microscopic studies
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2022 ◽  
Vol 177 ◽  
pp. 114445
Mamta Kumari ◽  
Archana Prasad ◽  
Laiq ur Rahman ◽  
Ajay Kumar Mathur ◽  
Archana Mathur

Chillu Naresh ◽  
Gandluri Parameswarreddy ◽  
Asapu Vinaya Kumar ◽  
Rengaswamy Jayaganthan ◽  
Venkatachalam Subramanian ◽  

Abstract In the present study, hybrid composites are prepared by reinforcing various concentrations of high permittivity zirconia nanofiller into epoxy/CNT compositions to test their usability in EMI shielding applications in the X and Ku bands. ZrO2 nanofiller is added in different proportions to improve absorbance shielding while maintaining the composite conductivity uniform by adding constant CNT concentration to restrict the reflectance shielding. The microscopic studies have revealed an efficient dispersion of ZrO2 nanoparticles in the CNT networks and provided a smoother surface. The presence of zirconia nanofillers increased the dielectric properties, viz. the dielectric constant (194 at 0.1 Hz) and loss tangent (1.57 at 0.1 Hz), respectively, whereas the conductivity was found to be invariantly constant. The increased permittivity of composites enhanced the shielding by absorption, while the shielding by reflection is least influenced by the addition of zirconia nanofiller. The addition of zirconia nanofillers increased the permittivity and tan delta, allowing charges to accumulate at the interfacial areas for incoming EM radiations, resulting in increased absorbance shielding. Limiting the CNT concentration in all composites to the same level resulted in the formation of conductive networks, thus resulting in uniform reflectance shielding for all the hybrid composites in the present study. The dynamic mechanical analysis showed the improvement in the storage modulus and activation energy due to the enhanced interfacial adhesion and cross-linked polymer density.

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 197
Hameed Ullah ◽  
Amira Sayed Khan ◽  
Babar Murtaza ◽  
Aziz Hichami ◽  
Naim Akhtar Khan

Leptin, an anorectic hormone, regulates food intake, energy expenditure and body weight. We assessed the implication of tongue leptin in the modulation of oro-sensory detection of dietary fatty acids in mice. The RT-PCR analysis showed that mRNA encoding leptin and leptin receptor (Ob-Rb) was expressed in mice taste bud cells (TBC). Confocal microscopic studies showed that the lipid sensor CD36 was co-expressed with leptin in mice TBC. Silencing of leptin or Ob-Rb mRNA in tongue papillae upregulated preference for a long-chain fatty acid (LCFA), i.e., linoleic acid (LA), in a two-bottle paradigm in mice. Furthermore, tongue leptin application decreased the preference for the LCFA. These results suggest that tongue leptin exerts an inhibitory action on fatty acid preference. In isolated mice TBC, leptin decreased LCFA-induced increases in free intracellular calcium concentrations, [Ca2+]i. Leptin and LCFA induced the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and STAT-3 and there were no additive or opposite effects of the two agents on the degree of phosphorylation. However, leptin, but not the LCFA, induced phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI-3-K)-dependent Akt phosphorylation in TBC. Furthermore, leptin induced hyperpolarization, whereas LCFA induced depolarization in TBC. Our study demonstrates that tongue leptin exerts an inhibitory action on oro-sensory detection of a dietary fatty acid by interfering with Ca2+ signaling and membrane potential in mice TBC.

E. A. Korolev ◽  
V. P. Morozov ◽  
A. A. Eskin ◽  
A. N. Kolchugin ◽  

It was identified three stages of reservoir rock formation of the Pashyisky horizon of the Frasnian stage of the Upper Devonian at the Romashkinskoye field, based on optical microscopic studies. The first stage, associated with clastic deposits sedimentation and marked by clastic grains dense structural packing formation, close to cubic. The second diagenetic stage of quartz sandstones is associated with the subsidence stage of sediments into the burial zone. During this period were actively proceeding the processes of grains mechanical deformation, blastesis of quartz clasts, the formation of siderite fragments, and fibrous chalcedony, partially metasomatic replacing clay layers in sandstones. The third diagenetic stage in quartz sandstones is associated with the migration of underground gas-water solutions. Analysis of the transformation degree of the Pashyisky horizon quartz sandstones at different areas of the Romashkinskoye field revealed the relationship between the intensity of secondary diagenetic processes and the degree of rocks oil saturation. Keywords: pashyisky horizon; oil; sandstone; reservoir; diagenesis.

