indirect observation
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2022 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 980-994
Modipa Mmakwena ◽  
Motseki Moses

Covid 19 in South Africa created opportunity for criminals to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor. Public and private sector officials benefited due to irregular tenders and overpricing of personal protective equipments in South Africa as reported on media platforms. This article explores opportunistic crimes associated with Covid 19 and their impact on the fight against the pandemic. This qualitative article adopted a non-empirical research design: Systematic review, indirect observation schedules to identify and describe available research literature ‘using systematic and explicit accountable methods and pre-specified formalised tools for searching and integrating literature. The data was collected from January-July 2021. The collected data was analysed through inductive textual content analysis. Findings revealed that public officials benefited from irregular PPE tenders as well as friends and families of politicians. The findings further indicate that billions of Rands were looted from funds which were meant to fight Covid 19 in South Africa. Lastly the findings show that law enforcement agencies are not effective in dealing with cases of Covid 19 crimes. Based on the findings, the following recommendations were developed: Law enforcement agencies should be equipped with resources to deal with Covid 19 crimes and ensure successful prosecution of those crimes, Competition Commission should investigate the companies which benefited from irregular tenders and overpricing of PPE’s so that they could be held accountable. Public participation should be strengthened to combat crime.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 163
Ali Mujahidin ◽  
Rika Pristian Fitri Astuti ◽  
Ifa Khoiria Ningrum

This study is a literature review with the normative approach. To achieve the desired objectives, the authors collected data consisting of primary and secondary data. The data obtained through the previous discussion of some theses, books, websites, supported by guidelines of the Qur�an and Al-Hadith. In gathering the data, the researcher uses the method of a documentary, and with the way the method of indirect observation, by visiting the library in search of data. The result of this research that Ibn Taimiyyah had two views in pricing, the first is valid pricing, second is invalid pricing. And valid pricing can be done by the government to stabilize the economic condition which is called intervention. The goal of intervention is to ensure social justice and prosperity of society. Intervention mechanisms are divided into two, namely direct and indirect. Direct intervention in the form of Al-Hisbah, the character of the institution as a corporate planner, set the market mechanism that is not fair. Besides, in the particular circumstances that required the intervention price, for example when there was war and famine, so all the high-priced goods, or when there was speculation in the market, which requires the seller to sell goods, or when there was speculation in the market, which requires the seller to sell goods with high price levels. While the indirect intervention was implemented in the educational problems and the fulfillment of public facilities such as transport and communication.

2021 ◽  
Chimezirim Young ◽  
Ayo Oyewale

This chapter examines the history of other nations in achieving rapid industrialization, explains the scientific processes involved, as well as developing a model to guide Nigerians in curbing mass unemployment. This industrialized countries where selected randomly from the pool of industrialized nations, to represent the different continents. Their journey to industrialization was studied and itemized to help developing countries design a unique strategy to curb mass unemployment. The chapter adopts historical analysis to gather evidence and formulate ideas from the past and empirical analysis by direct and indirect observation. The data used in this study were both primary and secondary. The results of the study were descriptive in nature. The study revealed several models that would guide Nigerians to achieving industrialization. In conclusion, the principles and strategy applied by the industrialized nations for achieving industrialization and curbing mass unemployment is learning: theory and practical. Learning: proper education and training on how to manufacture products promotes industrialization, productivity and create job opportunities. The study emphasizes education and training as the principal learning tools for increasing employment in quantity and quality and promoting improved productivity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-66
Ardila Putri ◽  
Silvia Dian Anggraeni ◽  
Rika Isnarti ◽  
Nisrina Najla Khairunnisa

Taiwan is considered as one of the countries that has successfully controlled the spread of COVID-19. Taiwan stated that their success in controlling the spread of COVID-19 was inseparable from their experience in dealing with SARS in 2003. This paper aims to compare Taiwan's response to SARS 2003, H1N1 in 2009, and COVID-19. By comparing Taiwan's response, this article detailing the transformation of Taiwan's policy in every pandemic and analyze the lesson learn for developing countries, including Indonesia, in dealing with a pandemic of communicable diseases in the future. In 2003 Taiwan had made some negligence as developing countries did when the outbreak of COVID-19. By looking at the transformation of Taiwan's policy, we can draw conclusions about the steps that developing countries can take in the future in controlling the spread of infectious diseases. This paper uses the tradition of empiricism with an indirect observation mechanism through the study of literature to describe the transformation of Taiwan's policies and analyze the lessons that can be taken by developing countries. The learning relates to communicable disease monitoring, border quarantine, communicable disease reporting, response planning, contact tracing, laboratory capacity building, public health education, open and transparent information.

