infant massage
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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 676-684
Mariana Ngundju Awang ◽  
Yurissetiowati Yurissetiowati ◽  
Melinda R Wariyaka

One form of growth and development stimulation that has been carried out by the community is by doing baby massage. Baby massage has many advantages, including reducing the habit of crying, gaining weight, making it easier for babies to sleep, practicing eye contact with the mother, reducing the baby's hormone stress level. The purpose of community service activities is to increase knowledge and skills of baby massage practice for Posyandu cadres and increase baby's weight and sleep quality. Materials used; phantom, questionnaire and internet quota.The methods are Pretest, Giving Materials through Lectures, Discussion/Question, Video screening and Posttest Followed by demonstrations, redemonstrations and direct massage practice on babies to improve Baby Massage Practice Skills. Results: Knowledge of baby massage before and after being given material with an assessment using the same instrument resulted in an increase in knowledge from a value of 50 to an average value of 80 values ??(minimum 70, maximum 90). Baby massage practice skills also increase along with the increase in knowledge so that it has an impact on weight gain and better sleep quality in babies. Conclusion; There is an increase in knowledge of cadres about infant massage followed by an increase in skills in terms of baby massage practices and the direct impact experienced by babies, namely increased weight gain and better sleep quality after being massaged every day regularly for 2 weeks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 376
Catur Esty Pamungkas ◽  
Desi Rofita ◽  
Siti Mardiyah WD ◽  
Alika Biantari Maharani ◽  
Yuyun Gustiana ◽  

ABSTRAKPijat bayi merupakan upaya meningkatkan kesehatan pada bayi balita pada upaya promotif terutama pada masa pandemi covid19, Pijat merupakan terapi sentuh tertua dan terpopuler yang dikenal. Pijat bertujuan untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit dan mengembalikan tubuh menjadi segar kembali. Sentuhan pijat bayi akan merangsang produksi hormon betha endorprin yang akan membantu mekanisme pertumbuhan dan merangsang produksi hormon oksitosin dan menurunkan produksi hormon kortisol sehingga bayi dan balita menjadi rileks dan tenang sehingga perkembangannya akan lebih optimal. Selain itu pijat memiliki beberapa efek positif dalam hal penambahan berat badan, pola tidur yang lebih baik, peningkatan perkembangan neuromotorik, ikatan emosional yang lebih baik, penurunan tingkat infeksi nosokomial salah satunya common cold. Solusi permasalahan yang ditawarkan yaitu edukasi manfaat pijat bayi untuk meningkatkan kesehatan bayi selama masa pandemia Covid-19. Setelah diberikan edukasi tentang manfaat pijat bayi, ibu balita dibekali modul yang dapat dipelajari di rumah dapat mempraktikan pijat bayi di rumah. Jumlah responden yang mengikuti kegiatan ini sebanyak 11 ibu yang memiliki bayi. Hasil pengabdian didapatkan pengetahuan ibu meningkat tentang pijat bayi yaitu sebanyak 46%. Kata kunci: pijat bayi; balita; pandemi covid19 ABSTRACTBaby massage is an effort to improve the health of infants under five in promotive efforts, especially during the covid19 pandemic. Massage is the oldest and most popular touch therapy known. Massage aims to relieve pain and restore the body to be fresh again. The touch of a baby massage will stimulate the production of beta-endorphins which will help the growth mechanism and stimulate the production of the hormone oxytocin and reduce the production of the hormone cortisol so that babies and toddlers become relaxed and calm so that their development will be more optimal. In addition, massage has several positive effects in terms of weight gain, better sleep patterns, increased neuromotor development, better emotional bonds, decreased levels of nosocomial infections, one of which is the common cold. The solution to the problem offered is education on the benefits of baby massage to improve the baby's health during the Covid-19 pandemic. After being given education about the benefits of baby massage, mothers of toddlers are provided with modules that can be studied at home and can practice baby massage at home. The number of respondents who participated in this activity were 11 mothers who had babies. The results of the service showed that the mother's knowledge increased about infant massage as much as 46%. Keywords: baby massage ;  toddlers; the covid pandemic 19