Рустам Мухамедович Калмыков ◽  
Ахмед Мацевич Кармоков ◽  
Замир Валериевич Шомахов ◽  
Аминат Хусеновна Дышекова

В работе проведены электронно-микроскопические исследования полупроводниковых соединений на основе PbTe с примесями дисперсных фаз CdSe. Как показали результаты исследования, в исходном нелегированном соединении PbTe содержание атомов свинца составляет около 63,8 вес%, а содержание теллура составляет 36,2 вес%, т.е. соответствует стехиометрическому составу. Согласно изображениям электронного микроскопа, эти компоненты равномерно распределены по площади. Результаты исследования также показали, что образующиеся новые фазы имеют размеры зерен от 90 нм до 2 мкм. Полученные значения параметра решетки для соединения теллурида свинца и сингония хорошо согласуются с литературными данными. Структура образующихся фаз имеет такую же симметрию, как и исходное нелегированное соединение PbTe, гранецентрированную кубическую решетку с классом симметрии Fm3m. В молекулах новых образующихся фаз, в которых преобладают содержания элементов Cd и Se, обнаружено изменение сингонии кристаллической решетки. In this work, electron microscopic studies of semiconductor compounds based on PbTe with impurities of dispersed CdSe phases have been carried out. As shown by the research results, in the initial undoped PbTe compound, the content of lead atoms is about 63,8 wt.%, and the tellurium content was 36,2 wt.%, i.e. corresponded to the stoichiometric composition. According to the electron microscope images, these components are evenly distributed over the area. The results of the study also showed that the formed new phases had grain sizes from 90 nm to 2 pm. The obtained values of the lattice parameter for the lead telluride compound and crystal system are in good agreement with the literature data. The structure of the resulting phases has the same symmetry as the initial undoped PbTe compound, a face-centered cubic lattice with the Fm3m symmetry class. In the molecules of the newly formed phases, in which the abundances of the elements Cd and Se prevailed, a change in the crystal lattice syngony was found.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 6
Jiajian Li ◽  
Shuai Cao ◽  
Erol Yilmaz

Using solid wastes (SWs) as backfilling material to fill underground mined-out areas (UMOAs) solved the environmental problems caused by SWs and reduced the backfilling cost. In this study, fly ash (FA), gypsum and steel slag (SS) were used to prepare cement-based composites (CBC). The uniaxial compression, computed tomography (CT) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) laboratory experiments were conducted to explore the macro and micromechanical properties of CBC. The findings showed that the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of CBC with a curing time of 7 d could reach 6.54 MPa. The increase of SS content reduced the UCS of CBC, while the gypsum and FA content could increase the UCS of CBC. Microscopic studies have shown that the SS particles in CBC have noticeable sedimentation, and the increase of SS content causes the failure mode of CBC from tensile to tensile-shear. These research results can provide a scientific reference for the preparation of backfilling materials.

Fikret İŞLER

The study area between subdistrict Güzelyurt, 11 km southeast of the city Kahramanmaraş and the Abbaslar village. Mesosoic and Senosoic age units are obsorved in the field the oldest units are tectonites, the parts of the ophiolitics series which moved into the field by mounting in the Upper Kretase. Serpantinites which are formed by the alteration of partically or completely serpantinized and harzburgite and peridotites, form the tectonites. Tectonically bordered Paleosen-Eosen limestones have came into ophiolitic series. The youngest units in the area are plateau basalts which are the results of Cretase-aged volcanism. Besides, they have proved to the different from the basalts of the ophiolitic series because they have been spilitised as regarded with the appereans in the area and they don’t show cushion flow. These rocks, defined as olivined basalt after the microscopic studies. Peridotites in the ophiolite series in the study area are noteworthy because they contain chromite. The chromites in the region take place in the peridotites as scattered grains and small pockets. Detailed studies are needed to reveal the economic values of chromites in a healthy way. Especially west of Denizli village and north of Tevekkeli village can be suggested as places where work should be intensified. However, limestones and basalts in the formations cropping out in the study area are used as building blocks in small and large settlements in the region.

