scientific ethics
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2022 ◽  
Leonid Basovskiy ◽  
Elena Basovskaya

The textbook outlines the concepts and methods of conducting scientific research and presenting their results. The fundamentals of scientific thinking and methodological foundations of scientific research are considered. The process of scientific research, methods of obtaining and analyzing data, collecting and summarizing scientific information, the sequence of the process of scientific research are described. The approaches, methods, rules and norms of preparation of reports on the results of scientific research, scientific articles and dissertations are described. The organization, financing of scientific research and training of scientific personnel in the Russian Federation, the organization of research work of students, the principles of scientific ethics are characterized. Recommendations for the preparation of final qualifying papers and dissertations are given. The textbook includes topics and questions, the study of which is necessary to master the competencies provided for by the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. It is intended for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students of the enlarged group of training areas 38.00.00 "Economics and Management".

2021 ◽  
А.Л. Катков

В статье рассматривается традиционное понимание адаптивной функции интеллекта, обоснованное в трудах Ж.Пиаже, Г.Култона и многих других авторов. Даются исчерпываю щие представления о принципиально новых подходах к пониманию адаптивно интеллектуальной функции, разработанных в контексте общей теории психотерапии. Приводится краткое и развернутое определение новой модели адаптивного интеллекта. Обсуждаются эвристическ ие следствия данной модели в психотерапии, в частности в мета модели социальной психотерапии, в сфере деятельности научных и религиозных институтов, а также в сфере научной этики. Делаются выводы о состоятельности и перспективности использования данной мод ели в науке и практике. The article examines the traditional understanding of the adaptive function of intelligence, substantiated in the works of J. Piaget, G. Coulton and many other authors. Exhaustive ideas about fundamentally new approaches to understanding the adaptive-intellectual function, developed in the context of the general theory of psychotherapy, are given. A short and detailed definition of a new model of adaptive intelligence is given. The heuristic consequences of this model in psychotherapy, in particular in the meta-model of social psychotherapy, in the field of activities of scientific and religious institutions, as well as in the field of scientific ethics are discussed. Conclusions are made about the consistency and prospects of using this model in science and practice.

2021 ◽  
Yuki Mori ◽  
Kaito Takashima ◽  
Kohei Ueda ◽  
Kyoshiro Sasaki ◽  
Yuki Yamada

One major source of high exhaustion for researchers is the redundant paperwork of three different documents (research papers, applications for ethics review, and applications for research grants) for the same research plan. These similar documents are submitted to three different organizations, each with its own format, and independently peer-reviewed three times. This is a wasteful and redundant process for researchers. Here, we propose a trinity review that integrates scientific, ethics, and research funding reviews. In our proposed trinity review system, scientific and ethics reviews are undertaken concurrently for a pre-experimental research protocol. When the protocol is accepted in principle through these review processes, a funding review will occur, and researchers will conduct their studies. After experiments or surveys, the scientific review will be conducted for a completed version of the paper including results and discussions (i.e., the full paper) again, and the full paper will be published after it has passed the second review. This paper provides a detailed explanation of the operation of the trinity review system and discusses the positive impacts and solutions to difficulties in its implementation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 120-125
Nahrybelna I.A. ◽  
Nahrybelnyi Ya.A.

The study analyzes the problem of formation of academic integrity in modern graduates of higher education institutions.The purpose of the article is to analyze the innovative means of forming the academic integrity of future professionals in the maritime field.In the process of research the methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, induction, and deduction were applied.The results of the scientific research allowed determining the interpretation of the key category of scientific research “academic integrity” in the context of state and regulatory documents that declare the requirements for the educational process in higher education. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the system of the second (master’s) level of higher education is dominated by the strategy of developing research skills of the future specialist. The production of new knowledge takes new forms: students not only master professional courses, but also work on their own research projects: qualification work, scientific article, report on preliminary defense and defense of research, student scientific readings, discussions, research studies and more. The article emphasizes that taking into account the professional capabilities of students of RVO “Master” and the trajectory of dual education in higher education, in the future they can teach some professional courses. Accordingly, the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities will contribute to the formation of professional and methodological competencies (ability to methodically, competently organize educational activities, work with scientific texts and scientific sources, etc.), help in work and communication in the team (both permanent and variable), social adaptation; will help to create a favorable emotional atmosphere around you.The logic of the study confirms the need for practical orientation of the educational process in the plane of development of scientific speech of students. It is noted that by means of the innovative strategy “Fishbone” applicants-future specialists in the maritime industry effectively master important categories that avoid plagiarism in their own texts (qualifications, course projects, research articles, reports, reviews, etc.). The article presents exercises and tasks that are practice-oriented to master the parameters of scientific identification ORCID, DOI, author’s h-index, etc.Conclusions. In the process of scientific research the need for development and improvement of scientific ethics of undergraduates-future specialists in the maritime field in the process of formation of academic integrity is substantiated; the method of applying the “Fishbone” strategy in the educational process of future marine specialists is represented.Key words: research competence, scientific ethics, language culture, scientific product. У дослідженні проаналізовано проблему формування академічної доброчесності у сучасних випускників закладів вищої освіти.Мета статті полягає в аналізі інноваційних засобів формування академічної доброчесності майбутніх фахівців морської галузі.У процесі дослідження застосовано методи аналізу, синтезу, узагальнення.Результати наукового пошуку дали змогу визначити трактування ключової категорії наукового дослідження «академічна доброчесність» у контексті державно-нормативних документів, які декла-рують вимоги до освітнього процесу у вищій школі. Акцентовано увагу на тому, що в системі другого (магістерського) рівня вищої освіти домінує стратегія розвитку дослідницьких навичок майбутнього фахівця. Продукування нових знань набуває нових форм, адже здобувачі освіти не тільки опановують фахові курси, але й працюють над власними науковими проєктами, зокрема кваліфікаційною роботою, науковою статтею, доповіддю на попередньому захисті та на захисті дослідження, студентських наукових читаннях, у дискусіях, наукових студіях. У статті підкреслено, що, враховуючи професійні можливості здобувачів освіти РВО «Магістр» та траєкторію дуальної освіти у вищій школі, в подальшому вони можуть викладати окремі фахові курси. Відповідно, набуті знання, уміння й навички сприятимуть формуванню професійно-методичних компетентностей (вмінню методично, грамотно організовувати освітню діяльність, працювати з науковими текстами та науковими джерелами тощо), допоможуть у роботі та спілкуванні в колективі (як у сталому, так і в змінному), соціальній адаптації, допоможуть створити навколо себе сприятливу емоційну атмосферу.Логіка дослідження підтверджує необхідність практичного спрямування освітнього процесу в аспект розвитку наукового мовлення здобувачів освіти. Відзначено, що засобом інноваційної стратегії «Фішбоун» здобувачі – майбутні фахівці морської галузі ефективно опановують важливі категорії, що дають змогу уникнути плагіату у власних текстах (кваліфікаційні роботи, курсові проєкти, наукові статті, доповіді, відгуки тощо). У статті репрезентовано вправи й завдання, які практико-орієнтовані на опанування параметрів наукової ідентифікації ORCID, DOI, h-індекс автора тощо.Висновки. У процесі наукового пошуку обґрунтовано потребу розвитку та вдосконалення науко-вої етики магістрантів – майбутніх фахівців морської галузі в процесі формування академічної добро-чесності; репрезентовано методику застосування стратегії «Фішбоун» в освітньому процесі майбутніх морських фахівців.Ключові слова: науково-дослідницька компетентність, наукова етика, мовна культура, науковий продукт.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 70-73
Jean Pablo Castro-Ruiz