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 264
Sudarmi Sudarmi ◽  
St. Halimatusyaadiah ◽  
Ni Putu Dian Ayu Anggraeni

ABSTRAKGizi buruk dapat terjadi pada semua kelompok umur, Prevalensi berat badan kurang sangat tinggi di NTB melebihi 30 % sehingga perlu lebih diperhatikan pada kelompok bayi dan balita usia 0 - 2 tahun yang merupakan masa tumbuh kembang yang optimal (golden period). Penanganan secara nonfarmakologis salah satunya pijat bayi berbasis budaya Sasak (OBISA) sangat diperlukan untuk membantu meningkatkan berat badan bayi dan mencegah terjadinya kurang gizi pada bayi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka kami bermitra dengan Puskesmas Cakranegara, Puskesmas Tanjung Karang dan Puskesmas Karang Pule, melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dengan metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah, diskusi tanya jawab, konseling, demonstrasi, dan pemeriksaan antropometri. Pada akhir kegiatan setelah dilakukan pemantauan pelaksanaan Pijat bayi berbasis budaya Sasak ini dirangkaikan dengan pemberian makanan tambahan pendamping ASI selama 3 bulan menunjukkan peningkatan berat badan bayi dengan status gizi kurang sebelumnya berat badan bayi rata-rata 6,69±0,547 meningkat setelah intervensi pijat bayi OBISA menjadi 7,67±1,261 dan menunjukkan peningkatan status gizi bayi menjadi status gizi baik sekitar 63.3%. Diharapkan dengan adanya kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dapat memberikan pendidikan  kesehatan kepada masyarakat tentang pijat bayi berbasis budaya Sasak (OBISA) mengenai cara pelatihan pijat bayi dan pemberian makanan pada bayi sesuai usia sehingga dapat mencegah terjadinya stunting. Kata kunci : status gizi; pijat bayi; OBISA ABSTRACTMalnutrition can occur in all age groups, the prevalence of underweight is very high in NTB exceeding, 30% so that more attention needs to be paid to the group of infants and toddlers aged 0-2 years which is the optimal growth and development period (golden period). Non-pharmacological treatment, one of which is baby massage based on Sasak culture (OBISA) is needed to help increase baby's weight and prevent malnutrition in infants. Based on this, we partnered with the Cakranegara Health Center, Tanjung Karang Health Center and Karang Pule Health Center, carrying out community service activities with the methods used were lectures, question and answer discussions, counseling, demonstrations, and anthropometric examinations. At the end of the activity, after monitoring the implementation of Sasak culture-based baby massage, coupled with the provision of complementary food for breastfeeding for 3 months, it showed an increase in the weight of infants with poor nutritional status before the average baby weight of 6.69±0.547 increased after the OBISA infant massage intervention. became 7.67±1.261 and showed an increase in the nutritional status of infants to good nutritional status of about 63.3%. It is hoped that this community service activity can provide health education to the community about Sasak culture-based baby massage (OBISA) regarding how to train baby massage and provide age-appropriate feeding to infants so as to prevent stunting. Keywords: nutritional status; baby massage; OBISA 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (02) ◽  
pp. 134-140
Sri Wulandari

ABSTRACT Baby massage is a health treatment in the form of touch therapy with certain techniques given to babies so that treatment and therapy can be achieved. physically and psychologically. Do baby massage regularly in order to maintain his health. Moreover, baby massage has many benefits, namely making babies calmer, increasing the effectiveness of sleeping rest, improving baby's concentration and increasing milk production. knowledge will increase according to the process of experience experienced. The author's aim is to determine the description of mother's knowledge about baby massage in Rambah Tengan Hilir Village, Rambah Hilir District, Rokan Hulu Regency in 2021. The type of research used is descriptive research with a cross sectional research design. The population in this study is mothers. who have babies aged 1-10 months. The sampling technique used was Total Sampling with a sample size of 50 people. data collection using a questionnaire with 20 questions. Data analysis using univariate analysis. The results of the analysis showed that the mother's knowledge about infant massage had sufficient knowledge of the majority as many as 27 people (54.0%), Good as many as 16 people (32.0%), Less as many as 7 people (14.0%). Health workers, especially in the village of Rambah, strive to improve services for infants and toddlers, especially baby massage and often provide counseling to mothers, what is the meaning, benefits, and techniques of baby massage to mothers who have babieshow to do a good massage.   Keywords: Knowledge, Mother, Baby Massage

