psychological determinants
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Fahmi Ibrahim ◽  
Siti Wardah Abd Rahman ◽  
Nurul Hafizah Jefri

The aim of this chapter is to analyze the relationship of the demographic and socio-psychological determinants on consumers' green purchase behaviours in Brunei Darussalam, with the application framework of the affect-behaviour-cognition (ABC) model. A total of 119 consumers from different backgrounds participated in this study, whereby 113 respondents participated in the online questionnaire, and the other six respondents were interviewed. It is discovered that consumers who are more environmentally conscious are not necessarily likely to purchase green products, but are actually involved in green behaviours. However, in the environmental aspects of awareness, concern, and knowledge, the other factors, monthly income and educational level, did not possess major significance. The product attributes such as price and availability of the green products played a significant role in consumer buying decisions which will lead to the value-action gap phenomenon. Moreover, this study discovered the government is needed to promote and encourage green purchase behaviours in Brunei Darussalam.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 3-16
Jorge Alberto Close

This article identifies the physiological, neurological, and psychological determinants that arise from constraints imposed by both genetic and environmental factors, originating human behaviours. The determinants, called Ego Selves, that organise the phenomena that Eric Berne classified, structured, conceptualised, and defined to mould transactional analysis and design instruments to assist professionals and patients to adjust behaviours, are analysed. A different form of presenting the adapted Child, differentiating it from Berne’s model where the adapted Child is shown as a part of the natural Child, is presented. Parent-Adapted Child, and the Adult ego states, adjusting their manifestation and organization to the physiological development of their corres-ponding ego self, are identified, proposing that the Adapted Child is a part of the Parent ego state. Contamination is reviewed and adjusted for cons-istency between cause and effect, identifying that the contaminated ego state is the Parent ego state, creating a delusion based on injunctions that generate an illusion in the adapted Child portion of it which in turn causes the natural child’s emotional reaction, considerably limiting the Adult ego state's capabilities to intervene. Script analysis is reviewed and organised indicating that the script is a life plan initiated at conception and ending at death, and that it is indispensable for survival, having adequate and inadequate segments that may limit lifespan and quality of life. Occurrences, neurophysiological factors, and memories involved in their development and implementation are also identified. Suggestions and examples for the integrated development of intervention strategies and tactics to adjust behaviours and fulfil contracts are presented in the corresponding section.

Vladimir Konyakhin ◽  
Marina Prokhorova ◽  
Anton Petrovsky

The authors study socio-psychological determinants of extremist criminal behavior of young people in Krasnodar Region within the framework of socio-economic, national and geographical specifics of the territory. The main goal was to identify and specify subjective (inner) causes as an aggregate of personal psychological features, needs, emotions, motives, specifics of conscience and volition that shape the intent and determine the qualitative side of extremist crimes. The authors used both general scientific (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, etc.) and special (statistical and specific-sociological) methods of cognition. The dominant source of information was results of a questionnaire survey of 146 young people who were residents of Krasnodar Region aged 18–24 with the same level of education; they were university students (57 %), and students of vocational schools and colleges (28 %). The obtained data were used for SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) analysis, which identified regularities in the formation of the public opinion typical for young people in Krasnodar Region. Besides, the authors established a factor commonality which served as a logical proof that psychological patterns typical of the youth environment, stereotypes and models of behavior act as determinants of extremist actions. All of these allowed the authors to state that there are a number of negative trends, such as the mental acceptance of some extremist actions by young people, especially actions against people of a different race, nationality, religion; this acceptance is common for 20 % of people aged 18 to 24; young people do not know about 5 out of 13 types of extremist activities included in the federal legislation; extremist information is easily available on the Internet. To eliminate these trends, the authors suggest a number of measures: activization of legal information campaign; identification of students who are highly likely to commit extremist actions; creation of a system of model features of extremist behavior to be used in the preventive work in educational establishments of Krasnodar Region; designing and teaching, on the regional level, a special subject of preventive nature to high school, college and university students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 417-424
Fatih Yığman ◽  
Muhammed Hakan Aksu ◽  
Şerif Bora Nazlı ◽  
Azat Duman ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 280-292
Joanna Księska-Koszałka