Neda Mohammadi ◽  
Sayyid Rasool Sayyid Rasool Keshavarz ◽  
Zahra Zahra Darabi

In today's world some changes have been occurred in human lifestyle, these changes, along with the advantages, have led to a series of disadvantages including their disconnection with the nature. One of the most important areas to re-establish the relationship is the school. The presence of nature at schools, and holding some classes in nature, in addition to meeting the special needs of children causes their separation from those small and boring classes as well as their interest in courses . This study aimed to investigate the role of nature in children's learning. For this purpose, third, fourth and fifth grade classes of 3 schools were held outside the school environment and in the nature in 5 courses. The study is a combinational research and field, indirect observation and library data collection methods were applied, where in the indirect observation, two types of questionnaires were prepared related to the students and teachers and were randomly distributed among 580 students and 50 elementary school teachers. Test reliability was assessed using Cronbach's alpha and it was obtained to be 0.890. The results of this study indicate that the physical place as one of the factors in children's learning has the maximum impact on teaching and learning of children. At the end of the study and by investigating the existing factors in the environment we understood that the expansion of the nature and natural light of it causes the students' interest in lessons in nature.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 64-72
Salomon Bissohong ◽  

If most countries in the world that are amongst the most influential can swagger because of their economic, military, socio-political, more over strategic powers, Cameroon’s case is quite different. In fact, the principal objective of this article remained that extractive wealth in which the State of Cameroon should draw its power, proof of its self-determination lags behind to open out. In this country precisely, our framework made up of the localities Dompta, Belel and Belabo, the mining code which could indicate this honorable profile remains unfortunately filled with impertinent with regard to locale population welfare. We also note a hypothesis of conscious absence of ingenuity of its politico-administrative bodies, resulting of inappropriate character of the laws witch contrast with the requirements needs for the residents of the aforesaid activities. The ethnomethodology of Harold Garfinkel which takes into account the « co-construction » the social actors are able for a better explanation of social by (the accountability), has been adopted as sociological method. The following instruments for data collection were used: documentary observations, (direct and indirect) observation, have become relevant for the realization of this work. The results obtained at the end of this sociological investigation revealed that after several decades of its use, and its lots of amendments, 1- this exclusive legal instrument of business has till date never produced the desired welfare. 2- The country illustrates more of itself instead as a burden, a dead load geostrategic to more than a title, in spite of its economic vitality and the pride it has. 3- The limelight the origins of these disagreements. Keywords: Cameroonian mining code, locale populations, ethnomethodology, inappropriate laws, the extractive field.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 2170
Misbahul Muniroh ◽  
Sri Herianingrum

ABSTRAKDalam mewujudkan visi Indonesia sebagai pusat ekonomi syariah terkemuka di dunia, pemerintah berfokus pada pengembangan beberapa industri yang terbagi ke dalam beberapa klaster dimana salah satunya adalah pariwisata halal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi yang dimiliki kabupaten Sleman untuk menerapkan pariwisata halal ditinjau dari kebutuhan relijius wisatawan Muslim yakni makanan dan minuman halal, fasilitas ibadah, ketersediaan kamar kecil berbasis air, dan keamanan saat berwisata, serta ditinjau dari regulasi yang ada terkait pelaksanaan pariwisata halal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, dokumentasi, dan observasi tidak langsung. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kondisi kepariwisataan kabupaten Sleman saat ini mendukung penerapan pariwisata halal karena makanan dan minuman halal, fasilitas ibadah, dan kamar kecil berbasis air dapat ditemukan dengan mudah, serta keamanan saat berwisata yang dirasakan wisatawan baik domestik maupun mancanegara. Walaupun demikian, belum ada regulasi yang mengatur tentang pelaksanaan pariwisata halal di kabupaten Sleman mengingat belum ada induk hukum yang memayunginya.Kata Kunci: Potensi Pariwisata, Pariwisata Halal, Kebutuhan Relijius Wisatawan Muslim, Kabupaten Sleman ABSTRACTIn order to actualize Indonesian vision as the center of Islamic economy in the world, the government focuses on the development of several industries which are divided into several clusters including halal tourism. This study aims to analyze Sleman regency’s potential to implement halal tourism in terms of religious needs of Muslim traveler such as halal food and beverage, worship facility, water-based toilet availability, and safety during visitation, and also in terms of regulation about halal tourism implementation. The research method used in this study is descriptive qualitative whereas data collection technique used are interview, documentation, and indirect observation. The result shows that current tourism condition in Sleman regency supports the implementation of halal tourism since halal food and beverage, worship facility, and water-based toilet are available and easily found, and also travelers felt safe during their visit in Sleman regency. Nevertheless, there is no regulation about halal tourism implementation in Sleman regency yet as there is no higher regulation above.Keyword: Tourism Potential, Halal Tourism, Religious Needs of Muslim Traveler, Sleman Regency

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 15
Matti Itkonen

What does it mean to take a photographic, imaginary, or fictional journey to some destination? How does indirect observation of the object differ from direct observation? What are they like, the immediate and the mediated Turku? Which of them is more real or more authentic? Turku is Finland’s most poetic city. It is also the most European of our cities. As the flâneur saunters along the banks of the River Aura, he traverses several centuries. The murmur of yesteryear is to be heard in the old buildings and in the foliage of the time-honoured trees. Here is the cradle, the first home of Finnish civilization. The philosopher-poet is able to see into the essence of a city: he has the patience to linger and listen to the humming resonance of the ages. The tourist cannot do that. What is needed is a traveller who makes sufficiently profound and discerning observations. It is in his existential looking glass that the many faces of Turku are reflected.

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