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Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 8275
Gang Liu ◽  
Lei Jia ◽  
Taishan Hu ◽  
Fangming Deng ◽  
Zheng Chen ◽  

For the problem of data accumulation caused by massive sensor data in transmission line condition monitoring system, this paper analyzes the type and amount of data in the transmission line sensor network, compares the compression algorithms of wireless sensor network data at home and abroad, and proposes an efficient lossless compression algorithm suitable for sensor data in transmission line linear heterogeneous networks. The algorithm combines the wavelet compression algorithm and the neighborhood index sequence algorithm. It displays a fast operation speed and requires a small amount of calculation. It is suitable for battery powered wireless sensor network nodes. By combining wavelet correlation analysis and neighborhood index sequence coding, the compression algorithm proposed in this paper can achieve a high compression rate, has strong robustness to packet loss, has high compression performance, and can help to reduce network load and the packet loss rate. Simulation results show that the proposed method achieves a high compression rate in the compression of the transmission line parameter dataset, is superior to the existing data compression algorithms, and is suitable for the compression and transmission of transmission line condition monitoring data.

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (9) ◽  
pp. 1127
Yue Zhao ◽  
Lingfeng Liu

A chaotic system refers to a deterministic system with seemingly random irregular motion, and its behavior is uncertain, unrepeatable, and unpredictable. In recent years, researchers have proposed various image encryption schemes based on a single low-dimensional or high-dimensional chaotic system, but many algorithms have problems such as low security. Therefore, designing a good chaotic system and encryption scheme is very important for encryption algorithms. This paper constructs a new double chaotic system based on tent mapping and logistic mapping. In order to verify the practicability and feasibility of the new chaotic system, a displacement image encryption algorithm based on the new chaotic system was subsequently proposed. This paper proposes a displacement image encryption algorithm based on the new chaotic system. The algorithm uses an improved new nonlinear feedback function to generate two random sequences, one of which is used to generate the index sequence, the other is used to generate the encryption matrix, and the index sequence is used to control the generation of the encryption matrix required for encryption. Then, the encryption matrix and the scrambling matrix are XORed to obtain the first encryption image. Finally, a bit-shift encryption method is adopted to prevent the harm caused by key leakage and to improve the security of the algorithm. Numerical experiments show that the key space of the algorithm is not only large, but also the key sensitivity is relatively high, and it has good resistance to various attacks. The analysis shows that this algorithm has certain competitive advantages compared with other encryption algorithms.

Dipankar Saha ◽  
Prosanto Kumar Chowdhury ◽  
, Debashis Pal ◽  
Kaustav Nayek ◽  

* Corresponding author: Prof. Anupam Basu, Department of Zoology, The University of Burdwan, PurboBarddhaman, West Bengal- 713104, India, Email- [email protected] & b are equal contribution Whole Expanded Exome Sequencing Study of two families father, mother and index cases (trio) was undertaken for two E/ beta thalassemia subjects with same HBB genotype. Approximately 200ng of DNA was taken from each individual and shared into 300-400bp fragment. Then the shared fragments are end repair. Klenow exonuclease was used to add an adapter. After adapter ligation 10 cycle PCR amplification was done for each sample. The targeted Exome was captured by the Agilent Sure select XT Human all Exome V6+ UTR kit as per the manufacturer’s protocol. Captured library was then amplified 10 cycles with 8 bp index sequence for each sample. Then the indexed capture library was pooled together. Pair end sequencing of the pooled library was performed in Illumina HiSeq2500 using Illumina HiSeq SBS kit. Finally, both the genes, inherited and denovo, from both the subjects were separately functionally annotated by DAVID online tools 6.8. Functionally annotation result shows that in case of subject-1, 6 KEGG pathway were involved. These are Adherent junction, Protein digestion and absorption, Inflamatory Bowel Disease, Amoebiasis, PPAR signaling pathway and glycolysis or gluconeogenesis. Interestingly in case of subject-2, only 2 KEGG pathway were found, Thyroid hormone synthesis and carbon metabolism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (05) ◽  
pp. 2050022
Ri-Gui Zhou ◽  
Ying-Bin Li