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (11) ◽  
pp. 1099-1099
Sarika Chaturvedi ◽  
Sharad Agarkhedkar

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (132) ◽  
pp. 77-88
M Keshavarz ◽  
A Montazeri ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-81
Dian Furwasyih ◽  
Dewi Susilawati ◽  
Rahmayeni Supri ◽  
Reca Yolandha

Monitoring of growth and development is an activity to detect early growth irregularities (malnutrition or poor nutritional status, short children), developmental deviations (late speaking), and mental emotional disorders (impaired concentration and hyperactivity). The rapid growth and development in the first 1,000 days of life makes monitoring of child development very important at this age. The first 1,000 days of life are counted from the time of conception in the mother's womb until the child is 2 years old. In children aged 2 years, the height has reached half of the adult's height and the brain development has reached 80% of the adult brain. Since March 2020, Indonesia has been hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. This resulted in the temporary suspension of posyandu activities in various regions in Indonesia. Fears of a pandemic condition make parents afraid to bring toddlers to clinics and puskesmas. One of the easiest steps for mothers and caregivers to take to stimulate the growth and development of toddlers at home is baby massage. Solutions and targets The outputs offered in this activity are growth and development stimulation education, infant massage demonstrations, and assistance to mothers of toddlers for infant massage for 2x a month. The output targets are publication of articles in the journal Community Service, print media publications, and increasing community empowerment and strengthening knowledge and developing community habits in healthy behavior

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (01) ◽  
pp. 1
Christiani Bumi Pangesti ◽  
Eni Rumiyati ◽  
Hutari Astuti

ABSTRAKPijat bayi merupakan seni tradisional yang menggabungkan sentuhan pengasuhan pada bayi yang dilakukan oleh orang tua, pengasuh, atau terapis melalui gerakan-gerakan dan teknik massage. Manfaat pijat bayi secara umum yaitu untuk membantu tumbuh kembang fisik, meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, memperbaiki peredaran darah dan pernafasan, merangsang fungsi pencernaan, meningkatkan kenaikan berat badan, dan lain-lain. Fenomena yang terjadi  saat  ini  adalah  berdasarkan studi pendahuluan pada ibu yang mempunyai bayi usia 0-12 bulan di Posyandu Singosari, tidak semua ibu rutin untuk memijat bayinya, baik dipijat oleh ibu sendiri maupun terapis atau bidan. Penyebab yang sering terjadi karena alasan ibu takut untuk memijat bayinya sendiri dan tidak tahu bagaimana cara memijat bayinya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode demontrasi dan media booklet terhadap perilaku ibu untuk melakukan pijat bayi secara mandiri. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan quasy eksperiment tepatnya rancangan one-group pre- post-test design. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara  aksidental sampling dengan analisis data  wilxocon test. Manfaat dari penelitian ini yaitu dapat bermanfaat bagi ibu dan bayi usia 0-12 bulan di  Posyandu Singosari  Banyuanyar Surakarta untuk dapat  dijadikan penambahan pengetahuan tentang Pijat Bayi. Hasil penelitian Ada pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode demonstrasi dan media booklet terhadap perilaku ibu untuk melakukan pijat bayi secara mandiri di Posyandu Singosari Banyuanyar Surakarta dengan p value 0,000 < 0,05.Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Kesehatan, Demonstrasi, Booklet, Perilaku IbuTHE EFFECT OF HEALTH EDUCATION WITH DEMONSTRATION AND BOOKLET METHODS ON BEHAVIOR OF THE MOTHER BRASSING THE BABYABSTRACTBaby massage is a traditional art that combines the touch of nurturing the baby that is done by a parent, caregiver, or therapist through massage movements and techniques. The benefits of baby massage in general are to help physical growth and development, increase endurance, improve blood circulation and respiration, stimulate digestive function, increase weight gain, and so on. The current phenomenon is based on a preliminary study on mothers who have babies aged 0-12 months at Singosari Posyandu, not all mothers routinely massage their babies, either by the mothers themselves or by therapists or midwives. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of health education with demonstration methods and booklet media on the behavior of mothers to do independent infant massage and weight gain. This research method used a quasy experiment, precisely a one-group pre-post-test design. Sampling was done by accidental sampling with the Wilcoxon test data analysis. The benefit of this research is that it can be useful for mothers and babies aged 0-12 months at Posyandu Singosari Banyuanyar Surakarta to be used as additional knowledge about Infant Massage. Results of the study There was an effect of health education using demonstration methods and booklet media on infant weight gain at Posyandu Singosari Banyuanyar Surakarta with a p value of 0.000 <0.05.Keywords: Health Education, Demonstration, Booklet, Mother Behavior

