is God himself, not others. Third, the command to be perfect like God is not an impossible thing for God's people to do. Fourth, completeness like God can only be experienced if humans have an intimate relationship with God. Fifth, Jesus calls His people to be complete in fellowship. Abstrak: Matius 5:17-48 merupakan bagian dari khotbah Yesus di bukit, dimana isinya merupakan refleksi terdalam terhadap hukum Allah yang sangat kontras dengan pola dan ajaran ahli-ahli Taurat dan orang-orang Farisi. Perikop ini diakhiri dengan amanat Yesus kepada para pengikut-Nya untuk menjadi sempurna sebagaimana Bapa di surga adalah sempurna (5:48). Kata sempurna dalam teks ini diterjemahkan dari kata Yunani τέλειος yang sebenarnya bisa diterjemahkan sebagai sempurna, lengkap atau dewasa. Perbedaan tafsir akan makna kata τέλειος ini kemudian memunculkan beberapa pemikiran dan doktrin yang berbeda-beda. Dalam penelitian Matius 5:48 ini penulis menggunakan prinsip-prinsip umum hermeneutik guna mencari makna atau maksud yang disampaikan penulis kepada pembaca pertama. Metode tafsir yang digunakan adalah metode tafsir historis kritis. Selain itu penulis juga menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan atau library research, dengan membaca buku-buku, jurnal-jurnal dan menyelidiki kitab yang berkaitan dengan bahasan karya ilmiah ini. Berdasarkan hasil uraian dari karya ilmiah ini, penulis menarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut: pertama, makna kata τέλειος dalam Matius 5:48 tidak menunjuk pada keadaan sempurna yang tanpa dosa, melainkan pada arti kelengkapan. Kedua, keteladanan hidup bagi orang percaya adalah Allah sendiri, bukan orang lain. Ketiga, perintah untuk menjadi sempurna seperti Allah bukanlah suatu hal yang mustahil untuk dilakukan umat Allah. Keempat, kelengkapan seperti Allah hanya dapat dialami jika manusia memiliki hubungan yang intim dengan Allah. Kelima, Yesus memanggil umat-Nya untuk menjadi lengkap di dalam persekutuan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-91
Shelomita Selamat

Kierkegaard emphasis the importance of each individual being an authentic person. In his works, he gives an overview and direction to become an authentic person. Realizing whether someone authentically is not easy. Nowadays, I see many Christians who do not really live their lives as a Christian. The focus of this research is to present Kierkegaard's view on the criteria of an authentic Christian. The method used is a critical reading analysis of Kierkegaard's works (particularly Purity of Heart and The Sickness unto Death), previous research studies, observations, and interviews with several individuals. The author finds six criteria about authentic Christian individuals, namely: (1) Living in repentance, (2) Personal relationship with God, (3) Fear of God, (4) Willingness to suffer, (5) Being a loving person, and (6) Living in silence.

2021 ◽  
Salwan Karaeng

This paper discusses the role of Christian education in the character development of children and adolescents. The purpose of this paper is to find out how important character growth is for children and adolescents.This paper shows how to make children and adolescents with Christian characters reflect Christian values, which are based on their spiritual relationship with God who is the center of Love, Peace and Forgiveness. Children and adolescents with Christian character will build good relationships with others and other creatures so that communication will build mutual respect, tolerance, and live in harmony even in differences and diversity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-116
Efraim da Costa

Abstrak: Tulisan ini secara spesifik mempaparkan bagaimana peran doa terhadap pertumbuhan iman jemaat di masa Pandemi. Topik ini diangkat karena dimasa pandemi, ibadah yang sifatnya menghadirkan massa yang banyak tentu gereja tidak leluasa melaksanakan kegiatan doa secara offline. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis konseptual, yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan secara sistematis tentang peranan doa bagi pertumbuhan iman jemaat. Uraian pada topik mengemukakan bahwa doa adalah pintu gerbang untuk berkomunikasi dengan Allah.  Seorang yang berdoa tidak lagi hidup untuk dirinya sendiri dan oleh kekuatannya sendiri, melainkan ia menjalin relasi yang dekat dengan Allah. Yesus mengajarkan betapa doa bagian dari yang tak bisa dilupakan melalui teladan yang Ia berikan. Dengan berdoa akan menciptkan pertumbuhan bagi orang percaya terlebih di masa pandemi ini, doa memberikan ketenangan kepada orang-orang yang sedang berada dalam tekanan. Doa berperan menjaga stabilitas kerohanian orang percaya sekalipun keadaan Covid-19 membuat orang-orang berada pada pusaran kekuatiran.Abstract: This paper specifically presents how the role of prayer on the growth of the faith of the church in the pandemic period. This topic was raised because in the time of the pandemic, worship that is the nature of mass that many of course the church is not free to carry out prayer activities offline. This paper uses descriptive methods of conceptual analytical, which aims to systematically describe the role of prayer for the growth of the faith of the church. The description on the topic suggests that prayer is the gateway to communicating with God. A man who prays no longer lives for himself and by his own strength, but he establishes a close relationship with God. Jesus also taught us how prayer is part of the unforgettable through the example He gives. Praying will create growth for believers especially in this pandemic, Prayer gives peace to those who are under pressure. Prayer plays a role in maintaining the spiritual stability of believers even though the situation of Covid-19 makes people in a vortex of worry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 293 (12) ◽  
pp. 23-25
Svitlana Linda