Romanus A. Umoh ◽  
Imoh I. Johnny ◽  
Anwanabasi E. Udoh ◽  
Nsima A. Andy ◽  
Affiong C. Essien ◽  

Solenostemon monostachyus P. Beauv (Lamiaceae), it’s ethnomedical uses include anti-plasmodial, anti-pyretic, antiulcerogenic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive activities. The aim of this study was to employ the quality control parameters in the evaluation of the leaf and stem of Solenostemon monostachyus to aid in the identification and standardization of the medicinal plant. The plant leaves and stems were collected, identified, air-dried, pulverized and stored in separate glass containers. Standard procedures were employed to obtain the microscopic features of the fresh and powdered samples, micromeritic, chemomicroscopy, fluorescence properties, moisture contents, ash values and soluble extractive values. The results of the microscopic studies using fresh and powdered leaf samples revealed the presence of diacytic stomata on both the abaxial and adaxial surfaces (amphistomatic), with stomatal index of 27.9% and 14.8% respectively. The result of the micromeritics properties of the powdered leaf and stem samples showed angles of repose of 38.0o and 46.0o, Carr’s index of 23.7% and 32.5% and Hausner’s ratios of 1.3 and 1.5 respectively. Results for the moisture content, total, acid-insoluble and water-soluble ash values were 11.7%w/w, 13.7%w/w, 1.8%w/w and 9.4%w/w for the leaf and 13.3%w/w, 17.3%w/w, 1.8%w/w and 9.2%w/w for the stem respectively. Extractive values for water-soluble, methanol-soluble and ethanol-soluble were 26.5%w/w, 32.3%w/w, 14.5%w/w and 15.5%w/w, 15.8%w/w and 14.5%w/w for the leaf and stem respectively. Chemomicroscopy indicated the presence of lignin, calcium oxalate crystals and protein in the leaf and stem. The results obtained therefore could be used to establish pharmacopoeial standard for the fresh and powdered drug products of Solenostemon monostachyus, thus preventing adulteration.

A. Deka ◽  
M. Talukdar ◽  
D.J. Talukdar ◽  
K. Sarma

Background: The study on Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT) of Pati duck of Assam is of great value in regard to normal academic and bio-medical research aspects. The aim of the study was to evaluate the gross, histomorphological and scanning electronic microscopic examination of gut-associated lymphoid tissue of the intestine of Pati duck at different age group. Methods: For this study, forty five Pati ducks were divided into five groups depending on its age viz., 1st week, 4th week, 16th week, 24th week and 42nd weeks old. The pieces of gut having lymphoid tissue or Peyer’s patches were collected immediately after slaughter. These samples were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin solution and were processed as per the standard technique of procedure (Luna, 1968). The paraffin blocks were sectioned in Shandon Finesse microtome at 5 µm thickness and the sections were stained with Mayer’s Haematoxylin and Eosin staining technique for Cellular details, Van Gieson’s method for collagen fibres, Gomori’s method for reticular fibres, Hart’s method for elastic fibres and Bielchowsky’s method for axis cylinder and dendrites as per the method of Luna (1968). Result: Gut-associated lymphoid tissue was found in the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, caecum and the terminal part of the rectum in all the age group of Pati duck. The lymphoid compartment of the gut-associated lymphoid tissue in duck included a follicular structure, dome, follicle associated epithelia and interfollicular area. Lamina propria of jejunum was heavily infiltrated with diffuse lymphatic tissue in the 16th, 24th and 42nd week of age of Pati duck. The scattered and diffuse lymphatic infiltration occurred in all age groups. The lamina propria of the colorectum revealed an extensive network of reticular fibre with diffused lymphatic tissue in all the age group of duck. In Scanning Electron Microscope, the lumen of the jejunum was covered by finger-like villi with numerous opening of goblet cells. The lymphoid follicle of Lamina propria contains numerous lymphocytes along with connective tissue fibres.

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