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Zhi Liu ◽  
Li Gang ◽  
Ma Yunwei ◽  
Ling Lin

Background: Functional constipation in children is a common disease that causes a psychological burden on infants and young children across the world. It will greatly affect infant quality of life in early childhood and even affect their psychological and physical health. At present, infant functional constipation is treated with western drugs alone, but this can produce drug dependency. In recent years, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) infant massage has been used as a complementary and alternative therapy, and its effectiveness and safety have been proven, attracting the attention of numerous researchers.Objective: Our study aimed to compare the influence of infant massage intervention on defecation frequency and consistency, determine the effectiveness, and safety of infant massage in the treatment of infant functional constipation, and obtain high-quality clinical evidence.Methods: Based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) Statement, inclusion, and exclusion criteria were formulated. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on TCM infant massage for the treatment of infant functional constipation were found following a search of four mainstream medical databases. RCTs found to meet the study's requirement were included; data information was then extracted, and the quality was assessed using the Cochrane bias risk assessment tool. Through RevMan software, a meta-analysis was carried out for overall effective rate, stool form, defecation frequency, defecation difficulty, and constipation symptom scoring index. The relative risk (RR) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were calculated, heterogeneity was tested and its source was found, and publication bias was assessed through the Egger's and Begg's tests and by means of funnel plots.Results: A total of 23 RCTs and 2,005 patients were included. The results of the meta-analysis showed that compared to drug therapy alone, TCM infant massage had a superior effect on the treatment of infant functional constipation. This difference was statistically significant (p &lt; 0.05) and evaluated according to the overall effective rate (RR = 1.25; 95% CI = 1.17, 1.33), defecation frequency [mean difference (MD) = −0.72; 95% CI = −0.80, −0.65], and constipation symptom score (MD = −0.81; 95% CI = −1.20, −0.43), showing that TCM infant massage is indeed superior to drug therapy alone in the treatment of infant functional constipation. TCM infant massage was found to be equivalent to drug therapy alone in terms of the stool form score [−0.30 (−0.38, −0.22)] and the defecation difficulty score [−0.73 (−0.81, −0.65)], since the difference was not statistically significant (p &gt; 0.05). The source of heterogeneity might be related to the state of patient, manipulation of the massages, efficacy of drugs in the control group, and difference in judgment criteria for efficacy. The Egger's test and Begg's test showed that publication bias did not occur in our study.Conclusion: TCM infant massage can increase defecation frequency and reduce the symptoms of constipation in children suffering from functional constipation; in addition, the clinical trial showed beneficial effects. Since some of the RCTs featured a very small sample size, the reliability and validity of our study's conclusion may have been affected as well; therefore, the explanation should be treated with some caution. In the future, a large number of higher-quality RCTs are still needed to confirm the results of our study.

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