The specific conditions of architectural development in Lviv promoted the expansion of the Renaissance traditions in the architecture in the XVI century. The local traditions considerably influenced the classical forms as well as techniques suggested by the Italian architects. As a result, the architecture of Lviv had taken the peculiar features that reflected the character of an indigenous revival. A significant feature of a Renaissance townhouse in Lviv lies in its abundant decoration. as it was created according to the symbolic ideas and was filled with the philosophic content. The façade of Sholts-Volfovych apartment house situated in 23, Rynok Square in Lviv deserves special attention. The abundant exterior design includes the composition «Epiphany», located in the aedicule of the second floor. Using the principle of hermeneutics the article presents the author’s interpretation of a symbolic meaning of this sculptural composition, based on the Gospel texts and is connected with the Renaissance meditations about a human place in the world and his/her relationship with God.

2021 ◽  
Barrie Davis

<p>The reunion of a man with God is the subject of a medieval text which aggregates excerpts from the Bible and Arabic alchemical texts that had recently become available in Europe. The Aurora Consurgens personifies God as Wisdom, a spiritual being who not only formed the world in the beginning but is also a guide to men to return to God subsequent to their separation at the Fall. The union of feminine Wisdom and a man is aligned with pairs of opposites such as spirit and soul, and is also conflated with the union of a man and a woman. While the text is perhaps falsely ascribed to St. Thomas, it is consistent with his ideas so that it may be explicated using his writings on the Trinity, psychology, angels, and Greek philosophy. From there, correspondence is established with C. G. Jung‘s concept of archetypes, and the text is subsequently interpreted from the perspective of analytical psychology. It is identified how interaction of archetypes associated with the union of a man and a woman provide an explanation for the process of redemption given in the Aurora. A similar process of redemption is identified in other writings from the beginning of the Christian era up to the modern teachings of the Catholic Church.</p>

2021 ◽  
Barrie Davis

<p>The reunion of a man with God is the subject of a medieval text which aggregates excerpts from the Bible and Arabic alchemical texts that had recently become available in Europe. The Aurora Consurgens personifies God as Wisdom, a spiritual being who not only formed the world in the beginning but is also a guide to men to return to God subsequent to their separation at the Fall. The union of feminine Wisdom and a man is aligned with pairs of opposites such as spirit and soul, and is also conflated with the union of a man and a woman. While the text is perhaps falsely ascribed to St. Thomas, it is consistent with his ideas so that it may be explicated using his writings on the Trinity, psychology, angels, and Greek philosophy. From there, correspondence is established with C. G. Jung‘s concept of archetypes, and the text is subsequently interpreted from the perspective of analytical psychology. It is identified how interaction of archetypes associated with the union of a man and a woman provide an explanation for the process of redemption given in the Aurora. A similar process of redemption is identified in other writings from the beginning of the Christian era up to the modern teachings of the Catholic Church.</p>

2021 ◽  
Мария Полякова

The article considers some features of the epistolary genre from the point of view of its pedagogical potential. A Letter from the Swiss reformer Ulrich Zwingli to his stepson Herald Meyer is also briefly analyzed. According to the author, this work is the most complete and, at the same time, concise example of a letter of instruction to a young person. It reflects three directions of the young man's relationship: with God, with himself, and with the world (surrounding people). In General, the same scheme of relations is already present in the ancient era (Cicero's treatise «On duties»).

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 310-330
Fransiska Juliawati ◽  
Hendi Hendi

The holiness of a priest is an important review in this paper based on the study of the text in the book entitled Six Books on the Priesthood written by John Chrysostom. A book dealing with the priesthood. The holiness of life is not only seen from one aspect, but there are three things that must be considered both in the position as a representative of Christ, in shepherding, and spiritual growth through spiritual discipline. That is why an Imam has a very noble job despite many difficulties and temptations. Only the priest is qualified to bring offerings to God on a holy (intermediary) altar. The priest is not only responsible for his status as a representative of Christ (church confirmation) but must lead Christ's sheep to salvation even if his own life is at stake. Grace and mercy as well as an intimate relationship with God will further purify the heart, soul, and mind of a priest so that through the spiritual discipline he does (prayer and repentance) more and more reflect Christ in his life, including his pastorate.

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