Blood is one of the fundamental tissues of our body. Blood donation allows blood banks to meet hospital needs for blood components. Blood transfusion is an activity that carries a risk, originated by a series of causal actions derived from the individual characteristics of donors and patients. Blood components are biological products and as such, they can never be exempt from the risk of transmitting infectious diseases, such as hepatitis B, HIV, syphilis, among others. Thanks to the investigation of the donor database of the Blood Bank of Hospital Dr. Carlos Luis Valverde Vega and the annual statistics of the blood bank, the statistics referring to donations were obtained, according to the type, grade of acceptance and as well as the prevalence of mandatory screening infectious diseases in the blood bank, between the years 2015 and 2019, with the respective authorization of the corresponding scientific ethics committee. This study reported a prevalence for Anti HB Core of 0.99%, 0.14% for HBsAg, 0.11% for syphilis, 0.05% for hepatitis C, 0.02% for HIV and 0% for the disease de Chagas and HTLV I / II. By using the bases of this work, future analyzes with a similar premise may be developed in different blood banks of the different health centers in our country.

2021 ◽  
pp. 133-146
Mark Timmons

In the introduction to The Doctrine of Virtue, Kant explains the bases for considering this doctrine a science. This involves articulating the principles that govern a scientific ethics and explaining how the science is organized. These matters are taken up in section 1, “The Science of Ethics” of this chapter. Kant also offers a justification of the supreme principle of morality pertaining to a doctrine of virtue as a doctrine of ends. This is the topic of section 2, “The Supreme Principle of the Doctrine of Virtue,” which Kant expresses as “Act according to a maxim of ends that it can be a universal law for everyone to have.” An interpretation of Kant’s argument is spelled out and criticized. The concluding section raises a looming worry about Kant’s project of grounding an entire system of duties in the supreme principle, namely, that the principle lacks enough content to serve as the basis for genuine derivations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (01) ◽  
pp. 370-378
Victor Andreevich Kanke ◽  
Vladimir Korotenko ◽  
V.N. Remarchuk ◽  
Mikhail Viktorovich Kibakin ◽  
Maria Mikhailovna Kryukova

The present article provides a substantiation of the need to use the potential of the philosophy of science in designing a sustainable development project. Along with mathematics and informatics, the philosophy of science is viewed as an auxiliary science designed to help clarify the conceptual and methodological nature of scientific theories. New provisions of science philosophy are presented. The proposition that all axiological theories culminate in ethics is proved. It is also substantiated that natural sciences demonstrate ethical relativity. The project, i.e. both the concept and conception (theory) of sustainable development was designed with no consideration of the achievements of science philosophy including scientific ethics. As the project developed its content became not clearer but, on the contrary, more obscured. The project of sustainable development is reevaluated in light of the philosophy of science. It turns out to be nothing more than a paraphrase of the need for the proper development of the ethical relativity of ecology and its place in the system of balanced scientific ethics. The project of sustainable development presents a paraphrase of certain scientific content that has to be properly addressed. Without this, it has no scientific meaning and should be attributed to the field of everyday language. Thus, the time to put the sustainable development project on a scientific track has come.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 665-680
Mihaela-Viorica Ruşitoru ◽  
Le Vo Thi Hong

In our society, there has been a controversy concerning the "research globalization". It seems that the harmonization of educational policies is taking place at the level of higher education. Thus, at the European Union’s level, the "common academic market" is already being invoked. This close collaboration generates a reciprocal inspiration of researchers both at the level of the topics addressed as well as at the level of the methodology. In this context, we can be questioned about the specificity of qualitative research in France and the United Kingdom. In this paper, we will present a model of scientific similarities arising from examples from the both countries to address the question. In order for this purpose, our analysis highlights the deontological arsenal, the scientific ethics and interview research methods applied to different contexts for academic research.

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