According to the higher security of higher-dimensional chaotic system, a new scheme of quantum image encryption and decryption based on Lorenz hyper-chaotic system is proposed. The encryption process is mainly divided into two parts: the location information scrambling process and the color information replacement process. In the location information scrambling process, the pseudo-random sequence obtained by the Lorenz hyper-chaotic system is first sorted to obtain the corresponding position index sequence, and then the rows and columns of the position information are scrambled by the index sequence. In the process of color replacement, the change of pixel value is firstly diffused to each pixel through chaotic sequence, and then the information of each pixel is confused, so as to realize the process of color information replacement. Experimental analysis shows that the encryption scheme in this paper has a good effect.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 142-157
Anand Bihari ◽  
Sudhakar Tripathi ◽  
Akshay Deepak ◽  
Prabhat Kumar

PeerJ ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. e7755 ◽  
Travis C. Glenn ◽  
Roger A. Nilsen ◽  
Troy J. Kieran ◽  
Jon G. Sanders ◽  
Natalia J. Bayona-Vásquez ◽  

Massively parallel DNA sequencing offers many benefits, but major inhibitory cost factors include: (1) start-up (i.e., purchasing initial reagents and equipment); (2) buy-in (i.e., getting the smallest possible amount of data from a run); and (3) sample preparation. Reducing sample preparation costs is commonly addressed, but start-up and buy-in costs are rarely addressed. We present dual-indexing systems to address all three of these issues. By breaking the library construction process into universal, re-usable, combinatorial components, we reduce all costs, while increasing the number of samples and the variety of library types that can be combined within runs. We accomplish this by extending the Illumina TruSeq dual-indexing approach to 768 (384 + 384) indexed primers that produce 384 unique dual-indexes or 147,456 (384 × 384) unique combinations. We maintain eight nucleotide indexes, with many that are compatible with Illumina index sequences. We synthesized these indexing primers, purifying them with only standard desalting and placing small aliquots in replicate plates. In qPCR validation tests, 206 of 208 primers tested passed (99% success). We then created hundreds of libraries in various scenarios. Our approach reduces start-up and per-sample costs by requiring only one universal adapter that works with indexed PCR primers to uniquely identify samples. Our approach reduces buy-in costs because: (1) relatively few oligonucleotides are needed to produce a large number of indexed libraries; and (2) the large number of possible primers allows researchers to use unique primer sets for different projects, which facilitates pooling of samples during sequencing. Our libraries make use of standard Illumina sequencing primers and index sequence length and are demultiplexed with standard Illumina software, thereby minimizing customization headaches. In subsequent Adapterama papers, we use these same primers with different adapter stubs to construct amplicon and restriction-site associated DNA libraries, but their use can be expanded to any type of library sequenced on Illumina platforms.

Plants ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
pp. 375 ◽  
M. K. Ramkumar ◽  
S. Senthil Kumar ◽  
Kishor Gaikwad ◽  
Rakesh Pandey ◽  
Viswanathan Chinnusamy ◽  

Three Ethyl methansulphonate (EMS)-induced stay-green mutants (SGM-1, SGM-2 and SGM-3) and their wild-type (WT), were tested for their Stay-Green (SG) and drought tolerance nature as the relation between these two attributes is not yet established in rice. In the dark induced senescence assay, SGM-3 showed delayed senescence while SGM-1 and SGM-2 showed complete lack of senescence. Mutants showed stable transcript abundance over time, for 15 candidate genes (CGs) associated with senescence, compared to the WT. SGM-3 however showed moderately increasing transcript abundance over time for ATG6a, ATG4a, NYC1, NOL and NYC3. Only SGM-3 performed better than the WT for yield and harvest index under well irrigated as well as drought conditions, though all the mutants showed better performance for other agronomic traits under both the conditions and ascorbate peroxidase activity under drought. Thus, SG trait showed positive correlation with drought tolerance though only SGM-3 could convert this into higher harvest index. Sequence analysis of 80 senescence-associated genes including the 15 CGs showed non-synonymous mutations in four and six genes in SGM-1 and SGM-2 respectively, while no SNPs were found in SGM-3. Analysis of the earlier reported Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) regions in SGM-3 revealed negligible variations from WT, suggesting it to be a novel SG mutant.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
R Rose ◽  
A D Redd ◽  
S Lamers ◽  
S F Porcella ◽  
S E Hudelson ◽  