Wprowadzenie i cel pracy. Współcześnie obserwuje się rosnącą popularność medycyny komplementarnej i alternatywnej (complementary and alternative medicine – CAM). U podstaw zjawiska leży szereg uwarunkowań, które są przedmiotem zainteresowań nauk społecznych. Badania te napotykają na szereg metodologicznych trudności. Celem artykułu jest prezentacja psychologicznych uwarunkowań stosowania CAM w świetle literatury przedmiotu. Przedstawienie stanu wiedzy poprzedzono obszernym wstępem teoretycznym z uwagi na nikłość aktualnych polskich opracowań dotyczących omawianej tematyki w literaturze z zakresu psychologii zdrowia. Dokonano przeglądu prac badawczych z lat 1990-2021 w bazach danych dostępnych w zasobach Ebsco, tj. Medline, APA PsycArticles, APA PsycInfo, CINAHL; w wyszukiwarce Google Scholar; spisach piśmiennictwa znalezionych artykułów oraz w zasobach własnych. Skrócony opis stanu wiedzy. Istniejących badań dotyczących zjawiska jest relatywnie niewiele, wyniki dotychczasowych badań niejednokrotnie są sprzeczne. Najlepiej poznanymi determinantami stosowania CAM są czynniki środowiskowe i poznawcze dotyczące stylów poznawczych i przekonań. Duże znaczenie mają również czynniki związane z duchowością i religijnością. Najmniej wiadomo na temat czynników osobowościowych i emocjonalnych. Podsumowanie. Tematyka psychologicznych uwarunkowań stosowania CAM wymaga dalszych  badań. Głębsze poznanie determinant zjawiska pozwoli na lepiej zrozumieć potrzeby i oczekiwania pacjentów, które stoją u podstaw postaw zdrowotnych.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Alessandro Gabbiadini ◽  
Cristina Baldissarri ◽  
Roberta Rosa Valtorta ◽  
Federica Durante ◽  
Silvia Mari

Nowadays, binge-watching (i.e., watching multiple episodes of a TV series in one session) has become a widespread practice of media consumption, raising concerns about its negative outcomes. Nevertheless, previous research has overlooked the underlying psychological mechanisms leading to binge-watching. In the present work, we investigated some of the psychological variables that could favor binge-watching tendencies in a sample of TV series viewers (N = 196). To this aim, psychological determinants of problematic digital technologies usage (i.e., feelings of loneliness), as well as some of the mechanisms related to the enjoyment of media contents (i.e., escapism and the identification with media characters), were considered as predictors of the tendency to binge-watch. Results indicated that higher feelings of loneliness were associated with higher levels of problematic digital technologies usage. Additionally, direct and indirect effects showed that only escapism – out of the four dimensions measuring the problematic use of Internet-related technologies – predicted participants’ stronger identification with media characters, which in turn promoted greater binge-watching tendencies. Overall, we suggest that binge-watching could be interpreted as a coping strategy for media escapists, who enjoy TV series as a privileged online space in which the need to escape finds its fulfillment, allowing them to manage loneliness by identifying with a fictitious character.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 1633
Olivia Remes ◽  
João Francisco Mendes ◽  
Peter Templeton

Depression is one of the leading causes of disability, and, if left unmanaged, it can increase the risk for suicide. The evidence base on the determinants of depression is fragmented, which makes the interpretation of the results across studies difficult. The objective of this study is to conduct a thorough synthesis of the literature assessing the biological, psychological, and social determinants of depression in order to piece together the puzzle of the key factors that are related to this condition. Titles and abstracts published between 2017 and 2020 were identified in PubMed, as well as Medline, Scopus, and PsycInfo. Key words relating to biological, social, and psychological determinants as well as depression were applied to the databases, and the screening and data charting of the documents took place. We included 470 documents in this literature review. The findings showed that there are a plethora of risk and protective factors (relating to biological, psychological, and social determinants) that are related to depression; these determinants are interlinked and influence depression outcomes through a web of causation. In this paper, we describe and present the vast, fragmented, and complex literature related to this topic. This review may be used to guide practice, public health efforts, policy, and research related to mental health and, specifically, depression.

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