Abstract It has been postulated that the direction of HIV transmission between two individuals can be determined by phylogenetic analysis of HIV sequences. This approach may be problematic, since HIV sequences from newly infected individuals are often more similar to index sequences from samples collected years before transmission, compared to those from samples collected at the time of transmission. We evaluated the accuracy of phylogenetic methods for determining the direction of HIV transmission by analyzing next-generation sequencing (NGS) data from index–partner pairs enrolled in the HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) 052 trial. HIV-infected index and HIV-uninfected partner participants were enrolled as serodiscordant couples; samples were analyzed from couples with index-to-partner HIV transmission that was confirmed by genetic linkage studies. NGS for HIV gp41 (HXB2 coordinates: 7691–8374) was performed using plasma samples from thirty-nine index–partner pairs (seventy-eight samples collected within 3 months of partner seroconversion). Maximum likelihood trees were generated using the entire dataset using FastTree v.2. Topological patterns of HIV from each index–partner pair were analyzed. The analysis included 9,368 consensus sequences and 521,145 total sequence reads for the seventy-eight samples analyzed. In 10 per cent (four out of thirty-nine) of couples, the phylogeny was inconsistent with the known direction of transmission. In 26 per cent (ten out of thirty-nine) of couples, the phylogeny results could not discern directionality. In 64 per cent (twenty-five out of thirty-nine) of couples, the results correctly indicated index-to-partner transmission; in two of these twenty-five cases, only one index sequence was closest to the most recent common ancestor. Phylogenetic analysis of NGS data obtained from samples collected within 3 months of transmission correctly determined the direction of transmission in 64 per cent of the cases analyzed. In 36 per cent of the cases, the phylogenetic topology did not support the known direction of infection, and in one-third of these cases the observed topology was opposite to the known direction of transmission. This demonstrates that phylogenetic topology alone may not be sufficient to accurately determine the direction of HIV transmission.

PeerJ ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. e6898 ◽  
Xavier Pochon ◽  
Patricia Wecker ◽  
Michael Stat ◽  
Véronique Berteaux-Lecellier ◽  
Gaël Lecellier

High-throughput sequencing is revolutionizing our ability to comprehensively characterize free-living and symbiotic Symbiodiniaceae, a diverse dinoflagellate group that plays a critical role in coral reef ecosystems. Most studies however, focus on a single marker for metabarcoding Symbiodiniaceae, potentially missing important ecological traits that a combination of markers may capture. In this proof-of-concept study, we used a small set of symbiotic giant clam (Tridacna maxima) samples obtained from nine French Polynesian locations and tested a dual-index sequence library preparation method that pools and simultaneously sequences multiple Symbiodiniaceae gene amplicons per sample for in-depth biodiversity assessments. The rationale for this approach was to allow the metabarcoding of multiple genes without extra costs associated with additional single amplicon dual indexing and library preparations. Our results showed that the technique effectively recovered very similar proportions of sequence reads and dominant Symbiodiniaceae clades among the three pooled gene amplicons investigated per sample, and captured varying levels of phylogenetic resolution enabling a more comprehensive assessment of the diversity present. The pooled Symbiodiniaceae multi-gene metabarcoding approach described here is readily scalable, offering considerable analytical cost savings while providing sufficient phylogenetic information and sequence coverage.

2019 ◽  
Xavier Pochon ◽  
Patricia Wecker ◽  
Michael Stat ◽  
Veronique Berteaux-Lecellier ◽  
Gael Lecellier

High-throughput sequencing is revolutionizing our ability to comprehensively characterize free-living and symbiotic Symbiodiniaceae, a diverse dinoflagellate group that plays a critical role in coral reef ecosystems. Most studies however, focus on a single marker for metabarcoding Symbiodiniaceae, potentially missing important ecological traits that a combination of markers may capture. In this proof-of-concept study, we used a small set of symbiotic giant clam (Tridacna maxima) samples obtained from nine French Polynesian locations and tested a dual-index sequence library preparation method that pools and simultaneously sequences multiple Symbiodiniaceae gene amplicons per sample for in-depth biodiversity assessments. The rational for this approach was to allow the metabarcoding of multiple genes without extra costs associated with additional single amplicon dual indexing and library preparations. Our results showed that the technique effectively recovered very similar proportions of sequence reads and dominant Symbiodiniaceae clades among the three pooled gene amplicons investigated per sample, and captured varying levels of phylogenetic resolution enabling a more comprehensive assessment of the diversity present. The pooled Symbiodiniaceae multi-gene metabarcoding approach decribed here is readily scalable, offering considerable analytical cost savings while providing sufficient phylogenetic information and sequence coverage.

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